Access 2007 Spilt On Server

Dec 13, 2007

I guess it was bound to happen. I just have to much data in my DB. Looking at some help topics and search here. Found alot of pros and cons. Ok 2007 has been out there for awhile now.

So bottom line, just where can I find the best example on how to do this?

You guys have never let me down yet. So Mr Larson or the docman, any help would be great.


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New Server - How To Change Settings (Ac 2007)?

Jan 24, 2008

I have had a server change and db was moved and I need to change the IP etc. Is there a easy way to do this? I have searched through this forum in vain. :(
Kind Regards

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Access 2007 Crashes On Excel 2007 Import

Mar 21, 2008

On trying to import an Excel 2007 file into Access 2007 I get the following:

1) Choose "External Data," Import, Exce
2) Select small file in MS Excel 2007 format.
3) Click on Import the source data into a new table ...
4) Choose OK

Immediately get "Microsoft Office Access has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..." This message never resolves, so I have to click 'Cancel'.

Then I get "Microsoft Office Access is trying to recover your information..." I have to click "Cancel" here as well and then kill MS Access in Task Manager.

Event Viewer gives following message, which is of no help:
"ID: 2, Application Name: Microsoft Office Access, Application Version: 12.0.6211.1000, Microsoft Office Version: 12.0.6215.1000. This session lasted 710 seconds with 120 seconds of active time. This session ended with a crash."

Trying to import a small Excel 2003 file leads the same result. The same happens with a CSV file.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2007 as well. I am using Vista Ultimate.

I have turned off DEP.

How can I get MS Access 2007 to import Excel?



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Access 2007 Runtime Not Visible In Access 2007

Nov 26, 2007

I installed Office Enterprise 2007. Then I installed DEveloper Exrtensions, then Access Runtime 2007. All appear to have installed OK - they appear in Program and Features.
Instructions on runtime packaging tell me that a Developer option should appear in the resulting drop-down when I click the Office button (top-left round thing) when I have a d/b open in Access. It's not there! I have un-installed and re-installed the extensions and the runtime - still nothing!
I do have Runtime 2002 (XP) on the same PC, is that relevant?

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Can Office Access 2003 Runtime-Based Solutions Applies To Access 2007?

Jan 29, 2007


I have installed Microsoft Access 2003 and Microsoft Access 2003 Developer Extensions. I can create Access application by using the Package Wizard.
But after I upgrade from Microsoft Access 2003 to Microsoft Access 2007.
I can't use the Package Wizard.

How can I do to solve this?


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Access FE SQL Server BE

Dec 5, 2007

We're currently looking at changing a couple of my more complex Access 2003 databases to Access Front End with a SQL Server Back End. This should give us better stability and reduce network traffic loads. I was looking at the Access help file on Upsizing and came across the following paragraph. On face value to a novice like me this would seem the easy option - but is it?

"Create an Access database front-end to an SQL Server database back-end so that you can create a front-end/back-end application.

This approach requires very little application modification since the code is still using the Jet database engine. "

Would anyone recommend this approach?

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SQL Server To Access

Feb 15, 2006

I am importing an Excel file into a table in SQL Server that was created by an AS400 program.

I linked this table in MS Access. The date fields from the SQL Server table are split out. DSREQM is the month and day. DSREQY is the year. When opening the table it looks like this:

215 6

I need to be able to convert this is a field to 2/15/06. However I cannot get this to work. For some reason when I execute the query it comes out as 8/02. Here is what I have:

DelDate: Format([DSREQM],"mdd") & "/" & Format([DSREQY],"y")

Any ideas?

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Access Using Jet And SQL Server With ADO

Aug 29, 2007


I am attempting to write an application, using Access2003 as the front end. The Backend May be either Jet (ie an MDB), or SQL Server.

I am trying to make it so that the same code works regardless of the back end.

My approach has been to set the forms recordset to an ADO recordset like so:

Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
'Rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Rs.CursorLocation = adUseServer
Rs.Open strSQL, gcn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Set Me.Recordset = Rs

Anyone done this, and willing to sahre information/pitfalls.

First problem I am encountering is that Jet only seems to like .CursorLocation = adUseClient, and SQL Server only seemns to like .CursorLocation = adUseServer

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Table Problems Moving From Access 2003 -> Access 2007

Jun 19, 2007

Attached is a screenshot of the relationships in a database I built a couple of years ago. It's worked absolutely fine in Access 2003 and currently has over 18,000 customers with associated information in it.

However, when I open the database in Access 2007 the performance is awful. All the forms are very slow to respond when tabbing between form elements. I've experimented by reducing the number of form elements calling on related data on a given page and whilst this improves performance it reduces usability - something I don't want to compromise on especially since Access 2007 should be able to cope with this.

My next question is therefore whether I've got the most efficient underlying table design and I can't see any other way of doing it than my current method so I'd be grateful for any feedback or advice anyone has.

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Access 2003 To Access 2007 Split Database

Mar 8, 2007

Hi All,

Background Info: I developed our main department's Access 2003 split database which is on a server for 15+ Users. I've now been given Access 2007 for development -- Users still have 2003. There are also 2 other smaller databases that are not split (.mdb).

Problem: In the split database, I've saved the Application .mdb as 2003, relinked and made a new .mde. But the Users still cannot open the database. (I did this in a copy until I figure out the nuances with 2007.) The 2 other unsplit databases can be saved as 2003 version and Users can open OK.

I'm grateful for any suggestions on working with Access 2007. I've been trying to tackle the ribbon which is a whole other question.

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Problem Running Access 2007 And Access 2002

Mar 27, 2007

Having a problem here after installing 2007. All my previously created databases work fine in 2007 (after clicking the enable, which is a pain,but don't know any other way) When I return to 2002 and try to open the databases I get different errors all something like this on....... "The expression On Open you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events. Whats up here?????I have found a site here... this problem,but refers to Vista..... Does the same apply to XP? And which is the best fix?

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Access 2003 Database Not Functioning In Access 2007

Mar 30, 2007


I have an Access 2000/2003 database which opens up and displays correctly in Access 2007, but when I go to use the File>Print command, or for that matter any of the other pull down menu's nothing happens?

Has anyone else experienced thisproblem, or does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Any help greatly appreciated.



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Installing Access On Server

Apr 26, 2005

Hi to everyone
Im not sure which thread i should be in, but here goes :confused: i want to create a members database for members on my forum with HTML!
Ive been told to make the database with ACCESS ive played for 2 days and im now acctually getting somewhere, i would like members to interacte with it ie....add there own details to it.
How do i do this and how do i get it to my server, well i did upload a tester but no one could see it and its says they need to have MS installed or something like that :eek:

What do i do here??
Thanks for ANY help

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MS Access On A CITRIS Server ?

Sep 7, 2005

I'm trying to help someone with Access on a CITRIS Server. I'm working with them VIA email. They say they're having problems communicating with printers and would like to utilize their email with Access. Can someone fill me in on common problems using Access with CITRIS Server as far as printers or email or anything else?

To be perfectly honest, I know nothing about CITRIS servers. Is CITRIS a hardware system or computer type of is it an operating system???

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Access Projects With SQL Server

Oct 26, 2006

I need to be able to add a feature to an Access project that will select a group of records based on an area code( user will have to be able to select a desired number like 100, or 1000), mark those as selected, and create a single csv file...The area codes are stored in the SQL SERVER database...right now they just export groups of #'s based on area code to excel select the amount they want and cut and paste into a flat file for another application to use...they would like to be able to select a number from a list box or type it 100 ( which means take a 100 #'s from all different area codes) then have them automatically noted in database as being selected..and then export all selections to one csv file... should I do part of the work in the Sql Server behind the scenes..the format of the csv file also needs to be specific in that the first row is the columns separated by commas and then the data follows all text fields enclosed by qoutes..
Thanks for anyone's help ..Im very inexperienced with VB and Access

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MS Access And Sql Server Permissions

May 8, 2007

I have created an adp, and have created stored procedures for all of my forms. In the SQL Server database I have given my users permissions as db_datareader and db_datawriter, however they were unable to open any of my forms because they didn’t have execute permissions on my stored procedures. I finally had to give them permissions as db_owner so they could use my forms. Do I have to give them db_owner permissions to execute my stored procedures? I know I can go in and assign them execute permissions for my stored procedures, but there has to be a better way. Does anyone know how to give users execute permissions on stored procedures without having to give them db_owner permissions or having to grant execute permissions for each stored procedure individually?

I am still in the development phase of my project and having to assign users or groups with each stored procedure I create could really be a pain. Can someone please help me?

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SQL Server 2000 With MS Access

Nov 7, 2003

I am accessing a SQL Server 2000 database from MS Access. While I can view the tables and can add records, I cannot edit or change them. How do I get around this?

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Access / VBA / SQL Server Question:

Aug 29, 2005

I am trying to build a form to make deletes from our sql database easier for some of my coworkers.

They have a combo box that they select a patient name from, then based on that patient id, they have a second combo box that shows all appointments that patient has been to. All right so far, yes?

I want, after the first two selections are done and we have a patient and an appointment selected, to have a textbox that returns the count of the number of medical documents based on that appointment id.

I am trying to use a text box for this.
Code: "select count(appt_id) from template_audit where appt_id = " & Me.cboAppointment

I don't know what property of a text box to use to return a single sql statement into it. Anyone have any ideas?


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Migrate Access To Sql Server

Sep 26, 2005

The database that I have on MS Access has tables, queries, forms (VB code), reports and functions (VB). I could migrate the tables and queries through the Enterprise Manager. I want to have the forms and reports in html. Is there any software tool that can help me with over all migration?

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Ms Access Security On Server

Jan 15, 2006

I've create an ms access security workgroup and put .mdb and .mdw file to a folder under any acount on a server. When these files in my local machine it work properly. But when these files on server I myself cannot open .mdb file.
How to make ms access security on a server ?

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Difference Between MS Access And SQL Server

Feb 16, 2006

I know and have worked with MS Access for over 3 years now.
Just would like to know if there is very much difference between MS Access and SQL Server. Are they similiar or are they completely different .
In terms of designing forms, reports, sql.

Appreciate some feed back and also where I could view or look at sql server.

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Connection Between SQL Server And MS Access

Jun 17, 2006

Hi :

I have a question of the connection between SQL Server and MS Access.

I have a project, which is using SQL Server as backend, we use MS Access forms as the frontend.

Firstly, I created the datbase (db1) in the SQL Server, and create a few tables in db1. And then, I create a few forms in the MS Access, I used ODBC connection to link tables from SQL Server to MS Access, it is working fine. Those forms can access the linked tables.

After it is done, I put the MS Access database in the sharing drive, many people can share the files in this sharing drive.

When I go to my associate's computer, and then open the MS Access database in the sharing drive. The forms is working, but, it cannot access to linked tables from SQL Server.

I go back my computer again and then open the MS Access database, it is working fine.

What's the problem with it?
Does anybody need to install SQL Server software and also have db1 database in SQL Server and the path?

I want any user can access the linked tables from SQL Server, but I do NOT want any user can open the SQL Server and open the tables directly. I just want the users can access the linked tables through MS Access Forms only. Because I will make security in the MS Access. So, I don't let the users modify/open the tables in the MS Access, the users must access the tables via the forms only.

Please tell me the steps how to solve it.

Please help.


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Updating MS Access On Web Server

Dec 20, 2007

Hi, Using MS Access on a Server on the web with main programming in .asp
I have done all the hard work to have a userid logon with password and stop anyone getting in. I have now set up a change password facility and that again is working great on checking userid, old password, new and repeat new password.
I cannot get the update part working to update the new password. It is in the way I have specified the "call" as that is the line I get the error as incompatible parameters.

Basic Code is :

set adoconnection = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
set adorecordset = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
connectionstring = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & server.mappath(databaseid) & "" & databaseid & "user.mdb"

adorecordset.cursorlocation = aduseclient

sqlstring = "SELECT * from [tblOwnerLog] WHERE [UserId] = '"&username&"' AND [Password] = '"&oldpw&"';"

call, adoconnection,adopenkeyset,adlockoptimistic)

I have tried many ways, by altering my SQLString etc, but seem to get all tied up.

I want to update adorecordset("password") with the new password.

Any help would be much appreciated.



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Accessing Sql Server From Ms Access

Feb 20, 2008


I would like to know how do i access sql server 2000 tables from a ms access database..


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Using Access As Front End For SQL Server

Jul 18, 2012

I am a computer novice with no experience in PHP or SQL Servers in general. Is there anyway to set up Access as a front-end to an MS SQL Server without having coding knowledge? Is there any good wizard that will export data/formats to a SQL Server while still keeping the interface mechanisms of Access?

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Authentication Problem To MS SQL SERVER From MS ACCESS App

Jul 12, 2005

I recently created SQL SERVER backend for my MS ACCESS app. (I upsized ONLY the tables, so the ACCESS app contains linked tables).

The SQL SERVER resides on a different machine than the MS ACCESS app.

Every time that I run the ACCESS app, it fails to connect to the SQL SERVER ("Login failed for user 'xxx'") and it prompts me for user name and password.
After I give it the right user name and password, no probs.

The problem is that ACCESS doens't save the new user name and password.
So every time that I run the app, again, it uses the wrong default user name and password (I don't know where it gets it from), and I need to re-enter the correct one.

HOw can I solve it?

Thank you very much

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