Access 2003 Form - Combo Box Will Not Accept Any Entry

Nov 30, 2011

I am using Access 2003 and I am having trouble with a Combo Box on a form.

I had a combo box (based on a table), storing the choice in a field in the query and underlying table the form is based on. Everything was working fine, until... I altered the form based on a query. Now when you make a choice from the drop down list you get an error bell and nothing happens.

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Combo List Empty - Access 2002 / 2003

Sep 29, 2007


Since the last Windows XP update on the secretary PC, all combo lists are now empty even if the related tables are not at all.

Here is her configuration:
Windows XP SP 2
Access 2003 SP 3

Here is the description:

1) I've got a combo list based on the table Towns with zip-code, name, country.

2) In the form, in addition the combolist is sorted on the name, just to easily pick up the right Town

3) Since the Windows update, the combo list displays only the zip-code, the other fields are empty even if the table content is not empty at all; I mean I checked in the table content itself.

4) I created a query based on the same arguments of the combo list and the query is working well alone; if I try to create a new combo list linked to the query, then I get the same weird result

5) I've tried to create a new field with the combo list assistant; when I select the table Towns, it shows me the full content (so name, zip, country) and when I run the form, the combo list is again almost empty !!

6) What is more weird is that when I put the Access database back on my standalone laptop which is running Access 2002, the combo list is working correctly !! In fact I am currently maintaining the Access database from my Access 2002 since more than one year and I had no issue

7) In fact, I got the same issue with all the combo-list in my Database

8) I tried to compact the DB but with no effect

Somebody has a brillant idea for me ?? otherwise I think I will contact Mister Bill directly :)


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Forms :: Barcode Scanning Into Combo Box - MS Access 2003

Jul 31, 2013

I designed an inventory control software and we are managing our stock through barcode scanning, it is working well although i have a problem to solve that i have put a combo box for scanning code 39 barcode, upon scan the barcode a code is entered into combo box and then we need to press the "ENTER" key to go for new record, we would like to ms access form to automatically go to new record when a code input from scanner.

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Reports :: Access 2003 - Filter Report Based On Combo Box

Feb 3, 2015

My Access 2003 Database contains the following objects:

1. tblTrackerData
- this contains over 1,000 student enrollment records.
One of the fields "QualCourseName" (text) contains the name of the Training Course that the student has enrolled in.

2. qryCourseNamesGrouped is a query based upon the above table with one field only - QualCourseName. This includes the names of the training courses and has been grouped so that only 17 training courses appear, not over 1,000.

3. frmParameter is a form that includes a combo box cboFiltered based on the above query AND a command button CmdFiltered to open a report rptCourseNamesGrouped and filter the report based on the selection made from the combo box.

I have added the following code to the OnClick event attached to the cmd button"
================================================== ======

Private Sub cboFiltered_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cboFiltered_Click
Dim stDocName As String


When I click on the cmd button, the entire report is opened, instead of the selection that I made in the dropdown list.

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Forms :: Combo Box To Verify With Last Entry And Display Other Options Than Last Entry

Sep 8, 2013

I am working on creating an access database for tracking physical assets linked to locations. I need to make a combo box list to show items other than the current location of the asset. Basically I need it to refer to last enery of the user and define the new possible entries. so we have a unique relationship between location and asset. The assets and location will always remain fixed and there is never going to be any addition. I am creating a web form so that it can be uploaded into sharepoint.

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Forms :: Update Combo Box For Entry In Another Form?

Feb 3, 2014

I can't work out how to update the selections available in a combo box as follows: I use a combo box in a main form to select a record (yacht) If it's a new yacht then I use an event linked to a button to call another form to add the new Yacht On exiting the Yacht Maintenance form I return to the main form The combo box in the main form doesn't list the yacht i just added unless I exit and re-load the form

I'm not sure of the best way to refresh the combo box selections or main form without exiting.

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Forms :: Combo Box In A Form For Data Entry

Jun 3, 2015

I want a combo box in a form for data entry. Is the best method in doing this creating a new combo box in the form and linking it to a table, or using a lookup field in my table?

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Forms :: Combo Box On Data Entry Form

Oct 9, 2013

I'm trying to create a Data Entry only form based on a small table called tblProject.

It consist of the fields Project_ID, Artist_ID, Project_Name, and Project_Notes.

I used the wizard to get me started and i know how to change the form to data entry only, but the problem is the vague data in the Artist_ID control. It shows up as a number, because it is an FK to another table (tblArtist) where more details on the artist are held. (including Band_Name)

I want to be able to make it a combobox with a list of the Band_Names from the tblArtist table. This would make creating "a new project" much easier.

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Can Access Accept An SQL Request From Another Program?

Feb 8, 2006

I have noticed diagrams showing Microsoft SQL Server accepting SQL statements sent by “SQL Requesters” over connections. I would like to know if Microsoft Access can be used in that fashion?

Put another way, can Access be configured to accept an SQL statement that another program (e.g. a VBA program in a VBA enabled 3rd party app) creates?

Currently, my VBA program instantiates an Access database object and then manipulates it (I just add a record to one of the tables), then closes and destroys it. This solution seems fragile (it stops working—I can explain more if needed). I would like to know if the technique inferred by my question would be more reliable.

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Access Query To Accept Multiple Check Box Parameters

Nov 9, 2007


I really hope someone will be able to help me with this one as I am sure im just missing something simple.

I have an unbound form which has 20 yes/no unbound check boxes. The purpose of the form is to allow users to tick the various fields and a subform return the results. The subform, which does requery when a check box is ticked is based off a query. Initially, I wanted all the records to display before any check boxes are ticked so I have used the following criteria:

Like IIf([Forms]![Search]![Field1]=False,"*",[Forms]![Search]![Field1])

Which basically reads if field1 is no then display all records, else display all yes. Now that works fine but what I would like to have working is that if a client ticks field1, field2, and field3 it displays all records that have ‘yes’ in either field. Currently, if more than field is ticked the query treats it like:

Field1 And Field2 And Field3 And etc = true

I want to be able to select several check boxes and have the query return results for each check box that was checked. I would like to avoid doing this by having an append and delete query per checkbox.

Thank you

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Form Won't Accept New Data

Mar 25, 2005

I have created a form based on a query that joins two tables. When I run the form, I am able to input new data into all fields that are from one of the two tables, but it won't accept new data into the second table. I don't get an error message that might help me identify the problem. The join between the tables is of the "include all records from Table A and only those records from Table B where the joined fields are equal."

Can anyone suggest where my problem might lie? Thanks!


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Speeding Up MS Access 2003 Form

Jan 13, 2005

I have created a form to summarize sales data for the past two years. The form uses a tab control with 12 tabs(By Region, Country, State, SalesRep, etc.). Each tab has its own subform link to its own query(Each query has two subqueries so that I can get percent difference). The subforms also have total fields at the bottom in the footer. The sales data comes out of two differnt tables so I can compare this year to last year. My problem is speed. It takes about 35 seconds for the form to open. Is there a smarter way to do this.

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Query Accept Input From Form

Apr 27, 2006

Hey Folks,

I have a form that has two things on it:

A button to open a query
A list box with names in it

How do I get the query so that it will select all records where the name field matches the chosen name from the list box?

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Form Cell Won't Accept Data

Oct 24, 2012

I have a form that is based on a query that returns all the students taught by an indidual faculty member. There are two text boxes which I have added to the form bound to a table used in the query. However when I try to add data (attendance data) is doesn't accept it and simply "pings" each time I try.

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Forms :: Create A Data Entry Form To Order Table Using 2 Cascading Combo Boxes

Jan 31, 2014

What I am trying to do is create a data entry form to an "order table" using 2 cascading combo boxes. I have created a data entry form based on a query. I can't get the cascading combo boxes to work properly.Here is the code:

Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()
Combo2.RowSource = "SELECT L2_ID,L4_Element_name,L5_Category FROM qry_ord WHERE L3_ID = Combo0.Value;"
Combo2.DefaultValue = [Combo2].[ItemData](0)
End Sub


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Flickering Controls On A Form -Access 2003

Jan 6, 2008

Hi All,
I am learning heaps and constantly wrestling with access, this is a good thing. However at the moment i recently added tabs to my form to restructure the appearance and content and thus far i am happy and its working fine. Except that moving the mouse cursor accross the from causes controls and textboxes to flicker / refresh. I find this annoying and given all the effort going into the presentation of the application i have done.
Is there anyway to eleviate this, is there something i have done wrong perhaps.

I wish to host various controls and inputs from other tables on the other tabs. Will this complicate things or should 1 form with its Tab controls be particular to 1 table........ or can / should a form serve as an input or display to several tables? Is this a bad database practice?

thanks for any assistance you may be able to provide.

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Access 97 To 2003 Using Form Data In Query

Dec 12, 2005

I was just converted from 97 to 2003 this weekend. I have a query set up that links a field to a form to get the date entered in the form into the query. For example if I enter 12/31/04 on the form and run my query it is put in the field 12/31/04. But in 2003 it is just blank. The formula I used in 97 is

StartDate: [Forms]![Cash Flow]![Start Date]

Is there something new I should be using to get that to pull in?

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Forms :: Edit / Entry Form That Uses Combo Box Lists To Select Different Segments Of 32 Digit Account Numbers

Aug 7, 2015

I have a database I am using to record financial transactions. I have a transaction edit/entry form that uses combo box lists to select the different segments of my 32 digit account numbers. The issue I am running into is that when I enter a value value in the first box/field the form jumps to the very first record.I then can use the navigation buttons to get back to the last record, and all the subsequent boxes/fields work fine without jumping to a different record.

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Forms :: Form Filter Will Not Accept Editing

Sep 11, 2013

I have a table fed form that will not accept editing to the filter statement.

Currently the filter is [Dealer Name]='ABC Company'

This is causing a problem because we have multiple locations with the same Dealer Name. They do however, have different Primary Account numbers.

I thought to edit the filter to [Primary Account]=102

However, after I save everything and go back to form view, the filter reverts to the original.

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General :: ACCESS 2003 - How To Embed SQL In A Button On A Form

Jul 28, 2012

I am new to ACCESS, I have some experience with SQL, VBA and RDBD having been trained by ORACLE

The attached tables come from a RB I am making, I can run the SQL and it works, I have failed to create form or report tha enables users to simple use a button to invoke that code.

Several people have sent answers but I have not made them work, the tutorials that I have looked do not explain with simple examples that I can follow.

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Forms :: Access 2003 / Do Not Display Form Until Fully Loaded

Sep 23, 2013

Access 2003

I have a rather complex form with an ODBC connection to data that takes some time to load.

The Form has a continuous subform I am using in place of a listbox to select records (I need more functionality than a listbox)

The Form's Record Source is a query

When the form opens, I does so in pieces as it populates

I'd like to either keep the form hidden until it completely loads

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Forms :: Access 2003 / Dynamic Search Form Very Slow?

Nov 8, 2013

I am using John Big Bootys Dynamic Search Form (built in Access 2003) as it totally met my search requirements, however when typing anything into the search box it is realy slow, taking several seconds for each letter to show in the box.

This has always been a problem now and again, however some of us have upgraded to Office 2010, (although still using the 2003 built Db as we won't move to a 2010 version Db untill March next year) and now the problem is even worse that ever. Everything else seems to work really well except for this search function, however it is the search function that is used more that anything else.

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Forms :: Importing Navigation Form Between Access 2003 Databases

Mar 31, 2015

When I import a form with the Navigation control on it The following attributes of the navigation buttons are changed to #FFFFFF:

Hover Color, Pressed Color, Hover Fore Color, Pressed Fore Color

I was hoping to be able to automate the updating of customers databases by sending them a database which would export the required objects rather than the whole front end database. I can think a way around this by including code in the form so that it changes the attributes to the desired values, which are:

Accent 1, Accent 1, Background 1 and Background 1. But I would rather not have to do that.

It is interesting to note that the Border Color attribute is not changed on importing.

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Forms :: Get Main Form To Accept Changes Made To Underlying Subform?

Sep 24, 2014

I'm trying to resolve a problem with a form displayed as follows

-->SubForm1 embedded in main form
--->SubForm2 embedded in SubForm1

When I edit subform2, then return to the mainform and edit a field on the mainform, I get an error.

'The data has been changed. Another user edited this record.... Re-edit the record.'

My understanding to resolve this is to do a requery. So I added:


as part of the LostFocus event for subform2. However, I now get a Write Conflict error when returning to a field in the main form. I get a dialog box with the option to Copy to Clipboard or Drop Changes. I can select Drop Changes and it will let me edit the main form afterwards.

This is Access 2010 over SQL. how to get the main form to accept the changes made to the underlying subform?

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Problem Updating Main Form Control From Subform In Access 2003 Project (ADP)

Nov 30, 2005

I'm supporting some Access/VBA code which includes the following behavior:

When an update is made in a (linked) child form, the current date/time is written to a textbox on the main form via

Me.Parent!txtMod = Now

Likewise, the BeforeUpdate event of the main form updates the same field (and then does a bunch of form validity checks, possibly followed by a Save).

When we upgraded to Access 2003 from Access 2000, a problem erupted:

When the user returns to the main form (by clicking on any control outside the subform), the following message is issued: "This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it (etc.)..."

At this point the user must choose between "Save Record", "Copy to Clipboard" and "Drop Changes".

Conceptually, I see why this is happening (though I wonder why Access 2000 didn't flag it). The subform is the "other user". When the main form is returned to, it is "Dirty" (unsaved update), so the main form's BeforeUpdate event fires, and attempts to update the field again (Me.txtMod = Now). Since there is a pending change to the field, an error dialog pops up.

As a quick fix, I replaced the code in the subform with a flag ("Hey, I've been updated!"), which the main form checks on the Exit event of the subform control. But that seems a horrible solution. Surely there's a better way?


1. It would be preferable to have the timestamp updated right away by the subform, though having it updated when the subform loses focus is better than nothing.

2. Since a subform is a control from the main form's perspective, I'm surprised that a change to that control doesn't render the main form "Dirty". I guess from a database standpoint it makes sense (the form's table isn't getting updated at all; just the subform's). But then, how does the main form know that the subform has been updated?

3. I tried catching the error via Form_Error. I can make the dialog not appear via "Response = acDataErrContinue", but unfortunately it defaults to dropping the changes (old and new), rather than saving the new.

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Forms :: Limiting Continues Form To Accept 7 Lines And Dating Them With Current Week?

Jul 29, 2013

Form info

1st Form Name: Mainform
Text to enter employee ID : empid

Sub form within Mainform: SFTimesheet (continues form)
text to enter: Timein, Break, Timeout

SFTimesheet shows and accept entries for each employee called using the text empid, on the mainform

I wanted the subform to show 7 days /lines starting from Sunday to Saturday of current week and dating the text "Timein" accordingly. When employee enteres an entry on the 7th Line, it should give them a new 7 lines for the new week to begin.

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