Access 2000 Compatibility With Vista

Jan 29, 2007

Will Access 2000 run on Vista? I've heard that it will, but I would like to verify that before I purchase the upgrade. I currently use Access '97.

Also, does Access 2000 have to be "product activated" like the newer versions?


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Problem Running Access 2000 MDE On Vista

Feb 16, 2007

Hi there - hopefully someone can help me out, as we've got clients waiting on my response to this problem!!! :eek:

Anyway, my company produces an Access 2000 MDE which we ship with the Access 2000 runtime (just in case our clients don't have full Access installed)

We've had a number of calls saying that our app doesn't run on Vista, and the error provided points towards a reference problem. However, when I load the MDB on Vista using Access 2007, there are no reference issues.

Is this problem related to Access 2007 reference ("Microsoft Access 12.0 Object Library") somehow being used instead of the Access 2000 one? ("Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library") - I am about to try uninstalling Access 2007 and running the app again to see if that helps...?

Any help greatly appreciated!


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Access Compatibility

Dec 10, 2004

My office is running Microsoft Access 97 but I use voice recognition software and that is not a real compatible with the 97. I need to upgrade to the latest Microsoft Access version.

My question is if I upgrade to Microsoft Access 2003 is there a way for my created databases to be saved so the users of Microsoft Access 97 will be able to open and use the database? I understand they will not be able to make any changes to the database but will they be able to open it/view it entered their criteria into the queries can be able to see their information?

Any comments will be greatly appreciated.

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Help! Compatibility Between Access Versions

Apr 2, 2007

Hi all, I have created a database for work in Access2003. I have two questions. The first is, many people at the work place use AC97 and some use AC2000. In order for everyone to use the database, i have saved it in AC97 format. It seems to open fine in Ver2000 and 2003, but i get this nag screen on load up with these versions saying "do you wish to convert the database". As I'm working off a shared drive, i don't really want anyone converting the dbase. Is there a way to disable this nag screen when loading in AC2000 and AC2003??

Second question, is it possible to have more than one instance of the database open at anytime? . If I've got the database open, my colleague can't open it. Its a simple database that writes records directly to a table. Thanks for any advice.

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Access 2002 And Access 2003 Compatibility Issue

Nov 7, 2006

I have an Access db that is going to be shared by two different users. One user has Access 2003 and the other has Access 2002. Will there be any problems using this setup if both the users are accessing the MDB file at the same time?

CR Junk

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General :: Access 2007 - Remove Compatibility Warning

Jul 11, 2012

I have a 2007 db, been working no it in 2007 and occasionally in 2010, careful not to use any 2010 items. Well I goofed and added a Navigation Form (2010 only) and then deleted it. Now My 2007 db opens in 2007 fine, everything works, but the glowering Warning message and lovely yellow yield sign show up constantly. How do you resolve the incompatible items and clear this warning?

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Anyone Used Access 97 With Vista?

Apr 1, 2007

I've been perfectly happy with Access97 and WindowsXP.

But my laptop's circuitboards have deteriorated, and I need a new computer. I'm wondering what the real-world has to say about using Access 97 with Windows Vista. Does it run seemlessly? Please say yes.

I have an application which I've been improving since 1998. I tried a demo of Access 2007, and did not like the way my app interfaced with it, and I don't relish a whole lot of reworking. But I don't want to buy a laptop with an obsolete operating system.

Tell me you've used it and it's wonderful.

Best to you all.


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Access And Vista Problem

Aug 30, 2007

Hi, i have a problem with an access database, well 2 problems. first is i don't know much about databases. the second is at work we installed 3 computers in an office with windows vista o/s. they then had a company come in and install software for their business. They were using office 2000 access database on xp previously. The company installing their software copied the access 2000 database to the vista target machines, i believe they may have converted the database to access 2003 version when doing this. The problem is the database doesn't work and they have called us back in to sort out the problem. Well we installed service packs, fixes, patches etc and googled a lot but found no simlar problems or solutions, in short we are stumped. I think the database is compiled into an app or something with switchboard etc, which i think means i can't access it? anyway it opens up with a logon form to get into DB, i enter the username and password and click ok and it gives a message saying:

"the expression on click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error"

it goes on to say there may be problem with an "event,function or macro"

on vista with office 2003 it lists several possible causes which i havent access to right now.

i have now tried it on my own pc with xp pro and office 2007 and it basically gives the same message as above but the list of possible causes is reduced to this one:

"This error occurs when an event has failed to run because Microsoft Office Access cannot evaluate the location of the logic for the event. For example, if the OnOpen property of a form is set to =[Field], this error occurs because Access expects a macro or event name to run when the event is fired"

Can anyone explain or point me in the right direction of where to get a solution. I think this is something for a programmer to solve and possibly something that the original database programmers should be looking at rather than me. am i right?

cheers all!

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Access Runtime On Vista

Nov 9, 2007

I created an Access Runtime Database Download on Windows XP. One of my clients downloaded the db to Windows Vista. The installation went fine and he was able to populate the database with no problem. However, now he needs to send me back the data and we cannot seem to access any data files. The backend.mdb file appears to be blank, even know the data appears on the front end. We have tried searching the computer to find any hidden files it might be saving the data to and there doesn't appear to be any. I have tried copying the entire folder containing both the frontend and the backend to a jump drive and looking at the data on a different computer and it appears to be blank. This doesn't seem to happen on any other OS. Since it is a runtime version of Access, I am not able to export any files or even view anything of administrative value within the DB. When I look at the backend.mdb in Explorer, the modified date is old, so it doesn't seem to be adding the data to the backend, even though it is theoretically linked to it. Does anyone know where this data might reside or of a workaround of how to extract this data???



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Access 2000 Security - Authenticate With Windows 2000 Server Credentials

Oct 24, 2005


I have a database that currently has security in place so that users input their own usernames and passwords to access the database. The users have recently been added to a windows 2000 server and I want to be able to use their windows 2000 server logon credentials to provide them with automatic access to the database. Is there anyone out there who knows how to set this up? It is a rather urgent request if you could get back to me either on this forum or via email

many thanks


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Opening & Closing Excel 2000 Workbooks From Access 2000

Jun 2, 2006

I am opening and closing a series of Excel 2000 Workbooks using Access 2000 VBA and want this sequence to be able to complete without any human intervention.

However, there are 2 instances when this stops and waits for a human option to be selected:

1. When the spreadsheet is password protected
2. When the spreadsheet has automatic links I get the message:

"The Workbook you opened contains automatic links to information in another workbook. Do you want to update this workbook with changes made to the other workbook?"

How can I code it so that in situation 1 it skips this file and in situation 2 it automatically defaults to do not update?

Any help most appreciated.


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Link/Transfer Data From Access 2000 To Excel 2000

Mar 27, 2006

If I have a report in MS Access 2000 generated based on the criteria selected of a project with work order "9999" with the labor costs, materials costs and the Totals of each crew1, crew2,... and I would like to have those expenditures populated in corresponding cel in Excel for each crew, HOW would I do it?

To think it out loud, could I create a button on a form, so when I select the criteria for the work order, and when I click the button, it should refresh/update the Exel file with the new data...?? How do I write VBA code for that...?

Please help...Thank you so much....

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Vista And Access 2007/2003

Jun 26, 2007

I have a customer that did not read my recommended hardware specs and bought a Vista machine with Office 2007 preloaded on it.

My application uses a Access 2003 database and it is working fine in the Vista environment. The database utilizes Access security and has a database password.

My problem is that I can't see any data that has been entered! I have ran queries and opened the tables, but it is as if there is no data in the tables. However, my application can still read the data...this is a very weird problem! This is a tech support nightmare!

Has anyone had a similar problem?

Thanks for your help!

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Access 2000 & MSSQL 2000 Multiuser Problems

Aug 20, 2007

Hi everybody,

I have recently been doing a conversion for my boss for a access 2000 database (both front and backend) to a MSSQL backend.

I finished the conversion today (as quite a lot of the code / queries ran slow due to access running the queries locally rather than on the server). And tested it on my and my boss's machine with no problems so he gave the go ahead to update everybody to our new mssql 2000 backend with the modified frontend.

This is when the problems started; We had two different sets of forms for accessing one of our databases systems - the log system, one is the original dynaset based form, and the other is a newer set which uses snapshot views and preforms updates via queries. Nobody uses the old dyanset system apart from my boss and one of the administrative team as they have things on that window which they need to see. About 30 minutes into the release of the new database the system frooze up on my bosses computer and nobody could create a new log (the server was timing out). I assumed this had something to do with the old dynaset's creating locks on the table.

I offlined the database and kicked everybody out of the front end, turned it on again and tied again, this time banning everybody from the dynaset system. Within 10 minutes another computer frooze up, again with a timeout on the insert query. I discovered that after you had added a new log to the database it would timeout on all subquent additions (something it hadn't done during testing) . Further investigatiion showed it was the snapshot list window causing the error, so coded the add log window to close the list before preforming the insert query and then reopen it afterwards. This allowed my machine to make multible additions without flaw. So I released a new client to everybody. 15 minutes later it was timing out again, but this time there you could not even make one new record.

I checked for locks on the table though the server management table and couldn't find any for the Log table. I have restarted the SQL server box and with no avil. So I reverted our backend to the access mdb file and told people to use the old client.

I am at a complete lose to why this is happening, if anybody has had any expericences like this or knows the cause please tell me.

Some information on the database in question.

It was made as an access 2 database all intergrated into one file, then it was seperated into two files (frontend and backend). Upgraded to Access 97, then to 2000 before this final update to MSSQL 2000.

The log system has two main tables. The first is the log title / info table which links (one to many) to a log entry table. This problem only occurs on the main log table and does not appear to be reoccurring anywhere else within the database. The main log table has just under 18,000 rows in it.

Thank you in advance for any help,


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Vista And Access 2003 Reference Issue

Jun 7, 2007

I am using Access 2003 on a vista Business machine and i get an error:

'Function is not available in expressions in query expression Format([Period],"mmm-yy")'.

I also have other problems with functions in queries ie DateAdd etc.

Any solutions?

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MS Access 2003 Running On Vista Home Basic

Oct 7, 2007

hi there,

i'm thinking about upgrading my operating system from XP to Vista Home Basic, but curious if any users have have experianced any dramas running Access 2003 SP3 on the Vista platform? or shouldnt there be any mayjor problems.



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Access 2007: Wireless Network Problem On Vista

Nov 7, 2007


I found a somewhat related thread but thought I would post a new one just in case my problem happens to others who were 'forced' to "upgrade" to Windows Vista Home Basic when buying a new machine....

Okay, no more complaining, here's the issue:

I have a small (8 MB) Access 2007 database stored on a machine in the office which is running Windows Vista Home Premium. There are two other machines running Windows XP Home (SP2) that can connect to the Access 2007 database with no issues.

But on my Dell Inspiron Vista Home Basic machine, I cannot successfully open the database stored on the Home Premium machine. I CAN see this database, I can see other files and open/copy them, but I cannot open the database. I am attempting to do this using the wireless connection.

I tried running these two commands as the administrator (found on another forum) because I think this is more of a network problem rather than an Access 2007 problem specific to Windows Vista Home Basic

netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

But these two commands did nothing.

I should also point out that when this database is stored on an XP machine (one of the others in the office) the database opens just fine on this Vista Basic machine!

I'm confused and frustrated! Any help is very much appreciated.

Thank you,

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Vista, Ms Access & Windows Server 2003 Corruption?

Apr 3, 2008

In our company we use a windows 2003 server. Our database is ms access 2002. The back end of the db is situated in a directory on the primary HD of the server.
All our workstations use windows professional. The DB works great when inputting data from workstations using widows pro.

I use a vista (ultimate) laptop. It appears that when I enter data from my vista laptop at times it corrupts the backend of the db. None of the other workstations do this.
Is vista a problem here in this situation?

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Replication Between SQL Server 2000 And MS Access 2000.

Nov 15, 2006

Is it possible to have the master datebase in SQL Server, the replica in Access format and still can sychronize them?

Thank you in advance.

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Access 2002 Runtime Install Asking For Windows NT SP6 Installing On Vista RC2 5840

Dec 28, 2006

Hi everyone.

Have been testing installation of Office XP Developer Access 2002 runtime package created using the package wizard on a WinXP Pro SP2 machine, for installation on a Vista RC2 5840 machine.

After installing the latest necessary updates such as Office XP Developer SP1 among others which were essential to remove the Path/File error I had, A new error displayed itself as soon as the runtime install package launched.

Visual Basic 6.0 Setup Toolkit (Error Window Title Bar)

The Office System Pack cannot be installed on this system because it requires Windows NT Service Pack 6 or later.

I assume Windows NT SP6 has no relevance to Vista ???

Maybe some other update will help here. I have googled for hours to no avail.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Thank you and best wishes for 2007.


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Compatibility Problem

Jan 4, 2007

I have problem concerning the compatibility of the access applications that I am working on,
when save my work in my computer, I make a copy to another computer, there appears an error in the execution of a button click or others, I have checked all most every thing related to the correctness of the code and path of the database file, they identical.
the following attachment, the image that shows the message as it exactly printed.

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Windows / Apple Compatibility

Jul 18, 2005

If I were to create an Access database within the Windows platfiorm, would it be accessible on a Mac machine with MS Office for Mac installed? Please advise on the implications here i.e. will the Security features work (MDW file, etc).

Any feedback would be greatly apreciated!


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Password Issue: A2003/A2007 Compatibility

Feb 4, 2008


I've been working on a database at work in Access 2003. I need to speed up though, so I thought I'd it bring it home on a USB memory stick and work on it here using Access 2007. I do this all the time with Word and Excel files and just take care to save them in 2003 version so I can use them back in the office.

But when I try to open this database, it's asking for a password. I know for a fact I haven't set any password on it, because I wouldn't know how to. Holding down the shift key is ineffective too.

Is Access 2007 not backwards compatible or something?

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Compatibility When Sharing Forms For Data Entry

Mar 5, 2013

I created an access 2010 file containing tables and 2 linked forms to distribute to different people so that they can enter data for a project. The problem I am having is that the people receiving the file aren't able to open it, different error messages pop up:

-accessde.dll missing
-vba6mtrt.dll missing

Is there a way to export the access file so that regardless of the program, they are able to open the file? if not, what are the solutions to this?

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Locking User Access To Database Objects (MS Access 2000 And 2003)

Apr 15, 2007

I have two database applications and they are:
- the (A) application is for administration use.
- the (B) application is for normal users use.

the idea is that: I made the (A) application for administrators who have full control over the database objects (tables, forms, queries, and so on ...).

the (B) application I have created for normal users who will have only to use forms to insert some data and display data only.

but the two applications has a respective table called "vacation request" table. where I linked them, so the both administrators and users can share the data.

The real question is that: How can I prevent the users from seeing the database objects in their application. I used the database options which have helped me in hidding the database objectives when the users open the application, but unfortunately they managed to access to the database objects by pressing the special keys.

I would like to have an access to the (B) application when I want to make some modifications to the forms and then lock it from users where they only have to use the forms for requesting vacations and view the vacations.

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Subform Referenceing Problem Between Access 2000 And Access 2003

Apr 19, 2005

I am working on a massave aplication that has been running in Access 2000, but recently several of the file sharing users have installed Access 2003 because of the limited availability of Access 2000. All the users are using the same file off the server.

The problem we are having is that when we reference a subform in the "[Forms]![FormName]![SubformName]![FeildName]" Access 2003 does not recognize it and returns an error. I have found that if I will modify it to "[Forms]![FormName]![SubformName].[Form]![FeildName]" it is recognized in both 2000 and 2003.

To try and change every instance of a subform reference will take forever and I am garuteed to overlook something. We reference subforms all over our program, missing any one of them would be a disaster. Before I went to the tedious task of looking through everything I just wanted to throw the situation out there and see if any of you had any great ideas on how to get it fixed efficiently. I would apreciate any ideas.

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