Access Version Upgrade

Mar 26, 2006


I'm recently starting a new job and one of my tasks is to clean up their Access 2000 database. After looking through it and realizing how much crap there is in it, I was thinking about starting a new one for them from scratch. I was wondering if there are any pros/cons to redeveloping the database in 2003 verses 2000. Its a pretty small company with usually about 6 people concurrently working on it throughout the day.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!!

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Minor Access Version Upgrade Is Breaking My Form

May 9, 2007

I have a date field on one of my forms that gets populated automatically when a new record is created. I also have a subform on the form that lists the tasks that still need to be accomplished this month.
Some problems have popped up as people got new computers with new versions of Access:

Access 2002(10.6501.6825) SP3 - No problems.
Access 2002(10.6771.6817) SP3 - The Date field isn't recognised on a new record (#Name?), but it's fine on the old records (displays date).
Access 2002(10.6771.6825) SP3 - The reminder subform is blank (white), as if it doesn't exist, but the date field works fine.

Any ideas why this might be/how to fix?

Thanks! This is really frustrating. If it didn't work for anyone, I would find a way to fix it, but because it works for some people, I don't know what to fix...

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Can I Upgrade Access 1.0 To The Latest Version Of Access?

Feb 16, 2006

HI, Im new to this, so I need some help if you can on the subject of upgrading a database created using access 1.0 to the latset version of access, can this be done ? Many Thanks

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Access Upgrade

Jul 4, 2005

I have an access db in a small lan (12 clients)
I want to make an upgrade and to go to an more powerfull tool than access
It is possible to do that easy with mysql sql server ........... or something else ?
Thank you

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Access Upgrade From 97 To 2003

May 25, 2005

Hi everyone,

I recently added a new page to an existing database in 97. All the previous pages run with a case number. I then upgraded to access 2003 and now the case numbers are out of snyc on the new page.

Can anyone help.

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Upgrade From Access 2000 To Access 2003 Problem

Jun 6, 2005

I upgraded a 2000 db to 2003 recently. When I ran the function below it gave me an error on the line in green. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Const FIRSTROW = 13

Dim wsp As Workspace, dbv As DAO.Database, tblResolve As DAO.Recordset
Dim tblVchs As DAO.Recordset, tblImpTmp As DAO.Recordset
Dim ObjXLApp As New Excel.Application
Dim FileToOpen As String, WhereCriteria As String, ImportTemp As String, tmpVch As String
Dim TotalDupes As Integer, TotalGood As Integer, TotalRejects As Integer
Dim TotalBlank As Integer, R As Integer, C As Integer
Dim BadSheet As Boolean, ImpFail As Boolean
Dim tmp, tmpType, tmpCtr, tmpRsn

If Forms![Import Block Vouchers]![Import Program] = "0" Then
MsgBox ("You must select a Program to load.")
ObjXLApp.Quit 'Exit from MS Excel
Exit Function
End If

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Access 2007 Upgrade Problem

Apr 27, 2007

Hi everyone,

I'm new here and I have a problem I cannot solve. I tried searching for ideas, but I could not find any help.

Here is my problem.

I have a database form used to scroll through records. I use the same form for searching. The user clicks a search button, I clear the form, they enter their search criteria (perhaps in multiple fields). Since upgrading to 2007, the clearing of the form takes many times longer than it did in 2003. I am using the following code to clear the form.

For Each Ctrl In form.Controls
If TypeOf Ctrl Is TextBox Then
Ctrl.ControlSource = ""
Ctrl.Value = ""
End If

This code executes instantly in 2003 and takes almost 1 minute in 2007. Any thoughts as to why this is so different in 2007?

If there is a different way I should be clearing the form, please let me know.

Thanks for your help.

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Access 2007 Upgrade Requirements

Jun 6, 2007

I've got Access 2000 and was wondering what I needed to upgrade to Access 2007. By this I mean, front page of manual, ID code, etc. And is it something I have to present at purchase or something that Microsoft validates online. Does anyone know?

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Upgrade From Access 2003 To Sql Server

Feb 25, 2005

We keep having our backend tables corrupt. We want to upgrade only the backend tables to SQL server. I don't even know where to start. What version of SQL server? I guess I find out if we have an existing licence in the company? Any help on this?

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Upgrade Access 97 Database To 2000

Jul 29, 2005

I've been having serious problems with my ASP scripts. Ok, for
the last week or so I’ve been working with you people and my
ISP to resolve this damn problem. Just last Monday, they told
me that it had been fixed. And it was true! I tried it and
everything once again worked fine. I made a dozen tests, and
everything worked fine. But when I tried it again two days
later, it's suddenly back to crashing again, the exact same
damn problem I was having before! I’m so frustrated I could
kill. I don’t think I did anything. Yes, my ASP code still works.
Yes, the HTML code still works. It’s when the code attempts
to open a *.mdb database it crashes.

Call up my demo script (then click "Reservation.") :
which will demonstrate the problem.

A newsgroup I work with writes: “This sometimes happens when you try to use the new MS Jet provider on a Access 97 database, upgrade your Access database to 2000, should work just fine.”

Ok, so how can I upgrade my Access database to 2000?

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Upgrade Access 2000 To 2003 Problem

Jun 13, 2007


At work I was just updated to access 2003. I am trying to update a data base that I created in access 2000. Whenever I try to open a data access page I get the following error. "The installer encountered an internal string error. Installation failed." I've updated the Web components and that seems to have gone ok. My IT people are at a loss.

Any suggestions?



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Ms Access 2003 Upgrade To SQL Server Backend

Aug 17, 2005

Is there an easy fast way to do this:
We are having problems upgrading to SQL server for only our backend tables. The problem is we have SQL reserved words that can only be used by SQL Server. There is a huge list I was given. I assume this applies to all objects, in our ms access database. Any suggestions on how to at least 'find' all of these at once? Or fix this easily? I know which tables would not upload ...but in looking through them I don't even see which reserved word is causing the issue???

Also..our front end application with stay Ms access 2003. Do I still need to update any reserved words in that or just the tables?

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Access Version

May 31, 2005


Will a database created in Win Xp using Access 2003 work on machine running Win 2000 Pro and Access 2000?


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What Version Of Access Do You Use?

Jul 16, 2005

Very General Question

What version of Access do you use?

And if you use Access 97, why do you choose to use that over that of Access 2000 or higher?

I am curious to find out the reasons.

As for me, I use Access 2003 all around.

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Access Version

Nov 23, 2005

how do i go about this

i'm unable to do any upgrade of this version of access on my machine running windows XP, it is only possible on a machine running windows 2000.

what do i need to do to be able to tweak reports and forms and stuff.


Happy thanksgivings

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Which Version Of Access To Use ?

Dec 17, 2006

Hello All

I have a database which is use at busy times to run the delivery side of our Floristry business. The orders are entered,assigned to a delivery area, address labels printed. When it comes to delivery day orders are selected from the list ticked off then printed a make a list for the driver.

It was built using Access 97 when it first came out. Since then the software was upgraded to Access 2000 many mods have been made each year to improve the performance and the number of things it can do. It now has about 15 tables and a lot of queries.
Not being an expert with Access a lot of the design has been on a trial and error basis. Put it another way the main form has many hidden fields to make things work behind the scenes. But it does most of what I want it to.
I have now go to the point where the main query is saying that I can't add any more features because I have to many fields in it.

So the time has come to look at re building it for a number of reasons.

1. It is a stand alone database on one Pc.......... I would like to have it on a network to 3 or 4 Pc's around the shop.
2. Some of it needs to be redesigned to take out my ( it might not be the way a designer would it but it does work) type bits.
3 I would like to be able to use the system for all orders received on a day to day basis. So it will need to be used by other people.

My question today is
Should I be looking to rebuilt it using Access 2003 + the extra software so that i can run it on more than one PC.

Or would it be better to wait few months till Acess 2007 comes out and start from scratch.



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MS Access Version

Feb 5, 2007

Here is a question.

I go to the menu bar, Help->About MS Access

It's shown Microsoft Access 2002 SP3

This is MS Access 2002 Version, right.

But, at the top it is shown (Access 2000 file format)

Why do I use 2000 file format in Access 2002 version?

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How To Tell What Version Of Access Is Being Used

May 12, 2015

I am trying to determine what version of Access is being used from a file that I obtained from a user. Everything I clicked on does not say what version of Access is being used. The extension name of the file is .MDB. The original version of the file I am accessing was created in 2001. Thus would you tell me how to verify what version of Access I am working with?

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Future Version Of Access

Oct 17, 2005

When will Access support the .Net framework?

Will Microsoft ever consider making another RAD program similar to Access that supports the .Net framework?

Just think of an IDE of a RAD program similar to Access that has a full set of toolbox items already built in .Net that supports all of the functions / options that Access currently supports in its forms, reporting etc. and have the ability to interface with all of the .Net database engines... :cool:

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A Look At The Next Version Of Access/Office

Oct 26, 2005

All of the session from PDC content is also available online to anyone, for free, for six full months. For more information, refer to this blog post There are a few sessions that are interesting from the Access perspective:

OFF307: “Access 12”: Developing Collaboration Solutions with “Access 12” and Windows SharePoint Services “v3”
Speaker: Clint Covington – Broad overview of many new features.

OFF201: “Office 12”: Introduction to the Programmable Customization Model for the “Office 12” User Experience (Part 1)
Speaker: Jensen Harris – explains the philosophy behind the new UI and the ribbon changes.

OFF302: “Office 12”: Developing with the Programmable Customization Model for the “Office 12” User Experience (Part 2)
Speaker: Savraj Dhanjal – explains how to customize the new UI.

OFF310: Windows SharePoint Services: Developing Collaboration and Tracking Applications
Speaker: Mike Morton – explains many of the changes to WSS that can be used while building Access applications with WSS link tables.

OFF417: Visual Studio Tools for Office “v3”: Creating Office Application Customizations
Speaker: Andrew Whitechapel – details around how to develop managed task panes and addins for Office including Access

OFF415: Windows SharePoint Services: Developing Custom Workflows
Speakers: George Hatoun; Pravin Indurkar – details about workflow that can be used while building applications with WSS. Access will have hooks for working with WSS workflow.

Last, if you don’t read the blog post, know that you can right-click on the speaker video, choose Play Speed, then Fast to watch the presentations at a higher speeds.


Clint Covington
Lead Program Manager, Access
Microsoft Corp.

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Access Version Problem

Sep 18, 2006

is there way to open access xp files in access 2000

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How To Run Version Compares Within MS Access? Help . . .

Feb 5, 2008

We recently experienced network issues here at work. Now I need to make sure the current version of the MS Access application is running. Is there a version compare component with MS Access? Does anyone have a recommendation on software that will work well with MS Access 2003?



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Access Version Of Transpose?

Feb 28, 2006


I've got two tables in Access. The first contains 300 column headers running from top to bottom, i.e:

First Name

The second table contains the corresponding data entries for 1000 customers running from left to right, i.e:

MR Trevor Smith ....
MRS Mary Jones ....

Ideally i'd like to append table 2 to the bottom ot table 1 so the correct data field is under the right column header but I can't do this. Is there a transpose style funtion in access which will mean I can convert table 1 to run from left to right instead of top to bottom?



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Access Version 1 Advice For Newbie !

Dec 26, 2006

Hi everyone,
I have a very old Access Database (version 1) which I need to open however I only have Access 2003.

Do I need to buy an old copy of Access or can I download it anywhere ?

P.S - IT is not my strong point so I hope it's simple...

Many thanks


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Using Access With SourceSafe - Version Control

Oct 7, 2004

I need to start doing some sort of version control with my Access development.

I have seen rumors that SourceSafe can work with Access. (I know you can store a db as a file in SourceSafe but I mean more detailed i.e. Objects )

Has anyone out there successfully used SourceSafe? If so how does one set it up?

Any other suggestions concerning Version Control.


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Opening An Mde File In A Newer Version Of Access

Apr 22, 2007

I have an mde database originally created in Access 2003. Will I be able to open it in Access 2007?

(I ask because this mde file was originally created in Access 2002, and wouldn't open in A03. We had to track down the creator and get her to resend a new mde file that was 03 compatible. Are we going to run into the same problem after the next upgrade?)

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