Access Databases Won't Open On A Workstation

Feb 22, 2008

I'm having a problem on a workstation that I've always used to create databases in Access. When I open any of my saved .mdb's I get a the error "end query expression" with the table name. The message gives me the option to click OK or Help and Help refers to "<Message> in query expression <expression>. (Error 3075)".

I've copied the .mdb's to another PC with Access installed and they open with no problem and I've removed and reinstalled Access on the problematic PC but still the same problem.

Also, I have a UPS Worldship shipping application that uses an Access database and when it opens it gives me a Micrsoft Visual C++ runtime error then closes, which may or may not be related.

I get the sense that something is corrupted in either Access or Windows XP but I'm not sure where else to look.

Any ideas?



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Workstation Service Slowing Access

Oct 30, 2005

Hi All,

When I open a query in design view it can take anything upto 20 seconds to open. Tables are also slow to show, with a marked "slowness" over all. I tried the same database on an old laptop & the tasks were almost instant.

My main machine links to a file server, but the database files are not server based.

After much troubleshooting I have dicovered that it is the XP Workstation Service that is dragging it down. If I stop the service, then Access is rapid!

I have read all I can find on the subject, but nothing that helps. With all the parameters in the Workstation Service in the registry, is there a setting that I can change to speed things up?

System details:

XP Home (SP2)
Access 2002 (SP3)

Many thanks!


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Forms :: Cannot Open Any More Databases

Nov 7, 2013

I am using an Access 2007 front end linked to an Access 2007 back end. I have a Report that the user operates by selecting the information he/she wants to see on a pop-up form and clicking a button. The Report works perfectly unless another form, called Shows Form, in the database is opened. When Shows Form is open the Report/button on the pop up form generates Error 3048: Cannot Open Any More Databases. Also when Shows Form in open, the Query that the Report calls on also won't run. The Query gives gives the same error - Cannot Open Any More Databases.

I have been through my code with a fine tooth comb to make sure all DAO.Recordsets and DAO.Databases are closed after they are used. The troublemaker Shows Form is quite complex and has many sub-forms (11), on a tab control (9 tabs). The Shows Form is the work horse of the database and the User needs to have this form open all of the time. It is inconvenient to have to close the Shows Form in order to use the Report. I am suspecting, through my internet reading, that the multiple sub-forms in the Show Form are using up resources and causing Error 3048.

I thought maybe I could look at coding the sub-forms to open only when needed - when the user clicks on the tab containing the sub-form. Would that conserve resources?

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Modules & VBA :: Cannot Open Any More Databases

Oct 28, 2013

I am using Access 2010...I am suddenly getting the error 3048: Cannot open any more databases...The error occurs on the line of code: Set db = CurrentDb()


Private Sub SetInUseFalse(TelesalesId As Long)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Select InUseBy from tblTelesales where Telesalesid = " & TelesalesId)
Run Some Code


Why should I suddenly get this error? The error appears to be in a loop. If I close the error message, it pops up again. I have to close the database using Windows Task Manager.Is there a maximum number of connections? But I religiously close connections as indicated above!.I am only connecting to the current database (backend form frontend)Am I opening / closing connections & recordsets correctly?

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Linked Tables To Open Databases

Apr 27, 2006

I have a db that runs call stats (Master) this exports to several Department (Slave) Databses. The Slave db's can be accessed by any of number of Managers.

My problems (Amongst others!) is that I run the master every 15 mins and the slaves are linked to the master tables. How can I set this up so that these slaves can be updated whilst they are logged into?

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Reports :: Print To PDF Error - Cannot Open Any More Databases

Feb 9, 2015

This is the second database where this has happened to me. I have code to print a report (with several sub-reports) to PDF. When it prints, only the first couple reports appear. The rest of the pages on the PDF are blank. If I try manually saving to PDF (Save As > PDF or XPS), I get the error "Cannot open any more databases."

In the other case, my "solution" was to copy all the queries into temporary tables and use the temp tables as the datasources for the reports.

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General :: List All Open Databases - Referring To Controls On A Form

Jul 17, 2013

Any way to list all currently opened Access databases? It feels like this must be possible by referring to the databases collection, but I just don't know how.

Also, is it possible to refer to controls on a form in one open database from code in another database? (and obviously if so, how?)

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Scanning Barcode Into Search Box Works But Causes Multiple - Cannot Open Any More Databases - Errors

Aug 5, 2014

I'm scanning bar codes into the record search box, most of the time it works as it should but occasionally I get multiple "cannot open any more databases" errors. It still finds the product record but the error messages are super annoying. I am sure to clear the memory on the scanner each time before I scan in a new barcode but it doesn't seem to matter. Also sure to only have one or 2 forms open at a time, that doesn't seem to matter either. Most of the time I don't get the errors but when I have to click through like 10+ error messages (all identical). I only have one database open so I'm not sure what it even means. Also I have tried this in 2 different forms and it's the same for both forms. Seems like I get the errors in my initial scan and then after clearing them it seems to work without errors.

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Im New Here! - Barcode Input/ And Workstation Identifier

Jun 7, 2006

hi guys, i am slowly learning access by browsing these forums and using microsoft help and downloading example databases. problem is - i have no formal training in it and am just sort of poking around. how did you guys learn? is there a good book out there to read, or did you take a course in it?

right now i am trying to develop a database of tracking product through a factory. technicians would scan the barcode for a pump before and after every process. i made it a simple table coupled with a form where they input the barcode # and a timestamp was coupled with it. later, youd be able to graph the time stamps so you can see process times, how many are in work in process, etc.

my specific questions are:

when i use the timestamp feature, it updates the time when a new record is brought up, but i want the timestamp to register when they click the add entry button. so far i have the default value =Time() for one, and =Date() for the other ...

next is, i want each workstation with this open to have its own unique identifier. for example, one program in assembly station should automatically input "assembly" for where the record was added in, how is this done?

lastly, i have a barcode scanner that operates like text input, i have an area on the form for the barcode, so when it scans it enters the number. is there a way that once the field gets 8 digits entered into it, it automatically goes to the next field on the form? i would like for users to pull the trigger and not have to hit enter again ...

a big THANK YOU for all you access gurus, i have been browsing these forums learning a lot. i hope i can achieve your level so i can help others as well. Thanks again

- Dave

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Using Access Databases With Web Sites

Oct 20, 2006


I curently have a website that has a registration page on it that uses a simple access database that contains a single table with the same fields on as that of the reg. form. What I want to do, in one way or another, is to make some sort of macro that starts once some datails have been submitted to the database using an SQL statement I made within Frontpage, send an email to the registrant telling them what there customer number etc (autonumber in database) and various other welcoming messages etc.
The SQL statement is along the line of INSERT INTO...

Am I thinking along the right lines with a macro or some code or is the access database literally rendered to a table/number of table and thats it?

Cheers folks

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Problem With Access Databases

May 5, 2007


Recently, i had upgraded my computer with some new hardware, therefore i did a fresh install of win xp sp2.

Now I noticed that after i installed all the usual software including microsoft office 2003, when i am opening a ms access database and i open the first form, most of the fields on the particular form (no matter which form in the database as long as it is the first one) display just a value on most field (i am noticing those fields with text datatype), and i am noticing that the number shown is the same as the autonumber i have for that record. Eventually, closing and re-openining the form will fix the problem. this is happening with all of my access databases, some of which i have been using for ages.

Actually, i have tried running the detect and repair tool from the microsoft access help menu to no avail. I have even tried importing the database objects to a new database but still to no avail. Finally i also tried uninstalling and re-installing microsoft office, and the problem is still persisting.

Any idea what might be going on, and hopefully a resolution to sort out this nightmare?

Thank you very much all for your attention.

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Merging Two Different Access Databases

Jul 22, 2006


I've asked this on a few other websites with limited or no success.

this is from one db. this table originally had about 20-30 different fields,

WarehouseNum ItemNum load_date Shipped
101 31 6/26/2006 200
101 31 6/27/2006 180
101 338 6/26/2006 162
101 338 6/27/2006 357

this table is from another db. Notice how WarehouseNum is '9' instead of '1' and itemNum is '000'. This is just one of many impediments I face. As well, none of the table fields are the same, I changed them here to make it easier to work with.

SupplierNum ItemNum WarehouseNum PlannedDelDate DeliveredQty
869747 00031 901 6/26/2006 250
869747 00031 901 6/27/2006 300
869747 00338 901 6/26/2006 490
869747 00338 901 6/27/2006 490

The goal here is to query the two simultaneously, perhaps with linked tables, type in an ItemNum using a parameter and know for instance that on the 26th, we received 250 item31 and shipped 200 for a remaining balance of 50. The 50 is what I'm after. Basically, my company uses one program for sales and another for purchasing and absolutely nothing for inventory management. I started with this company about 3 weeks ago and unless i can implement some kind of temporary solution, it will drive me insane.

Advice? Best approach? As well, this db will use data on two different servers
Thanks for the help.
As well, my access experience is limited and our company I.T. is seriously backlogged, besides which, I would like to learn how to do this myself.
Thanks again

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Running Access Against Multiple Databases - DEV/UAT/PRD

Feb 21, 2007

Access 2003

I've inherited an Access Application which has
(1) a number of linked tables that are used to seed the underlying SQL Server database.

This system has been set up and is working in Development. My task is to move it to UAT but with regards to point (1) above I can't see any alternative but to copy the Access Database, create a new System DSN and re-import the External Data from the new DSN. What I'd like to do is use the same Access Database to point towards DEV or UAT or PRD. Is this possible to do this or am I stuck with maintaining 3 different Access Databases ?

I am a developer with many years of experience but my Access knowledge is limited so any pointers would be helpful.

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Publishing Access Databases In Dreamweaver

Aug 26, 2004

I want to publish my access database on my local pc and was thinking of using something like Dreamweaver to do this. Is this possible? I don't want to put this on the webserver but on my local machine (only a few people will be connecting), and I've read something about a Personal Web Server so this could be done. Does anyone have any ideas / thoughts on the best way to do this? Oh, I want the database / web to be "live" so the tables get updated as they are changed over the web.

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General :: Communicating Between Different Access Databases

Jul 31, 2014

I have an access db as the backend with the tables. Then multiple front end access dbs that link to the tables (as external sources). The front end dbs are setup with different forms on a per user basis, depending on their role. From my user db I want to be able to request information from another user. I want something in their db to pop-up and request the information.

I was thinking about approaching it using the datamacros. I thought maybe each front end db could have a messages table that the main db and other front ends link to. Then whenever they add data to your specific table it would respond and ask the user for the information. The info would then populate back into the message table where it could be retrieved by the requester.

Example: User A opens A.accdb and has a table called A_tbl. User B opens B.accdb and has a link to A.accdb.A_tbl. User B adds a record to A.accdb.A_tbl with Field1 = "what is your name". User A receives a pop-up with the info from Field1 and responds in a textbox for Field2. User B can then look at A.accdb.A_tbl and see the response as Field2.

Another option I thought of was simply trying to get one db to run a form/macro on another db remotely.

Example: User A opens A.accdb and User B opens B.accdb. User A clicks a button on one of his forms and it opens B.accdb.FORM in the session of User B. User B fills out the form and submits. User A retrieves data from shared tables as normal.

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Need To Merge Changing Databases Into One On Access

Sep 27, 2012

I have to coordinate a dbase in the US, one in the UK, and one in the KSA. I have multiple documents that may, or may not, be in each of the three dbases. I need to merge all three, and maintain them so that the document additions, as well as any changes associated with that document, (i.e. "revisions"), are updated. Having looked at access and having read through some of the Access forum questions, I understand that it can do that, but after having identified the information from the dbases that will go into access, I'm trying to establish a consistant process for maintaining and updating it. Can I export my information from each of the dbases, into an excel spreasheet, (1 for US, 1 for UK, and 1 for SA), and have the access dbase search for the document number, compare the data following the document number, and if it's the same ignore it, and if it's different, update it?

I'm trying to muddle through this and get access and excel to do as much of this as possible, as it's a very tedious and time consuming process to manually check each one, one or two times a week.

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Linking Two Access Databases In Sharepoint

Aug 22, 2012

I currently have two Access Databases (one with the raw 'data' and the other with the queries and reports that turn it into 'information' - the data database links into the other).

For contingency purposes, I now want to move both Databases onto sharepoint in case I have a system failure on my laptop (I don't have a server I can put these on). When I upload these onto Sharepoint the second database still seems to link to the file on my computer..

Is there a way I can get a Database to link into another database that's held on sharepoint?

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Client & Server Scenario Access Databases

Oct 20, 2006

This post is really aimed at someone that has experience of network databases and the problems they can pose but if you can help at all that would be great!

I work for an insurance company and we have created a database for registering complaints on. The one we currently use is a single .mdb file which can be shared by up to 60 people at any one time. This is creating a lot of problems when the queries and some VBA code are run. I therefore made a server file which is just an mdb file with data tables in and NO forms or queries. This file is stored on a shared drive on the network server. We then created a client file which contains all of the forms and queries and code. This file contains linked tables to the server so when data is entered into the form, it "Sends" it to the server mdb file. The client is installed on each of the local machines c:. The problem with this was that if we made a change to the database, we would need to reinstall the client on every single user pc. This would of took ages. I therefore made an auto-update function that checked the version number on the server and if the server number was greater than the client number, a simple .bat fiile was run which copied the updated client file from the network to the relevant users local disk.
The problem we have now is that our IT department are concered that if we make a change to the client and all the staff log in at 9am for example, it will start doing multiple copying of a file around 8mb in size to around 60 machines. They are only running on a 2meg pipe so this could cause some problems. We are not looking to change the client & server idea but does anyone know if this will have a big impact and infact if the updates for 60 machine is the equivalent or lesser of 60 people sharing the single file i mentioned earlier. If the IT dept are happy with 60 users accessing the same file at the same time, which they currently are, why are they unhappy with it updating these machine using the new method.

Would really apopreciate any thoughts anyone has..

Thanks a lot.


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URGENT: Protecting Access Databases Online

Sep 20, 2006

Hi All,

What's the best way to go about protecting an MS Access database online? Hoping to launch tomorrow, but no can do without protecting the DB first

Basically, I have a database containing some personal information and I need to block people from downloading it, while still allowing my ASP pages to read/write/modify its data.

Can anyone point me in the right direction here? Any relative links, methods, tutorials, etc, would be a fantastic.

I've looked into User-Level Security Passwords, but am not sure if there's a better way to achieve what i'm trying to do (i.e. setting up specific access rights to the folder in which the MDB file is contained).

Thanks in advance...

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Access Databases And Get Table Definitions

Mar 9, 2014

I have 192 databases that I need to redact certain information in certain columns. Generally, I'm looking for field names like name, first name, last name, address, address2, shipping address, mailing address, and phone numbers. Not sure how to get this information without going into every database and every local table inside the databases. Is there a way to get this information programmatically and just access the databases and table that I need to redact info in?

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Looking For Sample Databases Provided Iwth Access 2003 Inside Out

Jun 24, 2006

Dear Friends,

I am a naive in access and really looking for some mentor to help me learn quickly

I am presently going through a book Call "Microsoft Access 2003 InsideOut" I dont have the cd so thus missing the sample databses discussedin the book.

If anyone can provide me with this data base then it would be a great help


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Forms :: Importing Navigation Form Between Access 2003 Databases

Mar 31, 2015

When I import a form with the Navigation control on it The following attributes of the navigation buttons are changed to #FFFFFF:

Hover Color, Pressed Color, Hover Fore Color, Pressed Fore Color

I was hoping to be able to automate the updating of customers databases by sending them a database which would export the required objects rather than the whole front end database. I can think a way around this by including code in the form so that it changes the attributes to the desired values, which are:

Accent 1, Accent 1, Background 1 and Background 1. But I would rather not have to do that.

It is interesting to note that the Border Color attribute is not changed on importing.

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Risk Assessment Database - "rollup Risk Scores" From Workstation To Department...

Jan 3, 2008

I don't know if it'll make sense out of context like that.

I am working on a Risk Assessment database, where a factory can be assessed to see which risks exist at workstations/departments or the whole facility.

So Assessments can be either a Workstation, a Department or a Site level.

Within each assessment there are multiple risks, each of which receives a numeric "score" (assigned by assessors). Let's say that it's 1-100 scale.

I need a way to "roll up" (or summarize) the scores, so that the whole assessment can display a "total" risk score. But it's not just adding up of the individuals - there are "weighting" multipliers we use, because we want to emphasize high risks.

Also, multiple workstations' rollup Score needs to "roll up" to their department, so that a department's score is "made up" of individual workstation scores. Also using the same weighting multipliers.

Then, the departments are rolled up to the whole facility.

The database has a table of the weighting multipliers so if a Risk Score is 75 or higher, it's to be multiplied by 10, 50-75 - multiply by 8 and so forth.

I can't come up with a way to do this through queries or code.


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General :: Only Open MS Access Form Without Access Running In Background?

Aug 7, 2013

I have made a form on access which will be used by other employees within the company, however they have never used access before and they are wanting to access only just the form as I feel with Access and all the tools in the background will confuse them, plus I don't want them editing the data base its self.

Is there a way to only bring up the form, unless I obviously need to edit the date base.

I've done some research on Google and it seems I need to use:


However I can not seem to find how I would use this or where?

and also if i did find a way to only bring up the form, how would I be able to switch it from that veiw to the veiw I edit in?

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Forms :: Open Access In Design Mode From Within Access

Jul 23, 2014

Can I for instance while my db is open, open it in design mode from my form via code?

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Open Access App With Access Window Minimized

Mar 29, 2007

I already have this working by means of:

doCmd.RunCommand acCmdAppMinimize in Form_Load (or Form_Open) events.

This works great to hide Access and only display the main form (like a standalone app).

But I have 2 issues:

1. The PopUp form (main or "switchboard" if you like) opens, then Access is minimized, but then the form looses focus. If there are other programs running, form will be behind them!

2. Access is first seen opening (for a moment) and THEN minimized (see 1.). Is there a way NOT TO SEE IT at all? :)


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