Access DB And Relationships

May 16, 2005

I'm creating a Members Area on a Trade Organisation website; I have an Access Database with all the members’ details including the name of the nominated representative for that member company. I am able to create a login for the nominated representative together with his/her chosen password but some of these member companies employ over 100 staff and what I would like to do is create a separate login for each member of staff, which is where I think that I need a table related to the Main table.

Just supposing one member has 100 staff and the member decides not to renew his membership, by deleting his entry in the Main Table all members of his staff would automatically have their access to the member’s area denied.

I just can't get my head around this relationship bit; I do have a cut down version (336kb) of the database if somebody would like to give it a go.

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Importing Excel To Access Keeping Relationships In Access Tables

Sep 13, 2007

I have a stock control database which i have nearly completed. This has Manufacturer, which is linked to products, which is linked to Sub Product(which also has field partCode). i.e. Manufacturer1 can have 3 products, and each of these products could have 5 subsystems and partcodes. Each partcode is unique to that subsystem/product/manufacturer.

I then have a pricing spreadsheet in excel, which has many tabs. A new column has been added for each item for Manufacturer,Product,Subsystem and Partcode.

I need to import these manufacturers,products,subsystems and partcodes, but into the tables with the correct relationships, i.e. product1 and product2 are products of manufacturer1 and so cannot come under manufacturer2, and so on.

I hope this makes sense, Thanks in advance for any help you can give!


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Access Table Relationships

Jul 12, 2005

I'm using Access 2003. When I open the relationship window, one table linked to my main data table appears six times - the name is the same but with the addition of a number 1 -5. I can delete the five spare ones and drag a relationship to the main table but it keeps dissapearing.When I try to change the primary key in this table, it tells me that there is a relationship established which I must break - unfortunately, I can't see any relationship between the two tables in the relationship window. Any ideas?


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Question On Relationships In MS Access

Feb 26, 2007

Hi i need help with a relationship within access, i need to connect the two following together:

Loan (LoanMemNum, CopyNum, Ldate)
Video (Vcode, VTitle, Date Made, Director, Genre)

and i need the relationship from loan to video to be a one to many


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Defining Relationships In Access

Apr 25, 2006


I seem to be stuck on the simplest of tasks with both google and forum searches coming up with information that’s either too simple or too complex for my needs (not time wasted though because I’m learning all kinds of related stuff).

How do I join my tables with one-to-one relationships?

[edit] Doh, got this one now - by indexing without duplicates then saying all in one have to link to one in another:D

How do I define both fields in a linking table as composite or two field primary key?

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Access/Active Directory Relationships

Apr 29, 2005

I know the is probably wishful thinking, but is it possible, and if so how, to link or create groups from Active Directory for use in Access.

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VB Frontend, Access Backend, No Relationships?

Apr 2, 2007

I am evaluating a program for the use of a customer. It's a VB frontend attached to an Access database.

The backend has no relationships. No table in the backend even has a primary key.

My question: Is this scenario acceptable in any way?

I tend to think not, but am unsure whether the design of the frontend application establishes relationships "on the fly". Even if so, the fact that there are no primary keys makes me think I should dismiss this application out of hand.


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Access Novice - Table Relationships Help

Apr 26, 2005

Hi, I am currently stuck on making a working one to many table relationship, I will post what I have so far, what I am stuck on is forming a proper working relationship.

Discount %


Stock Qty

The desired output is a working order form, that when, for example you enter the product ID into the appropriate field automatically brings the rest of the product fileds such as description and unit price. And when the customer ID is put into the appropriate field all of the relative customer info is shown.

I am new to access and I apologise if my post is unclear or incomplete, any input is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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General :: Access 2007 Many-to-many Relationships Export To Excel?

Jul 18, 2014

how to export Access' many-to-many relationships in excel.

My database is a Project portfolio management tool. One project has many different fields, some of which can only be single values (one-to-one, easy to export to excel) and many others are multiple values fields, built as many-to-many relations (through junction tables).

One usage that was not specified at database creation time was the ability to export the portfolio to excel, so non-access-savvy users can browse, filter, sort and play with the portfolio however they want.

If I build a report, it will contain as many sub-reports as there are junction tables, rendering it un-exportable to excel. A Form would have to be continuous, barring the use of sub-forms for the m2m relations.

Building a query will generate many lines per project (as many as the most populous multiple field), making the excel sheet nearly unusable (in my users opinion, and here, the client's the king).

The best route I have been exploring so far involves "transforming" the multiple fields, so a the different "rows" become additional "columns".

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Tables :: Access Integer Field To Text Keeping Relationships

Mar 12, 2013

I have a database that was built 5 years ago that has an auto field with an integer. There are relationships attached to this. I an rewriting it to simplify the database and I need to keep the relationships somehow. I want to make the auto field a text fields. How to work this out...

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Help With Relationships

Jul 18, 2005

Hi all. I really need help with this. Does anyone see a problem with my relationships , i have attached a copy.
Any help will be greatly appreciated

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Many-to-Many Relationships

Aug 2, 2005

I am new to database design and curious about relationships. In a hypothetical situation, if I have four tables: tblProducts, tblOrders, tblEmployees, and tblCustomers, how could the relationship be set up?

The Products are stored to keep track of the quantity on hand and the employees will also need to be tracked as to how many products they sell. Customers are recorded and Orders wrap up all three tables with the fields: OrderID, ProductID, EmployeeID, and CustomerID.

Would it make sense to say that many products can be bought by many customers and/or many employees can place many orders.

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Relationships - One-to-many?

Aug 16, 2005


I've selected a number of tables to the relationship window. When I drag the primary key on one table to the corresponding foreign key on another table, the link created is one-to-one. I want one-to-many. Why did it create one-to-one? How do I change this to one-to-many?


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One-to-Many Relationships

Mar 7, 2006

Hi all. I am new to the use of access and have been told that I need to create a one-to-many relationship to be able to have several records from a drop down list saved to one unique number (my primary key).

Is this correct and if so how do I do this? If it is not correct what is the best way to do what I require?

Thanks for helping.

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Mar 16, 2006


I have created two tables which are linked with a one-to-many relationship

Using a form the user enters a date. Then in VB I add a value to the date and store this in the second table.

I have simplified this to try to find out what was going wrong and found that when the database adds a value to the second table which only has two fields it first of all adds it to the begining of the record set and the id field does not update to that of the first table where the relationship is joined.

Do I just captutre the value of the id field and add this to the recordset.
How to I get the database to look foir the end of record set before I appent the new generated record.

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Aug 7, 2006


I have looked for this on the help section; however, it does not seem to be covered. How would you change a one-to-many relationship to one-to-one? Access seems to automatically guess that the many side is where the foreign key.

Can it be changed from Access or is entirely on how you design your tables?


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Help With Relationships Plz

Aug 18, 2006

Hi !!
I am doing a school project on a school database. In my DB I have a table with all students records (eg. Student ID, Name, Surname, DOB, class etc) and I have another table where the student fees payment slips will be printed.
The fee table will only have the ID, name, surname and class fields and fee will be input for every student for every term.

I want the fee table to get all the info except the fee from the first table automatically when I give a student ID.

I have created a one to many with only Student ID fields linked, NOTHING.

Then I tried to link many fields on each side (eg Name to Name, Surname to Surname etc) but I got a msg "No unique index found for the referenced field in the primary table"

Plz help me !!

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No Relationships!

Oct 10, 2006

would having a db with several tables and NOT setting any relationships up in the relationships window affect the db in any way?

i have such a db, which originally had all the relationships set etc. however, as i encountered errors and had to replace tables and delete entries, i must have at some point deleted all the relationships.

i just relaised that the db now has no relatioships set up (all the primary keys are still in the tables) so i'm wondering if this matters?


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Nov 9, 2006

I'm trying to define relationships between a few tables in Access 2003 and It's only doing a one to one. How do I get it to do a one to many?

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Nov 23, 2006

Please someone help! This is very urgent!

I am designing a database for a clinic


One Form is a Demographic Form, which was been designed. Each person was given an identifier code.

However, they all did 3 questionnaires. Each one of them has their ID code on it.

Is it possible for me to make a query so that when I search ID code, it actually brings up all the information on every questionnaire?

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Jan 1, 2007

If I have a table "tblContinents" with just two fields ContinentID and Continent and I have another table called "tblCountries" with three fields CountryID, Country and Continent.

After reading several articles, i decided not to make the Continent field in the tblCountries as a lookup field but rather I will do that at form level via a combo box. In such situation, since i am not creating a lookup field at table level, do you think that it is necessary to create the relationship between the two tables in the "relationship window", or shall i just leave it as it is, and if the need arises i will create such "relationships" in queries?

Thanks very much.

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Help With My Db Please? - Relationships

Jun 19, 2007

hi, im new here and i dont really know much about databases with access. im currently doing an assignment at school requiring me to do a entity relationship diagram for all my tables, which i do not know how to do. Can anyone please assist me asap? thank you very much in advance

below is the link where i uploaded it because it was too big to be uploaded onto this post. :)

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Jul 4, 2007

In my Db I have TblQuotes & TblQuoteItems

I want the one-to-many relationship to be based on my own generated quote reference rather than the PK/FK.

My quote reference looks something like this IN123/10

Does the character '/' cause a problem with creating the relationship as I get the error message "No unique index found" even though I know that they exist?


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Where Are My Relationships?

Aug 10, 2007

When I view the relationships window, not one of the relationship connector lines (whatever the technical term is) do not show up! I click view all relationships, view direct relationships. I restarted my computer, restarted Access. Nothing!

I know I have relationships because when I am table design view I try to change something that I know has a relationship and it doesn't let me because it says I have a relationship.

What is going on!?:mad:

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Help With Relationships

Jan 31, 2008


Here is what I have. The database is made up of three tables (see below and see attachment). I have it set as one event to many ethnicity's and many personnel with the event ID as the PK in all three. Did I do this correctly? I thought I did and I had a form with each one of these running correclty but now it is not working.


EventID (FK)


See attachment for the other fields.

Can someone just check to see if I set this up correctly or what I should do differently?


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Relationships, 2 In One?

Nov 2, 2004

I have already made a relationship 1 to many, i want to add another relationship. I put the name of the feilds i want to join up in the drop down box. I put "enforce in..." and "Casgade update related fields" on and join type 2. Then when i press ok, it comes up with "file title " to "film title" and comes up with "no unique index found with the referenced field of the primarytable".

Does anyone know what this meens?

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