Access Report Issue...

Nov 2, 2004

I'm a little flummoxed by this... I have a report where I need to add up people's time according to the "class" of time. Currently, I have one field for "Hours" (Numeric) and one field for "Class" (also numeric).

I am able to get a grand total of "hours" - but I need to be able to do a kind of "if, then" addition.

For all records on that page, I need to do:
Class 1 - Total hours
Class 2 - Total hours
Class 3 - Total hours
Grand Total hours.

I can't find anything useful in the online help - other than to get the "Grand total."
Does anyone have any suggestions for me, or perhaps a sample they've done with a similar function?

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Does MS Access Report Support Hide/Show Fields At The Report View Time?

Aug 19, 2007

Does the MS Access Report support Hide/Show specific fields according to parameters or even by click?

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General :: How To Make A Report Using Crystal Report Direct From MS Access Form

Jun 3, 2014

I'v looking for since a couple months a go to make a report direct from access form using crystal report but i havent found it yet. I'v tried this code and its giving me errors. " run time error 1004 method range of object _global failed "

how to make a report using crystal report direct from ms access as front end application ? is it possible to use crystal report ?btw i use database sql server 2008 and MS Access 2007 as my frontend's the code that i'v found and gives me an error

Dim CR As New CRAXDRT.Application
Dim rep As CRAXDRT.Report
Set rep = CR.OpenReport(Range(" ??? ")) * i getting error in this line, what should i do to fill it ??
rep.ParameterFields(1).AddCurrentValue "Boston"
rep.ParameterFields(2).AddCurrentValue "Cars"
rep.Database.Tables(1).SetLogOnInfo "tool", "db_tsel"
rep.PrintOut promptUser:=False, numberOfCopy:=1 ' promptUser:=True doesn't work

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MS Access Report To PDF

Jun 7, 2005

Hello all, I am trying to accomplish the following; I have a MS Access Form ( MS Access 2002) which has a botton used to send an email based on the current record on the form and I want to do two things at the same time if possible,

I want that when the user click on the "SEND EMAIL" botton, the system generates the email with the report as a PDF format. Right now I can generate the email using the following code;

Private Sub Email_Report_of_Current_Record__s__Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Email_Report_of_Current_Record__s__Click

Dim strReportName As String
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim stDocName As String

strReportName = "rpt_My_Report"
strCriteria = "='" & Me![BusOwner] & "'"
stDocName = "rpt_My_Report"

DoCmd.OpenReport strReportName, acViewPreview, , strCriteria
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, stDocName, , strCriteria, , , "EMAIL SUBJECT", "EMAIL MSG"

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Email_Report_of_Current_Record__s__

End Sub

However, I cannot seem to be able to

[B]1.) send the report as a pdf file
2.) include another attachment within the same code so that everything happens at once. (like an instruction's document)

I know how to print to a PDF printer and how to attach a file in an email, but the purpose of automating is to have as few keystroke as possible and program the system to do what you what to do specially when you need to repeat the process over 100 times.


P.S. I have seen some suggestions, but some do not work with Access 2002, others want you to buy Acrobat Wrtier and some have to be done through a module rather than embeding the code within a FORM botton.

My email is if you care to discuss any further. :D

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Help With The Access Report

Aug 14, 2006


I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me here. In the report, when there is no data, the "error" comes out on every fields. My question is

For example in a table called student
studID FirstName LastName Address Course
1000 Michael Fox 34 Phillips st Science
1002 Huge Gret 23 Pounted rd Science
1003 Benjamin Meyer 1 Canterbury rd Science

Assuming there is a form that has a listbox that shows a list of students information and a button for viewing their details. When user wants to see studID 1000, all he does is select the studID 1000 and click button "view". A report shows up with all the details of the 1000 student ID. It has no problem printing the result with studID: 1002 and 1003. But when he want to see the studID 1001, in the report,

studID: Error
FirstName: Error
LastName: Error

My question is if it's possible for me in the report to be able to know the linkcriteria so that i know that the user selected studID 1001. Because i have tried to figure out what the selected studID was but all i got is the "error" eventhough there is a value for studID in the case of 1001. Is this possible or something that is beyond our control? All I need to be able to work out is what studID is selected in the event of nodata.

I hope i can explain it well.

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Saving Report In Access 97

Apr 6, 2006

Thanks for the help so far...

I have managed to export areport to file but I lose all the formatting. I get the option to output as html, xls, txt, rtf or snapshot format.

Is there a way I can output the file whilst maintaining the look of the report as it is in print/preview??


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How To Access The Previous Row In A Report.

Oct 5, 2004

I have a specific requirement wherein one of the columns of the report should retain its previous value based on some creteria. so please tell me what should be the control source for this column. In other words, how can I access the previous record of a particular column.

Any help is most welcome!

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Access XP 2002 - Report HELP!

Oct 7, 2004

G'Day all,

I am trying to build a database for my share trading and am having trouble doing some calculations in a Report.

In the Detail section of the Report I do this calculation:
=IIf([LVR]="0","0",((([Units]-([Margin Amount]/[Unit Price (o)]))*[Close Price (c)])/(1-[LVR]))+(([Margin Amount]/[Unit Price (o)])*([Close Price (c)]-[Unit Price (o)])/(1-[LVR])))

This calc is done on all my open trades and it returns the answer i want which looks like:

Margin Calculations

Open Trades

ASXCodeCurrent ValueMargin Available






Total Margin Available:$5.00

Inthe report footer i attempt to sum the answers this calculation returns using the Expresion:
to get Total Margin Available.

Margin is the name of the field that contains the above calculation and when I try to veiw the report it prompts me to enter a parameter for Margin? I would have thought no parameter is required as all I am asking it to do is sum the numbers the calculation is churning out, however if i enter a value ie 1 Total Margin Available totals the number of records and multiplies it by the value i entered as you can see in the above example ($5.00).

How can I get the sum to work?


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Problem With Access Report

Jul 17, 2005

I do a report in ACCESS 2000. In the footer of the report I have 3 fields and the number that appears in each one is calculated in the code of the report. When I preview the report all the numbers are correct, but when I print the report all the numbers in those fields are doubled. I have put the code in both Format and Print, but still the same problem. I would appreciate any hints to solve the problem.

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Access Report W/ One-to-many Relationship

Aug 22, 2004


Hope someone out there can help me with this.

I have a CITY table. Each city can have 1, 2, 3, or 4 technicians.

The TECH table contains (up to 7) phone #s for each technician.

I need to produce a report that displays the phone #s in a matrix type arrangement per city, some thing like:

CITY1 TECH1 Phone1 Phone2 Phone3 Phone4 Phone5 etc.
TECH2 Phone1 Phone2 Phone3 Phone4 Phone5 etc.
TECH3 Phone1 Phone2 Phone3 Phone4 Phone5 etc.

CITY2 TECH1 Phone1 Phone2 Phone3 Phone4 Phone5 etc.
TECH2 Phone1 Phone2 Phone3 Phone4 Phone5 etc.
TECH3 Phone1 Phone2 Phone3 Phone4 Phone5 etc.

Any ideas?


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MS Access Email Report

Oct 7, 2003


I would like to ask a question regarding MS Access reports. I used the following code to email the report created in Access.

DoCmd.SendObject [ObjectType],[ObjectName],[OutputFormat],[To],[CC],[BCC],[Subject],[MessageText],[EditMessage],[TemplateFile]

I send a report in an email in rich text format and it works. But when you open the report there is no image, lines or rectangles. The format is ok but image on top of the report and lines are missing which I used for column captions. If anyone know how to handle this problem, I will really appreciate.



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Reports :: Sum In Access Report

Sep 9, 2013

I have a report generated by a query.

The query shows the total rent collected per property and the total expense per property. It then has a sum in it to work out the total profit - SUM(rent collected - expense paid.).

This works fine and the report works fine. But i want to add the totals in the bottom of the report.

So i have three unbound text boxes, one for each column. And the control source is


these two work fine, but then i have tried to work out the total profit but can't get this working. If i do Sum([profi]) this doesn't generate the real profit as it just totals the profit column which might have negatives.

If i put in sum([txtTotalRentCollected]-[txtTotalExpensePaid]) then when running the report it prompts for the values of the text boxes - these are the names of the text boxes the totals are calculated in.

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Printing Report To PDF In Access

Oct 22, 2015

I have an Access Database installed on a server that is accessed remotely by numerous users. I have a button to print out a specific report. The problem is that in order for a user to print the report their print driver must be loaded on the server. Due to the number of users, and the numerous types of printers available, this is impractical. The current code on the button is currently:

Private Sub Command PrintReport Click()
Dim strWhere As String
strWhere ="[Property Number] = " & Me.[Property Number]
DoCmd.OpenReport "RESERVE REQUIREMENT REPORT", acViewNormal, ,strWhere
End Sub

I would like to know if there is some code that would send the report to PDF, so that any remote user could then print the report from PDF.

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Opening Access To A Specific Report

Mar 21, 2006

Is there any way to put a shortcut on someone's desktop that will open a specific report in an Access database? I'm thinking back to the days of DOS when one simply added an argument to the command. I don't want to put it in startup and have it always go to that report. I just want non-Access users to go right where they need to without menus, etc.


Thank you.

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Viewing A Report From An Access Page (web)

Dec 4, 2006

Viewing a report from an Access Webpage... I can not, unlike from a form, create a button to view a report. Is there anyway around this? Is there no functionality to display the report as an html page or so?

Sam W.

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Create A Ms Access Report Index

Jun 13, 2007

I am using MS Access 2000 to handle a help desk system. Each job is given a task number and users are able to output a report of all of there tasks, with full notes.

What I would like to do is create a index front page or section which lists just the task numbers and the page number they appear on.

Can this be done or is there somewhere to perform a search on a report?

Any help most appreciated.


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Access 97 - Error When Using Report Wizard

Jul 16, 2007

Hi all,

Using Access 97 :( to create a fairly simple database for a couple of users.

When setting up a report using the wizard, I am given an error message of "No Current record" when I try and Finish the wizard.

I have re-installed Access 97 - which I thought would have most definatly fixed the problem - but doesn't seem to have done the trick.

Any thought are welcome?

Thanks, Neil

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Help With Access Database Calcs. And Report

Jul 31, 2007

Hi everyone, I'm having an issue getting a database working, I've set up a form to enter the data but I'm having trouble getting the form to calculate GST (10% of initial value) from an initial value entered if a check box for GST required is selected and then adding the GST to the initial value to create a Total Value. If you have a look at where I've got too with it so far and the picture of how I need the data too be formatted.

Here is a link to where I'm at so far with the database:

And I have what the report needs to look like:

Thankyou very much for any assistance you provide.
jeremy_2640 @ (remove spaces)

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Access 2003 Report Problem

Nov 28, 2007

I wonder if anyone can help on this,
I have a database , primarily for my own use which I have put on a common drive as some else now needs to use it.
From My PC I can access all of the data etc on this copied database, but on the other PC I can't get at the reports.
They are showing as there but I cant even get them in design mode, let alone run them
I can access all the data in tables , design and run the queries but the reports are a complete no go.
Has anyone any ideas what is wrong because I am absolutely stumped.


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Access 2007 -Query Or Report

Dec 13, 2007

I have a youth soccer database and I have fields for the Father, Mother, Phone, Address and Parental Support (coaching, concessions, Organizational, etc). The Parental support fields are attached to yes-no checkboxes. What I want to do is run a report that generates a list of people that have indicated they are willing to help by checking any particular box, coach, asst, fund raising, etc what is the best way to handle this ??

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Moving Report In ODBC To New Access DB

Jun 7, 2006

I've moved tons of text files or Excel files into Access DB's but I need to take an ODBC report and put it into a table on a new Access DB. If I save the report as a text file I get boxes when I import it to the new DB. If I use Excel I have to make a new table each time. Can anyone suggest the simplest way to take an ODBC report and put it into an Access table. THanks

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MS Access 2003 Query/Report

Oct 23, 2007

Hi, I have a problem which should have a relatively simple solution, I just cannot find it.

Please accept my apologies if this is in the incorrect forum, I wasn't sure whether to place it in the 'Reports' forum but I figured that my question was to do with the results of a query so I put it in here.

I have a select query which gives me the following results:

Company_Name Staff_FirstName Staff_Surname Staff_DOB
ABC Ltd Joanne Robinson 08/12/1950
DEF Ltd Kevin Smith 25/04/1963
ABC Ltd Paul Jones 08/06/1947
DEF Ltd Lisa White 12/09/1965
.... .... .... ....
etc etc etc etc

Apologies for the layout of the above query, it doesn't look like this when I am editing my post :-)

The field 'Company_Name' comes from the table 'tblCompany' and the fields 'Staff_FirstName', Staff_Surname' and Staff_DOB' come from the table 'tblStaff'.

I want to get a report for each company showing the company name and then underneath the details for each staff member for that particular company.

In the report footer I want to show number of companies and number of staff members overall.

How am I able to do this? I am using the count function on the report to count staff numbers, but I cannot get it to count the unique company name because of the data redundancy. Please remember that the 'CompanyID' field is hidden on the query, but this has no bearing on the data duplication.

I have thought about creating a query based on the above query and just select the 'CompanyID' and 'Company_Name' fields and then use the SELECT DISTINCT function and use the 'Count' feature on my report. This, however, would involve me having to have multiple Record Sources for my main report. I have also thought about creating a subreport on my main report and putting the RecordSource for the subreport as the new query and then somehow linking the two reports.

Thanks for any help it is much appreciated.

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Printing Sequence Of Access Report

Sep 6, 2004


I have 2 single-page Access reports. The first report has the following fields:
FirstName, LastName, StreetName, HomeNumber. The second report has the following fields:
MerchantA, MerchantB, MerchantC.

The data for the first report are taken from tblBuyers, the data for the second report are taken from tblMerchandise.

I need to print 2 copies of the first report and 4 copies of the second report for the first Buyer, then 2 copies of the first report and 4 copies of the second report for the second Buyer and so on. Can I help on this problem ?

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Numbered List In Access Report

Sep 21, 2004

I have a report listing all individuals within my database by their score. I need to select the top say 40 people from the list, instead of counting down 40 from the top how could I put a number beside each name? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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How Do You Access Recordsource Fields In VBA For A Report??

Oct 28, 2004

I have report in which I have to do some custom calculation in the detail section (using VBA) of the report. How do I access the fields provided by the report, which should come from the query or table fields of the query or table set in the recordsource property of the report in design view. I am able to access some of the fields but not others. Could someone explain to me how this is done.

thank you

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Some Vertical Decorations In Access Report

Nov 29, 2004

How are you lot doing.

Anyways this at first seemed not to be too hard however has become a bit of an issue.

I would like to have a vertical block with the color green in my report. This block should be
as long as the page itself, however I cannot get it to cover the whole page as it will stop when
the report runs out of data. Does anyone know a 'trick' that would force this box to be as big as
one page, without making the details section this large by default (I dont want only 1 record on a



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