Access 2003 ODBC Widows Not Opening

Apr 28, 2007

Hi m8

I have Microsoft Access 2003 which is running fine. I have setup ODBC source through windows xp Professional control panel.

While i am in access application and try to open by selecting
File/Get External Data/Link Tables

It open Link PopUp Window, then from the Files of type drop down, I select ODBC Database(). Windows just disppear, not opening odbc source selection

Please could you help me, why this is happening and sort it out.

Many thank

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Opening An Existing Project In Access 2003

Aug 14, 2007

Hopefully this is pretty simple.

Have an existing app. When I open it from within Access the app seems to go into some runtime mode ... shows a splash screen, menus, etc.

Okay how do I go into design mode so I can modify it ?

Yeap am a complete newbie with Access and haven't touch since the Office 97 version :o:eek:

Not sure if you are meant to ask multi questions in one thread, or create a thread for each one. Will created a new thread for my other question, so if one of the Mods could point out the correct way of doing this would be appreciated.

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Opening Different File Types With Ms Access 2003

Jan 15, 2008

hello good afternoon.
i am trying to open different file types using ms access. the following piece of code i found would only open 'word' documents. how do i make this piece of code more flexible to open pdf documents and excel as well. as it is currently i have a txt field on my form and if the path in the txt fiels leads to a word document when i click a button the word file opens. i want it to open a pdf or excel doc if it was in the txt field

Sub OpenWordDoc(strDocName As String)
Dim objApp As Object

'Opens the document

Set objApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objApp.Visible = True
objApp.Documents.Open strDocName

End Sub

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Opening OUTLOOK 2003

Jul 28, 2006

I have a form with a email field containing a email address, I would like when clicking on it this will open OUTLOOK 2003 placing the email address on the "TO" field
I have looked around but I have not find what I need, I had a VBA code but this will open me a web page instead of OUTLOOK.
Can I get some help!

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Functionality 2000 To 2003 Opening.

Dec 23, 2006

Hi experts in MS Access!

Need to know if I can open a MS Access 2000 (large) mdb-file in MS Access 2003 Professional without loosing any functionality? Is there a working way around this behaviour of MS Access 2003? It seems now, when comparing from MS 2000 openings some functionality got loose when I open the same 2000 file in Access 2003. Working environment is MS XP professional and all security patches for Office 2003 Pro and XP are applied.


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Forms :: Opening DB With 2003 Form Loading Error

Sep 17, 2013

I have designed a DB in access 2010 and it opens fine on my computer. However, when others I work with (who still have 2003) try to open the database, they get the following error: "An Error Has Occured Trying to Load The Form "Form Name" - Do You Wish to Continue".

When I click Yes, it brings up all of the VBA code in the background, but when i close all of that out, it still doensn't open.I am by no means an access expert.

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Opening An Access Program Without Opening Microsoft Access

Jun 11, 2007

I am very close to completing a DB Program.... How can I create a desktop Icon that will Launch my Program without Loading Microsoft Access along with it???

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Opening Forms Directly (instead Of Opening MS ACCESS)

Apr 20, 2006

Hi All,

Is there a way that when the user clicks on a database file, the form pops up without opening MS Access window.



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Opening Forms Directly (instead Of Opening MS ACCESS First)

Apr 20, 2006

Hi All,

Is there a way that when the user clicks on a database file, the form pops up without opening MS Access window.



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Access And ODBC

Aug 8, 2006

I am having a problem with an access database that is connecting to a sql server. When trying to run any queries it is very slow. I think the problem might be caused by the ODBC link and I was wondering if there are any alternatives to using ODBC to connect access and sql.

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MS Access ODBC Connections

Feb 28, 2007

Hello all, is there a way to change an ODBC connection in MS Access. I have 4 ODBC connections that I can choose from (all of them from the same server), and instead of manually recreating a new ODBC connection everytime, I would like to point it to the new connection. The ODBC connections (Tables) have the same information, but throughout different times during the month.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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ODBC Access Update

Apr 8, 2008

Used to use these forums quite regularly and always found people to be of help, even started chipping in occasionally with the odd pearl myself :rolleyes:

Anyhow, having forgotten my username i'm back under a different guise and have a problem that i'd like some help with.

My company has a website running asp (not .NET) with an sql database backend. Basically we want a localised system to deal with order processing with daily updates to customer, order tables etc. I started to build something in VB and SQL but time is critical and once I work out this problem I can churn something out in access double quick time.

I can get the ODBC connection open to the sql database and import the data to Access 2007 table (ie dbo_tblOrders), but I then need to find/write some code to fetch extra records daily and append them to the EXISTING tables. At present data is fetched and added to a new table. Is it merge queries I need? If so how, and can I set it to only fetch new records?

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Do Access Database Need ODBC ?

Sep 19, 2007

Hi ,
I need to link some pages in my site to Access do I need to create ODBC for the connection ....

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Import Into Access Tables Using ODBC

Nov 28, 2006


I want to import into an MDB table a csv file.

I'm trying to use the bulk copy table.

my function is:

SQL = "SELECT * INTO [my_table] FROM [ODBC;Driver=Micrsoft text driver (*.txt; *csv) ;Dbq=c:\;Extensions=asc,csv,tab,txt;].table.csv"

db.OpenEx( "Driver=Microsoft Access Driver .mdb);DBQ=c:\access.mdb;", CDatabase::noOdbcDialog );

db.ExecuteSQL( SQL );

when i run this function i get an error : "You cannot use ODBC to import from, export to, or link an external Microsoft Jet or ISAM database table to your database"

when i try to import in the same way a dbf file (insted the csv file) with VFP it's working well.

what seems to be the problem? how can i fix it? or if some one know how can i import a large csv file into access DB in an efficient diffrent way?

thanks ishay

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How To Protect Access From ODBC Disconnects?

Dec 16, 2007

I finally got a chance to test the setup remotely, and it basically works with all the links I've set up.

I wanted to see how it would behaves should it disconnect or something and thus manage it gracefully.

First, I broke the network connection and tried to navigate to next record. Instead of getting a error message, Access just crashes. I'm not sure if this can even be trapped at all.

Secondly, I disconnected the connection then reconnected it. Access then tells me that the server has gone away, presuming because it's still looking to the old connection that was broken. Running the code to repair link fails also with same error. Can this be resolved with having to quit & restart Access?

Thirdly, I put a breakpoint on Form's Error Event but this doesn't seem to always to catch all errors. It does catch error if I tried to start up a form without the connection, but if it already has been started, and the connection was broken, the Error Event is never fired even though I get a dialog saying ODBC Call failed, then a zillion of dialogs saying Object no longer set or invalid. This would be extremely annoying to my end users.

Can any of those be avoided or fixed?

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Moving Report In ODBC To New Access DB

Jun 7, 2006

I've moved tons of text files or Excel files into Access DB's but I need to take an ODBC report and put it into a table on a new Access DB. If I save the report as a text file I get boxes when I import it to the new DB. If I use Excel I have to make a new table each time. Can anyone suggest the simplest way to take an ODBC report and put it into an Access table. THanks

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Access Crashes Connecting To Odbc

Aug 16, 2006

I've just set up my Access on a new PC and now when I try to connect to my MySQL database through odbc, Access crashes without any error messages, just the standard microsoft error reporting message.

I'm using Office 2003. What do I do??

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ODBC MS Access Driver Error - Urgent

Nov 7, 2005

Please help...

Database Results Error
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]
General error
Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xcac Thread 0xcc0 DBC 0x1090064 Jet'.

The code: example.asp
Code:<%fp_sQry="SELECT count(*) FROM TEVPDATA where ((datediff('d', '" & date() & "', DT3PROF1) between 0 and 30)) and (COL2 = 'PROF1/SLM')"fp_sDefault=""fp_sNoRecords="<tr><td colspan=1 align=left width=""100%"">No records returned.</td></tr>"fp_sDataConn="Fabos"fp_iMaxRecords=0fp_iCommandType=1fp_iPageSize=0fp_fTableFormat=Truefp_fMenuFormat=Falsefp_sMenuChoice=""fp_sMenuValue=""fp_iDisplayCols=1fp_fCustomQuery=TrueBOTID=1fp_iRegion=BOTID%>

Code:'--Project Data ConnectionApplication("Fabos_ConnectionString") = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=URL=data/Fabos.mdb"FrontPage_UrlVars(4) = "Fabos_ConnectionString"Application("Fabos_ConnectionTimeout") = 15Application("Fabos_CommandTimeout") = 30Application("Fabos_CursorLocation") = 3Application("Fabos_RuntimeUserName") = ""Application("Fabos_RuntimePassword") = ""

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Access, Required Fields, Forms & ODBC

Jan 28, 2008

I am working on an Access 2002 database where one of the tables has five required fields making up the key.

There is a form that is linked to this table which is used for adding new records.

There is a close button on this form that has the following code in it's OnClose event:


When the form is opened, no data entered and then the close button is clicked - nothing happens.

It used to work fine, until I recently upsized the database into a SQL Server database and now it's all gone horribly wrong.

If I close the form manually by clicking on the cross, I get this

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value
NULL into column 'Product', table
'LeasebookSQL.leasebook_user.leases'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. (#515) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The statement has been terminated. (#3621)

Can anyone please tell me how I can get the form to close without trying to save the record, especially when no changes have been made to the data on the form?



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General :: Access Runtime And ODBC Connection Can't Get It To Work?

Aug 31, 2012

I have a Access front end connected to a MS SQL database using a ODBC connection which is working fine of course.

When I compile it as a runtime version and install it on the business computer I get an error with the ODBC connection (I can't remember exactly what pops up). On the business computer I have installed SQL Native Client and in the ODBC added a System DSN (which works).

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General :: MS Access Reading Data From ODBC Connection

Feb 10, 2015

I am in need of consultation for MS Access reading data from ODBC connection. I have SQL Server that has all the data for the project financials etc.

I need a database that will read only certain data from the tables, for example, I don't need to import all 500,000 lines from SQL through ODBC connection, I just want to bring certain data for a list of projects whichever are opened and load only that data in MS Access so the group then can add additional details for that project in a shared MS Access.

Right now, all I can do is connect to that database through ODBC and brings all the data which I don't need all as it increases the size of the database, but just a criteria to specify which data to bring, if that's possible to do.

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Can Office Access 2003 Runtime-Based Solutions Applies To Access 2007?

Jan 29, 2007


I have installed Microsoft Access 2003 and Microsoft Access 2003 Developer Extensions. I can create Access application by using the Package Wizard.
But after I upgrade from Microsoft Access 2003 to Microsoft Access 2007.
I can't use the Package Wizard.

How can I do to solve this?


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Locking User Access To Database Objects (MS Access 2000 And 2003)

Apr 15, 2007

I have two database applications and they are:
- the (A) application is for administration use.
- the (B) application is for normal users use.

the idea is that: I made the (A) application for administrators who have full control over the database objects (tables, forms, queries, and so on ...).

the (B) application I have created for normal users who will have only to use forms to insert some data and display data only.

but the two applications has a respective table called "vacation request" table. where I linked them, so the both administrators and users can share the data.

The real question is that: How can I prevent the users from seeing the database objects in their application. I used the database options which have helped me in hidding the database objectives when the users open the application, but unfortunately they managed to access to the database objects by pressing the special keys.

I would like to have an access to the (B) application when I want to make some modifications to the forms and then lock it from users where they only have to use the forms for requesting vacations and view the vacations.

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Forms :: Multi Select Listbox Access 2003 Code Gives Syntax Error In MS Access 2010

Oct 24, 2013

I've been using the following code successfully in Access 2003 & now I need to migrate to Access 2010. The purpose of the code is to use the items that the user selects in the list box to build the criteria of a query. Access 2010 keeps giving me a syntax error when I try to run the query & I don't know why:

My code is:

On Error GoTo Err_Command151_Click

' Declare variables
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] .....

The syntax error I get in Access 2010 is:

Syntax Error in query expression 'SELECT * FROM
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK WHERE
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK.Rep ortableName IN('Adbri
Masonry NSW');'

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Table Problems Moving From Access 2003 -&gt; Access 2007

Jun 19, 2007

Attached is a screenshot of the relationships in a database I built a couple of years ago. It's worked absolutely fine in Access 2003 and currently has over 18,000 customers with associated information in it.

However, when I open the database in Access 2007 the performance is awful. All the forms are very slow to respond when tabbing between form elements. I've experimented by reducing the number of form elements calling on related data on a given page and whilst this improves performance it reduces usability - something I don't want to compromise on especially since Access 2007 should be able to cope with this.

My next question is therefore whether I've got the most efficient underlying table design and I can't see any other way of doing it than my current method so I'd be grateful for any feedback or advice anyone has.

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Subform Referenceing Problem Between Access 2000 And Access 2003

Apr 19, 2005

I am working on a massave aplication that has been running in Access 2000, but recently several of the file sharing users have installed Access 2003 because of the limited availability of Access 2000. All the users are using the same file off the server.

The problem we are having is that when we reference a subform in the "[Forms]![FormName]![SubformName]![FeildName]" Access 2003 does not recognize it and returns an error. I have found that if I will modify it to "[Forms]![FormName]![SubformName].[Form]![FeildName]" it is recognized in both 2000 and 2003.

To try and change every instance of a subform reference will take forever and I am garuteed to overlook something. We reference subforms all over our program, missing any one of them would be a disaster. Before I went to the tedious task of looking through everything I just wanted to throw the situation out there and see if any of you had any great ideas on how to get it fixed efficiently. I would apreciate any ideas.

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