Access Table, Fileds And Attributes's Names

Jun 30, 2005


Recently I have started working for one of the company where I have to deal with one of the access file. this file has lots of tables containing many fields.

My question is

How can I get all the tables name, their fields and attributes in Microsoft Word file. I have tried opening table > design view and copy text but it doesn't work. also tries coping table and paste in in word file but it takes ages

any suggestion will be helpful

Thank you

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Storing Attributes Derived From Other Attributes

Nov 2, 2004

I want to create an attribute called "order_line_price", which is basically the quantity field * the cost per product.

I have written the following SQL query which works fine:

SELECT Order_line.order_number, Order_line.product_number, product_name, quantity, (quantity*price) AS [Order line price]
FROM (Order_line INNER JOIN Product ON Order_line.product_number=Product.product_number) INNER JOIN Price_band ON Product.price_band=Price_band.price_band;

I can create a table from this query, and all is ok. However, I want to store the value of each order_line_price next in its appropriate row in my Order_line table. I cant do this no matter what I try. I know that what im trying to do is store a derived coloumn, however I need to do it, because I have an attribute elsewhere which is the SUM(order_line_price), which I want to limit by specifying the order_number for which to add the order_line_prices up for.

So basically, how can I store a derived column like that? I guess I need to set something up in the default value property and lock the coloumn or something?

Ive posted here before, and havent had replys. So if your reading this and dont know the answer, but do know the link to a forum or chat room with speedier replies, please post the link.


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Entering Formula Into Access Fileds

Apr 24, 2007

I am completely new to Access, so thanks to anyone who does not think my questions are dumb :)
Ok, say for example I have a table that has my income information and my tax rate and I want to compute the income tax I need to pay by simply modifying total income with tax rate, how should I do it? there does not seem to be a function like formular bar in Excel in Access.

Thanks a lot!


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Modules & VBA :: Search Table With Attributes - Extracting HTML Values

Oct 3, 2013

I have a table in msaccess which i would like to use as a search term to search values in another table. What i wanted to do is search the table with attributes and save all found attributes to a new table with its primary id.

Id ---- Search_keyword
1 ----- Size - S
2 ----- Size - M
3 ----- Size - L
4 ----- Size - XL

Table to be searched

Id ----- Attributes
1 ----- <select name="attribute" id="attribute"><option value="Size - M">Size - M</option><option value="Size - L">Size - L</option></select>
2 ----- <select name="attribute" id="attribute"><option value="Size - S">Size - S</option><option value="Size - M">Size - M</option><option value="Size - L">Size - L</option></select>

Saved table results
Id ---- Attributes_found
1 ---- Size - M
1 ---- Size - L
2 ---- Size - S
2 ---- Size - M
2 ---- Size - L

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Access Field And Table Names

Jun 30, 2005


Recently I have started working for one of the company where I have to deal with one of the access file. this file has lots of tables containing many fields.

My question is

How can I get all the tables name, their fields and attributes in Microsoft Word file. I have tried opening table > design view and copy text but it doesn't work. also tries coping table and paste in in word file but it takes ages

any suggestion will be helpful

Thank you

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Query: Access Macros, Autodeleting Rows And Updating Table Names

Oct 11, 2007

I'm a bit in over my head. Unfamiliar with Access macros, I need to write a bunch of them for work, and soon. Unixen I can deal with, largely undocumented convoluted Access macros are something else....

My current problem is: I have a table. The first column has a value in it for almost every row. However, there are six other columns after it. I need to write a macro to automatically delete all of the rows that don't have data in the last six columns. Microsoft Help is, as always, of zero use. The FindRecord feature allows me to use expressions to search, but of course, the help fails to tell me what syntax Access uses.

Oh, and it asks me to select a table from the drop-down list. Can I use wildcards here? Is there a way to get it to automatically open the newest table, or will we have to change the macro accordingly each month?

Most tutorials/guides I'm Googling rather brilliantly repeat the same things the help does, AKA, are useless. (Why do they bother writing them if you're not giving new information...?)

I'd ask about the other various access questions I have, but I can pick them up as I go, this is the most pressing question.

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How Combine Two Fileds?

Dec 14, 2007


I am using SQL Server 2005

I try this

select firstname & lastname, id from list

I get error,it seems '&' is wrong.

Please let me know how to combine the two fields



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Help: Maximum Of Four Fileds - How?

Apr 21, 2008

How do you find the maximum of four fields in each record of a query. Say (for example) you have daily records of the rainfall across four cities, where the cities are the fields in the query. how do you write an extra calculated field to the query that shows the max. rainfall across the fields on a paticular day.

Many thanks if you can help

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Name Change Of Tables, Forms, Fileds Etc.

Apr 21, 2006

A few years back I saw a program which helped with database changes. I want to change names of fields and tables, queries etc. in a rather complex database. Does anybody know where I can get this tool or program to run through the database and change it in all corners and crevices on a search and replace basis?


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Validation Rules For Multiple Fileds

Nov 15, 2004

hello, i am super duper new... and am working on a school assignment for weeks! its due tomorrow but i cant get this one rule to work... please help if you can!!
Basically I am trying to add a validation rule to a field refering to a different field in a different table.
Both fields are Date/Time type
I am new.. and not as advanced as some of you.... so maybe walk me through it?? i have spend many hours trying to figure it out~ thanks

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Derrived Attributes

Feb 19, 2006

I have a tbble with attributes


At the moment i'm sotring the 'image_date' as an OLE object datatype. Is there anyway that i can get access to automatically populate the attributes 'resolution', 'created' and 'file_size'? or could this be done using a different datatype for the 'image_data' itself?

PLEASE help, it would be SOOO much appreciated.



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Updating A Current Form ( Visable Fileds )

Apr 30, 2006

Hi I have a forrm (Orders) , with a subform (Order Details)

Depending on a selection of a list field it makes certain field visible in the subform.

If I go the next record and select the list field it updates fields in the subform ( Visible ( True or False )

But if I go back to the previousl record it doesnt update the fields that are relavent to the option picked in the List Filed ( Which I have set to after update ). It works fine if I re-select the option in the list field

How do I set it to update the subform field automatically as I scroll through records?

I tried OnCurrent property but I dont think this is the correct one.

please help

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Export Tables With Their Attributes

Aug 13, 2006


I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me here. I was trying to write up a technical report for the Access database i built. Are there an easy way of exporting all the tables with their attributes in Access?

For example, in the student table,

Thank you in advance

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How To Set Print Attributes For The Relationship Viewer

Jun 29, 2006

I have a DB with about 50 tables. I have arranged them in a particular order in the relationship viewer and would like to print out as much of the viewer as I can by choosing the paper size and/or setting a scale factor. Access does not appear to let one do either. When looking at the relationship page, the 'page setup' under File ->Pagesetup is grayed out. Selecting 'print' causes the relationships to be printed in some sort of predefined manner, on 81/2x11 pages. Is there anyway to control how this view is printed?

On a related note: When in the relationship viewer, the only way to scroll the view is by the margin slider bars (the mouse wheel does not work). SHould the mouse wheel do the verticle scrolling? Also, if I want to move two or more tables (at the same time) in this view, how can I select them?


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Changing Field Attributes In Code

Jan 24, 2007

I know that I can use an Alter Table query to add table fields from code.

But what if I just want to change a field from being Required or Not Required, or perhaps change the field width of a text field?

How do I do that from VBA?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Adjust File Attributes

Jul 9, 2013

Below is code to adjust file attributes.

Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim path As String = "c: empMyTest.txt"
' Create the file if it exists.
If File.Exists(path) = False Then

[Code] .....

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Assigning Grouped Attributes To A Record

Sep 30, 2011

I'm creating a database of companies. Every company has at least one field of services they provide. There are three main groups which contain all the services (Let's say I have three tables).

What I need is to have a form/table (query?) where I can assign to a company any number of services from any group. Is it possible to do it in a form where I could simply add a service by choosing a group first and then a proper service, and then add more in the same way?

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Populate A List Box With Table Names & Table Data

Feb 27, 2008

I have 2 questions/problems:

1. I want to populate a list box with all the Tables Names in my Database using VBA.

2. I also want to create another List Box or Grid (or any thing that will show table data) that when i have select a Table Name (See above (1)) it will show all the data in that table in the List Box. Was thinking some kind of SQL using vba to populate the list box?

Any ideas or help will be much appreciated


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Tables :: Possible To Have The Field Names In Table Be Set By Values In Another Table?

Jul 27, 2014

Is it possible to have the field names in a table be set by the values in another table? The desire being that for a database used in various locations, the local variations could be changed in one table which would then propagate that change throughout all the forms, reports, tables etc.

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Access Field Names

Nov 2, 2004

I'm getting the following error :

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Description One LIKE '%flip%''.
/sbs/search_prods.asp, line 22

I know that it's becuase the field name is Access is "Description One" as opposed to "DescriptionOne" or "Description_One".

The problem is that I can't alter the actual DB table (it is part of another system that I'm attempting to integrate the site with). Is there anyway to write a query statement that will allow for field names to have spaces in them?


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Field Names Don't Match Names On Form

Nov 7, 2006

I have a form with several data fields on it. I also have a button on the form that allows the user to duplicate a record . The reason for this duplication is so that if there will be an additional client record for the same customer, but only one piece of data will need to be changed, it's easier to copy the record and then change the one field.

However, I am getting the following message:

"some of the field names you tried to paste don't match fieldnames on the form"

and then not all data in all fields gets duplicated.

I need to figure this out, but am going nuts with it. If anyone has an idea or two they'd care to toss my way, I would be happy.

Thanks one more time, in advance!!

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Reports :: Repeating Row Names And Column Names

Jan 17, 2014

How can I repeat column names and row names on multiple pages of the report ?

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Temporary Table Names

Aug 1, 2006

Hi there

I'm new to this so please be patient!

I have developed an Access database which produces financial reports based on a date range which the user specifys, taking the data from a SQL server. He chooses his dates and then runs a macro which creates the new tables, overwriting previous tables. Numerous financial reports run on these tables so I need to keep the table names the same.

The problem is that only one user can access the DB at anytime because the new user can't delete the other users table becuase it may be based on a different date range.

I'm open to suggestions but maybe what I need to so is create tables which are based on the user id when he logs in to the Access database so that he doesn't delete someone elses table. How can I do this please!!!???

Thanks in advance


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Renaming Table Names

Jan 4, 2008


Little question, hopefully not a big answer :)

i have four oracle db'ses mydb_db_test, mydb_db_production, mydb_db_develop

within access i have linked tables from the first one; let's say: mydb_db_test.tblOne, mydb_db_test.tblTwo

What i want to do is:
1) import the same tables from the other trhee db'ses
2) rename the table names by vba code
example: my_db_db_test.tblOne has to become tblOne
and when i switch from db (to for example the production), the tblOne has to be renamed originally (mydb_db_test.tblOne) and the other has to be renamed (so mydb_db_production.tblOne becomes tblOne).

Now the question which you probably ask me:
Why not by a connection string change...

Well, that's the problem, the linked tables are being set to readonly, and the property cannot be changed (at least, as far as i tried); so that's why i thought of this workaround. By linking all three databases, i also always have for those table the three connection strings, and by renaming them (i now do this manually) i always can pick the right connection.

Thanks in advance for the advise!

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Getting Column Names Of A Table

Jul 7, 2005

Hi All,

How to get the column names of a table through a query ? Is it possible in Ms-Access ?


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Get Column Names From Table

Feb 21, 2007

Can I do a select query in order to get all the column names from a certain table in access?

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