Access Project Properties

Mar 19, 2007

I am experimenting with Access Project and recently set up the MSDE 2000 on my desktop. My question is how do I set up user level permission in it simular to the user level security in access. I read that the MSDE 2000 or SQL 2000 has betten security features than MS Access jet, yet I haven't found a way to look into the property of the MSDE. Do I need another application in order to view the operating property of the MSDE or its security feature?

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Table Column Name Properties/Combo Box Head Properties

Dec 8, 2006

Hi, I would like to change the properties of either the column heads in a combo-box or the column names for tables. I don't think there's any way to adjust the column head properties, and I'm doubtful there's a way to change the column caption properties.

Some of my column titles are long, and I'd like to be able to word wrap them essentially. Anyone know if this is possible? Thanks.

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Access Properties

Sep 15, 2004

Hi everybody!
Is it possible to set the properties for an access database not to confirm the changes when running an update query. I have done it under tools/properties etc. but then I make it in access in general. I want it to apply on one singel access database.



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How Do I Complete This Project? Need A Few Answers To Finish DB Project.

Apr 25, 2005

I have tables and forms setup but I have 3 general questions on how to finish the project.

1. Should I create a folder where all the files reside for instance, create a phone log folder, put the DB file into the folder and export XML's into the same folder?

2. How do I get the form to launch as a self-contained form without the Access application in the background?

3. How can I get this form and table to automatically update an XML spreadsheet whenever records are added?

4. How can I get the form to sort all records according to time logged? The time will be entered in manually and we need all the records to sort automatically by time in ascending order.

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Deploying Access 2003 Project In Different Access Versions

Dec 28, 2005


I have two questions related to deplying an Access project I have been working on.

1. I started developing the project in Access 2000, but midway upgraded to Office 2003 and so the remainder of the project has been developed in Access 2003. Things seem to be fine, except that in the top most title bar, after the project name, there appears the following text:

xxxxx: Database (Access 2000 file format)

where xxxx is the name of the .mdb file.

Why is this appearing and should I have done something or do something to make it a Access 2003 format?

2. I am at the point of deplying the db to a small group of users (about 5). Some of them may have Access 2000 or Access 2002. Should I be doing something in particular to make sure things work in their machines.
Any pointers to what may be problems or what I should do will be much appreciated.

Thank you.

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Converting Access To Access Project Query Problem

Sep 18, 2007

Hello All,

I am working on a project that was started in access, but needs to be moved into an Access project so that It can be integrated with other forms. When I did this I realized that my database queries needed to be changed from Access to SQL code. for example instead of representing a date as #DATE# it needed to be represented as 'DATE'.

However I have one issue that I am having issues with.

I have a query that determines a few collumns by running information through a vb function and returning the result.

The issue is I do not know how to convert this code from Access to SQL so that it will work.

The code is

SELECT Action_Indef([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER]),[LOG_NO]) AS [Action], TESTSTAT.*, Action_date([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER])) AS Action_Date_Field, IIf([DUE]<[WAIVER],[WAIVER],[DUE]) AS Later
ORDER BY Action_Indef([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER]),[LOG_NO]);

Can someone provide me with a sutible sql equvalent to this code

Thank You

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Converting Access To Access Project Query Problem

Sep 18, 2007

Hello All,

I am working on a project that was started in access, but needs to be moved into an Access project so that It can be integrated with other forms. When I did this I realized that my database queries needed to be changed from Access to SQL code. for example instead of representing a date as #DATE# it needed to be represented as 'DATE'.

However I have one issue that I am having issues with.

I have a query that determines a few collumns by running information through a vb function and returning the result.

The issue is I do not know how to convert this code from Access to SQL so that it will work.

The code is

SELECT Action_Indef([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER]),[LOG_NO]) AS [Action], TESTSTAT.*, Action_date([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER])) AS Action_Date_Field, IIf([DUE]<[WAIVER],[WAIVER],[DUE]) AS Later
ORDER BY Action_Indef([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER]),[LOG_NO]);

Can someone provide me with a sutible sql equvalent to this code

Thank You

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Please Help Me. With A Access Project.

Nov 27, 2005

Ok first off thank you for anyone who even reads this.

Iv been assigned a project in using Access 2003 and only Access 2003. Im stuck and getting frustrated and was wondering if anyone would mind helping me.

What my Prof wants is a Access database with a form to do the following

HE wants us to have menue with

5 sandwitch combinations
5 Side (combinations)
3 drink Combinations
2 desert combinations.

Ok he wants us to input 1 of each category as if we were ordering

then he wants us to order it and print out a Recipte with the following info.

Sub total
Total Purchase
How many Calories the entire order is.

Im attaching a .mdb file with what i have come up with but im not sure if its even going in the right direction. I would forever be in debt if someone would help me.

rename the wendys.txt in the zip file too wendys.mdb

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Please Help Me. With A Access Project.

Nov 27, 2005

mods could you please del this thread. thx

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Access DB Project

Feb 13, 2007

Hey guys,

I am a total NOOB when it comes to access....i am currently taking an access class at my college and its time for our first project. I really need help getting started cuz alot of the terminology is so new to me... I have been provided with a sheet of information and have to create a DB based on said information.

if anyone out there is feeling super generous with their time and is willing to help me through it...just to get me aim is NIPPONLIFE86.ive found that its getting everything going that is the hardest...especially when im creating a database not just inputing data.:confused:

thanks so much for your time guys!


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Access Project

Apr 3, 2007

Does Access database support muliple users on the same data update, if so how many. What will be the best way to avoid locking up a field when somebody else is trying to update a different field within the system. It run on server:

confused: .

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Need Help On Access Project I'm Doing...

Dec 2, 2004

am working on a Microsoft Access project for my computer tech class and I am stumped on a few things.

I have to do a payroll for all the employees on the project he gave us, I have to list their names, pay rate, and all tax rates when I put in another table. When I run the query and put all the requirements in the query and run it in datasheet view, it comes up with the employees name and every single type of payment and tax rates. So for IE, operations manager makes $18.75 a hour, but when I run the query it has 18.75, 15.00, etc for all the payrates given. How can I have it so just the pay rate and tax rate for just the person who is paid that??

I also have a Address book for all the workers. I need to group them by location of the stores(there are 3 store locations) and then sort the job location workers by last names, any help on how to do that??

I have the assignment scanned if anyone would want to see what all I have to do...

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Excel File Properties From MS Access

Jul 10, 2006

Hi Guys,
Does anyone know how i can get an excel file properties from Access. Thanks.

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Excel File Properties From MS Access

Jul 10, 2006

Hi Guys,
Does anyone know how i can get an excel file properties from Access. Thanks.

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Access 2007 Startup Properties

Dec 10, 2007


I'm trying to migrate an Access 2000 project to Access 2007. I want that the frontend doesn't look like Access. This means: no ribbons, no office button, no Quick Access Toolbar, no database panel. In 2K, this was rather simple, but in 2007 I only managed so far to get rid of the ribbon (by replacing it with a blank ribbon) and the navigation pane, but I can't figure out what to do to hide the Office button and the QAT.
Can anyone help me with this ?

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Access 2007 Startup Properties

Dec 10, 2007


I'm trying to migrate an Access 2000 project to Access 2007. I want that the frontend doesn't look like Access. This means: no ribbons, no office button, no Quick Access Toolbar, no database panel. In 2K, this was rather simple, but in 2007 I only managed so far to get rid of the ribbon (by replacing it with a blank ribbon) and the navigation pane, but I can't figure out what to do to hide the Office button and the QAT.
Can anyone help me with this ?

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Access *.ade Project Gets Disconnected

May 13, 2005

I've got an MS Access *.ade project as a front to an MS SQL Server 2000 database (both developed by myself)
From time to time *.ade project stops working properly and title of the main access window says "Project <Project name> (disconnected)"

I check the File -> Connection-> Data Link Properties and everything is o'key ('Test Successful') however on the 'Tables' tab there are still no tables shown, the title remains as 'disconnected' and form's data sources are not accessible

Nothing helps... any ideas?

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MS Access - Project Macro

Oct 7, 2005

I have recently made a database and through MS Development Tools have been able to bundle it with Access Runtime. We are using MSDE as a backend and when I install the 'package' created by MS Project on another computer it says that it cannot find the SQL Server database.

This will mean (i believe) I will have to write a macro to reference the external SQL database (MSDE)?

If anyone has knowledge of this or/ and can point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.


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MS Project Linked To Access

Nov 4, 2006

I have db which lists all the projects with related information in it. But also there is a MS project file which holds the milestones and everything else. Is it posible to have a subform which will be linked to a MS project file and will display only the portion which belongs to the project displayed on the main form?

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Access Project Issues

Nov 13, 2006

Hello All,

I have some questions about Access Projects. I recently converted an Access 2003 MDB to ADP, because I was having difficulty linking the tables to SQL after moving it to different servers. I wanted an easier way to make the database portable. ie distribute the Front End to clients with different servers.

I converted all the queries to SQL Views, and got the code to work. However there are still a few thing that are not working as they should. I'll list them to make it clearer.

1. First off, how can I (is there a way to) distribute the ADE file to a client with a different SQL Server and Database Name, without displaying a Connection Error when they first open it? It looks for the old server. I know after they set the Connection, it works fine, but that error is annoying.

2. <FormName>.Recordset.Find doesn't seem to work anymore. When I try to Open a form and do a Find to place it on a Record, it doesn't work. Any idea why this is?

3. <FormName>.Recordset.AddNew acts weird. It doesn't add the record at the bottom, but instead, 2nd to last. Also, it doesn't fill in the default values as it should. Any idea's on this?

It seems there are bugs in the way Access forms deal with SQL tables in Projects. The funny thing is this all worked fine with the MDB, while Linking the tables to SQL using ODBC.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Access Good For A Project?

Mar 5, 2007

Hello for one of my System Development Methodiology classes I have to develop something that will keep track of several projects that a local hospital has going on. We are to develop this in access and it should be able to show how far till completion a project is and several people should be able to update the database.

I usually do not use access and do not know much about it but is an access database able to be updated simultaneously and remotely? If so were could I be directed to find out more about.

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Access Project Syntax?

Oct 28, 2007

I have a small MsAccess application as a mdb file and I have a many
querys that use some field in a form as a condition.
For example: Forms![formx]![fieldx] is a condition for query's field.
I have upsized my access application (mdb) to access project and theese
querys does not work anymore. What I need to write in a access project query instead "Forms![formx]![fieldx]" ???


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Access Project Queries

Dec 16, 2007

I'm trying to modify a query in project but I get this Error and not sure where or how to fix this problem. I've been searching Microsoft Web Site.

You have connected to a version of SQL Server later than SQL Server 2000. The version of Visual Studio or Access that you are using was released before the version of SQL Server to which you are connected. For this reason, you might encounter problems.

Please help!!!

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MS Access Project, Subforms, ADO

Feb 20, 2006

Not sure if this has been discussed already, forum searches yielded no results:

I have an mdb that I have ported to SQL server.
I would like to continue using Access as the front-end, and have begun to re-write the GUI using ADO.
While it seems that most operations can be replicated using ADO, I am having trouble with subforms, especially those where the users currently enter more records i.e. inputting order lines which correspond to a single order record.
(They enter the order line records into a subform setup as a datasheet).

So far, I have been able to create a form accesing the "Orders" table, and a subform accessing the "OrderLines" table, however, the orderl lines appear as read-only and no input is allowed (the usual 'empty' record is not present).

Can anyone advise me on how to proceed?

I would like to retain the simple method of entering order lines into the datasheet as the users are familiar with it, but if there's a better way or only certain methods are allowed, I'd like to know.

Thank you.

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MS Access Project, Subforms, ADO

Feb 20, 2006

Not sure if this has been discussed already, forum searches yielded no results:

I have an mdb that I have ported to SQL server.
I would like to continue using Access as the front-end, and have begun to re-write the GUI using ADO.
While it seems that most operations can be replicated using ADO, I am having trouble with subforms, especially those where the users currently enter more records i.e. inputting order lines which correspond to a single order record.
(They enter the order line records into a subform setup as a datasheet).

So far, I have been able to create a form accesing the "Orders" table, and a subform accessing the "OrderLines" table, however, the orderl lines appear as read-only and no input is allowed (the usual 'empty' record is not present).

Can anyone advise me on how to proceed?

I would like to retain the simple method of entering order lines into the datasheet as the users are familiar with it, but if there's a better way or only certain methods are allowed, I'd like to know.

Thank you.

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Importing MS Project Data Into Access

Sep 28, 2005

Does anyone know how to import Microsoft Project data into an Access database?

I am looking to use "high level" MS Project schedule data as input to a new Access application that I am currently designing. Is this even possible?

Any help or links to more information is GREATLY appreciated!


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