Access Suddenly Slow Down

Nov 16, 2007


My acccess (.mde) application suddenly slowed down. I have increased the size for some fields in some Tables. Is it could be the reason for this? Is there any way i can get the speed back.

Many thanks in advance..


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Access Slow To Load [really Really Slow!]

Dec 14, 2007

Hi All,

I'm having trouble with access. Basically it has been very slow to load
(over 30 seconds when not opening a database) and when opening a database it just crashes.

Has anyone any idea what could cause this as it worked fine before ?

also would a reinstall help ??


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Access Suddenly Closes

Oct 10, 2006

What would cause Access to suddenly close without warning while busy with a query?

No error messages, nothing! The query is a fairly big one that normally takes about 6 minutes to run, but has had no problem with it for a number of years. A new drive used for back-up purposes was recently fitted to my PC which now has 3 internal hard drives.

Could this problem be caused by a bad memory handling configuration? The original setup that worked before may have been changed when the new drive was installed. The XP Page File size for example may have been changed.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

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Access 2000 Suddenly Closing

Jul 16, 2007

Recently Access has started to suddenly close. Usually when I have been developing although I do not appreas to have lost anything as I Save, Save, Save all the time. Last week I had a report that a live access 2000 is doing the same thing. Users are in the middle of entering data and suddenly the database is gone, with no messages. They can re-open the database and continue.

Anyone else experiencing this problem with Access 2000?

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Suddenly Encountered An Error In Access

Nov 20, 2007


It was working firn till yesterday morning. I have not made any changes in this. But now i am encountring the following error

Run time error 3125
The database engine can't find ". Make sure it is a valid parameter or alias name, that it doesn't include invalid characters or punctuation, and that the name isn't too long.

Please help me. Same thing working properly in other application . Same code same database.

Many thanks in advance fro your help.


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Access 2010 Table Suddenly Read Only - How To Remove That Restriction

Nov 8, 2014

This application has worked fine in the past, but now I find it stops cold saying a particular linked table is read-only. I've looked around and all I can find in the various forums is how to MAKE a table read-only. Reversing that process seems very difficult.

The application is a copy of another that now exhibits the same problem. Each uses a different data mdb - part of the development I'm doing involves changing a different table. I'm developing changes to the application in this separate copy.

I can't tell if other tables would have this problem - the table in question is the very first used (initialization routine) and I can't get past it without deactivating a bunch of code.

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MS Access Database Is Slow

Sep 16, 2006

Hi everybody,
I have an access database which is around 40 MB after compacting it and I feel that it is slow especially when I open cross table form. Is there any way to speedup the databse.
Note: my databse is on the share drive in my work.

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Slow Access Response

Oct 10, 2006


I have developed a DB for work and it has grown, it is about 60Meg, all of a sudden when I am opening Design View in Reports, or queries it started running really slow.

I always Compact on Close
I have Split the DB.

Still no Joy, I have a brand new Dell PC so nothing wrong there.

What is happening? it is a nightmare to get anything done.

Please advise.


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Access Initially Slow...

Aug 15, 2007

Hi Guys,

I've been searching for an answer for a long time, but i have a database with approx 100 forms, 100 tables (most linked to SQL Server) only a small proportion are front end tables, 50 or so queries, 20 or so modules.

Anyway the problem is, is that the database is slow, to open and to develop in, i have a decent system to develop on with a 3GHz CPU and 1 GHz RAM, but i dont get this problem with any of the other access databases i deal with.

It's kind of a lagging effect, then once it has been written into memory it's quicker... but why would that be different between the systems, as most the systems i deal with are fairly similar in size and in complexity.

For example when loading the logon screen, which is a simple unbound form, it seems to lag, there is 1 combo box which has a front end table as its row source, like 6 records. Then a username and password text boxes which are not bound to anything. Why should this be lagging? After like 2/3 secs its then ok, once ive logged in and then go back to this logon screen its fine, so i think it has something to do with memory.

Anyone else had anything similar happen to them and did they do anything to minimise this lagging effect?

Any ideas or comments are welcome,


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Access 97 And Windows 98 - Super Slow

Jun 6, 2005

I have one PC running win98,acc97 and Access is CRAWLING. I'm seeing this on ONLY this one PC, and in multiple databases.

Any ideas? Possible places to look to fix this? I've tried reinstalling Office, I'd rather not have to rebuild this pc.



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Slow To Access Multiuser DB On Server HELP

Dec 16, 2005

I not a big time DB person so please be gentle. I am a computer technician at a school district and need some help. We use a program called Aeries made by Eagle Software for out attendance and grading. It uses an interface that runs through Microsoft Access. There are two version of this software. One is the SQL version and the other just uses an Access DB on a server. We have the Access DB version running Access 2003. It was explained and accepted in the beginning that we didn’t really need the SQL version because of our district size which is some where around 1500 students. Our district consists of 6 school sites that are all connected with a fiber optic backbone running at 200mb with a minimum of 100mb to each desktop. We have a DB for each site running on 1 very beefy server in a central location. I’ve run my problem by the software maker and don’t feel like I’m getting much help. The problem I am having is slowness during login. When the first user of the day attempts to login the program is fast, about 10 seconds from “ENTER” to the main menu. As soon as that 1st user clicks one of the menu buttons anyone else who attempts to login to that database after that experiences at least 30 seconds from “ENTER” to the main menu. I’ve watched what files are accessed and when. I see that when the 1st user logs in, the systemxp.mdw file is accessed and a systemxp.ldb file is created. Then when the user clicks a button on the main menu, the sch05xxx.mdb is accessed and a sch05xxx.ldb file is created. The sch05xxx.mdb file is the main database file for any particular site. The “xxx” would be the site number. As soon as that file is accessed or that lock file is created the user will experience the long login times and sometimes as long as 4 minutes. I don’t believe this is a hardware problem. During the same time that users are slow I have made a copy of one of the databases onto the same HDD on the same server and as long as I’m the 1st person to open it, it will fly. The 2nd person is slow just like the rest. I also don’t think it’s a permission issue, at least not in the domain. I’ve run all these test logged in as myself and have Domain Admin rights to everything. I believe this is a “split database” with the tables on the server and the forms, and queries on the users computer. I read an article here, called “Why is Access 2000 slow for more than one user?” Has anyone else had this problem or have a solution? If I’ve missed something and you need more info please let me know.Thank you for your time and I appreciate any responsesJohn

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Access 2003 Running Very Slow

Jan 31, 2006

I have access 2003 installed on two different machines. One machine was built 6 months ago with the best hardware available. The other was an older slow IBM.

For some reason, I am experiencing what appears to be some serious time delay (talking in the range of seconds, sometimes tens of seconds) when building a report that has a subreport in it on the fast machine. Yet when I load the exact same database on the slow machine, the report opens instantly.

Any ideas? I'm lost.

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Access 2007 Painfully Slow

Jul 12, 2007


I have an access database that runs fine on our current systems (mix of office 2002, 2003 and windows xp/2002.

However we have one new machine here running windows vista and office 2007 and the database runs super super slow. just about every operation takes 10 times plus to run!

I have looked at the sticky subject at the top of this forum and it's not the problem linked to here as this uis the only vista machine we have accessing the database. the same problem also occurs when running locally on my home machine (again vista and office 2007). From memory if is fine when running it through office 2003 on vista.

Anyone else have similar problems and find a solution?



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Slow Query In Access 2007

Jan 19, 2008

Any ideas why a particular query would run very slow in access 2007 when it runs fine on 2003. This is running on a terminal services environment and the database connects to a ms sql 2000 server. I will try it outside terminal services when I can but I can't understand the problem. Im not talking about slightly slower its something like a factor of 100 or 200 slower (I had to limit the dataset just to get a return within a day).

The database was an access 2000 mdb for compatibility across computers but I have tried converting it with out any luck.

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Help! MS Access Very Slow, Possibly Due To My Environment

Jun 7, 2007

I am using MS Access 2000 in a Windows Terminal Server 2003 Environment and the performance is incredibly slower than running the same job on a Stand Alone CPU with Access 2003.

Any idea? Access 2000 is running slower on a TServer?
May the Access version difference explain the difference?

Any idea would be appreciated.


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Access Database Suddenly "Read-Only"

Oct 26, 2007

I have an Access database that for some reason just converted to "read-only". I used to be able to open the database and do whatever, now it says it is read only. I have checked the permissions for both the database itself and the folder it is in and they both do not have "read-only" selected. What I really don't understand is if I use my application that uses the database (written in ColdFusion) I get the error - must use an updateable query. BUT if I continue to hit refresh, then it'll work! So it's like it works sometimes, but not all the time - as if it's switching back and forth between read-only and not read-only. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you!!

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Access Slow To Sum Or Join On Null Values?

Oct 5, 2006

Is Access slower at summing null records than SQL server?
I have a query which takes less than 1second in SQL server but takes about 5-10 in Access but can't think why there is such a lag in processing speeds.

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Why Is Access Slow On Client Computers Across Wireless Network?

Feb 8, 2006

I have completed a database for a company with 60 000 clients and over 100 000 job records.

The database works at very resonable speeds on the Server computer, or the computer on which I installed the back end of the database.

Each of the other 3 computers on the wireless network, have a local copy of the Front End on their machine, and reference the Back End (BE) on the server computer.

Each of the Client computers have varing speeds when accessing the BE, some as slow as 10 minutes for a simple search, filter or just loading a form.

What can I do to improve performance across the network?

Do I need to install additional components on the other computers to improve the db performance?

Your help will be much appreciated.


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Forms :: Access 2003 / Dynamic Search Form Very Slow?

Nov 8, 2013

I am using John Big Bootys Dynamic Search Form (built in Access 2003) as it totally met my search requirements, however when typing anything into the search box it is realy slow, taking several seconds for each letter to show in the box.

This has always been a problem now and again, however some of us have upgraded to Office 2010, (although still using the 2003 built Db as we won't move to a 2010 version Db untill March next year) and now the problem is even worse that ever. Everything else seems to work really well except for this search function, however it is the search function that is used more that anything else.

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Default Parameters Which Slow Down Access Database Linked Tables?

Jun 29, 2012

I recall reading somewhere (fairly recently) about a parameter or property in Access which is "On" by default and allows a form/query to identify when backend table field names or query arguments are changed and automatically looks for and "fixes" the renamed link. By leaving this switched ON, the database is slower than it could be. The db speed performance can be can be improved significantly by switching this 'feature' off. (i.e. Name of the property)

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Suddenly Getting Errors

Jan 15, 2008

We have an access db that has been working fine for ages and now when we click on a New Record button we are getting the following error:-

Run time error 2105 - you can't go to the specified record. erroring out on the line DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec. We are not aware of anything changing on the PC that the db is sitting on. I have spent the whole day searching the web but have found nothing helpful.

I have compacted and repaired the db, even went to the form/table security to see if all users can edd/add.

Any help greatfully received

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Database Suddenly Read-only

Jun 19, 2007

I have a database running for the last 6 or so years (A97) and have the ctl-shift disable enable code in it to stop people tinkering about with it.

The database was aparently working fine yesterday and today it's decided to be read-only so no-one can update the data.

It's on a server - all permissions ok and not read-only.

I can't get the disable/enable code to work either. So basically, it's locked for any development changes and it's locked for any data changes.

The IT boys are going to take a backup from the tapes of the server and re-install it, so it should be ok, but I've never had this happen before and the database is used daily for the last 6 years with no problems.

Any speculative thoughts?

[edit] I have done a search and couldn't find anything that fitted the situation



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Suddenly, Subform Flips Me Off

Dec 24, 2004

this never used to be an issue, but all of the sudden it just started happening.

frmCustomers (data: tblCustomers) is linked to sfrmJobs (data: tblJobs) via CustomerID (autonumber). Depending on their [Status] in frmCustomers (dropdown, either "Customer", "Lead", "Lead-to-customer" or null), a customer may or may not have a job in tblJobs (or may have more than one).

When scrolling through my list of customers , after passing by a "Lead" (or if i just select a "Lead" to begin with), who cannot and does not have a job, the subform does not show any jobs from that point on for people who do have jobs. Also when I create a new job and then attempt to insert data, it tells me that I have an invalid use of null, which is weird because the only field that needs to exist is the customerID, and that's created automatically.

I think it has something to do with the CustomerID not functioning correctly, which i don't understand at all, or somehow not getting passed to the subform. i've entered plenty of new customers into the program without an issue, and i used to be able to scroll through all of them and have all of them show up all the time. Additionally, even after i clicked away all the "index or primary key cannot contain a null value" errors, it still gave me a CustomerID, but after I created a job (again, "index or pk blah blah") for a customer, i looked at the table and it showed that the JobID (primary key of tblJobs, is not autonumber) was recorded, but not the customerID.

Cry For Help:
Please help me! I discovered this bug almost 5 minutes after publicly deploying my program to my client's company, and if he finds it before i can fix it, i'm toast. please please help!

Thanks to all in advance!


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Graph On Form Not Suddenly Not Working.

Dec 19, 2006


I have a graph which uses the value of two combo boxes for beginning and end parameters. In order to work, the datevalue() function is used.

When i design the rowsource, it works. But when I exit Access and open it again, it doesn´t. Then the rowsource is either wrong or too complex.

What is going on?


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On Error Suddenly Stopped Working ??

Nov 16, 2007


This worked fine for some short (but blissfull) time

On Error GoTo MANError

pathbgc = Path & "Man.xls"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "B_Man", pathbgc, vbYes

If Err.Number = 3011 Then ExitSub

Now the damn error message pops and says error 3011, can't find the file..
Why isn't On Error stopping it anymore ?

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Dates Suddenly Being Entered In US Format!?

Dec 8, 2005


An Access database table I'm looking at has a date column, where date is entered in UK format (dd/mm/yyyy). However, upon entering the database, the date is somehow converted into US format, despite me passing the date into the table as dd/mm/yyyy.

The trouble started when someone else worked on the database - leaving us now with all of the old records in UK format (correct) but all new entries to that column in US format.

Please note, when I open the Access table, all of the dates for the past 2 years or so are fine (dd/mm/yyyy) but recently, since someone else worked on the file, the new records are appearing as mm/dd/yyyy. Within the same table column we're getting apparently mixed formats.

I'm aware of using session.lcid=2057, but would prefer just to be able to have the dates appear in the right format in the database itself rather than having to use this (I'm concerned if I use lcid, it might balls up the older, correct records in the table).

How can this have suddenly changed, and more importantly, how can I get the records into the table in UK format?

Thanks very much for your help...

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