Access Accessing A SQL Backend

May 4, 2007

I have an MS-SQL backend which i use for my data source. I then use Access for reporting services. (It works so much better than SQL Reporting Services 2005).

this seems simple, but i can't get it to work. Everytime the users start up access, It pops up a login and password for the ODBC link. Even when i have the password and login setup in the ODBC DSN, it still requests it everytime you start connecting to the datasource.

Is there anyway to somehow hard code this into the Access front end somehow so i don't have to give the password to the users?

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Problems Accessing Backend

Jun 6, 2006


I have split db with the backend residing on a computer in my workgroup in the shared files folder. I have access to the folder and can view the file perfectly fine on the other computers in the workgroup (a wireless 54Mbps network). The problem I am having is that almost every time i access the backend tables from another computer in the workgroup, access freezes up and has to be shut down. Sometimes, after restarting access it works fine, others not at all.

Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

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Problems Accessing Backend

May 1, 2007


This is a bit of a weird one I hope someone can help with. I have a fairly small db that needs 3 con-current users. It is split and until recently, the backend resided on one of the computers in the shared folders directory. In this configuration it worked fine, but just recently I have set up a network using a Mac OSX server (xserve) and it is causing a bit of grief. It seems that only one user can access the backend at a time and I have tried just about everything listed in these forums with regards to permissions etc. One bizarre thing is a post here suggested I join/create a new workgroup, did that, stored on the same shared directory on the server. Every time one of the other users on the network joins the workgroup, then re-opens the frontend, they are still logged in as Admin, not the new user recently created. The folder where the workgroup file and backend reside definitely has no access restrictions. Is it something to do with the Mac environment or something else. The only way around it so far is to log 2 of the computers to the server as the same user, this sort of works.
Another weird thing is every time one of our users opens the frontend, a new workgroup file is created, system1, system2 etc. Is this normal?

Any suggestions you might have would be greatly appreciated.!!

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MP3 Files In Access DB: Accessing In ASP

Apr 12, 2006

I have an access database with MP3 music stored in it.

This works file in access if I double click the access cell the the tune O want to here it works, so it looks like I can store MP3 sounds in an access database.

Not I have it in the database how can I extract it in ASP so the my new web-page will play the tune when the item is double clicked?

To play MP3 hard coded I put an embed this works with a file-name "mytune.mp3" but I want get those on the d/b.

I made this ASP:
[code]<p><%=RS("Tunename")%> <br>
<embed src= "<%=RS("MUSIC")%>"
width="252" height="36"></embed></p>

where Music is the name of the cell containing the MP3 file.

This gave me:
[code]<p>mytune &nbsp;<br>
<embed src= "?$" width="252" height="36"></embed></p>

Any ideas what I need to do to get this to play?

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Accessing Sql Server From Ms Access

Feb 20, 2008


I would like to know how do i access sql server 2000 tables from a ms access database..


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Accessing An Outlook Template From Access

Nov 15, 2005

Hi there,

I am not the best in Access, I will admit. But need a function to open up a MS Outlook template (.oft file) within Access which is hosted on an internal server. Anyone help with quick steps on how to do this, It would be greatly apprciated.

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Access Behavior With SQL Backend

Jul 6, 2007

I'm currently researching on how to best migrate from Access back-end to a SQL backend, and was able to find wealth of information on how well Access can play with various SQL servers, how ODBC drivers are implemented, and how JET handles queries to backend. If this helps matter, I'm considering using MySQL as a backend.

That said, there are some gaps in my research that I'm hope someone will be able to fill in for me.

1) I have couple of queries that may use Access's custom function not otherwise supported in SQL servers. If I based the query on otherwise executable query, would JET be able to pass the sub query to SQL, and get the recordset and apply the next query using custom functions without any problems?

2) In general, DAO is best when you're using JET, but ADO is best for ODBC. I'm not clear whether it's possible to use a mixture of ADO and DAO, provided I've disambiguated the library (which I already did anyway) to make even efficient use of recordset. For example, I'd use ADO to work with data from backend and once it's bought over here, switch to DAO for faster handling by JET. Is that possible *and* advisable?

3) I found lists about limitations or problems that may arise due to differences between Access and SQL, which is good to know. However, I never found any answer as whether VBA may cause problems with using SQL data. Let's say I have a form that has lot of VBA coding to handle calculations, multiple selection in listbox to be added to a junction table, dynamically changing rowsource for a combobox, whatever that is based on a query that otherwise runs fine with SQL server- will the form still work just as fine or are there going to be any surprises after migrations?

4) Somehow related, if this is supported by whatever SQL server I may use, would I be better advised to use stored procedures in place of VBA for Access forms?

Thanks for your feedback. :)

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Cannot Access Backend Data

Feb 10, 2015

I have two laptop computers. Both have Access 2010 installed. Both computers are on the same Workgroup and each computer can access files on the other. Computers are connected with wireless connection. Computer 1 holds the backend data while computer 2 is used for data entry and connects to backend on computer 1.Both computers are used for data entry, and as I said, data is stored on computer 1 only.

Here's the problem. If I enter data on computers 1 and then open computer 2 I cannot access the data unless computer 1 exits and then reopens. If computer 1 does not exit and reopen I cannot access the data from computer 2. In addition, if I enter data in Computer 2 and save it then computer 1 can see the data and all is well. So, for everything to work I have to start the data entry in computer 2. If I start data entry with computer 1 then I have to go through the save and shutdown process.

I have tried requery and refresh, refreshpage, refreshrecord, etc, but with no success.

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Accessing The Builtin Bitmap Images In Access

Mar 28, 2007

There are those builtin bmp images in access e.g. delete, edit, select, filter, etc etc. I am trying to access the location of these small bitmap images and use them for a web application i am creating. Do you know where they are located? I am searched with no luck.

Someone also sent me an access db, i'd like to reuse the buttons (same bitmap images: edit, delete) from this access db. Where do i go to extract the images?

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Allow Users To Access Backend Data

Jun 16, 2005

Im totally new at all this stuff, so any help is appreciated.

i have a database with one table that has many different attributes and almost 3000 records. this is all i have done, i have simply been loading in all of the data to the table, now that that is done i need to allow users to extract the data.

so, what is the best way to build a front end that allows the user to easily extract data from the database? ideally, i would like to have some sort of front end that would have a text input window where they could search for records matching attributes in the table that match or are close to the text they type in, with some additional options for honing down the search terms with dropdown menus, radio buttons, etc.

the problem is i really havent a clue on how to do that stuff. can anyone just give some general, beginner type steps for things i should be doing to create that "front end" i am visualizing. THANKS!

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Access As Backend And Swishmax As Front End

Oct 7, 2005

anyone got any suggestions about using access 2003 tables as the backend and swishmax as the frontend. Thanks in advance.

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Sybase Backend Access Front End

Jan 12, 2006

Is it possible to do this?

if so what kind of connections would i use?

and how would i connect?

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Upsize Backend From Access To SQL Server?

May 2, 2006


I am looking to upsize a Access BE database to SQL Server. The FE database will still be MS Access. I would like to keep the FE as it is and use an ODBC connection to the SQL BE database. My problem today is that I need better performance since we are using the database over a WLAN connection. As I understand it, Access sends the entire dataset/table across the connection whilst SQL Server only returns the requested data.

Is there anyone familiar with SQL Server that can guide me in the right direction here. Any insights are most welcome and appreciated.

TWe aare using computers with WinXP, server running Windows 2003 Server

hanks in advance

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MS Access Distribution With MySQL Backend.

Feb 2, 2007

On my development machine everything works great, but I know that I'm going to run into problems with distribution.

I don't think there is a way, but I'll ask. Is there any way to get around not having to install the ODBC MySQL drivers on each computer? One of the reasons I'm migrating to MySQL for a backend is the fact that I'll be going from 10 users to 150 users, each of which has a "locked down" PC, which would mean logging into each with Admin rights to install the driver. Not an impossible task, but a pain.

Is is possible to have a "shared" source for the driver? I have only a rudimentary understanding of that process.

Thanks in advance for any help that someone can provide, or some answers pointing me in the right direction.

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VB Frontend, Access Backend, No Relationships?

Apr 2, 2007

I am evaluating a program for the use of a customer. It's a VB frontend attached to an Access database.

The backend has no relationships. No table in the backend even has a primary key.

My question: Is this scenario acceptable in any way?

I tend to think not, but am unsure whether the design of the frontend application establishes relationships "on the fly". Even if so, the fact that there are no primary keys makes me think I should dismiss this application out of hand.


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Sybase Backend Access Front End

Jan 12, 2006

Is it possible to do this?

if so what kind of connections would i use?

and how would i connect?

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Access Switching To Frontend And Backend

Nov 18, 2012

I am very good at excel and can program macros. I am being asked to build something in access for my company, or at least manage a build. So here is my question... If we build it without both a front and back end, is it easier to take what you have and switch it to a front and back end? Also, when and why is it better?

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Link To Both Oracle Tables & Access Backend

Nov 30, 2006

Is it possible in access to link to both oracle AND access tables in the same
access application?

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Ms Access 2003 Upgrade To SQL Server Backend

Aug 17, 2005

Is there an easy fast way to do this:
We are having problems upgrading to SQL server for only our backend tables. The problem is we have SQL reserved words that can only be used by SQL Server. There is a huge list I was given. I assume this applies to all objects, in our ms access database. Any suggestions on how to at least 'find' all of these at once? Or fix this easily? I know which tables would not upload ...but in looking through them I don't even see which reserved word is causing the issue???

Also..our front end application with stay Ms access 2003. Do I still need to update any reserved words in that or just the tables?

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Queries :: Access Web 2010 - Accessing Sharepoint Author And Modifier?

Mar 1, 2015

We're running an Access 2010 web database.

As expected when we published to Sharepoint additional fields were added to the Access tables [App Created By] and [App Modified by]. We want to use these fields for Audit information however they are always empty. How should they be populated?

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Access 2003 Backend On Shared Network Drive.

Feb 8, 2006

Hi all...

I have an ACCESS 2003 application with front end in the local machine and backend on the shared network drive. I mapped this drive to E: in my computer and all my linked tables show the E:folernameDatabasename.mdb as the source.

When I install this application in an other computer where they have mapped the same drive to F: , I am getting error that says "E:foldernameDatabasename.mdb" not found. How can use absolute network drive(like \cscrd eamfoldernamedatabasename.mdb) name to link the tables?

Thanks in advance.

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General :: File Sharing Windows MS Access Backend?

Oct 19, 2014

I want to deploy an access database at a small office with 5 computers, small network. However I do not intend to create a server in order to have a domain etc. Operating system is win 8.1 pro. Should I use a homegroup or workgroup ? Would it require password in case of workgroup? Which is a recommended way to setup this and keep some security like a guest cant access these files?

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Updating Oracle Backend Tables From MS Access Forms(dynamically)??

Feb 13, 2007


My requirement is this...

I have to use MS Access as front end with ODBC connection to Oracle 9i


The application(forms) should be able to update, delete ,insert records into oracle tables(backend).

i have a main form,which has some unique id's and other info about the ids and the subform shows several matching id's for that unique id in main form. the user who uses this application should be able to
1) search for the unique id in the main form such that the subform displays all its matches
2) they should be able to select anyone match and say approve(there can only be one match), then that particular record should be updated in the table.IF I USE A CHECK BOX AND IF THEY CLICK ON ONE RECORD AS MATCH,HOW
similarly when they select some other record i should give option of deleting other irrelevant matches in the backend table.

the main form and the subform uses the same table as source.updates are to another table, i should also have to put entry into audit table about which record was deleted and which one inserted..

How should i do this?? i am new to MS access .VBA, any help would be highly appreciated!

Thanks so much!

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Using MySQL BackEnd With Access FrontEnd For Multi-User Database

Mar 31, 2015

If I want to distribute a front end to connect with a MySQL back end ... do I need to set up the system DSN on each workstation that will be using the front end?

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General :: Block Pathway To Backend Folder But Allow Access Via Frontend Database

Jul 17, 2012

If I have an MS Access frontend that connects to an MS Access backend, is there a way to hide/permission block the pathway to the backend's folder but still allow access via the frontend db?

Right now I can't dedicate a server to a more "secure" form of DB or anything like that so I'm stuck with MS Access for now. I just don't want someone looking at, say, a link table path and then navigating to that folder and getting access to backend information.

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Accessing An Access DB From An Access DB.

Sep 25, 2005

Is it possible to access "Database B" (an Access Database) from a switchboard in "Database B" (A separate Access Database)? And, if so, how?

This is the third question I have asked on this forum and with each of the previous question the answers have been very helpful. Just want to say thanks in advance to everyone that is a part of this. Good job all.


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