Access StartUp Problem

Jul 26, 2007

I have a problem where i unchecked the "allow built in toolbars" , "allow toolbar menu changes","allow full menus" and " allow default shortcut menus" from the TOOLS Menu item (STARTUP)
How do i get back all the menus to show when the application starts up?

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Access & Startup Settings

Apr 12, 2007

I have been looking all over for this function in MS Access 2007. Anyone have an knowlege on how to access the Startup section?

Thanks a bunch, :D


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VBA Code To Set The MS Access Startup

May 30, 2005

Hello to everyone!, Could I ask a help how could I possibly code MS Access Startup to set the MenuBar, ShortCut Menu, FormMenu, Special Keys to OFF to prevent user from using these keys when my application starts?

Thanks for your help...

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Microsoft Access Startup/Pop-up Questions

Jul 27, 2006

I have a database that will be used by a few users who are not very comfortable with Microsoft Access. I have a login screen and a introduction/splash popup. I was wondering if it is possible to bypass the Microsoft Access pop-ups that ask the user if they want to "block unsafe code.." or The security popup that says "This file may not be safe" so that the users go right to the login screen I created within the database. I am worried that there will be variations in answering/clicking these Microsoft Access questions thus causing a variety of complaints when trying to access the database. Thank you

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Access 2007 Startup Page

Sep 6, 2007

I've just moved my PC over to Office 2007. I have previously created an application in A2003 that consists of three databases which I move between frequently using command buttons running the following code to close the current one and open the new one:-

Private Sub Command14_Click()
Dim RegSet As New QwestLib.QRegistryFunctions
On Error GoTo Err_command14_Click

DoCmd.Close acForm, "client action", acSaveYes

Application.FollowHyperlink RegSet.sGetMAPRegistry(200)

Application.Quit acQuitSaveAll
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_command14_Click
End Sub

In 2003 this worked fine but we always had to enable macros on opening the new one. This is now not required as the application is "Trusted" but in A2007 every time a database opens the "Getting Started with MS Access" window opens.

Is there some way I can switch this off as it is unnecessary and time consuming.

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Access 2007 Startup Properties

Dec 10, 2007


I'm trying to migrate an Access 2000 project to Access 2007. I want that the frontend doesn't look like Access. This means: no ribbons, no office button, no Quick Access Toolbar, no database panel. In 2K, this was rather simple, but in 2007 I only managed so far to get rid of the ribbon (by replacing it with a blank ribbon) and the navigation pane, but I can't figure out what to do to hide the Office button and the QAT.
Can anyone help me with this ?

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Access Startup Security Warnings

Mar 26, 2008

I thought I had this figured out, but apparently am still missing something...

When I start my DB, I get the default 'Security Warning' message every time asking if I want to cancel or continue... I thought this was an options setting under the Tools/Macro/Security setting. However, when I change this setting (default is Medium) to Low, exit Access and restart the DB I get the same warning message and the security setting is back to medium.

Am I in the right area to fix this? Why would my settings default back?


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Access 2007 Startup Properties

Dec 10, 2007


I'm trying to migrate an Access 2000 project to Access 2007. I want that the frontend doesn't look like Access. This means: no ribbons, no office button, no Quick Access Toolbar, no database panel. In 2K, this was rather simple, but in 2007 I only managed so far to get rid of the ribbon (by replacing it with a blank ribbon) and the navigation pane, but I can't figure out what to do to hide the Office button and the QAT.
Can anyone help me with this ?

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Load Form On Startup In Access 2007

Nov 27, 2006


Sorry if this is a really dumb question - I have just started using Access and I couldn't find the answer to this doing a forum search.

I have made a database consisting of a table and a form. All I want to do is get the form to appear automatically when the database is opened. I am using Access 2007.

Many thanks,


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Start Up MS Access From Vb And Bypass Startup Macro

Jun 14, 2012

I know that I can startup MS-Access manually and bypass the startup options, including any macro that is set to run automatically, by holding the Shift key down when launching the application. I have:

Public Sub AccessStuff()
Dim myaccess As New Access.Application
myaccess.OpenCurrentDatabase(" orfs006slsops_repts\_RS DevSOPSOP.MDB")
Dim db = myaccess.CurrentDb()
End Sub

which works nicely and opens the database just fine. However, this mdb has a startup macro defined in it. I can't hold down the Shift key since I'm doing this from a program. In this case, how can I bypass the startup macro?

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Reversing Startup Settings With Passworded Admin Access If Possible?

Mar 19, 2007

Thought I best ask this question BEFORE I run into trouble.

If I were to set my database to hide the database window and all menus on startup so that users can only do what I want them to do and not edit anything. How do I go about reversing this if I needed to edit something as I would not be able to see any of the regular menus?

It would be good if the solution involved some sort of admin password rather than a sneaky short cut that a user may accidently stumble across.

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How Can I Run MS Access Program Automatically From The Startup, Show It In Sys Tray

Jun 3, 2007

I developed a program. Would you please teach me how to run it automatically when the computer restarted, through the startup.

Plus this I want to let this program run through the system tray, and not shown in the the Taskbar, if this feature is provided by MS Access 2003


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Forms :: Access 2010 - Hide Menu On Startup?

Feb 4, 2015

Well, I made the move and am using Access 2010 now and I am running into a couple issues.

First off, I want to get rid of this menu on startup:

Not sure what it's called (ribbon, menu bar, etc). I am able to hide it using

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowHide
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo the OnLoad event, but this only works when running the opening form from the form list. When the form runs at startup the menus do not hide.

Also I would still like to have the file menu available because sometimes the user need to access the print menu to choose an alternate printer.

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Lost Menus In Access... No View Or Tools After I Messed With Tools/Startup

Dec 17, 2004

I wanted a Switchboard page in Access to open automatically when the database was opened. I've done that but, as I did it, while in the Tools/Startup to set Display Form Page (in this case a switchboard page but it's not opening full screen and I ow have no way of editing anything), I stupidly de-selected the options there...
Display database window, Display status bar, Allow built in tool bars allow toolbar/menu changes.

Now I have lost the tools Menu, the View Menu and others (where one sees, File, View etc at the top of the window) and I can't work out how to get them out. I can no longer view my Access pages in Design View so I can't amend the any pages.

Can anyone tell me how to get my View and Tools menus back on my Access app window?? It's a bit of an emergency... been up all night and have to hand this in as coursework at uni in about 3 hours and I've screwed up right at the end and can't do the last couple of things before putting it on a CD for my tutor to mark.


I'd also like to know how to get it to open the first form at full screen.


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How To Startup My Form Only Without Access's Default Form

Apr 19, 2006

I am trying to display only my form on startup.
Tools-Startup allows you to eliminate"Database window" default menu and toolbar but I can't eliminate "Microsoft Access" window.

I don't know if there are other settings that I am not aware of or there has to be code built.

Thanks in advance

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Apr 6, 2006

Hi i've been into Tools>Startup and remoed the menu etc.
Is there any way to retrieve these back.

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Startup Problem

May 24, 2005

I Have just split my database, and placed the front end (mde) on a number of client machines in a SBS environment

On starting the program, one of the machines displays the following error message

"There is an invalid use of the .(dot) or ! operator, or invalid parenthese"

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated



(PS the OS is Win XP and the machine is running Office XP Pro )

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Toolbars On Startup...

Aug 30, 2005

On my database, for startup, I had the toolbars taken away from the user. Is there a quick shortcut to pull them back up? I noticed that the 'Tools' option is gone.


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2002 Startup

Oct 18, 2005

I have a database (split) I developed using Access 2000 (Office Professional). I installed it in a lap top that has Office Prosessional 2002 and am encountering several problems: 1) The shift-key bypass does not work; 2) My application uses an access wizzard switchboard. With the lap top, when I open a form from the switch board and subsequently close it, Access closes; 3) When I just open Access in the lap top, I get none of the standard tool bars. (I don't know if I caused this). This has to be something obvious that I just cannot see. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Startup With Security

Dec 5, 2005


I setup 2 users security.

I want to setup startup page for 2 users, but different startup page.

I want to setup one startup page for user 1
I want to setup another startup page for user 2.

How can i make that? Because there is one option to fix the startup page.


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Startup Problem

Apr 20, 2006


I've created a new database, and unticked the options in Startup which mean the various menus at the top are hidden - and I don't know the keyboard commands to get them back :S

Daft mistake, I know!

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Startup Issues! Need Help!

May 25, 2006

I created a database and put some time into it at work here. I am sure this is a simple fix but I need to know how to get my tools back at the top of access. :(

What I did was open startup, unselected all the features that locks the database user out from changing settings and just using the switchboard and forms. Well, I cant figure out how to get into the file and change it all around now. :eek:

I am using access 97 at work now so please respond asap with an answer about how to get to change my tables, forms, and use tools again...:confused:

Thanks. :)

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What Is The Startup Modules?

Aug 7, 2006

Sorry I have to ask such a simple question. I haven't worked on Access for over 10 years.

How do I find out which modules is the startup? Thanks.


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Startup Menu

May 21, 2007

I craeted a startup menu and unchecked all the backend functions - now I cant getinto design view - what should I do?

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Startup Issue

May 28, 2007

Here is something I hope someone can help with. I have mostly completed my Access program. I was toying around with the startup options and I selected not to have my toolbars in the startup in fear that other employees at work could mess up the program. Now I would like to tweet my database and add to it but have no toolbars to make any changes or add new form or anything. Is there a way to now change my startup options back to normal and get back my toolbars or do I have to re-create the complete database? Help please!!!!

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Get Rid Of Startup Dialog?

Aug 10, 2007

How do I get rid of the start up dialog? The boxes which pop up and say "Security warning, Unsafe expressions not blocked" and the other that says "warning this document may not be safe blah blah blah".

Thank you for the help :)

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