Access Calculation Problem

Nov 13, 2006

I need to find the average in a combination of 4 fields. In the footer of my sub form I have written =sum([amt paid in]+[dividends] / [units bought]-[units sold]). I have placed an unbound box in the detail portion with the following =[table1 subform].[form]![av dollars]. When I run the program, I get an outlandish number as the answer. I am a novice at this and any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Access Calculation

Jul 18, 2007

i Want to make something in access for my job but i dont know how ... I have many years to use this software.

The idea is to have a FORM with many boxes ....

when i press product 1 and then product 2 i want to calculate, to give me the sum ....... i ll need to have many products i want to make calculations show i ve create one table from which i want to take the prices it possible or it can be with an other way ?? :confused:

Does anyone have a similar to saw me? :o

I need ideas !!!!


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Can Access Do Some Basic Calculation ?

Jul 3, 2005

I just want it to deduct:
one numeric field from another - to get a miles travelled number ?
one currency figure from another - to get how much more/less fuel was used than last month ?

also to work out:
an average of 3 figures
to multiply one figure by another ?

Is this possible ?
How easy is it ?

This is because I want to move my Excel spreadsheets to Access so I can alalyse it better and create custom reports. But despite browsing Access for a while, I can't find the features I need, or anything in the help file to help me.

I've been using Access for a few years (Access 2000) and have created two custom databases from scratch.

Jay Evans
IT Support Co-ordinator for Simply Drinks Ltd

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MS Access: Need Help W/ Calculation In Text Box

Jul 12, 2005

Could someone please help me with a calculation expression? I want the calculation to be in an unbound text box on the main form ([Primary View])which should calculate the sum total all records shown in the subform that contain a calculated field in the subform ([CBR Data Subform]!Rentable). The subform is set up in the main form to show records that pertain to one record in the main form. Right now, I have the following shown in the textbox:
=([CBR Data Subform]!Rentable) and I get a result but its not what I need.

I have tried:
=Sum([CBR Data Subform]!Rentable), &
=DSum([CBR Data Subform]!Rentable)

and I get error messages.

What other expression can I use or how can I improve the expression?


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Calculation Formulas In Access

Mar 19, 2015

I'm trying to build an calculated expression, in a table/query, similar to what you can see attached (view jpeg in att.)

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Price Calculation In Access Like Excel

Dec 11, 2007

Hi all,

Help me solved my problem with price calculation in Access.

Please kindly view below excel file.

I like to do formula price calculation in Access like my sample excel file. How many table should I create & How to build query? Whenever exchange rate change or MarkUp price rate change, I only want to type once & it will affect the whole access.

I have tried so many ways in Access but it doesn’t work like my sample excel file.

Please Help me!!

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Access 07 -- Automatic Calculation Of Difference

Aug 7, 2007

Hi, I am creating a table in 07 and I want my table to be able to calculate the difference between two amounts. I have the column "price" which shows the total amount, another one called "money paid" which shows how much of the total amount they have paid so far and the third is "money owed" which is the difference that i want to be calculated automatically.
Do you know any way to do this??

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Record Count For Calculation In Access

Dec 17, 2004

I need to be able to count the number of records in a report table in order to perform a calculation. For example record count/ total.

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Queries :: Time Series Calculation In Access?

May 23, 2013

Let's say that you have a cookie jar that's to be shared with two children, let's call them Jack and Jill.

You know that to start with (t = 0), there are 100 cookies in the cookie jar

Now the strange thing about Jack and Jill is that they start eating cookies on different days and that their cookie appetite depends on the number of cookies in the jar when they start, Specifically

Jack has an appetite of 10% of the total cookie jar and he starts eating on day one.

Jill eats after Jack and she has an appetite of 5% of the jar.

So what this would look like is:

Day 0 - Cookie Jar has 100 cookies
Day 1 - Jack eats, Cookie Jar has 100 - 100(10%) = 90 cookies
Day 2 - Jill eats, Cookie Jar has 90 - 90(5%) = 85.5


1. Given that I have a table containing the starting number of cookies e.g.:


2. Given that I have a table containing a record for Jack and a record for Jill, each with two fields: Eating Start date, Appetite % e.g.:

Child, EatingDay, Appetite%
Jack, 1, 10%
Jill, 2, 5%

What will the query look like that:

1. Calculate the number of cookies in the cookie jar over time e.g.

Day 0, Day 1, Day 2
100, 90, 85.5

2. Calculate the total number of cookies eaten by Jack and Jill e.g.

Child, Cookies Eaten
Jack, 10
Jill, 4.5

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Queries :: Creating Particular Calculation In Access 2010 Query

Dec 9, 2013

I have played with this problem for 3 days and have come close but not quite solved it. My problem, I have several drivers delivering several orders, the orders are named 101, 102 and so on lets say to 150. Due to locations of the drivers, some deliver more orders then others. I want to be able to create a report that looks like

"Driver #1 101 - 106"
"Driver #2 107 - 110"

Driver 1 delivered 6 orders. Driver #2 delivered 4 orders and so on.

I have tried the 'count" which gives me the number of orders per driver but having trouble figure out the design of the calculation in the query.

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Forms :: Make Calculation For A Specific Row In Access Form

Jun 16, 2013

I'm pretty new to Access. I was wondering if it's possible to make a calculation for a specific row in an Access form.

I placed an example in the attachment (I made it quick in paint, because the actual Access form is in my language "Dutch" ):

Value1 and Value2 come from a database, so the amount of rows can change. When I click on "Calculate" on the first row, it should calculate 12 * 13 and show the solution only on row 1. If I click on "Calculate" on the second row, it should show the solution of 10 * 20 only on row 2.

I tried to solve this by using the following VBA code:

Private Sub Calculate_Click()
Solution.Value = Value1.Value * Value2.Value
End Sub

But if I click on the first "Calculate" button, it will fill all solutions with the first calculation (12 * 13).. The same happens when I click on "Calculate" on the second, third row etc.

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2010 / Form To Table Calculation?

Jun 7, 2013

In Access 2010 is it possible to have a tblKits with a column on it Reactions 8. Then on a form a field Used. When thee user inputs 2 into the Used field can the Reactions on in the tblKits be updated to 6 automatically?

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Calculation Of Field Based On A Field In Access 2000

Nov 8, 2004

KTYPE=text; EXPIRATION_DATE=date/time; OVERAGE=date/time

im doing a report based on a query (which has a few fields, including KTYPE, EXPIRATION_DATE, OVERAGE). im trying to determine the OVERAGE based on the following conditions:

here are the conditions:

if KTYPE="PO", then OVERAGE:=(EXPIRATION_DATE + 6 months)
ie.. KTYPE=PO, OVERAGE:=(01/04/2004 + 6 months) = 07/04/2004

if KTYPE="IAA", then OVERAGE:=(EXPIRATION_DATE + 20 months)

if KTYPE="FA", then OVERAGE:=(EXPIRATION_DATE + 12 months)

and so on and so forth.

I'm very new to Access. What formulas do I use and do I put the formula in the query or the report.

Please help. thanks in advance

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IF Then Calculation

Oct 11, 2005

Trying to calculate a few fields. 1st field is [delays] and 2nd field is [Planned]
The Plan scheduled for 60 and the Delays are an entered value. In the on update command button on the form I want code that will take the value above 60 and add then to the value in the [Delays] So if delays is 10 and the planned is 70 then planned will change to 60 and delays will = 20

any help


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Oct 24, 2005

Hi All.

I have 3 tables in Access:
tblCurrency (Fields: IDCurrency, CDate, CRate)
tblOrder (Fields: IDOrder, OName, ODate)
tblCalculation (Fields: IDCal, Rate1, Rate2, Rate3, COrder)
IDOrder is related to COrder with "One to Many" connection.

I have Form frmOrder, based on tblOrder. For Example Form has 1 record:
IDCal OName ODate
1 XXXX 2005.10.24

For this record related table has 2 records:
IDCal Rate1 Rate2 Rate3 COrder
1 10 3.5 15 1
2 6 4.2 12 1

tblCurrency for Exapmle have one record too:
IDCurrency CDate CRate
1 2005.10.24 0.2

In frmOrder I have textBox txtRate. Here I need to be calculated:

=Sum (Rate1*(CRate from tblCurrency Where tblCurrency.Cdate = tblOrder.Odate)+Rate2*Rate3 for Each record related to tblOrder).
By Exapmle: (10*0.2+3.5*15)+(6*0.2+4.2*12)=106.1

Please help with expression.
Thank You in advance.

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Need Help With Calculation

Jun 9, 2007

hey i hope some one can help me...

I am making a database for products and suppliers. Many suppliers can supply each product.

The product details are in a table called products, the suppliers details are stored in a table called suppliers and the suppliers offer for each product is stored in a table called prices.

the structure is as follows:

Table: Products
Product Name
Trade Price

Table: Suppliers
Supplier Name

Table: Prices
Product Name
Supplier Name
Supplier Offer

I have form that shows the product details and a subtable linked to the table:prices.

The problem

I need to add a field in the subtable called "Percent off trade" which is the trade price - supplier price / trade price * 100

i created a query showing the same records as the prices table plus the field "trade off price" and set the Field to:

Percent Off Trade: ([Forms]![Products]![Trade Price]-[Prices]![Supplier Price])/[Products]![Trade Price]*100

But this doesnt give me the correct percent :confused:

I hope i have explained this query and would really appreciate anyone who takes the time to suggest anything that could help

thanks in advance!

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Nov 21, 2007

How can I multiplicate two numbers from two columns in a subform, show their result at the end of the row and then calculate sum of those results on the main form. This is something what I know how to do but the problem is following:

The total sum on the main form should be multiplicated wit 0,5 % and then reduced for a value of a specific row sum. It should be something like this: (Sum of rows sum * 0,5 %) - Sum of the specific row = Total sum on the main form. And all of this should be on a report too.

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What Calculation To Use?

Jan 2, 2006

What would I use for a formuls to find all product that are in stock.
like I have a price for all products that i stock, but some i don't have in stock. How would I query for the ones that I have in stock?
In my table I have it as UnitsOnHand, I have it as how many, like 1 or 3 or 4 etc. And also a field for Paper or Metal.
How would I query just for paper and not metal?
I am also going to need a query for the lowest price and the highest price.
Please understand I am New and I have allready search through all the post and can't seem to find anything close to what I am trying to do.
Any and all help would be great

Thank You

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Need Help In Calculation

Jan 20, 2008


i'm working in a database and i face some problems in some calculation

this is my table which contain these fields:
NOC number
Company Name
Warning Letter

Note: each company has many NOC

Here what i need from the query

1- create a field which contain a total of warning for each month
2- create a field which contain a total of warning for each NOC
3- create a field which contain the total of warning for the company

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Help With A Calculation!

Feb 26, 2008

This is probably an easy calcualtion I am overthinking...
I am trying to make a query where I am calculating the "Total Value" of each customer's order of each item for the current week. The item "my company" is selling is fish, sizes small, medium and large all at different prices. I'm not exactly sure what they mean by "Total value", but I assume I take the cost times the quantity...but then what is the difference between Total Value and total ordered (in dollar amount)? Any suggestions?

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May 25, 2005

I wonder if someone can point me in the right direction with a calculation problem. I have never done calculations in access before but want to make a balance sheet for a club account that I am designing. Very much in its trial stages, I have a form with three currency text boxes in it, set up as continuous. MoneyIn and MoneyOut are in the main form whilst Total is in the footer. All I want is to be able to put in a value in MoneyIn or MoneyOut and for the Total to update. Problem! I dont have a clue where to start! :rolleyes:

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Calculation Help

Jun 20, 2006

Here is a part of my database nicely zipped for you guys to help me with.

whats happening is when i click the totals button whatever the highest cost option that is selected with a "Y" should be displayed in the totals text box.


Installation of heating system - "Y"
Replacement Kitchen and Bathroom - "Y"
Total should be "£90"

The code behind the button works fine with every choice but not the installation of the heating system. When this is selected "Y" the code seems to be ignoring it.

Any help will be much appreciated.

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Payroll Calculation

Dec 6, 2005

I am trying to type a code based on 1 & 2 criterias. However, I am having a problem on the first criteria because it is adding 8 hours when it shouldn't. Can someone help to either fix my code or write a new one? Thank you very much!

Criteria 1: If the day_of_wk is 1, calculate time-reg_time/60, If the day_of_wk is 1 and time is less than 0, calculate time-reg_time/60+24

Criteria 2: If the day_of_wk is 2, calculate time/60, If the day_of_wk is 2 and time is less than 0, calculate time/60+24

My code: pre: IIf([day_of_wk]="2",[time]/60,IIf([time]<0,([time]-[reg_time])/60+24,([time]-[reg_time])/60))

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Time Calculation

Jan 25, 2006

i have two date/time fields

sdate (start date) 01/01/2006 14:30 - format(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm)
edate (end date) 02/01/2006 14:31 - format(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm)

i need to get answer in HH:MM (24:01)

pls help me

thnx best regards

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Time Calculation

Jan 25, 2006

i have two date/time fields

sdate (start date) 01/01/2006 14:30 - format(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm)
edate (end date) 02/01/2006 14:31 - format(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm)

i need to get answer in a textbox as 24:01 (hh:mm)

pls help me

thnx best regards

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Time Calculation

Feb 8, 2006

Hi all,

I'm a beginner, and i want to know how to calculate time difference. For ex, if i substract 23:45 of 02/09/2006 with 00:10 of 02/10/2006 then i get a - "ive" value... Please somebody help me with a vba code for this...


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