Access Table Deleted But Memory Remains Same

Mar 26, 2014

there is two tables in my access file. I have deleted one of them (right click on the table and selected delete and didn't delete the records inside the table) but the memory remains same. how to free memory?

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Report Deleted But VBE Class Object Remains

Dec 8, 2005

Hello all. I have deleted a Report but the underlying reference in the VBE editor in the CLASS OBJECTS list remains for the report and is giving me errors during run and compile.

Any idea how to delete the Class Object once the object has been deleted?

Any other suggestions?

Version: Access 2000

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Referential Integrity Remains After Relationship Deleted

Jul 10, 2006

Hi Guys,

I'm not sure if I am heading down the right path here. I have searched the forum but not come up with anything on the subject of deleting relationships and RI.

I have a project assignments junction table that links project and personnel tables. I want the employee details in tbl_prj_assignments to be fixed so that they are not updated by changes in tbl_Employee_details. This is so archived records will always reflect the personnel who actually worked on them rather than the people currently in that position or if they have left the company.

I had referential integrity from both parent tables to the junction table in the back end database. The project relationship remains unchanged so that any project changes or deletions removes all the related assignments.

I tried to remove the RI from the relationship between tbl_Emp_Details and tbl_Prj_Assignments by unchecking the 3 boxes for Enforce RI, Cascade update, Cascade delete. On testing I found that the junction table was still updating with changes to the employee table.

Next I tried deleting the relationship altogether with the same result. So now I am left with referential integrity being enforced where I cannot see any relationship. :confused: :confused:

The fields in the tables are all text boxes - no lookup. The junction table is populated by a subform based on the table and located on the project details form. The subform uses a combo box with an SQL statement to select the employee.


1) Firstly, is this the best way to achieve the desired outcome?

2) Where is the referential integrity being enforced, and can it be removed?

Thanks in advance.

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Create A Form In Memory Which Can Be Deleted Subsequently Without Saving?

Aug 9, 2011

Is there any way to create a form in memory which can be deleted subsequently without saving. i have planned to create a MDE. can i create a form through VBA coding in it. All the reader of this message are masters in access except me. Any way to create a form in access MDE file.

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Access Resides In Memory

Jun 12, 2005

I have seen this problem somewhere but could not find the solution.

I have dbase opened with db window hidden. When exiting the db, access application resides in the memory.
I can see it in task manager, processes.

the code i have is:

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
DoCmd.Quit acQuitSaveAll
End Sub

What is wrong with it ?

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Memory Error Message In Access 97

Mar 10, 2005

Hi...can you help?

I have a multi-user MS Access97 database application. It is causing one of the users (and I have only once had the error message myself) the following error message:

"There isn't enough free memory to update the display. Close unneeded programs and try again."

This error message occurs when the user is doing data entry via the forms and navigating between forms in the database. The form, on which the error occurs becomes oversized and does not display all the information. The user is forced to shut down the database, re-open it, and then it works fine....but eventually the error re-occurs.

I found Microsoft's article 236977, but it applies to working with Forms in Access 2000. This problem is happening in Access 97, and none of the causes listed in the article apply.

Has anyone every come across this....and do you know of a solution?


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General :: Access 2013 / Error - Not Enough Memory To Update The Display

Dec 16, 2014

I am regularly getting the error "There is not enough free memory to update your display, close unneeded programs and try again"

Access 2013 on a windows 7 machine with 4 processors and 24GB total RAM.

Today I have 14 GB free memory (unbelievable! my first laptop had 136 MB total memory!) when I got this error (Access using 38MB) which makes me believe its not a system memory issue but to do with how much (or quickly) memory is allocated to Access.

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Forms :: When Duplicating A Record Duplicate Is Created But Form Remains In Edit Mode

Feb 25, 2014

I have a form with a duplicate record button.Sometimes when duplicating a record the duplicate is created but the form remains in edit mode (small pencil in the form margin).I also have a manual record counter on the form which does not refresh to the newest record number following the duplication? Both issues happen together and not independently.

I now have the standard MS Access record counter visible on the form to see whats happening and this always jumps correctly to a new record number when duplication is triggered, so when the problem happens the MS Access counter is showing one more than my own record counter.

If I use the standard MS Access record navigation buttons and go back and then forward by one record, the duplicated record is then corrected. The edit mode pencil is gone and both record counters read the same, which I assume has happened this has forced a save to happen

If Me.Dirty
Then Me.Dirty = False
End If

- in the current event of the form, would solve the problem, but it doesnt make any difference at all, its still no better, or no worse than before?Using CTRL + S removes the pencil, but doesn't correct my bespoke record counter?

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Deleted All Records From A Table - Cannot Add New Ones?

Apr 12, 2013

I created a simple database with a single table and a form so I can track patients enrolled in a study. I added a few test records to make sure everything was working properly. Now I'm ready to use the database for real. Only trouble is, when I erased the test records I find that I can't add new ones.

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Re-enter Access From Deleted RecordSet

Jul 2, 2013

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.In Excel 2007 and Access 2007, from Excel I deleted every RecordSet, rs.

Do Until rs.EOF

I then am trying to reenter the new data contained in Excel but it will not let me due to the above error. How do I write over the deleted RecordSet (#Deleted)?Here is my code(my connection string works fine):

For k = 1 To Sheets("2013").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row - 4
rs!Index = Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 1).Value
rs!DatePaid = Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 2).Value


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Copy Deleted Record To New Table?

Jun 1, 2013

I was wondering if deleted records to be copied to a new table?

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Linked Table Being Deleted And Created Locally??

Oct 6, 2005

I have just split my multi-user DB into Front end and back end. All appears fine apart from there is code in the autoexec module that checks to see if a particular table has been updated today. Basically the first person to login to the DB each day will run this procedure without realising. Now I have FE & BE however, because the query used by the autoexec module is a "Make table" query rather than delete all data and use an append query, every person logging in is running the update each day if it is the first time they have logged in on their PC and they are getting a local table on each of their computers. Is there any code that will create the table in the networked location (when the first person of the day logs in), rather than me having to change all my "delete table" queries to cleardown data and then re-append updated data?

There are quite a lot of delete queries in my DB and I am now worried that I shouldn't have split the DB as I may have caused myself loads of work which I don't have time to do.

I have looked on other threads but cannot find the answer and would greatly appreciate some help

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Excluding Deleted Records From An Imported Table

Jun 6, 2007


I have a table that I am importing from FOXPRO DATABASE. When someone goes into the system and deletes a record, Foxpro does not really delete the records but marks it for deletion. There is no field to query on that I can see in the table, but when I go to Foxpro the record is "marked" for deletion.

Anyway to exclude these records when doing a query or importing the table?


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Tables :: Preventing Names From Being Deleted From Table

Jun 11, 2014

I have an Access 10 DB that includes 299 names and other associated data relevant to these names. I have a need to drop 249 of these names that are no longer needed in the DB, and just keep the 50 names that would remain in the table.

If I am in the table is there any way to somehow "designate" or select the 50 names I want to keep and then just mass delete the other 249 in one fell swoop? If I can somehow sort the 50 names so they would appear as the first 50 names in the table, then I could simply delete all the names below.

But not sure how to make this happen. It would seem to be the simplest solution. Unless I can physically drag and drop each of the 50 names I want to keep to the top of the table, but I don't think this is possible.

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Table Shows Deleted Record But It Won't Delete

Sep 19, 2014

I have a table that is showing #Deleted in several fields, not all of them. When I select the record and try to delete it I get the message that the record id deleted. How do I remove this record?

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Access 2000 - Previously Saved Data Will Be Deleted

Aug 13, 2013

i am programmer i do a project on vb.6.0 and ms access 2000

PROBLEM 1). .if i try to save data on the database its successfully saved but previously saved data will be deleted.

PROBLEM 2). if i add large number of data on database but its not increasing and constantly on 18 numbers.

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General :: Records Being Deleted In A Related Table When Not Supposed To

Jun 13, 2014

I am losing records in one table when I delete from another, i.e., I do want to delete records in one, but the related records in the other are also being deleted. This was not happening until I did a recent up date.I created a database in Access 2002 about 8 years ago and my client has been using it successfully ever since. I have occasionally made updates and enhancements. They have over the years upgraded and are now on Office 2010. I'm still using Access 2002.

I recently (3 weeks ago) added a new feature and installed the new code. The database is split, code and data. The new feature was working well, but suddenly they were losing records and they cannot operate until I have it resolved. I spent 2 hours today in their office and could not work out why it was happening.

I have a straight forward client table with names and addresses and some other information. I have another table which links together Clients, Counsellors and Supervisors and works out a room allocation for Therapy sessions. Once the Therapy sessions have been completed, we need to delete the Client, Counsellor, Supervisor + room allocation, but we do not want to delete the Client record in the Client table. The User is offered the opportunity to either archive the client record or not archive it, that's all. The Archive procedure is simply to put a tick in the "Archive" field, not delete the record.

However, when the Client, Counsellor, Supervisor + room allocation is deleted, it is also removing the Client record. I do have a relationship between Clients, Counsellor, Supervisor, but it doesn't have "enforce referential integrity", it is just a one-to-one relationship. The odd thing is that when I delete the allocation here at home on my Access 2002 system, it does not delete the Client Record, but it does in their office, using exactly the same code and data.

The Allocation is on a sub form and the way they delete is by highlighting the Allocation and then clicking on the X - Delete button on the Access menu (the program is not very sophisticated, but has worked until now). I have some code in the "on delete" event, but even if I take out all the code and just allow the deletion with the usual Access message "you are about to delete 1 record... " I have seen that the related Client record gets deleted at the same time. it does not happen on my system, only in their office.

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Tables :: Record Cannot Be Deleted Or Changed Because Table Include Related Records

Oct 16, 2012

Three tables:

Employee, Sessions, EmployeeSessions.

Many sessions can have many employees - thus the joining table has been included.

When trying to delete an employee from the database using a form, I encounter the error:

The record cannot be deleted or changed because table 'tblEmployeeSessions' includes related records

Is there a problem with my table relationship structure? Or is it 'correct' that as the employee is supervising a session he/she cannot be deleted as this would interfere and maybe mess up the session record?

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Textbox With Memory?

May 13, 2005

I have a form where my users can enter labor line items for various jobs. FOr each line item, they can specify the product and color to be installed. Now, I realize that the CORRECT way to do this is to have a table for products. However, since I am not touching inventory with this application, I am setting it up for them to simplye type it into a text box.

Is there anyway to set up the text box with "memory" so that as they type in the entry, it will start to "guess" what they want by previous entries? Similar to the way a combo box operates.


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Tables :: Deleted Error In Microsoft Access Linked Tables

Jul 24, 2014

I have developed a Microsoft Access 2010 database for my client and the database is split with Front-end/Back-end, the Back-end and the database is shared on Network, The client operating system and applications for all users are hosted and consistent and the service is delivered over Citrix.

The database some times corrupt the tables record and give a permanent #Delete Error, I have attached one of the database table and the screenshot of the error,

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Run Time Error 7: Out Of Memory

Apr 11, 2007

Im building a new database using Access 2003 SP2 on windows XP SP2 with 1 GB RAM.

When i try to execute the following line of VBA code I get an "out of memory" error:

Form_Confirmation.txtDept = cboDept.Text

Before this line of code I don't query any data or open any DAO connections, Im only checking the entered values in various text boxes and combo boxes on a form. I have also tried rebooting my computer and it still gets stuck at the same line.

What i basically want to do is just move data entered into text boxes on a shipping order form i created and present that data on another form to confirm the entered data. The error occurs when i try to move data from one form to another. The database is still only 1MB with only 5 tables, each with only a few records in them just for testing.

Do i need to install a service pack or download something to fix this error?

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A Quick Memory Jog As I'm Stuck ??

Mar 2, 2006

Just cant seem to find anything on this although i'm sure there is?

I've got a query and with one table in it or the other the records show up fine, but as soon as i include the second table the results come up blank.
What am i doing wrong?
Just cant seem to think?

Thank you in advance

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Combo Box Memory Lapse

Jan 29, 2005

I've done it a hundred times before but do you think I can remember?

On a form in data entry mode, I have a combo box with two columns. You can assign the value from one column to a field on the form when creating the combo box.
How do you assign the value from the second column into a different field.

I'd like to thank you for you assistance but I can't remember what I asked.

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Memory Leak - Combo Box

Oct 20, 2006

I have 5 combo boxes on a form. Everything worked well until I had to make some changes in the tables - I had to change the data type of primary key columns from Long Integer to GUID!
Now, my combo boxes are bound to GUID data fields, and when a user scrolls through records - I have huge memory leak (about 40KB per record)!
And no matter how long you scroll through the same recordset, every time the current records is changed - I loose 40KB of my memory!

When Bound Column of Combo box is not GUID data type - I have no problem with memory leak!

Any suggestions?!?!?
What to do?

Thanks in advance!!!

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Not Enough Memory To Perform Operation

Apr 10, 2014

I'm getting an error when trying to run a report. "There isn't enough memory to perform this operation. Close unneeded programs and try the operation again."

1.) I tried to install both the V-Tools and Rick Fisher add-ins, and neither one could be added. I got errors from both.

2.) I'm working with a small test database to create a report. Db is tiny, 1.8Mb. But I've also created a report which has several embedded subreports. Everything is based off of queries which certainly have to sort through some data.

3.) I have compacted and repaired.

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Store Data From Query In Memory

Mar 11, 2006

Sorry if this is an elementary question, but here goes.

What I want to do is have Access run a query based on the user name "taken from a login screen". That query will return some values such as what team the Supervisor is responsible for, what days off his team has etc...

This information will be used to display all other queries that particular sup runs. When another sup signs in obviously the results will be different

And onto the problem

I have the query running and displaying the result in a datasheet view. I created this to see if the queries work. Now what I would like is to do away with this query (it pops up at startup) and have access save the user name in memory instead of running this query. I also need to figure out how to reference this "user name" piece of data, that will be in memory on the queries.

would appreciate any help you can give on this topic. I have been trying to solve this issue for a loooooong time.

thanks again,


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