Access Database Display Controls

Jul 16, 2007

Good Morning

I have several new employess on my facilites Access Database
however their Monitor Displays are on differnet settings and the databse window is to large for their monitor, how do I set the database to open to their personel settings?


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Access Controls Definitions

May 24, 2007


I am looking for a book or poster or something that can show me all the access controls and what they do. My VB.NET version came with several posters. I have looked at many books but can not find one that enumerates and explains all of them. I would also like to get similar information for the Active X controls included with access.

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Un-hide Access Controls

Jul 6, 2006

Hi all, I have been given a database from a small business who just want some menial report editing. Their problem is the supplier of this simple access database has disappeared and in over a year of reporting the problem has not resolved it.

The database is locked interface-wise, if you load you cannot access tables, queries, reports etc. I was wanting to know how you do this. If the database is passworded I have a revealer, but actually getting to the edit area seems to be the problem at the moment.

Thanks for any help you can give

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Access A Controls Value In One SubForm From Another

Jan 26, 2005


I have two subForms on separate pages of a Tab Control on a main form. I want to create a Textbox on one Form to display the month of a Date field on another form, using DatePart.

Using the On Current event, this works ok, if I have the 'other' subForm open in its own right, but I get message telling me it can't be found if i don't. Here is what I have...

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Not IsNull(Forms![Reviews]!SelectLessee) Then
Dim revDate As Date
revDate = Forms![subReviewPEST]!DateOfNextCreditReview
Me.Text118.Value = DatePart("m", revDate)
End If
End Sub

What syntax do I need, or how then can I access the control without having the subForm open itself, by getting to the page on the tab control, then to the control on the subform...

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Ms Access Form With Tab Controls?

Feb 6, 2015

I m trying to create a form with tab controls but it keeps on disappearing in the form view but showing up in design view. Even when I delete the tab control and drag existing fields onto a blank form it is still not showing up in form view but showing in design view.

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Controls For OLE Image Access 2010

Jul 10, 2012

I'm trying to find out if its possible to add multiple pictures to 1 record.

For instance..

If I had a row containing information on a person

First Name, Last name, Address, Picture

Currently I have used the Image option in Design view in my form. But when I go to insert Object it only allows me to choose 1 picture for that particular person.

How can I change this to allow multiple images per person. I would also like to have a next and previous button to view multiple pictures for a particular person.

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Flickering Controls On A Form -Access 2003

Jan 6, 2008

Hi All,
I am learning heaps and constantly wrestling with access, this is a good thing. However at the moment i recently added tabs to my form to restructure the appearance and content and thus far i am happy and its working fine. Except that moving the mouse cursor accross the from causes controls and textboxes to flicker / refresh. I find this annoying and given all the effort going into the presentation of the application i have done.
Is there anyway to eleviate this, is there something i have done wrong perhaps.

I wish to host various controls and inputs from other tables on the other tabs. Will this complicate things or should 1 form with its Tab controls be particular to 1 table........ or can / should a form serve as an input or display to several tables? Is this a bad database practice?

thanks for any assistance you may be able to provide.

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Option Group Frames, Hidden Controls & More...Access 97

Sep 14, 2004

I'm not entirely new to Access, but I don't have the formal training or experience to accomplish what I'm attempting. And, after hours of research, I haven't been able to find anything that quite works. I know it's do-able, I just can't figure it out. Any help is much appreciated. I'm using Access 97.

In a form (MasterBadgeForm), all fields require completion. However, I want to force the user to complete 2 fields before any of the others are visible.

The 1st 2 required fields are:
- HostLastName: ComboBox (user's last name based on a simple query called HostMasterQuery)
- Visitor_Guest: Bound option group frame with option buttons "Visitor" (option value = 1) and "Guest" (option value = 2).

Note: The logic behind using an option group frame (instead of check boxes, etc.) is to force the user to choose "Visitor" or "Guest", but not both or none.

After both fields ("HostLastName" and "Visitor_Guest") are completed, I want 2 things to happen:

First: Depending on the choice selected in the Visitor_Guest option group frame, I want respective combo boxes to either be visible/available, or not. For example, if the user selects the "Visitor" option button, I want to make visible a combo box named VBadgesCombo (based on a simple query that has pre-defined "Visitor" numbers) and "hide" the combo box named GBadgesCombo. The same concept applies if the user selects the "Guest" option button.

Second: I want all the other required fields to become visible.

I've done a ton of research, but I just can't quite figure it out. Any help is much appreciated.


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Reports :: Printing Custom ActiveX Controls (Access 2007)

Sep 30, 2013

I wrote a custom ActiveX Control in C#.NET using a guide (Google ".net activex control step by step", first link on CodeProject). The control is compiled as a .dll and registered in Access 2007.

When I place the ActiveX control on a Form or Report, I can call its methods from VBA and see its output just fine.

When I open a Print Preview, only the top left corner of the control is shown, the rest is a blank white box. This does not happen with built-in ActiveX Controls (e.g. Calendar control), which print as they should.

I also tried a basic ActiveX Control build using VC++ (the sample control created by the MFC wizard), and that displays and prints correctly.

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Display Database Checkbox

Aug 14, 2006

Quick question..

On all my databases I uncheck the "display database window" on the startup menu and for the most part it works great.
However, when the database is selected from the recently used list off the file menu the database window shows and how do I fix that?

Thank you

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To Display Windows Database

Feb 4, 2008


I was wondering if i could get some help here. In the startup under tools option in the menu in Access 2003., is
there any way of coding it so it would display windows database, allows
display status bar and other settings there?

Currently, i have unchecked pretty much everything except "Access special
keys" when setting up a certain form to be a startup. By default, we don't want to see all the tables in the windows database but rather the actual start up form.

what we would like to do is to allow only the certain group of people to be
able to view the windows database without using "hold on to shift key" button to
access to windows database.

Thank you in advance

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Display Database File Name On Form

Sep 4, 2006

I wish to display my database file name on a form.
Can someone please advise me.


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How Can I Display The Number Of Records In A Database?

Aug 27, 2003

After creating a recordset how do I display the number of records in it?

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Cannot Get Database Options To Not Display Navigation Bar

Sep 17, 2015

I have set my options to protect my Db. I have unchecked "display navigation bar", "allow full menus", "allow default shortcut menus" and "allow built-in tool bars". After restarting , everything else is missing but the nav bar just wont go away. I have retried many times but, no go. I have even tried to change user levels on my login but it does not have any effect either.

Also, On my split Db FE, i created a new table 'USysRibbon' to set a default ribbon without the "options" function, but I can not see the new table on the tables nav bar. I remade the table, but it says it already exists. Why can't I see it. All the tables in my FE have the blue arrow next to them to show the redirect.

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Queries :: Display Last 100 Records Entered In Database

Jul 15, 2014

I am looking for a way to either display through a query with an expression or any other alternative that someone may have to display the last 100 records entered maybe based on date entered or something.

At the moment i have a query and report going form start date to end date but would also like a query/report that will just show me the last 100 records entered.

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Forms :: Database Design - How To Display A Field

Jun 12, 2014

I have a small access 2010 system. The database design was not good (replication of data all over the place) so I have been tidying up the design but have hit a few problems.I am using a form which contains amongst other things a customer name. The customer name used to be part of the enquiry table, and was picked up directly from there. I have replaced this with the key to the customer table.The only way I have managed to pick the customer name up is to change the control from a text box to either a list box or a combo box. I then have to set column count to 2 set the widths to 0 and 3 to hide the 1st one (the ID) and then set the bound column to 2 to show the customer description.

This is fine up to a point BUT the format controls on the list/combo are different from the text box so I can't replicate the back style and back colour (I had transparent and no colour respectively); the back style has disappeared and how to make the back color as "no colour".Also I end up with 2 little up and down arrows (for the list box) or ma bigger arrow for the combo.

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Display User Database Or Record After Login

Nov 23, 2011

how to display the user's record or database after he/she login in on the system. Currently I have a database where in the user enters his username and password. But the I dont know how can I make his records display after login.

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Forms :: Display Images On A Form In A Split Database

Jan 2, 2015

Am trying to display images on a form in a split database. I add the attachment field to the associated form's table and add the attachment control to the form but cannot get the image(s) to display on the form (the control remains blank). I can add the image(s) in table view (and display them) but double clicking on the form control also does nothing.

I think I must be doing at least the basics correctly as if I try the same thing to an earlier, non-split version of the database, all works as expected.Are there additional steps required to do this thing in a split database?

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Create A Country Info Database With Display Field

Apr 30, 2013

I want to create a country info database. For example, Qatar (country) and the Driving info required when driving in qatar and the visa info required.

I would like a form with drop down options and when i selected which country and then driving or visa, at the bottom it would display the specific info based on my selection in a memo field lets say.

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Display List Of Numbers Stored Into Field Of Database

Jul 7, 2014

I have a question regarding the display of a list of numbers that are stored into a field of my database. Currently the numbers are comma-delineated which is fine with me, but I was wondering if there is a way to change the display of those numbers on the form so that it is easier to read.


current format - 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10
desired format - 1-4, 7-10

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General :: Display Selected Form Using Drop Down On Opening Database

Jun 23, 2015

I have created a Db in MS Access 2010 and under Options > Current Database I have done the following:

- Used drop down to select a form I want to display on opening
- Unchecked display navigation pane
- Unchecked allow full menus

This works how I want it to, perfectly. I then send it to a client who also has MS Access 2010 and when they open the file the form I have told it to open doesn't open, the navigation bar is displayed (with the form I want to open highlighted) and the full menus show but are locked.

What's going on? Is it some security setting the client has that isn't letting the opening procedure execute properly?

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Modules & VBA :: Display On Form Average Records Per Hour Added To Database

Sep 29, 2014

I am trying to display on a form the average number of lines/records per hour that a person is adding to the database.

Trying to work with Dfirst and DLast I'd subtract the time of the most recent record from the time of the first record entered and then divide the number of records to display the average per hour in a text box.

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Queries :: Multiple Table Database - Lookup For Some Fields And Display Records

Mar 23, 2015

My colleague has a multiple table database and uses lookups for some fields. The simple query was to extract 3 fields and display all records from those fields. The result of the query was that the selected fields were listed first followed by all other fields which are usually not displayed.

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Access - Display Photos

Oct 8, 2007


How can I select a name from a drop-down box and display the corresponding student's photo that is stored as a JPEG?


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Display Problems With Final Access

Aug 26, 2006

I made my Access program and it looks great on my computer.
Why does it look all missed aligned and wacky on other computers ?
These computers are not on a network...
I burned the access program to a cd and then loaded it on their
machines...we all have access 2003


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Display Form Without MS Access In Background?

Mar 6, 2006

I was wondering if this was possible. I did a search on Google and on this form and I could not find anything. Is it possible to display a form without displaying Microsoft access in the background? In other words I would like to display just the form alone with access running or if possible a way to have access minimized with the form still showing. If anyone knows any tricks on this could be performed I would be very grateful.

Thanks, Chad :)

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