Access Constraint: Overlapping Dates

Sep 9, 2005


I have developed a small hotel booking system which inserts records into a reservations table. The table looks like this:

I am now trying to add a constraint which prevents a room from beeing booked twice on the same day, hence the time period defined by StartDate and EndDate in a record must not overlap with another record.
Is Access capable of adding such a constraint?
It was easy to add a constraint that prevents a booking where the StartDate is before the EndDate, but this one needs to reference already existing records.
Any help would be much appreciated.


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General :: How To Implement Query Into Table To Prevent Overlapping Dates

Jun 30, 2014

I'm creating an equipment hire database, and I was wondering how I would not permit overlaps of equipment hire ie. equipment being borrowed before it is returned. I have a query that lists all bookings that overlap, but I am unsure of how to implement this into the table to prevent overlaps.

The SQL for the query is as follows:

SELECT Bookings.[Booking ID], Bookings.[Instrument ID], Bookings.[Borrow Date], Bookings.[Return Date], Bookings_1.[Booking ID], Bookings_1.[Instrument ID], Bookings_1.[Borrow Date], Bookings_1.[Return Date], ([Bookings_1].[Borrow Date]>[Bookings].[Return Date]) Or ([Bookings_1].[Return Date]<[Bookings].[Borrow Date]) Or ([Bookings].[Instrument ID]<>[Bookings_1].[Instrument ID]) Or ([Bookings].[Booking ID]=[Bookings_1].[Booking ID])


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How To Add Constraint To Access Bounded Form.

Jun 26, 2005

Hi everybody .I created a bounded form that allows user to enter the following fields information
to the sql server db that is linked to access .The fields are: Projectno, taskcode, taskdiscription
and total hours worked.

I want for example when a user tries to enter total hours work for a user (Hours in hours worked table) and
if he did not already enter wages of the employee for that particular project (amount in hourly wages table)
that user get a massage prompt and ask user to enter amount in to hourly wages table first. Possibly opening that form.

I be happy if some one help me add this feature to my form. Thanks (table reletionships pic)

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Tables :: How To Make Constraint When Putting Records Into Access Table

Sep 29, 2014

I am developing a simple database for students to register courses using Microsoft Access 2010. I have 4 tables: Student, Register, Course, and Section (1 Course can have many Sections).

Then, there is a criteria that a student can only take up to 6 courses. Hence, may I know that where and how can I include this constraint? I believe that it should be in the Macro (Before Change) of the table Register...

My relationship is: Student -> Register <- Section <- Course

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Table Constraint

Feb 25, 2005

In Oracle, you can set up table constraints which constrain data accross mutliple attributes/fields. Can you do this in Access?

For example. I have:


I dont want to allow for the same product to be put on one order twice. Therefore, (orderNum,productNum) must be unique, but productNum is not a part of the primary key so it can be repeated in every row for all the database cares. :P

How can I set this up.

In Oracle I would do something like:

CONSTRAINT chk_prod CHECK UNIQUE (orderNum, productNum)

Thanks for any help.

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Drop Constraint Help

Sep 3, 2007

I have an Access 2002 database with a relationship between 2 tables I want to delete using VB code. I setup the relationship from within Access. Is there a way to find out the name of the relationship, if there is such a thing. The tables are: TableA.Id linking to TableB.BankAcctId with both cascade functions. What would the VB code look like? Something like ALTER TableB DROP CONSTRAINT ...

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Queries :: Access 2007 - Select All Dates Between Two Dates?

Apr 9, 2015

I have a table of records, which has within it two date fields (effectively, a 'start' and 'end' date for that particular record)

I now need to create a query to perform a calculation for each date between the 'start' date and the 'end' date

So the first step (as I see it anyway) is to try to create a query which will give me each date between the two reference dates, in the hope that I can then JOIN that onto another query to perform the necessary calculation for each of the returned dates.

Is there a way to do this?

So basically, if for a particular record, the 'start' date is 01-Apr-2015 and the 'end' date is 09-Apr-2015, can I produce a dataset of 9 records as follows :01-Apr-2015


(The *obvious* solution would be to create a separate table of dates, from which I could just SELECT DISTINCT <Date> Between #04/01/2015# And #04/09/2015# - but that seems like a dreadful waste of space, if that table is only required to generate the above? And it would have to cover all possible options; so it would either have to be massive, and contain every possible date - ever! - or maintained, adding new dates as necessary when they are required. Seems horribly inefficient!)

Is it possible to just select each date between the two reference dates? Or can you only query something which exists somewhere in a table?

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Problem With Check Constraint

Mar 13, 2005

I have a table with the following fields:


they are all set to lookup value lists:

format: tape; dvd
region: 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;pal;ntsc
rarity: 1;2;3;4;5

I have a check that makes sure (format, rarity, region) is unique.

It works fine until i set region to either "pal" or "ntsc", then I get the following error.

"Error 'Error evaluating CHECK constraint. ' in the validation rule."

I set up the constraint by going to table design view -> indexes -> created new index with each of the three fields listed one after another -> set to primary=no, unique=yes, ignore nulls=no.

Can anyone help me work out why im getting this problem?

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Overlapping Times

May 10, 2007

Here's a good one for the experts...

I have a query that sums downtime on equipment. The problem that I came across is that there can be multiple status items open up on the same piece of equipment. When the restored time on one status item occurs after the down time of another, the query still adds the total down time of both status items which is giving me greater downtime than there actually is.

Is there a workaround for this?


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Probleme Trapping Not Null Constraint

Jun 29, 2005

Hi guys i got a form and sub form. When i leave the field hours empty in the sub form and try to click on close or some where in the form i get this error:

MsgBox "Primary key violation", , "Explanation"

instead of

MsgBox "Violation of Not Null constraint", , "Explanation"

i want to trap not null error and prompt the user that he has to enter value for hours field but aparently it does not. i be happy if some one help me fix this error .Thanks

picture of form in action:

code for on error :

Code:Private Sub Form_Error(DataErr As Integer, Response As Integer)Select Case DataErr Case 3162 MsgBox "Violation of Not Null constraint", , "Explanation" Case 3146 MsgBox "Primary key violation", , "Explanation" Case 3155 MsgBox "Trigger violation: 'Wages of the employee in this project is not existed. You must enter data of hourly wage first'", , "Explanation" Case Else MsgBox "Other errors" End SelectEnd Sub

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How To Avoid From Overlapping Between Times Per Date

Jun 16, 2007


I need to know how to avoid from overlapping between times per date when the user is isernt a new data.

I thought to use dllookup function but it finds one result but if there is more than one result.

Date Ent Ext

1/1/2007 8:00 17:00
1/1/2007 9:00 16:00
1/1/2007 10:00 15:00

In this case there is overlapping and I need a code that avoiding this situation.


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Modules & VBA :: Overlapping Text In A Bookmark?

Nov 4, 2013

I send a picture (transparent png) from access 2010 to a word bookmark and would like to place it overlapping the text.

With wdDoc
.Bookmarks("Signature").Range.InlineShapes.AddPict ure "mysignature.png"
.Bookmarks("Signature").Range.InlineShapes.ShapeRa nge.WrapFormat.AllowOverlap = True

Sending the picture works fine but how can I define the overlapping as the second line does not work?

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Reports :: Overlapping Rows In Report?

Dec 23, 2014

I have a report whose fields are arranged in a table:

I need all fields to be able to grow in the event that there's more text than the box can hold, so I have all fields "Can Grow" property set to Yes.

However, when any of the top row fields (Field1, Field2, Field3) need to grow, the entire top row grow but the bottom row stays put and doesn't move down, which causes the top and bottom rows to overlap -- like below (look at ID # 4):

Green is the top row, Blue is bottom row:

how I can get the bottom row to move down when the top row grows?

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Error Checking For Table Fields Null Value Constraint

Aug 17, 2005

Hi all. I want to check for not null value constraint for all tables in database . I tried the following but when i run it i get the following error:

Compile error:
Invalid Next control variable reference

I be happy if some one one help me fix this error.if i remove the bold lines the program workes well but it does not put not null for table fileds that requries value.

picture of the output without the bold part

Code:Option Compare Database''This module displays field name and type in a massage boxFunction ShowFields(pTable As String) As StringDim db As DatabaseDim rs As RecordsetDim I As Integer''Dim j As IntegerDim n As Integer''Dim NL As StringDim strHold As String, ST As String''Dim x As Variant''NL = Chr(13) & Chr(10) ' Define newline.Set db = CurrentDbSet rs = db.OpenRecordset(pTable)n = rs.Fields.CountReDim x(n - 1, 1) As String'''ST = "Create Table " & pTable & vbCrLf''adding Create table and table name to statementST = "Create Table " & pTable & vbCrLf & "("For I = 0 To (n - 1)For Each fld In tbl.Fields ST = ST & rs.Fields(I).Name & " " & FieldType(rs.Fields(I).Type) & "," & vbCrLf If fld.Required = True Then ST = ST & " NOT NULL" & " " Else ST = ST End IfNext Irs.Closedb.CloseSet db = NothingShowFields = ST '' returns the fields name to main functionEnd Function

on click even code

Code: For Each T In db.TableDefs '''Skip the system tables If Left(T.Name, 4) <> "MSys" Then ''' this line determines the primary key of the table ''' by calling GetPk function from module pk = Left(GetPK(T, db), InStr(1, GetPK(T, db), "<-") - 1) cont = cont & ShowFields(T.Name) & vbCrLf & " primary key " & "(" & pk & ")" & vbCrLf & ")" & vbCrLf End If Next T ''' This line of code post the generated table statment to a massage box MsgBox cont

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Using Append Query To Add (overlapping Data) To Table

Sep 16, 2006

I have made several extractions from back ups from our ERP system using maketable querys. Each time when I renamed the table after running the maketable query. I now want to add them to create one big table showing the records which I extracted. I now found that each time when I extracted from my back up tapes there was a little overlap in time which gives me double entries when I use an append query to add them al together.

Is there a way to set parameters which filter our double entries and only adds the unique records to this table?

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Syntax Error In CONSTRAINT Clause In MAKE TABLE Query

Apr 6, 2008

Can anybody help me understand why I get the error
"Syntax error in CONSTRAINT clause"?

I get it in Access 2003 and Access 2007.
Both are clean installs with no add-ins

Running this code in VBA, or pasting the SQL directly in a query results in the same error.

Sub test()
sTableName = "Test"

sSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & sTableName & "_Config (" _
& "[idConfig] Int Primary Key," _
& "[Config] Memo," _
& "[Instrument] int," _
& "[Serial_No] Text(25)," _
& "[Firmware] int," _
& "[Orientation] int," _
& "[Sensors] int," _
& "[Sensor_Size] float," _
& "[Sensor_1_Distance] float)"


sSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & sTableName & "_Leader (" _
& "[idLeader] Int Primary Key," _
& "[idGroup] int," _
& "[idFile] int," _
& "[idConfig] int," _
& "[DateTime] DateTime," _
& "[Heading] float, [Pitch] float, [Roll] float," _
& "[Pressure] float, [Depth_BSL] float, [Height_ASB] float,"
& "[Min_Valid_Sensor] int, [Max_Valid_Sensor] int," _
& "[ASM_Bed_Level] float," _
& "CONSTRAINT [FK_Test_Leader_idConfig] FOREIGN KEY ([idConfig]) REFERENCES [Test_Config] ([idConfig]) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE" _
& ")"


End Sub

The first table is created just fine.
And if I leave the constraint clause out, the second table is created also.
If I try to run it as an SQL query right in Access, after the error is delivered, it highlights the word DELETE, and if I reverse the update and delete portions, it highlights the word UPDATE.

I have looked up the clause in Access help and even using their example, i get the same error.

Any help will surely be appreciated!

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Forms :: Combobox - Error Evaluating Check Constraint In The Validation Rule

Sep 22, 2014

Error: Error evaluating check constraint in the validation rule

What does this mean?

I have used a combo box in the table to input into 2 fields - one restricted to numbers 1 to 5 and the other restricted to letters A to E

Message comes up when I try to change the view or press submit. Does it have anything to do with the field type?

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Forms :: Caret Overlapping Text When Typing And Moving

Aug 20, 2014

I have an Access form that is tied to a recordset. When I Set Focus on 1 text box in particular, I move the caret with the keyboard arrows left-right, and the caret moves and flashes on top of the text characters, basically overlaps the character. When I then try to delete or edit the text, it moves the caret by itself to a different location in the text box and starts adding the text to that location. When I finally get the text how I want it, I set focus on another control, and it occasionally deletes random characters in the text box.

The only way I have been able to work around this is to copy and paste the current text into Notepad, edit it there, and then paste it back into the text box.

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Queries :: Overlapping Date Parameters - Dropping Data

Feb 24, 2014

I'm trying to create a report that pulls from two tables [tblTelephony] and [tblSales]. All data in my query is limited to a date range entered through a form.

For every record in [tblSales] (showing the agent made a sale) there is a record in [tblTelephony] (showing all the stats for the agent's day worked). [tblTelephony] has one date for each record. [tblSales] has two dates for each record. The sales dates are the date the services were ordered (matches the date worked in [tblTelephony]) and the date the services were installed.

In order to get an agent's MTD Sales stats I have to query the date range on Install dates. MTD Telephony stats are run on the same date range on telephony date. Where I run into an issue is with the sales that are ordered before the date range in question and installed during it.

I've run a separate query to sum the sales installed during the date range and used that sales value in my Telephony query. In order to get my data to show as accurately as possible, I had to create a relationship between the Order Date and the Telephony date. I'm really hoping to find a way to force the sum of sales in sales query to show in the sales column in the telephony query, regardless of the telephony date range and without adding telephony data for dates outside the range.

Date Range = 2/1/14 - 2/24/14
Telephony Date = 2/3/14
Order Date = 2/3/14
Install Date = 2/14/14
Appears on report

Date Range = 2/1/14 - 2/24/14
Telephony Date = 1/31/14
Order Date = 1/31/14
Install Date = 2/3/14
Does not appear on report

How to get the sale example on the bottom to show without removing the relationship?

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Freezing Header Of A Form In Overlapping Tabs Instead Of Tabbed Documents

Feb 16, 2015

I have a form (frmMain) which has a header with some basic links and text boxes I would like to keep as a frozen pane on top as the user are scrolling down the detail section of the form. The detail section does include a subform if that makes a difference (frmhome). When going to Options>Current Database> tabbed documents, the form header stays frozen perfectly.

I however would like to use "Overlapping windows" as the form center aligns in the Access window instead of left aligning when using "tabbed". So either :

1) how do I keep the header frozen in "overlapping" or
2) how do I center align the form in "tabbed" view, as right now the form just wants to go as far left as possible in the full Access window.

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Forms :: Mixing Forms Overlapping Windows And Tabbed Documents

May 22, 2015

Is there any way to mix together on a db based on tabbed documents some overlapped forms?

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Calculating Total Time But Excluding Overlapping Time

Aug 22, 2012

I have a database consisting of two tables. One is "articles" and the other is "tasks". To put it simply, I would like to find how much time the article spends in tasks, but one article can have many tasks, and they often (but not always) overlap. Tasks have a start and end date field.

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Access Dates

Aug 15, 2006

Can anyone tell me how to generate a query that shows the results for the 'Last 12 Months" based on a Date field?

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ASP, Access, And Future Dates

Oct 25, 2005

I'd like to create a recordset from an Access database that reads the 'Date' field and only selects dates in the past. That way I can enter info ahead of time, give it a date of a week from now, and know it won't show up on my pages until next week.

It should be simple, but what I have isn't working. Here is my code:

Query = "SELECT Id, Date, Info FROM OldNews WHERE DateDiff('d', Date, date()) <= 365 ORDER BY Date DESC"

It lists all the records that are 365 days old, but it still shows any future dates as well.

Does anyone have a better idea?


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Access Database Help With Dates

Jul 18, 2007

I have a database that includes dates in a table, and a form that I use to show items that are issued from a supply crib. The date is automatically input by the database. I have designed a report with all the data that I need. My problem is that I need to be able to print this report according to a specific start date and end date (which is usually a 7-day period), and I can't seem to get this accomplished. Could someone please guide me in the direction that I need to go? I have a query designed, but I don't know how to apply the query to my report. For example, upon opening my report, I need it to ask me for a start date and an end date, and print the report according to the dates that I input. At the present time, the report won't ask me for these dates. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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How To Round Down Dates In Access

Aug 4, 2015

I have is rounding down dates in Access. I seem to be having trouble with the equation I built below:

Months Remaining: IIf(Date()<[Anniversary],Round(DateDiff("m",Date(),[Anniversary],Round(DateDiff("m",Date(),[Anniversary]+12)))))

My goal with this formula is to produce a number of months remaining (rounding down) by subtracting today's date from the anniversary date. The Round function I put in there seems to not work as the result is the same when I remove it.

Another thing I am also trying to accomplish is having the date pushed forward if todays date is greater than the anniversary date. In this instance, I tried adding 12 months to get it back on track. So say the anniversary date is july 4th 2015 and todays date is aug 4th 2015, well thats gonna show negative 1 but if I add 12 it should bring it to 11 months remaining -which would make sense because the anniversary month and day is fixed but the years just get pushed.

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