Access Security Logon Help/Issues

Nov 4, 2005

:confused: :(
I think I am in the correct area of this forums, if I am not, please forgive me. Anyway, this is way over the top of my head and I need desperate help! Here goes…..I am finally finished exporting an Excel spreadsheet that contained over 6,000 entries into a continuous form in Access 2003, and before I move it to the shared drive, I have a few questions/concerns.

I work with a group of employees totaling 15. Out of the 15 of us, 4 will be issued editing rights, and the others read only rights and I will be the administrator/creator/owner of the database. Here are my concerns:

1. It is a MUST that the 4 with editing rights be able to work in the same form, (the form consists of daily updates i.e.: (purging, entering, deleting and fixing of data) in different areas of this form, and maybe at the same time?

2. In addition, will the 4 of us be able to save the updates entered separately, and have the most recent data which was entered updated for others to view? (I know in Excel we were able to do so).

3. Will the users with read only rights be able to fill out other forms in the database or should I assign some degree of editing rights?

4. Also, although rare, will there be a problem if all 15 employees are in the same database completing other forms at the same time?

5. We have a few employees who work from home and log into our system via Citrix. Will they have a problem logging into the database and completing the forms?

This is where I am TOTALLY CLUELESS and need help DESPERATELY!! Is there a step by step way of doing this? (please say yes! please say yes!) I am sure I will need to create a shortcut for all users and I will also need help on how to do that also. Currently, there is no user id or password set up for anyone of us since we have a specific shared drive designated for our group/department.

I welcome any suggestions you may have.


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Security Logon And Filtering Records

Feb 19, 2007

I have a database that I have secured by using Access 2003 user security. I need for the database to allow the user to login and once they have logged, to open a form and filter out only their open "tickets" - records.

How can I do this?

Thanks in advance.

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Change Logon Info At Running Time(using Ms Access)

Feb 28, 2007

hi there,
I'd like to ask the solution for my problem.
I made a new project using ms access 2003,crystal report 9, and visual studio 2005.

I just made a simple access dbase with 1 table(Table 1) and protected with password, o I forgot this table has 2 field(id and desc).
After that I made simple report that using DAO connectivity(save data with report option is disabled).

At last I made simple program(windows app) using visual studio 2005.
I put the CrystalReportViewer component, and these is the code :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace prj
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

private void crystalReportViewer1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\Report1.rpt";
crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo[0].ConnectionInfo.UserID = "Admin";
crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo[0].ConnectionInfo.Password = "12";
crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo[0].ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\db.mdb";
crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo[0].ConnectionInfo.ServerName = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\db.mdb";

and the problem is when I move the access database file to other location, the viewer shows a box to be confirmed by my UserID and password,
my question is how must I write in the program so that the box doesnt come out.


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Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Logon Failed When Select MS Access Database

Jun 13, 2012

I am getting the following error when connecting Crystal reports with MS Access.

Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer.
Logon failed.
Details: ADO Error Code: 0x
Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine
Description: Unspecified error

I have select following options in crystal report -> select OLEDB (ADO) , database name as filename.mdb , db type as Access.

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Advice For Security & Question On Built In Access Security

Mar 26, 2007

I've read and gone though quite a few of the scrips and examples for creating logins and security and i'm getting to the stage when i need to have good understanding of the different methods.

Some of the examples whilst create a user login do not really allow for security within the database whilst the build in security wizard would appear to offer that functionality.

I am thinking that I will use the Workgroup file and that method. My question is am i able to utilise the fact that if a person 'AdamA' logs onto the database which is built into the workgroup security file. am I then able to take 'AdamA' to populate a table which records actions by a user? (I can't seem to find any thread or book reference to doing this)

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User Logon Name Or ID

Feb 7, 2006

How can you get the user's logon name or ID?

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Logon Screen

Nov 28, 2006

Hi, i want to add security into my database, but i dont want to use the built-in workgroup security.

Is it possible to create a login screen that will allow different access rights depending on the username? If so can sum1 please help me with the code?

Cheers Guys :)

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Logon Password

May 8, 2007

Every time I open up access I get a logon box which asks for the admin password. This applies to any database project I open. I for the life of me can't figure out how it was turned on, but it still has the generic password associated with it(thank god).

I am trying to rid myself of having to type it in every single time I open up a database project. I have tried to delete it in the security section of tools and it won't allow me to delete the admin.

This is incredibly annoying because neither of the database projects requires a password, and I am not even the one that created the projects. I am merely a user.

Any suggestions on how to rid myself of this annoying problem?

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Major Logon Problem

Oct 7, 2006

I use MS Access a lot for my work but a few days ago when I opened Access it asked for a username and password. I didn't set anyway passwords so tried to log on using the username: admin and a blank password which didn't work. I have tried every username and password combination that I could have used but nothing seems to work.

Is there anyway for sorting this out so that I can use Access again?

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2007 Logon Screen?

Mar 8, 2007

This 2007 is driving me to drink.

Convert from 2003 to 2007 a few minor problems.

Did not save in a accdb and accde file format.

The users I had listed in wrkgroup did not come over. Ok no problem I will add them.

I located the users amd Permissions in 2007.

My question when I add the users and assign the permissions, will they get a log on screen like it did for 2003?

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Change Logon Password

Oct 18, 2005

Previously posted in General but got no response so decided to move to forms area.

I want to hide as many toolbar options/menus as I can on startup, so the user is very limited as to what they can do with the database.
I am using the multiuser logon option so each user has their own user name and password.
By hiding the menu, it also locks out the option to change their password.

I want to give users the ability to load the User and Group accounts/change logon screen only.

What I was thinking was calling this option from a command button on a form.
ie, Once clicked, it takes you to the generic Change Logon screen with the need for the menus to be enabled.

Can this be done?
If not, is there an alternative.



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Forms :: Fields Empty On Logon Form?

Jul 19, 2013

I have a logon form that always contains a value in the user name and password fields. How can I do it that these two fields are empty when the logon form is displayed? When I put this code in a program text12.value="" then it delete user name in database.

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Access Security Help

Apr 26, 2005

I am new to databases so please bare with me on my question.
I have two Access databases (db1 and db2). Db1 needs information from certain Db2 fields (i.e. first name, last name). So I created a link table to Db2. I also created a query with the fields that is needed but I want to restrict access to the other fields in Db2 so that the user only has access to certain fields in Db2 such as the first and last name. Is there a way to set security to fields only and restrict the user to have access to those fields? If so, would this prevent them from editing the query that I created and adding those restricted fields?

Thank you,


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Access Security

Jun 8, 2005

I have been successfully using, updating, and programming our Access mailing database for 5 years now. I have made a number of changes over the years to help it run more smoothly. Up until very recently, we were operating Access 2000 on an old computer using the Win98 OS. Guided by the Microsoft Access Security UberFAQ, I had set up user and group permissions such that regular users (my staff of about 8 people) could search, view, and print addresses, labels, and both Access and Word reports connected with the database, but could not make any significant changes to it. A user who was a member of the Admins group (user “Jen”, i.e. me!)) could basically change anything on the database; primarily I updated the addresses, instructions, and forms to maintain accuracy and improve the effectiveness of the system.

In order to insure against any computer crashes and to enable the ‘re-constituting’ of the database in the event we obtained a new computer, we backed-up all the database files onto the TSM backup system on the Mniversity mainframe.

After a long period of nursing along our old computer, my boss provided me with the funds to purchase a new one, which I did. The new system runs WinXP Pro, and is much faster and less prone to seizing. When we set up the new computer I restored the contents of the old computer onto a separate partition on the hard drive, and then copied all the database stuff onto its own little partition on the hard drive. As I expected, I had lost all the security settings in the restore – I had restored the database once before when we had to have the hard drive on our old computer re-imaged, so I knew what would happen. However, instead of resetting to a sort of neutral state in which the “Admin” user could do everything and I could start rebuilding the security from scratch (a lengthy but do-able process), I found myself in a very different situation.

When I open the mailing database, the system:
·does not ask for a password;
·automatically assumes I’m the “Admin” user;
When I open the Tools>Security>User & Group Accounts dialogue box, I discover that the “Admin” user is the only user and is a member of both the Admins and Users groups.

However, when I open the Tools>Security>User & Group Permissions dialogue box, I discover:
·the system will allow the “Admin” user (the only user on the system, now) to view the “Admin” user’s permissions;
·the system will not allow the “Admin” user to change the “Admin” user’s permissions because the “Admin” user does not have Administer permission;
·the “Admin” user is not allowed even to view the permissions of the Groups;
·The “Admin” user has no permissions checked;
·Given that a user’s permissions are the least restrictive of all the groups he/she belongs to, I think that means that the Admins group probably has nothing checked at all (but I can’t find out);
·The owner of all the database items (forms, reports, etc) is set to <Unknown>;

What this means in effect is that I can view the forms, I can view & print the reports so long as they are Access reports, and I can view and print the labels, but I cannot use Access to access (sorry for the pun) the Word reports which up until now have always worked just fine. I can get at the Word reports by manually finding them via the Windows folder system and opening them directly with Word. I cannot Read-Design or format anything. When I print the labels, the formatting is slightly off – it’s as though the system thinks the labels are just slightly vertically larger than they were, so every so often I have to pause printing and re-align the tractor feed to the top of a label, but this may be a result of the interaction of our OS upgrade from Win 98 to Win XP pro with our dot matrix label printer (cheap & effective!). I can’t check the label dimensions because (of course) as the “Admin” user, I have no permissions (grrrrr!). Perhaps most problematically, I cannot update the addresses in the database.

We’ve been limping along with this only-partially-functional-version of the database for about a month and a half now, because I’m also the Reception Supervisor as well as the resident database expert, and I had to train a whole bunch of new staff. We really need to update the database to do our big yearly catalogue mail-out and the University ITS helpdesk doesn’t have anyone with enough expertise to solve this problem. I’m hoping someone out here does!

I believe I have all the WIF info from the previously secured version of the database (pre-TSM-restore), as well as the Security Wizard report. I have the entire contents of the old computer hard drive in a separate partition on my new computer. I tried to write down everything that even seemed like it might be relevant/required should I run into a problem like this. I’m good with computers and have taught myself so pretty complex Access programming. However, I am now officially stumped, and I am throwing out this lifeline in hopes that someone can rescue me. Thank you all in advance for any help anyone can give me!

Jennifer Radford Gibson

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Access Security

Jul 29, 2005

is there a way to authenticate user using his/her network username
and password..........
i know i could get network user details
help will be appreciated

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Access Security

Nov 23, 2005


I have never used it, and have inherited one that does use it.... Now I know why I dont use it.

What is the short and simple explenation on:
How to Create a user + Password

What I am doing now is:
Creating the user (with a blank password) and assign the groups to which the user is to be assigned using the administrator account.
Then exit the DB & enter again using the new user + blank password.
Then Change the password for that user.

There must be something much easier... *sigh*


The Mailman

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Access Security

Dec 16, 2005

Ok Guys I now I have been exceedingly dumb, but I appear to have activated Access security (All I can think of is when I got into the wizard I clicked Finish instead of cancel) Now I am locked out of my database.

There appears to be a new db set up called security and a backup BAK file.

Is there anyway I can undo my foul up ? can I restore from the bak file? (if I can , how ?)

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I am feeling rather stupid at the moment.....


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Access Security

May 31, 2006

OK - I have just completed my first Access database for network use. It will be placed on the network presently. I have split it into front end and back end and everything seems to be working fine.

The database contains five major areas. Each has tables, forms, queries, macros and reports. There will be seven user groups. Some have access to everything, some have access to almost everything with read only in the remaining areas and some have read only to some and no access to the rest. My question:
If I wish to give full access to an area, do I have to go through everything in that area (table, forms, queries, macros and reports) to give access or is there an easier way.

If I'm being obtuse, please reccommend come reading.

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MS Access Security

Aug 18, 2006

I have managed to avoid MS Access security till now! I have seen all the scare stories, and all of the problems people seem to have with it.

So I have been reading up on it within this site, (Is the site crabby today or is it just me?)

From this post ( I found the following code:

MsgBox "Current User = " & CurrentUser

I ran it in a blank database on my machine and discovered that I am logged in as "Admin". I have always avoided access security, so my assumption is that access security is always running, everyone is automatically logged in as admin, with a blank password Therefore no one needs to enter password.

Is this assumption correct?

That is my first question! there are more....

Cheers Tony

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Security In Access

Nov 27, 2006


I have the above security settings in place for the account shown, this user should only be able to Read the Database, how is it possible that they are able to edit the database?

Any security suggestions will be appreciated


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Access Security

Jan 18, 2007

Looking at the security process of ms access it seems easy enough to impliment, but as an novice user, I have felt really miserable with it all. Sometimes it ends up that the security.mdm file just dissapears and sometimes my users created are no where to be seen. Please help, i'd really be thankful if someone can put forward the exact procedure of setting up users and permissions in the database.


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Access Security

Jan 28, 2005

I plan to implement some form of security to prevent potential vandals or enthusiasts from gaining access to backoffice objects in Access 2000. So far, I am thinking of group/user level security, and/or create a .mde. If any one of these methods would accomplish the task without the other, I would rather use the one.

Do I need both? What do you recommend?

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Security MS Access

Jan 13, 2005

How do you set up a security code in Access?

I want that everyone can open the DB and make changes in tables and querys. But that they can't change layout of this tables, forms and reports. It must also be impossible to see the VB code and the Macros.


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MS Access Log In And Security

Nov 2, 2004

Hi there,

I have a database which I created for usage of all company people. There is a main menu form which directs users to their own log in form with passwords. The users can only access the form.But as administrator, I want to have full access to the database. How can I manage it?

A second problem is I want to take a precaution for people opening the database by using Shift key. I don`t want users to reach the tables or querys apart from the ones I created for them.
Thanks in advance,

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Access Security

Dec 13, 2006

This seems to be a very common and frustrating problem all around, but here is my situation. I have a database that needs to be shared on a network, but it needs to be secured (with different users having different sets of permissions). I naturally tried the access workgroup user level security, however that doesn't secure other computers accessing the same database, so if anyone could help me find another solution, that would be great!
Thanks in advance.

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Access Security

May 14, 2007

I work in a small library. I want to put my catalog on a terminal in the library. My database is in ACCESS. Using only one terminal how do I keep patrons from clicking Start, Programs, going into ACCESS screwing around with may database and the data? Cab anyone tell me? What is the best book to read regarding this topic? Any help appreciated.


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