Access Error "autonumber Message"

Sep 9, 2007

Has anyone had this problem: You make an access mdb database "X" with table "A"- which includes autonumber field and few more fields (text or something else). Than You make another mdb file "Y"- which contains link to table "A" in mdb file "X". When You open mdb file "Y" and You open linked table - You can not see data from the table - instead it showes "Autonumber" (text) in every field (autonumber field and other text fields). Then You close the linked table and open it again and everythnig is ok. And every time it shows this error on first opening.
On another computer (with the same windows instalation) everything is ok.
I tryed to reinstall windows (on the machine with the error) - clean install - and the problem is fixed. Another time I install the same windows again - and the error is back. Then I reinstall the windows again (clean install) - and this time error is still present. I tryed to install another access (2003 instead XP) - but it doesn't help.
What is going on ?


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Error Message Access

May 4, 2006

I receive a message as follows
ODBC call failed
[IBM][iSeries Access ODBC Driver] SQL data type argument out of range (#30030)
what to do ??

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MS Access Error Message....Help Please

Dec 16, 2004

I'm geting error messages when open my form.

The expression On Load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: A problem occured while Microsoft Access was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control.

Also same message but for on current.

Here's my code

Public Function WinName()
Me.username = GetWindowsUserName
End Function

Public Function Edit()
If Me!username = [tblpersonnel.username1] Then
AllowEdits = True
ElseIf Me.username = "martiscm" Then
AllowEdits = True
ElseIf Me.username = "larsong" Then
AllowEdits = True
Else: AllowEdits = False
End If
End Function

Also once I'm in the form, if I navigate to the next record I get the same message but it's for On click.

Help Gary

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Microsoft Access '97 Error Message

Jan 15, 2007

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to address the following error occurring on my Microsoft Access ’97 database?

Error message: “Out of Memory”

Any thoughts on why this error occurs or what can be done to prevent it.

Many thanks

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Small Access Error Message

Mar 26, 2008


i seem to be geting this message ( attached ) everytime i load the form for the first time. once i click ok, i can the enter data into the field and save as normal. if i load the form and got to a different field, it seems to be ok and the mesaage does not come back but it is definately there when i first click in the same field.

i have checked the form properties, field properties and code but i cannot see anything.

what usually causes this?

the text is the right size
the form is not in design view

i cant seem to find if the field is read only but after the box, i can enter data so that should remove any read only issues.

its vv frustrating.



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Memory Error Message In Access 97

Mar 10, 2005

Hi...can you help?

I have a multi-user MS Access97 database application. It is causing one of the users (and I have only once had the error message myself) the following error message:

"There isn't enough free memory to update the display. Close unneeded programs and try again."

This error message occurs when the user is doing data entry via the forms and navigating between forms in the database. The form, on which the error occurs becomes oversized and does not display all the information. The user is forced to shut down the database, re-open it, and then it works fine....but eventually the error re-occurs.

I found Microsoft's article 236977, but it applies to working with Forms in Access 2000. This problem is happening in Access 97, and none of the causes listed in the article apply.

Has anyone every come across this....and do you know of a solution?


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Access 2000 Error Message.

Apr 27, 2005

Once in a while, the Access 2000 application on our server has this error below:

The database “network pathdatabasename.mdb” needs to be repaired or isn’t a database file. You or another user may have unexpected quit Microsoft Access while a Microsoft Access database was open. Do you want Microsoft Access to attempt to repair the database.

I tried to click the "OK" button to repair it, the first several times, it keeps saying that my computer name was using it so it could not been repair. I even re-boot my computer several times, still can not repair. The next day, I tried to repair it again, it ran about only two-fifth at the status bar, and the "Program Error...MS Access has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart your program. An error log is being created" keep popping up, so I could never repair the file.

Does anybody know WHY it happened and HOW to prevent it from needing to be repaired?

Thanks so much,

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Access 97 Replica Set Error Message.

May 2, 2008

I am getting this error on a access 97 database that we have been using for years. the message just started popping. use are still able to access the database, yet this message will not got away.

this member of the replica set has expired because it hasn't been syncronized with another m ember of the replica set.

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Access 2000 - Strange Error Message

May 20, 2005

Hi all

I'm working in Access 2000 for the first time and all was well until I introduced a wizard-created Switchboard. I created the Order Entry database using the Access wizard and copied the Switchboard form and tables into my database.

Since then I keep getting the following message:

"Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost."

I've Compacted and Repaired but still keep getting the message. Does anyone have any ideas what's going on?



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Microsoft Access Database Error Message

Nov 28, 2005

please help I am working with access database I have limited experience with access. I am unable to figure this particular problem. Microsoft access can't append all the records in the append Query microsoft access set 0 field to null set to convertion failure and didn't add 2 to records to the table due key violation 0 record due to key lock violation

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Microsoft Access Database Error Message

Nov 28, 2005

please help I am working with access database I have limited experience with access. I am unable to figure this particular problem. Microsoft access can't append all the records in the append Query microsoft access set 0 field to null set to convertion failure and didn't add 2 to records to the table due key violation 0 record due to key lock violation

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Error Message Whem Starting Up MS Access

Oct 3, 2006

When I start my Access program I get this error and can't
seam to be able to get rid of it.

Security warning:
unsafe expressions are not blockked. Do you want to block unsafe expressions YES NO

When I select YES MS access cannot change the registry setting that controls whether or not unsafe expressions are block.

any suggestions


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Exporting From Access To Excel And Receiving Error Message

Jun 27, 2013

I am trying to export from Access to Excel. I am relatively new to this process. I am receiving an error that I am not using a valid path. I have tried to recreate the former path without any luck.

What I had done was to delete some old information that was making the former Excel sheet too large and create a more up to date database. I had to reformat the spreadsheet and export the new information to excel but when I pull it in it will not pull into the shared network drive without giving me the error message.

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ERROR Message Appears On Share Point Linked MS Access

Mar 12, 2014

I have created a Asset database using MS Access 2010 & the same was published in SharePoint portal. Post publishing, all the "Query & Forms" are working as excepted but the "Reports" are not working.

The "Reports" is designed with "Group & Sort" option. Post grouping am able to see the "=Sum([Expression])" (i.e. Sum of the Value) value in MS Access Locally but not in SharePoint. Once i published in SharePoint, am getting "#Error" message for all the below expression wherever i have used in my reports design.

Expression Used:
Below expressions are works fine locally & getting #Error in SharePoint.
1. =Sum()
2. ="Page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages]
3. =Now()
4. =Date()

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Access 2007 Who Is Log On "code" Error Message

Dec 17, 2007

Not being a code person. This code worked great for 2003, but we just installed 2007. I get an error message when the this code runs:

Its a complie error
User-defined type not found

Sub ShowUserRosterMultipleUsers()
Dim cn As New shows where I get the error message
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i, j As Long

Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection

' The user roster is exposed as a provider-specific schema rowset
' in the Jet 4.0 OLE DB provider. You have to use a GUID to
' reference the schema, as provider-specific schemas are not
' listed in ADO's type library for schema rowsets

Set rs = cn.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific, _
, "{947bb102-5d43-11d1-bdbf-00c04fb92675}")

'Output the list of all users in the current database.

Debug.Print rs.Fields(0).Name, "", rs.Fields(1).Name, _
"", rs.Fields(2).Name, rs.Fields(3).Name

While Not rs.EOF
Debug.Print rs.Fields(0), rs.Fields(1), _
rs.Fields(2), rs.Fields(3)

End Sub

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Reserved Error (-1517); There Is No Message For This Error.

Mar 31, 2006

Does anybody know what this error message refers to?

"Reserved Error (-1517); there is no message for this error."

It just started happening today, and I haven't even made any changes to the database. It occurs when I hit a button I have to run a macro.

the macro does the following:
1) Shows all records
2) Requery
3) ApplyFilter.
The Where Condition for the filter is:

The weird thing is that it only occurs if the Form window is taller than 1/2 of my viewable area. If the Form window is 1/2 the viewable area or shorter, it works OK. This was running fine earlier today, but about 4:00 pm (03/31/06) this started happening.

If anybody knows what this error means, or how to get rid of it (I really need to use this window in full-screen) then please let me know.

-Thanks, Sean

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Autonumber Error

Oct 22, 2006

Hi I need help with my Access database. I have an autonumber column which was working beautifully...until some one imported data from a text document which created an error in this column. So now instead of the numbers counting up in order, i.e. 2218, 2219 and so on, there is a new, larger number ie, 3376546 in the column and that is starting to count up with each new entry. how can i get back to the original autonumbers? I have tried deleting all the data with the wrong numbers, but everytime I try to put data back in the wrong auton numbers starts to fill in in the column!! HELP!

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Error Message With No Error Number

Feb 1, 2006

Hello All,

I have been developing my database all one seems to be well exept for an error message which is attched.

If anybody can help me trap this error or offer some advice i would be greatfull.


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AutoNumber Error -- MaxLocksPerFile ??

Aug 28, 2007

I'm getting a unique error when I attempt to add an AutoNumber field to a table that I created. The table itself has ~110,000 records but it will not let me create an ID tag for the records so that I can create a primary key.

The error reads "File sharing lock count exceeded. Increase MaxLocksPerFile registry entry."

If anyone has come across this error before and knows how to get around it please let me know. Thanks!

See attachment for a jpeg of the error.

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Error Message

Sep 28, 2005

While going to the design mode of a form, I regularely get the following message :

Microsoft Access can't run the macro or callback function 'fDesign'.

In my Dbase there is no macro with that name.
Can anyone tell me what this messages means and how to get rid of this thing.

Running Win XP, Access 2003 Sp1

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Error Message

Jan 23, 2006

I have attached a screen print of an error message I recieved on my access database. I finally got it to come up, but only after a few pop up boxes with this error message.

I do know the shared drive it is housed on went on the fritz. So I copied it and pasted it to my desk top. Grrr...I thought this message was due to the flipping shared drive. But now, I recieved it on my desk top too.

Anywho...can someone look at it and tell me what it means.

Thanks alot.

PS, i know my desktop has to much stuff, so don't go there. ;)

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Error Message

Apr 3, 2006

Hi can anyone help i keep clicking on a qry and it comes up with this message "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'tblSTSLimits.Max Short'. but Max Short is correct can anyone help

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Error Message

Aug 9, 2006

Hi all,
I face a problem while openning a form.
It gave me this error message:

The expression On Load you entered as the event property setting produced the foolowing error:
User-defined type not defined.

What to do?

Sorry for bothering you.

Thanks & Regards

Mark K.

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Error Message

Aug 23, 2006

I get an error message when I open access 2003 database "database contains a missing or broken reference to the cacview.ocx version 1.0

All help so far says to go to tools>references.
My tools in the help menu does not have references

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ERROR Message! Please Help

Oct 9, 2006

I have a table that keeps crashing. The only error message I get is "Invalid Argument". Each time, a single record will turn into "#Error". Each field says this in the row. When this happens, Access won't let me delete just that row,

Any ideas how to delete them?

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Error Message

Jul 11, 2005

I am getting the following message:

"you tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression qryMaxDays.Days Between 0 and 50 as part of an aggregate function."

I have other queries just like this and they run with no problem. any ideas? :confused:

SELECT Count(qryMaxDays.Days) AS [Number Of], qryMaxDays.Days
FROM qryMaxDays
GROUP BY qryMaxDays.Days
HAVING (((qryMaxDays.Days) Between 0 And 50));

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