Access Has Stopped Working When Editing Number Field In Tables

Apr 24, 2013

Access 2013 stops working when I open any table in design mode, and select any field with the type "Number". I can edit Text, Date or Yes/No fields, but not Number ones.

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Query Stopped Working

Mar 3, 2006

I made some minor changes in my data entry form, the table and the query form. I believe they are all consistent. But now my query comes up empty no matter which parameters I choose. How do I figure out what went wrong?

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My Query Stopped Working After 3 Years???

Apr 25, 2005

I have a burron to run a query that auto populates 'start time' with NOW().
It has worked for 3 years and now I get an error message see attached. The only thing I did was change the program fromm 2000 to 2002.

any and all suggestions welcome.


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File Dialog - Stopped Working.

Jun 22, 2005


This should be an easy one for many of you..

I have the following to code to let the user select a file..
It worked before but suddenly stopped working...I remember adding some reference but I dont remember exactly the name of the reference..

After I did this, I converted the database from 2000 - 2002/2003 ..back and forth...I did not change/remove any references.

I have access 2003 but my database is in 2000 format because my teammates have 2000.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Dim fDialog As Office.FileDialog
Dim varFile As Variant

' Set up the File Dialog.
Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

With fDialog

' Allow user to make multiple selections in dialog box
.AllowMultiSelect = False

' Set the title of the dialog box.
.Title = "Please select a file"

' Clear out the current filters, and add our own.
' .Filters.Add "All Files", "*.*"
'.Filters.Add "Access Projects", "*.HTM"
'.Filters.Add "Access Projects", "*.HTML"
'.Filters.Add "Access Projects", "*.DOC"
'.Filters.Add "Access Databases", "*.VST"
'.Filters.Add "Access Databases", "*.VSD"
'.Filters.Add "Access Databases", "*.TXT"
'.Filters.Add "Access Databases", "*.MDB"
'.Filters.Add "Access Projects", "*.XLS"

' Show the dialog box. If the .Show method returns True, the
' user picked at least one file. If the .Show method returns
' False, the user clicked Cancel.
If .Show = True Then

'Loop through each file selected and add it to our list box.
For Each varFile In .SelectedItems
DocsPath_TB.Value = varFile

End If
End With

End Sub

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On Error Suddenly Stopped Working ??

Nov 16, 2007


This worked fine for some short (but blissfull) time

On Error GoTo MANError

pathbgc = Path & "Man.xls"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "B_Man", pathbgc, vbYes

If Err.Number = 3011 Then ExitSub

Now the damn error message pops and says error 3011, can't find the file..
Why isn't On Error stopping it anymore ?

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Toolbox Functions Stopped Working

Feb 25, 2008

Hi All,

Have a problem with the Toolbox functions when in form design mode; they have suddenly stopped working this afternoon.

For example add button no longer brings up the wizard asking about the various options, combo box wizard no longer appears.

Has anyone encountered this before?

Have tried a reboot but no luck.



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Auto Complete Stopped Working

Sep 19, 2006

Access 2003.

Auto complete was working with a combo box. After adding much functionality
to a database I find that auto complete does not work on any combobox in any
form. So I create a blank database and a simple test shows that auto complete
works. When a form from the faulty database is imported in the test database,
auto complete stops working on the test form. Even if the imported faulty
form is removed, auto complete still does not work.

I tried creating a new database and importing the faulty form after removing
all controls and events from the form except for the combo box. Auto complete
still stops working. Not only on the imported form but also on the existing
form which works prior to the import.

I checked auto expand and it is 'Yes' in all conditions.

What ever is causing the problem on the faulty form seems to cause some
property of the database to change.

Is there some database option or property setting that controls auto complete?

Is is possible that importing a form will cause a database property to change?


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No Records Msgbox Stopped Working

Oct 5, 2006

I am calling a continous form from a combo box on another form. The code below used to warn me that there were no records and shut the form down to avoid showing a blank form.

Private Sub Form_Load()

If IsNull(Me.TxtUnit) Then
MsgBox "There are no operations recorded for this Unit", vbOKOnly, "No Recorded Operations"
End If

End Sub

All was working fine until I changed the properties of the continous form to "Allow Additions = No" to remove the spare blank line at the bottom of the records (just for neatness really).
Now, if there are no records to display, the Me.TxtUnit is not Null anymore. It does not seem to exist. If I hover the mouse over it (in VBA) I get no response at all.

How can I get my Msgbox back please ?


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Access Support Being Stopped?

Aug 20, 2005

I am thinking about creating a DB using Access for a business. However, my wife mentioned to me that her company is looking at software for database work and has some Access DB's they are trying to convert because, according to a technical support person, Microsoft intends on getting rid of Access as a DB! I am posting here to ask anyone, professional or otherwise, if anyone has heard that Microsoft intends to stop supporting or implementing Access. Is Access 2003 the last version? I haven't been able to find out anything along this line. I thought, maybe Microsoft is thinking about supplanting Access with SQL Server. Before I go to the toil of building a DB system in Access, I want to know I am not wasting my time doing it. If anyone on this forum has heard a thing about Microsoft dumping Access, please let me know. Thank you. :o

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Editing A Specific Text Box Depending On A Number

May 2, 2013

I want to edit a specific textbox depending on a number which is dependent on a number of things and varies each time the form is run.For example, if the number is 0 I want to edit tb0.value. If it's 1 I want to edit tb1.value etc. I have specifically labelled my text boxes in this way.I thought something like this would work

textBoxName = "tb" & number
textBoxName.value = "this is the value I want to enter".

However, this does not work and it produces an error saying 'Invalid Qualifier'.

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Program Working In Access 2007 Not Working In Access 2010 Due To Missing OCX File

Dec 27, 2014

I have a program that runs under access 2007 that I use at my work. We will soon be updating to MS office 2010 and the program will not work now because a calender file .ocx was removed from access 2010. Is there a way to get the 2007 .ocx file to work in access 2010?The program I am using is a relatively simple stand-alone and unsupported app that we use to request patient arrival and departure from various radiology tests inside a hospital. No reports are made from the app other than the number of patient transports for the day.

The app is placed on a common drive accessed from any pc in the hospital. No special permissions are required. But our app does use the calendar, time and date functions in access 2007. When I tried the app on a pc with access 2010, it basically says it (access) cannot open the app because a .ocx file is not present.Is there a way to make the access 2010 calendar file work in access 2007?

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Tables :: When To Use Text Vs Number For Field

Jan 7, 2013

I randomly read on another website that your field type in a table should be 'text' unless you're doing math on the number'. Is this true?

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Tables :: How To Handle Field Usually A Number - Sometimes NA

Apr 28, 2014

I have a field where I'm recording the flashpoint of materials. The majority of the time, I'll have an actual number of the flashpoint (e.g. 100 or 140 or 200) but sometimes, I won't have a number or a number is not applicable.

Is using a combo box the only way to integrate an "N/A" solution for this? Otherwise, I'll have a field for the flashpoint and a second field for "NA".

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Tables :: Starting With A 0 In A Number Field?

Mar 23, 2015

I have a field to record the last 4 digits of a credit card number in regards to tracking payment information.

The field is currently formatted as a Number field. When I try to enter a set of 4 numbers that start with "0" (e.g. 0123), Access removes the 0 from the start automatically (so 0123 becomes 123).

That function makes perfect sense under normal circumstances, but in this case I want to be able to keep the 0 at the beginning because it is part of the 4 digit sequence.

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Tables :: Decimal Number Field

Nov 27, 2013

If you specify Number as data type and Decimal as field size for a field in an Access table, will it actually store numbers to the right of the decimal point? I have never been able to get this to work or find these value if they are there and have alwayshad to use field size single or double or data type currency.

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Tables :: Reset Auto-number Field

Apr 10, 2014

I have a table which will be completely emptied and refilled. The table has a field autonumbered it is also the primary key. When the table is refilled I want this field to start from 1. How can I do that. Yes some people will say this subject has been discussed search for it. But here the issue is somewhat different we have an existing field and I do not want to compact the database each time the procedure runs.

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Tables :: Format Auto-number Field

Oct 25, 2012

I would like to format the AutoNumber field so that it shows the current year - #...i.e. 2012-01.

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Tables :: Importing Number Field From Excel

Nov 13, 2013

I am importing information into a table from excel. The number is formatted correctly in excel and is displayed as 10309976464180, but when it is imported into access it displays as 1.030998E+13. I have tried all of the possible formatting for numbers but nothing corrects this, and if I change to Long Integer it actually removes the numbers. What is the correct formatting in Access to get these numbers to display correctly?

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Tables :: Combining Year And Number Field

Dec 13, 2012

I have a database that uses a field for the year (but I'm using a fiscal year that will end June 30, 2013) and another field as an autonumber. I use the year and autonumber as my reference number (i.e 2013-0001). I'd like to be able to combine these fields to generate the entire number. Also, I'd like for the year to add 1 beginning July 1st of each calendar year, and the autonumber start over at 0001 (i.e. 2014-0001 on July 1, 2013). Is this possible, and if so, how can I do it?

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Tables :: How To Reset Auto-number Field

Dec 9, 2014

how to reset autonumber field.

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Tables :: Set Limit On Number Of Records That Can Have Particular Field Value?

Aug 16, 2014

building a validation expression that concerns four of my fields:


Country | Text
Centr | Boolean
Centr limit | Integer
Apply | Boolean

The number of records that have the same country, AND Centr=TRUE, AND Apply=TRUE, should not exceed the Centr limit value.

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Editing Field Values That Get Summed Up - Resets Total Field

Apr 7, 2015

I have several fields that I fill in on a form and they all need to add up in the last field. The first way that I tried this worked good for the initial data entry on the form. However if I need to edit one of the fields in the form then it resets the TotalCost field and I have to enter all of the numbers again. Is there some way that I can make this work? Or is this an Access quirk I will have to live with?

I tried to do this two different ways.

Here is the code for the first method:

Option Compare Database
Dim C1 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C2 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C3 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C4 As Long 'For Total Cost

[Code] .....

This way works great the first time that I tried it, I had to re-enter info in all the fields if I wanted to change one.

Here is my second method:

Which didn't work, i received an error message:

"The expression After Update you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Invalid outside procedure."

And then nothing changes.

Option Compare Database
Dim C1 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C2 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C3 As Long 'For Total Cost
Dim C4 As Long 'For Total Cost

[Code] ....

So I know this second method is incorrect.

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Tables :: Validating Field - If Number Exist In Another Table?

May 1, 2013

Validating field from a query. I have a table with a field that has a value number that I need to validate that that number exist in another table in a field

Table1.field1 Number
Table2.field1 number

So let's say a have in table2.field1 the list 1 2 3 4 5 8

In table1.field1 I need to validate that the number I enter is present in table2.field1 so 1 would be ok but 6 invalid and it can't be a from list statement because I need the person to enter a number and get no error or get invalid number.

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Tables :: Autonumber Field - Cannot Add Record That Is Not High Number

Feb 18, 2013

I have a table with an autonumber field, which of course is indexed with no duplicates. Twice in recent days it has attempted to add a record with an autonumber that is not the high number - it is about 20 numbers below the high number. So we get a 'can't add this record' error.

I can fix this by copying the table to a temporary table and then copying it it back. Then the autonumber works correctly.

What can I do to prevent this? By the way we updated to Access 2010 a couple of weeks ago, but the data is still Access 2003. We are reluctant to update the data yet in case it causes more problems.

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Tables :: Alpha Numeric Auto-number Field

Jul 26, 2014

I need some kind of function (I been told) that generates 3 different alphanumeric autonumbers in the same field when adding a new record, starting such field from A-1, B-1 and C-1 to infinite.Because the record gets inserted in the table with an append query and not manually through a form, I believe the function should be placed in the Default Value setting of the field.

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Editing Tables T Hrough Forms

Sep 20, 2007

I have a problem. I currently have files from our AS400 linked to access through OCBC. I am not able to edit or add any fields to the file through the form or table feature in access. The permissions on the AS400 are set correctly, is there something to change in Access?

Thanks for the help!

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