I'll try to summarize the situation as best as I can.
I have an Access 2003 FE linking to an SQL 2000 BE using a DSN-Less Connection String. Both are running on my local machine for development.
I created a LinkTables method (see below), so I can select different Connection Strings for use in different locations (ie. onsite at client, at my office for development). I have no problems getting it to work on my local machine. I even took it to another office where SQL was running on a server, and the Access FE was on a workstation. The LinkMethod worked perfect.
Onsite at the client different things happen. It links fine while on ther server.
However, when I try it on a workstation, it doesn't link correctly. It says everything linked successfully, but when I try opening a table I get the error:
Connection faled :
SQLstate : '28000'
SQL Server Error : 18452
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Login failed for user '(NULL)'.
Reason 'Not assoccated with a trusted SQL Server Connection'
Then it opens a Login box asking for a login. If I enter the correct Username and Password, all the tables open. Its almost as if the UID and PWD in the Connect String are being ignored.
Any idea's what the problem is?
Public Sub LinkTables(gLocation As String)
Dim DBPath As String
Dim td As TableDef
Dim p, i As Integer
Dim s, c, e As String
On Error GoTo Error
DBPath = Left(CurrentDb.Name, InStrRev(CurrentDb.Name, ""))
On Error Resume Next
If gLocation = "" Then Exit Sub
c = DLookup("ConnStr", "Settings", "ID = '" & gLocation & "'")
If c = "" Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo Error
' For Testing
c = "ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;UID=audituser;PWD=audituser;SERVER=CORPMAT; DATABASE=AuditTest"
i = 0
For Each td In CurrentDb.TableDefs
s = td.Connect
If Left(s, 4) = "ODBC" Then ' Check for SQL Link
td.Connect = c
i = i + 1
End If
Set td = Nothing
If e <> "" Then
MsgBox "Error Linking Tables:" & cr & e, vbExclamation
MsgBox CStr(i) & " Tables Linked Successfully. Please re-open the database."
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error Linking Table! " & td.Name & cr & " Error: " & Error$, vbCritical
Resume leave
End Sub
I can create simple databases with Access but I've recently identified the need to create something a little more complex. My entire relational database revolves around a central table of contacts.
I have a list of contacts in MS Outlook (searchable by name, phone number, etc.), which should be the same. I want to avoid the risk of data redundancy so I was wondering if it is possible to link Outlook and Access databases in some way, so that, for example, if I was to add a contact in Outlook, it would update my database automatically and vice versa.
I'm sure this is far from simple but I'd love to hear any suggestions you may have.
Okay, I've heard that this isn't possible, and searching the forums for AutoText didn't yield any results for me, so I thought I would ask here.
Is there any way to link the AutoText in word to the entries in the database? I am thinking along the lines of exporting database entries to a template in the AutoText format.
Obviously a similar effect would be to use a mail merge and insert the relevant data in from the database, but I'm proposing that Word should somehow lookup the information as it does with the AutoText, which seems a more elegant solution. However, I'm not up to the job of figuring it out myself.
Anybody like to show me how very clever they are? :o
Is there a way to link a ACC table to an Excel spreadsheet so that when changes are made to one it automatically changes the other?
And - How do I link (or join) two (or 3) Access tables so that the above happens - when a change is made to one it's made to the other.
Example: I have an overall big table with 7 fields. I created a query from it that has 5 fields. Or create another table that has 5 fields. Can I join/link them so that changes made to one is made to the other?
Example: An ID number changes or a wage salary changes.
Does anyone know if this is at all possible. When I wish to process a payment for a customer within my database, rather than visit paypal and entering payment information, is there a way by way of API or similar that I can automatically go to the site and have the payment amount entered for me using data from a form within my database?
It may be too much of an ask but I thought I would at least ask the question..
I have an excel spreadsheet that i have linked to an Access database. I need to append and delete records from the spreadsheet into an existing table in my Access database. I am able to append specific records from the spreadsheet into my table but then i want to delete the records from the spreadsheet. When i run the delete query i get the following message; "Deleting data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM" Is there some way i could get this to work?
I have records in this spreadsheet that needs to get into the database but once it is appended to the database i need those records deleted from the spreadsheet. I am kinda using this spreadsheet as a temporary table so one employee who does not use access can put data into his spreadsheet and then the other employees can pull want they need from this into the database.
I have a table which is being populated with data when I click a button in a form. Now I want the data of the table to be shown in an excel file but the problem is that I want that data to be refreshed everytime I insert new data in the table.
When linking in a table under Access 97, any long integer fields are being converted to TEXT format. This I understand is due to the version of the Access database engine.
It does not happen in Access 2000.
Anyone have any idea's of how I can force access 97 to use the jet 4 engine installed already ?
( i have abused the registry - and it didnt like it at all )
i have a form and was wondering if it was possible to take some of the fields and drop them into a template word document from inside access. so as to create a button that when clicked opens up the template and transferes the wanted form data.
any idears how to automate this process would be greatly appreciated
I have converted my MS Access database tables to MySQL Server tables. I am trying to use the MS Access front end to cooperate with the MySQL Backend database. I have created a system DSN, without problems.
My issue is when I Open MS Access --> Open File --> Files of Type: ODBC Databases, nothing happens. It does not give me the option to connect to the MySQL database I just created. I also tried to import data by linking tables (again, choosing the ODBC databases option), and it does the same thing. Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong?
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated as it is a problem that we have been living with for a long time.
Heres the problem....
I have an Access database that stores our customers details, aswell as the details of the products that they are ordering from us.
We process all of our payments over the telephone, and use a Payment Service Provider called Protx to process their card details. The process is quite straight forward, we simply log on to a secure website, then copy and paste their name, address, post code, and credit card details into the web form. Our database and the webform have exactly the same fields.
However it is quite a time consuming process, having to keep switching between our browser and database windows for 5 different fields, and when it's done 50 times a day it adds up to alot of time spent.
Does anyone know if there is a way of cutting down this process, for example being able to copy and paste all of the fields in one go from our database form, into the webform? Or possibly know of a programme that can allow me to do this?
I have spoken with friends who have told me that it may be possible to use our access database as an internet browser, would enabling this allow the problem to be fixed somehow?
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
I have an Access datebase, where main tables are built and saved.
Also, I have 2 Access modules, which access informations in main tables in an Access datebase (I used Linking to table) and process information in query.
Questions: Linking to tables in another datebases will make perfomance of the module worse ? If the answer is Yes, then in which scale ?
I'm formatting an Access table and need help linking 1 field to another. I need to specify that Field B will state "N/A" if and only if (back to good old geometry) Field A states "Yes." I've tried using the ValidationRule and Default Value functions but they don't let me refer back to Field A. Any thoughts would be hugely helpful.
I have a form in a DB and I would like to make it work so that when a user user chooses a job department (choice of 10). When they choose the department I want the next field on the form to only show the job classifacations(5 in each department so 50 if all show) in that department. Right now all I can do in make it so they need to choose from many job classifacations (50 of them as explained above where 45 have nothing to do with the department first choosen) and most of them don't relate to that department at all. Is it possible to do? I have limited macro knowledge and no code ability.
I have a code for linking tables. It works on Access 32 bit.I modify the code for 64 bit (include PtrSafe after all Declares, etc...)But it doesn't work.When I try to chose database in dialog window, my program closed.
Code: Public Function GetDbPath(path_name As String) As Integer Dim i As Long i = MsgBox("The path to database is incorrect" _ & Chr(13) & "Chose new path?", vbOKCancel + vbExclamation) If i <> vbOK Then DoCmd.Quit Exit Function
I currently utilize my company's LAN structure to run my Access database from. The LAN structure is abhorrently slow. So slow that often the database crashes upon opening or can take many minutes to complete a menial command.
I realize that connecting my database to the internet would be a better solution (as our internet connection seems to work better). This would allow many users to interact with the database more easily as well. I also realize that SharePoint is the standard method of connecting the database either by linking tables or publishing the database itself. However, my company does not have SharePoint and I am tired of battling with them on obtaining it.
Is there another way to connect/link Access tables to the internet without SharePoint? One that is FREE. I know with Access 2003 you could connect Access to an HTML webpage, but I think Microsoft got rid of that functionality with 2010 and beyond to force users into utilizing SharePoint.
Connect an existing Access project to a different SQL Server database and the instructions are so simple however when I get to On the file tab click SERVER to open the Data Link Properties Dialogue, there isn't a SERVER option to click on.
My SQL server was on my local machine because I use Goldmine PE 9.2. I moved the SQL server to a different machine, I can connect to it, I can use it with Goldmine, all is well from my local machine except when ever I use my .accdb file, since the SQL server has been moved, I have to login with each request by the access file. This is sometimes six and seven times per session, waiting, error message, logging in, waiting, error message, logging in until it has all it needs to produce my required lists. It's mind numbing and I can't for the life of me find where I can reconnect to the SQL database so I don't have to do this so many times per session.
In Access 2010 32bit running windows 7 64bit. How do I find the datalink properties to connect my .accdb to a different sql database?
I currently have two Access Databases (one with the raw 'data' and the other with the queries and reports that turn it into 'information' - the data database links into the other).
For contingency purposes, I now want to move both Databases onto sharepoint in case I have a system failure on my laptop (I don't have a server I can put these on). When I upload these onto Sharepoint the second database still seems to link to the file on my computer..
Is there a way I can get a Database to link into another database that's held on sharepoint?
Hi, I am just about to start the implementaion of my A2 computing project, hopefully using both access and pascal to create a bar ordering and stock control system. My question is how and how easy would it be to link both the pascal side of the system and the access application so that they are sychronised? The access application would be used as a front end to my system, and a store of inforamtion where as the pascal code would be used to carry out the necessary calculations.
I am having trouble with filtering and linkoing data from SAGE to my access database where I want to produce some clever reports.
I have posted on the sage forum, but though I might get more help here, as I have in the past.
Here is my problem.
I am trying to create a report in Acces 2007 using the sales_order table.
If I try to read orders where despatch_status = "part" it's fine, but if I try to read orders where despatch_status <>"complete" I get the error message odbc call failed syntax error: Invalid filter in WHERE clause (#0).
If I try to use the criteria = "part" or = "complete" I only get those records that fit the second criteria.
I am also having trouble linking tables where. If I use an inner join it's fine, but if I try to use a left join (which I need to to not miss any records) It fails with invalid outer join specification (#0).
Anybody had this problem with SAGE? Any ideas would be greatfully received.
I have a software which links itself to a fox pro database/tables. Now i want to link some of these free tables or database from fox pro to access. Whenever there is a slight change in the fox pro tables/databases they must reflect directly into access database. Is this possible and how?
I have a question which hopefully someone can help me with.
I have a database that links into an Outlook email account. I get the information across via File => Get External Data => Link Tables.
However the issue I have is assigning some kind of autonumber to this table. I am not bothered what the number is, just so that I can differentiate between the records.
I'm totaly new to access and outlook applications etc.. What I'm trying to do is link an access table to my calendar in outlook. I can do it but there is one problem it is not importing all the fields. But when I do an export from outlook to access database file all the fields are there.
Can someone help me with this issue?
P.S. I'm using outlook 2003 and connecting to exchange 2002.
I need to add attachments (pdfs, Word documents, JPEGs) that will automatically update to my form when revisions are made to them in their outside folders (not within Access). For example, I have op sketches that are being edited outside of Access and saved under the same name, so I need to make sure that these newly edited documents are automatically being linked and uploaded to my Access form to see. These attachments were added to a field in one of my tables, and I can pull it up in the form. My problem is that the attachments that I pull up are not the currect version; they are the original version that I added into the table. I tried making the Default Picture Type as "Linked" instead of "Embedded", but this isn't working. What can I do so that the current revisions are being shown without having to edit each attachment within the table?