Access 2000 And SQL Stored Procedure

Oct 6, 2003

I have a MS SQL 2000 stored procedure that acepts a parameter and returns a recordset.

I want to run this Stored procedure from an Access 2000 report and use the recordset for the report.

I want to pass a field off of a form that is user entered to the stored procedure.

Is this possible. Any help is appreciated.

I can figure out how to attach the stored procedure to the report as the dataset but cannot seem to figure out how to pass the dynamic parameter to the Pass-Through Query.

Thanks in advance,


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How To Creat Stored Procedure In Ms-Access

Oct 28, 2004

can we create a stored prodecure in Access 2000 and call it from VB. I've created in SQL Server with ASP but have no idea in Access. Can anyone please tell me how to do it. If so kindly specify some resources from where i can learn more related to this. thank you.

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Access 2003 Stored Procedure Parameters

Jul 19, 2005

I know this isnt strictly an sql server problem but I am currently using an access data project as a front end to my sql server database. Trying to upsize from access 97.
On one of my forms I have two sub forms which take their parameters from the parent form. In the input parameters box of the sub form I currently have:
@param1 = forms![parent form name]![field name]

i want

@param1 = me.parent.[field name]

I know this works as i ran the code on a command buttton and it returned the correct values. Yet in the input parameters box doesnt work any suggestions?

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My Stored Procedure Reverted Back -- Could Access Be The Culprit?

May 1, 2006

[Note: This pertains to an Access Data Project (ADP).]
I modified a stored procedure on SQL Server, and later discovered that my changes had disappeared. I'm wondering if there's any possiblity that my Access ADP might have been the culprit.

I would think the answer is no. When I open an ADP in design mode, I think of the the top three displayed categories (Tables, Queries and Diagrams) as "windows" (binoculars, whatever) onto SQL Server. My understanding is, ADPs do not directly store any data in these categories.

Since Access lumps stored procedures under "Queries" I would think they would be no exception. The one thing that makes me a bit suspicious is, when I look at the stored procedure from the Access side, it begins with "ALTER PROCEDURE", whereas SQL Server stores it as "CREATE PROCEDURE". I see why it makes sense to implement it this way, but it makes me wonder if Access is actually storing a local version of the script.

Any ideas?

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Modules & VBA :: Calling Stored Procedure From Access Gives Run Time Error

Nov 27, 2013

I am trying to call a stored procedure from access ,but it is giving me this runtime error :

Syntax error or access voilation

I am doing this first time so i dont know about how to pass parameters (IN and OUT)..

My code is

Public Sub createDataToAnalyze()
Dim objConnection As New ADODB.Connection
Dim objCom As ADODB.Command


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Stored Procedure

Jun 12, 2007

I need to write a stored procedure that sits between sql server and MS access. This procedure will make sure that the queries run in access against the data in sql server will not access data for more than two years back. This is so that the queries run against the sql server do not hang up the server for too long.

Thank you.

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Set Parameters For Stored Procedure

May 31, 2005

I'm running a access 2000 adp front end working from a SQL2000 database. I've got a sproc P_insertsessions i can get this work from a cmd button on a form but i'm having problems setting the paramerters i want it to use controls on the form.
@contractid = contractid
@start_date = startdate
@end_date = enddate
@hours = duration

Can anyone help.

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SQL Stored Procedure And A Form Recordset

Dec 19, 2005

Hi All

Im having some Major issues with this problem, i only hope someone can help me!!

Firstly, let me set the scene. I have 1 Form, And 1 Subform within that form. The form gets the Main Data, the SubForm gets all the Related Data (in this case, its all the Items Of Equipment this client has) and then lists them in the subform. So it could return 1, or it could return 20 records.

What we want from this is to be able to record what the client thought of the piece of equipment, so there is a Option Group on the SubForm, which allows the user to choose 1 of 6 options saying whether it was useful or not and things.

BUT here lies the problem, if the SubForm has returned 20 records, i change the OptionGroup on record one, and every other 19 records become the same. if i change Record 2, record 1 and 3 to 19 are the same.

I want to be able to have a seperate choice for each record returned, but tis not working!!

The subform is populated by calling a SQL SP, i cant set the form to link directly to a view or SP because access doesnt allow me, by saying the recordset is not updatable!

I hope all that makes sense!!

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Passing Criteria To A Stored Procedure

Feb 22, 2005

Not sure which forum this was under, but I figure Access might be it

I have a stored procedure already written which works fine, if I supply the criteria to it before or at manual execution. I want it to use a field on a form in an Access Data Project as it's criteria (as a form is built off the results of the procedure). I can't find any documentation on how to pass criteria to a stored procedure for use in SELECT WHERE statements.

Can somebody point me in the right direction? Here is my stored procedure:


Code:CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.[spGetContact](@parHomePhone numeric)AS SELECT dbo.tblContactAddress.AddressLine1, dbo.tblContactAddress.AddressLine2, dbo.tblContactAddress.City, dbo.tblContactAddress.Zip, dbo.tblContactAddress.State, dbo.tblContactEmail.PrimaryEmail, dbo.tblContactEmail.SecondaryEmail, dbo.tblContactPhone.HomePhone, dbo.tblContactPhone.BusPhone, dbo.tblContactPhone.CellPhone, dbo.tblContact.ContactID, dbo.tblContact.FirstName, dbo.tblContact.LastName FROM dbo.tblContact INNER JOINdbo.tblContactAddress ON dbo.tblContact.ContactID = dbo.tblContactAddress.ContactID INNER JOINdbo.tblContactEmail ON dbo.tblContact.ContactID = dbo.tblContactEmail.ContactID INNER JOINdbo.tblContactPhone ON dbo.tblContact.ContactID = dbo.tblContactPhone.ContactIDWHERE (dbo.tblContactPhone.HomePhone = @parHomePhone)GO

When i execute this manually I get the dialog prompt to enter the value for @parHomePhone, which is what I want to automatically pull from txtPhone on the frmSearch form.

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Run A Report Using A Stored Procedure With Parameters

Jan 7, 2005

I would like to run a report that uses a stored procedure with parameters. Is there a way I can pass the parameters from the report to the stored procedure? I am NOT running it from a form.

I want to call the report from VBA code and pass it the parameters that are necessary to run the stored procedure. Any ideas?

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Modules & VBA :: Returning A Value From Stored Procedure

May 11, 2015

I'm having an issue getting a return value from a stored procedure that I'm calling from VBA. This is what I have at the moment:

Dim strDate As String
Dim strWOStatus As String
Dim CurrentConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim adoCMD As ADODB.Command
Dim adoRS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ParamReturn As ADODB.Parameter

[Code] .....

The problem I am having is this error:
Error: 424
Description: Object Required

The line of code it errors on is:

Set .Parameters("@PartsUSedMTD").Value = ParamReturn

And the value of ParamReturn is always Null after it hits the line before it.

So it seems like it's not really creating the parameter variable SQL Server needs to run

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Modules & VBA :: Calling Stored Procedure With Parameters

Dec 2, 2013

I have code for calling stored procedure with parameters,which is as follows

Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef, rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim IdValueToProcess As Long

IdValueToProcess = 221177 ' test data
Debug.Print (IdValueToProcess)
Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("")

[Code] ....

And my stored procedure is

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spItemDesc]
@ItemNo varchar(200) ,
set nocount on ;
select ProductDesc1,ProductDesc2 from ProductDatabase.dbo.tblProductInfo where ProductNumber = @ItemNo

The error comes on debug.print(rst!ProductDesc1)

And it says "Item not found in the collection"

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Modules & VBA :: Run Stored Procedure Providing Variables From Form

Jan 15, 2015

Following concerns about someone accidentally deleting the access database we have been using to crunch performance numbers, I have successfully moved the data on to an SQL server

While the database works as it is, several of the queries are running extremely slow. I therefore decided to see if a stored procedure could run the number crunching on the server instead of passing the data back and forth all the time.

I have taken the series of queries and converted them into a stored procedure that runs too fast for me to blink while giving the same results as before.

The problem I face is that I can trigger the stored procedure from the server management studio manually while supplying the variables needed thus providing the data I need to export to excel in a table for this purpose.

What I want to do is to have a form in access supply the chosen variables (like I could before) and run the stored procedure at the click of a button as part of a series of other queries.

I have looked at pass-through queries but apparently they do not take kindly to variables unless they are hardcoded. The other solution would be to trigger it from VBA but I have not been able to find a solution I could get to work.

How to run a stored procedure on an SQL server from access while also giving it the variables it needs?

Stored procedure name: spNearMissCalculation
@SelectedDate (date format) (taken from a form field)
@SelectedVessel (nvarchar(max) format) (taken from a form field)
@SelectedVesselGroup (nvarchar(max) format) (taken from a form field)

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Reports :: Stored Procedure Parameter Query - SQL Server

Jan 20, 2015

I have created a stored procedure parameter query and using access created a report that runs the procedure and creates a report based on a parameter entered:

1) I wanted to know if I can specify a default paramter so if I do not input it returns all records?

2) Can I create a stored procedure so it asks for month, for example if I had a createdDate field of data type datetime and wanted to return records for a specific month?

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Queries :: SQL Stored Procedure - INSERT Statement On Single Table

Jan 6, 2014

SQL stored procedure which is simple INSERT statement on a single table 'tblSOF'

-- ================================================
-- Template generated from Template Explorer using:
-- Create Procedure (New Menu).SQL
-- Use the Specify Values for Template Parameters
-- command (Ctrl-Shift-M) to fill in the parameter values below.

[Code] ....

I am stumped with the following error.

Error: Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure InsertINTO_tblSOF_sp, Line 80 Incorrect syntax near ')'.

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General :: Stored Procedure And Parameter Pass Via Form To Generate Report

Jan 28, 2015

I have a stored procedure created in SQL SERVER 2008r2

I have a form in access adp project with combo boxes, when I click the submit button I want the values chosen to be the parameters and the stored procedure called to generate a report

Is this possible .

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Access 2000 Security - Authenticate With Windows 2000 Server Credentials

Oct 24, 2005


I have a database that currently has security in place so that users input their own usernames and passwords to access the database. The users have recently been added to a windows 2000 server and I want to be able to use their windows 2000 server logon credentials to provide them with automatic access to the database. Is there anyone out there who knows how to set this up? It is a rather urgent request if you could get back to me either on this forum or via email

many thanks


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Opening & Closing Excel 2000 Workbooks From Access 2000

Jun 2, 2006

I am opening and closing a series of Excel 2000 Workbooks using Access 2000 VBA and want this sequence to be able to complete without any human intervention.

However, there are 2 instances when this stops and waits for a human option to be selected:

1. When the spreadsheet is password protected
2. When the spreadsheet has automatic links I get the message:

"The Workbook you opened contains automatic links to information in another workbook. Do you want to update this workbook with changes made to the other workbook?"

How can I code it so that in situation 1 it skips this file and in situation 2 it automatically defaults to do not update?

Any help most appreciated.


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Link/Transfer Data From Access 2000 To Excel 2000

Mar 27, 2006

If I have a report in MS Access 2000 generated based on the criteria selected of a project with work order "9999" with the labor costs, materials costs and the Totals of each crew1, crew2,... and I would like to have those expenditures populated in corresponding cel in Excel for each crew, HOW would I do it?

To think it out loud, could I create a button on a form, so when I select the criteria for the work order, and when I click the button, it should refresh/update the Exel file with the new data...?? How do I write VBA code for that...?

Please help...Thank you so much....

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Access 2000 & MSSQL 2000 Multiuser Problems

Aug 20, 2007

Hi everybody,

I have recently been doing a conversion for my boss for a access 2000 database (both front and backend) to a MSSQL backend.

I finished the conversion today (as quite a lot of the code / queries ran slow due to access running the queries locally rather than on the server). And tested it on my and my boss's machine with no problems so he gave the go ahead to update everybody to our new mssql 2000 backend with the modified frontend.

This is when the problems started; We had two different sets of forms for accessing one of our databases systems - the log system, one is the original dynaset based form, and the other is a newer set which uses snapshot views and preforms updates via queries. Nobody uses the old dyanset system apart from my boss and one of the administrative team as they have things on that window which they need to see. About 30 minutes into the release of the new database the system frooze up on my bosses computer and nobody could create a new log (the server was timing out). I assumed this had something to do with the old dynaset's creating locks on the table.

I offlined the database and kicked everybody out of the front end, turned it on again and tied again, this time banning everybody from the dynaset system. Within 10 minutes another computer frooze up, again with a timeout on the insert query. I discovered that after you had added a new log to the database it would timeout on all subquent additions (something it hadn't done during testing) . Further investigatiion showed it was the snapshot list window causing the error, so coded the add log window to close the list before preforming the insert query and then reopen it afterwards. This allowed my machine to make multible additions without flaw. So I released a new client to everybody. 15 minutes later it was timing out again, but this time there you could not even make one new record.

I checked for locks on the table though the server management table and couldn't find any for the Log table. I have restarted the SQL server box and with no avil. So I reverted our backend to the access mdb file and told people to use the old client.

I am at a complete lose to why this is happening, if anybody has had any expericences like this or knows the cause please tell me.

Some information on the database in question.

It was made as an access 2 database all intergrated into one file, then it was seperated into two files (frontend and backend). Upgraded to Access 97, then to 2000 before this final update to MSSQL 2000.

The log system has two main tables. The first is the log title / info table which links (one to many) to a log entry table. This problem only occurs on the main log table and does not appear to be reoccurring anywhere else within the database. The main log table has just under 18,000 rows in it.

Thank you in advance for any help,


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Replication Between SQL Server 2000 And MS Access 2000.

Nov 15, 2006

Is it possible to have the master datebase in SQL Server, the replica in Access format and still can sychronize them?

Thank you in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Procedure Declaration Does Not Match Description Of Event Or Procedure

Jul 31, 2014

I have just made a change to one of the forms by adding a button (by copying the only other button on the form) to cancel any changes and close the form. However, as soon as I added it I started getting the error message in the title. Please attachment LA Err1 for the full message. I also changed the caption on the other button on the form from "Close Form" to "Save && Close Form" this button is now giving the same error.

I have Compacted and repaired the DB on several occasions to no avail. I have deleted the procedures from the module and recreated them using the properties window - still get the error. I have deleted the buttons from the form and recreated the both via the object wizard and without it. Nothing I have tried has made any effect.

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Using Stored Procedures In Access

Nov 15, 2007

I have an Access mdb that has a bunch of tables linked from a SQL Server. On the SQL Server I have some stored procedures that do inserts into various tables. In the Access db I have some local (lookup) tables, queries, and other things that for various reasons can't/don't need to be stored in the SQL server. I'm using Windows authentication to connect to the SQL server because the security is managed through our domain.

I want to write a form that has unbound text fields that, when I submit the form passes all of those values as parameters to a stored procedure in the SQL server. I have written just such a form in an .adp file, which handles the integrated security nicely.

However, I'd rather do this in a regular .mdb file. I've read up on how I can use an ADO connection to do this, then create a SQL string to EXECUTE the stored proc, grab all the values off the form, and build the SQL.

But the problem with this solution is the authentication - I can't use the SA user and password in this connection string, I'd have to utilize the logged-in user's information.

Is there an easier way to execute the stored procedure from an .mdb? Using the integrated authentication?

Failing that, is there a way that I can create "local" (to the .adp) tables, queries, and so on in an .adp?

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Modules & VBA :: Access Not Responding After Procedure

Mar 21, 2014

This is a real conundrum. The following procedure works well the first time through but on subsequent times the database just goes into "Not Responding" mode and has to be restarted. I have tried putting delays in but with little success.

The idea of the procedure is to rename a query, "Daily Logs" to include a specific date "TransDate" so that when the query is sent via Outlook the Excel file name appears for example as Daily Logs 21-03-14.

DoCmd.CopyObject "", "Daily Logs " & Format(Me![TransDate], "dd-mm-yy"), acQuery, "Daily Logs"
DoCmd.SendObject acQuery, "Daily Logs " & Format(Me![TransDate], "dd-mm-yy"), "Excel97-Excel2003Workbook(*.xls)", "", "", "", "Daily Logs " & Format([TransDate], "dd-mm-yy"), "", True, ""
DoCmd.DeleteObject acQuery, "Daily Logs " & Format(Me![TransDate], "dd-mm-yy")

This procedure might seem clumsy but was the only way I could think of the achieve the objective.

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Queries :: Equivalent Sql Procedure In Access Query

Dec 6, 2013

i'm using a sql procedure which i'd like to implement the equivalent in ms access. i want to know if they can be any possibilities. this is my procedure

(@cartId char(36))
INSERT INTO DetailsCommande ( CmdID, ProduitID, ProduitTitre, Quantite, CoutUnitaire )


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Open Excel File Stored In Access Database

Feb 8, 2007

I need to open an Excel file that has been stored in the Access Database using the insert Object functionality of MS Access manually.

What i am aware of is that i cant just read the field containing the Excel File into a Byte Array and pass it to the Excel object in C#,as the file is wrapped in the OLE Wrapper used by Access while inserting the file in database.

I have tried locating the Header of Excel file from the byte array and read the file from there on but it is not working.

while (true)
if (0xE11AB1A1E011CFD0 == BitConverter.ToUInt64(byStream, i))
output.Write(byStream, i, byStream.Length - i-1);

byStream is a byte array into which i have read the Excel file from Database.
I am locating the Excel file header in the byte stream and am writing the byte array to a file from that location.But on opening the written file it dosent work.
Similar approach had worked in case of Images but now in this case.

Can some one please tell me as to how i can open the Excel File.
Can I use Interop.Access object to achieve the goal??

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