Access For Mass Mailing Causes Outlook ???

Feb 3, 2007

I have a database for clients and have set up a form and code to run a query for different types of clients and to send emails to the group.

Everything works fine until I try to send and then I get a Microsoft Outlook pop-up which states:

"A program is trying to automatically send e-mail on your behalf. Do you want to allow this? If this is unexpected, it may be a virus and you should choose "No."

This message stays for 5 seconds and then I can click on "YES" and it will send the email, and start all over for the next recipient.

I am assuming this is an Outlook Spam Blocker, but is there any way to stop it?


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Mass Emails From Access

May 13, 2007

I recently posted a question in the REPORTS section asking if it was possible to generate a report that contains only the email addresses of my contacts to generate and send a mass email. There were no responses to that makes me ask - Is there anyway in Access to generate mass emails using only the email address field in a table or query?

I am aware of other programs you can buy to do that - but was hoping to stay within Access.

Thanks for any help!

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Mass Additions

Aug 11, 2005

Hello, All.

I have a table that collects training information for our company. Some training is limited to one or two employees and that is easily entered by using a form linked to the table. However, some training is mandatory, company-wide training that all employees must attend. How can I add a record for each employee reflecting this training most efficiently? Is there a way to do a mass update?


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Mass Yes/no Toggle

Jun 13, 2007


I'm trying to update this movie database, and I need something to save me time, not to mention my finger.
One field in this db tracks if a movie is colour or black/white. In the old/existing db, that was done with text - "color" and "black & white". I want to replace that with a yes/no field [Color].
But the db has a few thousand entries.
What I would like to do is either change all of the [Color] fields in the new db to yes, and then manually uncheck the ones that are b/w. But I guess it should also be possible to do the whole operation automatically.
Any ideas as to how to accomplish either of these would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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Mass Email Program

Mar 19, 2008

I am sending out multiple emails to my customers in my customer table manually. As it is time consuming to send to about 100-200 customers daily, I am wondering if it is possible to automate the process in access in such a way that I can load all files from a particular folder and the access application will be able to sort the files in the folder for each company based on their name in the field(e.g.CompanyABC_DailyReport,CompanyDEF_DailyR eport) before sending out.

Any advice will be appreciated.:)

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Mass Table Rename

Dec 14, 2005

I've been asked to come up with a way (one-off) of renaming over 100 hundred tables. The table are all called "STUD_ADMIN_blah". We need to remove the "STUD_ADMIN_" part of the table name.

Is there a nice easy way of doing this without having to physically rename each table individually?

Thanks in advance.


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Mass Change On Hyperlink

Jan 2, 2007

I have several thousand hyperlinks that need to be changed due to our network server being changed. I have tried to change the hyperlink field to a text field and do a find and replace. (See mandaman post 3/13/06) The problem that I have is that all the hyperlinked fields have a different text comment in the field to identify the hyperlink to the user. When I change the hyperlink field to text then it thinks that the text in the field is the hyperlink and in fact it has nothing to do with the actual hyperlink. Any suggestions?

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Mass Filter Query?

Feb 7, 2006

Hello, I have been working on my database for sometime - searching this forum for answers, thanks to all the experienced people for their sharing of knowledge.

My question is this: My database will be over several years of data, on my splash screen (switchboard) I would like to have a combo box of with choices for years. When a user chooses a year, the entire database is filtered. Say if the choice was for 2005, then anything with a binderdate of 01/01/05 to 12/31/05 will be filtered.

This will need to be done across several tables, queries, forms, and reports.

Once the choice is made for that year - any form the user is on will be filtered for that specific year.

I am still fairly new at access programming, so any code snips or working examples would be greatly appreciated.

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Mass Update Or Append

Jan 11, 2007

can any help : )
i am trying to mass update one field in a table.
Basically i have created a new check box (Yes/No Value) in my customers table.
Basically i will tick this box if a customers placed any order with our company.

At present all our existing customers have placed orders with us. and i want to add value Yes to this field.

What method can i use to make this Mass update all customers records.

thanks in advance

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Mass Emailing To Our Students

May 18, 2005

Hello gang!

I've read through many of the threads relating to sending Email from Access but can't seem to find quite what I'm looking for. I work as a Tutor Coordinator at a local college and I've set up Access to handle a lot of the day-to-day chores that our administrative assistant has to deal with.

One feature that would be absolutely wonderful would be to create and send Emails to students at the click of a button. I have several types of Email I'd like to be able to set up, but the one most needed (and probably most complex) is this:

Students come in to the office and request a tutor. If we have a tutor available, we assign them to an available tutor. If there is no tutor availabe, then every Friday we send out an Email to each individual student saying something like this:

"Dear John Doe - We currently do not have a tutor for MATH 101 at this time, but when one becomes available we will let you know... blah, blah, blah..."

I'd like to set it up so that the body of the message comes from a template - such as a text file (that is easily edited by a user) and populated with fields from a query.

Probably do something like this:

Query the Student_First_Name_field, Student_Last_Name_field, Department_Name_field, Course_Number_field, and Student_Email_field. Send an Email to each Email address pulled from the Student_Email_field and tell them the following - "Dear <first name, last name> we currently do not have a tutor for <department name, course number> at this time... blah, blah, blah..."

Currently the way the administrative assistant handles this is to send each student an Email individually - manually creating each Email with the specific data needed. As you can guess, this is quite time-consuming.

I'm rather new to Access but have been a RDMS programmer (in PICK) for several years. I know what it is I want to do, but don't know how to do it in Access.

Any help?

Would the best way be to use text files for templates?

Can text files be set up with field codes (Access recognizes "<LAST NAME>" to be Student_Master_Table.Last_Name_field)?

I'm guessing this will likely have to be a Visual Basic loop that works with data from a query.

Help? *grin*

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Dec 11, 2006

Hi All,

Apologies if this question has already been asked. Im a bit of a newb when it comes to Access. I was wondering if its possible to create a input form/email in Access/Outlook in which I can send to a number of people via email that populate a Access database/xls when they reply?

Extra Info:
-Users may have a different version of office that I have.
-I have office 97, 2000 and 2003.

Hope that all makes sense.


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Mass Change From Http:// To Mailto:

Nov 9, 2005

How do you make a mass table change from http:// to mailto:. I made the field hyperlink but I wanted it to be able to email the contact.

Please help. :confused:

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Outlook And Access Link!!

Sep 22, 2005

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to link access to outlook so that access can send out reminders through outlook to people regarding different information??

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Outlook 2003 And Access

Oct 4, 2005


I am running a database in Access 2000. My code for creating an Outlook message from Access was running perfectly until my company switched us to Outlook 2003. Has anyone had a similar experience? Were you able to fix it?

Thanks much,


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Linking Access With Outlook

Jan 23, 2006


I wonder if someone could give me some advice.

I can create simple databases with Access but I've recently identified the need to create something a little more complex. My entire relational database revolves around a central table of contacts.

I have a list of contacts in MS Outlook (searchable by name, phone number, etc.), which should be the same. I want to avoid the risk of data redundancy so I was wondering if it is possible to link Outlook and Access databases in some way, so that, for example, if I was to add a contact in Outlook, it would update my database automatically and vice versa.

I'm sure this is far from simple but I'd love to hear any suggestions you may have.

Many thanks in advance


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Outlook Calendar And MS Access

Mar 19, 2006

Hi everyone,

I wanted to know if there's a way to implement a calendar in MS Access? In other words, I'd like to create a calendar that act the same way as the Outlook calendar? At first I tought about the calendar control 8.0, but we can't write anything in a square date of the calendar. So , I'm out of idea.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions!

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Linked Outlook With Access

Mar 27, 2006

Hi, forum.... I have a linked table that was created to view info in outlook. The problem is i need to be able to view or hyperlink to the attachment in access as well, for some reason in the attachment column it give me a yes or no field value only.... any ideas?

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Import From Access To Outlook

Jun 26, 2006

I want to import a contact database to outlook but for that I have to design new fields in the Outlook form. The design is no problem, and I can even enter information and save it, but when I want to import data from access, it does not show the new fields!?

What could I do? Any idea?

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Access And Outlook/Exchange

Jun 6, 2007

I have searched the forums and did not see the question I am about to ask.

I have created a link table in Access to the exchange server at work. When I try to get someone to view the table I created they can not view it. When I look at the Link Table Manager it shows the link is pointing to my personal temp directory instead of the main folder in exchange. How do you link the table to a folder that all can see?


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Help, Incorporating Outlook Into Access???

Jul 10, 2007

How can I incorporate outlook and the use of contacts in outlook into my access database?

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Access And Outlook Calendars

Aug 27, 2007

Hi Guys,

I'm really not sure about this one! I seem to remember reading about it but I can't find anything on it in the books.

Can you create a diary/task reminder in Outlook from an access database. I'm creating a service and maintenance database and the customer wants to be able to create reminders in his outlook by just pressing a button - is it possible?



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Using Outlook / Email With Access

Jan 22, 2008

I have a Access training database which tracks employees trainings as well as their annual recertification dates on particular trainings. Is there a way to have an email sent to the employees automatically when their recertification date is 1 month away?

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Outlook Opens Access?

Sep 25, 2005

I have a pesudo forum running on a server which sends emails automatically to a group to indicate that there is a new posting - much like any forum...

I would like to include a link in the email (automatically) that will open the Access Forum and point directly to the relevant post...

I searched the forum but was surprised to find that this question hasn't been raised before... so I'm worried? :p

I know I will get a hundred links from the Mighty Moderators now saying I didn't look properly - as my old mother used to say :rolleyes:

Dave Eyley

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Ms Access And Ms Outlook (is There A Way To Link Them?)

Jan 30, 2006


Is there a way in Access to create a database that stores (a list of) Ms Outlook emails? And then, is there a way I could drag and drop an email from Outlook into the access database?



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Exporting Outlook To Access

Sep 24, 2004

I am trying to create an Access file to manage another individual's contact database and journal entries in Outlook. Is there a unique field in Contacts that ties the record to the Journal entries? I've figured that we may need to re-create the individual's company name to make it unique, but how would I get that new name linked to the journal entries (without doing a manual cut-and-paste)?

Without doing so and importing the two tables into Access, it appears impossible to link the tables to establish relationships.

Can anyone please help?

Thanks so much!!!!!

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PDFs, Access, And Outlook. Oh My

Feb 13, 2006

I am trying to get an access report to save a pdf file, then with a control button create and e-mail and attach the email and send it. Has anyone coded anything like this?

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