Access Data Business Analysis

Aug 15, 2007

Is there an Add in for Microsoft access that will using a gui based method, run queries, set up automated reporting (task Scheduler) in an easy to administer method. Quest Toad has a new add in Toad for Data Analysis. I am looking for something similar for access. Right now I am doing this manually via creating macros, etc. But there really should be an easier way.

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Data Analysis Issue

Apr 6, 2005

I work for a train maintenance company and to keep track of the defects we use access. Our data is stored in tables (eg unit1) and each defect is assigned a fault code (eg TRD.99). These codes are then used to report to our customer where errors our occuring on the trains.

There are 17 categories of code defined by the 3 letters at the start and the specific problem is stated by the digits. I need a method of tabulating the codes by unit number and a total given in another column. To do this I need a code to count the number of times each three letter code appears in the column of each units table and place the value in the corresponding column in the overview table. I then need a code to add up the total faults for each unit like the sum function in an excel spreadsheet. The final table should look something like this

30010 21
30020 17
30031 17
30040 4
30050 5
30061 18
30070 3
30081 7
30090 4
30110 0
30120 2

Any help will be greatly appreciated

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General :: Denormalizing Data For Easy Analysis In Excel

Jun 19, 2013

I have a quality control database that has a QCEntry table that contains information about each sample the QC technician takes from production. This table has a one to many relationship with the TestResults table, where the tests performed on the sample and their results are stored.

QCEntry table is structured like

EntryID Product Lot Number Day Time
1 AB-500 121323 12/23 5:00

TestResults table is like

ResultID Entry ID TestName TestResult
1 1 Carbonblack 50
2 1 MFI 10

My question is: Is there a way modify large amounts of data like this using a query or some other method to look like this? Kind of denormalizing the tables?

Product Lot Number Day Time Carbonblack MFI
AB-500 12323 12/23 5:00 50 10

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Data Analysis Options DCount - Crosstab Query

Dec 27, 2014

I have a table [Control Table] with the fields [Date signed] and [outcome] date signed is formatted as dd/mm/yyyy and the outcome field is a drop down with the options granted, not granted ect

I am looking for a way to present the data using specific date ranges.

I have found 2 possible avenues;

Dcount in a select query:

w/c 01/04/2014 GRANTED: DCount("[Date signed]","[control table]","[Date signed]>=#04/01/2014# And [Date signed] <=#04/06/2014# And [Outcome]='Granted'")

w/c 01/04/2014 Not GRANTED: DCount("[Date signed]","[control table]","[Date signed]>=#04/01/2014# And [Date signed] <=#04/06/2014# And [Outcome]='Not Granted' And [Reason not granted]='Assessed'")

w/c 01/04/2014 Discharged: DCount("[Date signed]","[control table]","[Date signed]>=#04/01/2014# And [Date signed] <=#04/06/2014# And [Reason not granted]='Discharged'")

But I would need to create the multiple queries 52 times each for the different count value per week

My 2nd option

I have looked at crosstab query, but I cant find a way for it to list the specific dates I need it to query e.g from

01/04/2014 - 06/04/2014
07/04/2014 - 13/04/2014
14/04/2014 - 20/04/2014

Any tips on Data analysis? I have been able to perform the task previously in excel using If statements but we are now moving to access.

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How To Do Document Error Analysis And Debugging In Access

Oct 16, 2012

I do some error analysis for debugging an Access DB. My question is are there some regulations or frameworks, which could support my work.

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Tables :: DateTime - Running Pivot Queries To Excel To Do Analysis Of Data

Aug 27, 2013

I have a larget transaction data set in access with Datetime column/filed.

I have been running pivot queries to excel to do analysis of the data but the datetime field is returning too many unique values for the pivot table to run.

What is the best way to reduce the datatime field to date only and where should this be done?

i.e. should I have a calculated field that trims datetime or should I set someohting up in Powerpivot?

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Tables :: Pivot Analysis - All Data Fields Are Blank Every Time On Opening Database

Sep 5, 2014

I work on a pre-created Access database, and the other day I was working on it, and was trying to export something to Excel to sort it and do some Pivot analysis.

Anyway, I must have pressed something, because now every time I open the database, rather than saying "record 1 of 20463" and showing the data from record 1, it shows "record 1 of 1" and all the data fields are blank. If I go to "Records" and "Show All Records" they'll all come up, but I don't want to have to do that every time, and as I import and export all the time, I'm worried that the next time I try it it'll mess up the years of data I have.

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Hypothetical: Structuring A Sm/med Business' Data Infrastructure...

Jul 28, 2006


I am fishing for advice on what systems people would recommend...

Currently, our system breaks down like this:

We use Peach Tree (old version - sucks) for accounting (this is where my question will kick in)
We use a rudimentary database I built for contact/prospect management (I intend for the above to become much more advanced as I learn, something more than "rudimentary as soon as possible)
We are incorporating a new phone system that will allow us to track may things and incorporate into our database (as far as area code reports, things like that as to track advertising effectiveness in specific areas

My question is this:

To eventually get to the point of having a fairly seamless infrastructure, what accounting software would you all recommend? Being able to integrate with an access interface is vital. We will likely get to the point soon where we hire someone to build a database so as my responsibilities will shift to more of a maintenance role, with support, rather than design...

This is a company that is built on paper, not a huge one yet, but decent size, and we want electronic info to increase efficiency...

I am looking into suggestions for a 20 - 40 person company. Currently, I am starting to look into MAS 90, and would love to get some insight.


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Looking For Access Based Smart Business Software

Mar 10, 2007

We are looking for an access based software similar to this
Could any of you can guide us to get a best suit

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Analysis Database

Mar 18, 2006

Hi everyone,

I'm toying with the idea of designing a database to simplify a task I currently undertake at work (using excel) - comparing price movements in the shares of a certain company with the average movement of the share prices in the sector, and displaying any material discrepancies on a certain day in a report.

From my limited understanding of access I think I would need:

- "PriceData" Table, with the fields - date, share, price, dailymovement%
- "SectorData" Table, with the fields - date, sector, price, dailymovement%
- "Relationship" table, specifying the sector that relates to each fund
- A query which summarises the above, returning the date, share, and the two movement percents and then copies them into a temp table.
- A query/report which pulls out the relevent (material) descrepancies from this temp table and presents them in a nice format.

Is this possible and am I along the right lines?! Any input would be greatly appreciated!



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Help With Database Design - Analysis

Sep 23, 2005

Hi Guys,

I have sort of problem - I'm trying to desing the database for one of the organisations.
The entities are: Family, Child, Referral, Voucher, Receipt, Provider, Activity.

That's ok so far. I've been asked to do the option for the new address of the Child - in case if they move to the new place and keep the old one as well.

Family table is the 'child table type' for the Child table - family can have more than one child, but one child can be part of only one family (one to many relationship).

I thought to make a seperate table 'tblAddress' and store all addresses in this table - then link them to the family - this however requires from me to have additional field for - for instance - second address, third address, which in case there was no change in address would remain empty value.
The other option - which obviously is absolutely waste of space is to add straight away additional address fields in the 'Family' table itself.

Don't you know of any other, more appropriate solution?
If you need more detail - I can send the copy of the database which I have created so far.
I would appreciate any help.



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Table Design Analysis Needed

Dec 22, 2004

I am designing a database for my company that keeps track of new classes and new courses created. I have a form for each with the create a class form taking the course title from the courses table/created course from the create a course form.

Here's my dilemma. I want to use cascading combo boxes for class location, facility and room but I think my table structures and relationships may be incorrect.

Here is a list of my tables and their fields:

ClassID (PK)
CourseID (FK)
InstructorID (FK)
Materials (yes/no)
EmpID (this is the ID of the employee who requested a class creation)
LogID (Logistical Coordinator ID, if applicable)

CourseID (PK)

EmpID (PK)

InstructorID (PK)

LogID (PK)

LocID (PK)

FacID (PK)
LocID (FK)

RoomID (PK)
FacID (FK)
LocID (FK)

When I run a query with class, locations, facilities, and rooms no information shows up. If I run the query with the relationships between facility/room, facility/location and room/location removed (leaving the only relationships between class and these three) it works. Why is that? Shouldn't there be a 1-M relationship between Location, Facility and Room? Or, should there be a M-M relationship and I should create tables with each PK?

I apologize for the long post but this has become quite frustrating (despite the simple logistics).


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Analysis Graphs For Individual Customers

Mar 4, 2005

My database records order details for analysis. I have created a form to monitor individual trends in orders placed by my customers. As we supply bespoke items each customer has a list of products which they alone purchase, i.e we do not supply stock items, each item is specifically for one customer (they can then buy the items on a regular basis). The products are assigned to a customer in the products table.

The Analysis form I have created displays the customers name and two graphs. The first graph shows total sales each month, this graph updates as I navigate through the records (i.e. a different graph is loaded for each customer). The form also contains another graph, this is where the problem lies! This graph shows orders of the individual products, controlled by a drop down list containing all the products we supply. I need to limit this list to only show those products relevant to the current customer select on the form. (The products are assigned to a customer in my products table). Currently I achieve this by using a query which when the form is opened asks me to enter a customer ID, the drop down list is then limited to the products supplied to that customer.

What I would like is for the drop down list to update as I navigate through the records. i.e. when customer A is displayed show all the products assigned to customer A, when customer B is displayed show all the products assigned to customer B.

I’ve attached a snapshot of the form to help explain what I mean.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Modules & VBA :: Metrics Analysis Table - File Too Large

Jul 22, 2013

I am attempting to create a metrics analysis table from another table. What I would like to do is copy the structure (only) from table 1 into a new table. Change all the fields in the new table to text (except for an ID field which would be an autonumber). Then run a seperate group by query against each column, counting the values in each group (i.e. first query would have two fields The grouped column and the column count.

Once I have these values I would like to concatenate them (with the count in parens) and then push these values back into the new table under the appropriate column.

My code does this. I basically loop through a recordset that runs to each column/field groups and counts and then Edits the new table with the concatenated data.

My first table is 170 fields and 38K records. The issue is that it's too much for Access to handle and it blows up (on field 123) Telling me the File is too large. The file does explode to 1G. Then I can shrink it back down to 67mb by running a repair and compact... and then run the the data for the rest of the fields in that table. When I compact again I get about 80Mb.

So now I have two tables, both with an ID field... so I try to link them together (via a make table query) and meld them into one table... but it keep running into that "File Too Large" issue.

How can I have two tables in a database file with a combined size of 80Mb, but when linked together are too large for the database file? Does it have something to do with having all text fields?

I looked up the limits to MS Access and the field count doesn't appear to be an issue since it's nowhere near 255... So what's the problem here?

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Help With Business Days

Mar 19, 2008

Good Afternoon All,

I am in need of you help in calculating this. Basically, I don't want the code to count zero. For example, today is 3/19/2008 - Date() should equal = 1 and not zero..

Here's some more examples:[lastfollowup] being 3/18/08
Date() - [LastFollowup] = 2

Here's my code:
DaysOpen: ((DateDiff("d",[LastFollowup],Date(),2))-(Int(DateDiff("d",[LastFollowup],Date(),2)/7))*2)+IIf(Weekday(Date(),2)>5,5-Weekday(Date(),2),0)+IIf(Weekday([LastFollowup],2)=6,1,0)-IIf(Weekday([LastFollowup],2)>Weekday(Date(),2),2,0)

Thank you,


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Business Database Help

Jan 18, 2006

I am setting up a Database for my company, we want to do it in our local branch first then hopefully we can role the idea out to the entire company. I have started the database already just setting up the tables I need, I think my Design is slightly off though. I am asking for the forums help if that is okay, okay here is the setup.

Areas Needed:

Employee Area:
Date of Hire

Project Area:
project #
project name
budget info

Client Area:
client name
contact info

Project area is going to be the main hub for everthing else, the project number is the key to the entire database. client will be attached to a project via project number, employees timesheets tracked by project number, invoices printed by project number. timesheets will generate the invoices to the client. You guys get the idea, I hope that some of you guys can help me in the spare time you have.

Again, i am looking for Design assistance, i will post a sketch of my design in a couple.

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Business Days

Feb 22, 2006

I am trying to calualate the business from an Order Date. The Business Days are Monday thru Friday excluding Holidays. It is for a form that will Highlight (conditional Format) Order over five business days old that have not been completed. Has anyone done this before?

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Calculating Business Days

Mar 22, 2006


Is there any access formula that can calculate the net business days between two dates.



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Business Info Systm

Jan 24, 2007

Hi. I'm a freshmen currently in college and I'm taking business info systems right now... and well I'm just being paranoid. Anyway, i really hope this isn't at all too confusing or anything... but

For a hw assignment we where sopposed to like dl this database and just do random commands on it. Anyway, we're sopposed to save it at the end... and email the file to the professor who will grade it.

Anyway, I asked her how she would know if we actually did all the steps and shit... and how she could tell (esp if the directions where like... "1. filter this out." then "3. take out the filter."

she replied that access "saves" all the actions in a database in the document so she will be able to see all the actions that we took.

I did all the assignments, and I'm just being paranoid about my work right now... since it's the new semester and the teacher is SO NICE but very picky when it comes to grading.

My question is just to ask if anyone knows the "secret" command/function/button or whatever you do to basically do what the professor would do to grade my database / ie see that I did everything.

I just want to check to see all my work is good before I submit it to her.

Thank you so much for your time and reading this. :)

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Business Card Scanner

Nov 17, 2006

I want to use a business card scanner, and use the data for my Access 2000 order database. Most card scanners, can send data to Outlook, can you go from Outlook to Access? Any advise would be appreciate it . . . THANKS!:o

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Real Estate Business

Oct 18, 2006

I am building a database for a Real Estate business.

I have 2 tables tblPurchasers and tblVendors.

I intend to write a query that will match the requirements of the purchasers to the properties for sales (from the vendors).

My issue is this (best illustrated via an example);

I run my Query on the 1st April and four properties are produced as being suitable for purchaser 'A'.

Purchaser 'A' immediately deems properties 1 and 2 unsuitable and views property 3 on the 6th April. Property 3 is subsequently deemed unsuitable as well.

I re-run my qury on the 10th April and five properties are produced as now being suitable for purchaser 'A'.

Purchaser 'A' has already dismissed properties 1,2 and 3 so i don't want to show him these again ....... how do I just ensure that properties 4 and 5 appear ?

Purchaser 'A' has already dismissed properties 1,2 and 3 so I don't want to show him these again ....... how do I just ensure that properties 4 and 5 appear ?

Something involving a yes/no box on a form would be the best method for me of implementing this (as it would fit in with the scematic of the database to date).

I imagine the properties (with a small photo) appearing and tick boxes headed 'Unsuitable', 'Viewed' etc be used to dismiss properties, which do then not re-appear.


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How To Calculate Business Hours!

Oct 27, 2006

I need to calculate the difference between to datetime fields. However, i need to exclude weekends, holidays and non-business hours. I also need to return the result in hours, minutes, seconds.

can this be done. if so, does anyone know how to do this, or is there code that i can implement and save for future uses.



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Update Date With Business Day

Dec 13, 2006


I am trying to update a field on a form with a date that is +7 days from a date that is in another field, but the new date must only be a business day. Can anyone tell me how to do this?


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Business Days Caculation

Jan 22, 2007



Can someone tell me how to find the ID_CASE's where
than or equal to 2 business days (M-F) of the MaxofDT_BATCH in this query?

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Nz Function In Business Days HELP!

Aug 21, 2007

I have a query that calculates business days. However if my end date is missing the query has error codes because the date its looking for is null. Can show me were to put the nz function.

here's the module for the business days

Function Work_Days(BegDate As Variant, EndDate As Variant) As Integer

' "Calculating the workdays between Dates"
' Note that this function does account for holidays.

Dim WholeWeeks As Variant
Dim DateCnt As Variant
Dim EndDays As Integer

BegDate = DateValue(BegDate)
EndDate = DateValue(EndDate)
DateCnt = BegDate
EndDays = 0

Do While DateCnt <= EndDate

If Not IsNull(DLookup("HoliDate", "tblHolidays", "[HoliDate]=#" & DateCnt & "#")) Then
EndDays = EndDays - 1
End If

If Format(DateCnt, "ddd") <> "Sun" And _
Format(DateCnt, "ddd") <> "Sat" Then
EndDays = EndDays + 1
End If
DateCnt = DateAdd("d", 1, DateCnt)
Work_Days = EndDays

End Function

and here's the query

SELECT [Reques_ID], Work_days([Date_Received],[To_Director]-1) AS Turnaround_To_Director,
Work_days([To_Director],[From_Director]-1) AS Turnaround_From_Director, Work_days([To_VP],[From_VP]-1) AS Turnaround_From_VP, Work_days([Position_Number_Requested],[Position_Number_Recieved]-1) AS Turnaround_For_Position_Number, Work_days([Date_Received],[Approval_to_mgr]-1) AS Turnaround_EPS, Work_days([Date_Received],[JOIS_Posted_Date]-1) AS Turnaround_To_Posting, Work_days([Approval_to_mgr],[JOIS_Package_Return_Date]-1) AS Turnaround_For_Package_Return
INTO tbl_turnaround
FROM Artifact;

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Calculate Only Business Days

Feb 10, 2005

I have a date range of 1/01/2005 to 12/25/2005 for example. I need a formula to return the number of days between these dates excluding weekends. Basically I need to know how many business days are between these dates. Thanks for the help.

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