Access To Large - Anyway To Change It?

Jun 22, 2006

Hello. My database has around 6000 products, and as time has gone by, the database has got bigger and bigger, more and more text - its now a rather large 16MB. Now, everytime i make a small change to it and upload to the server, it takes me about 8 min uploadeing it. Not that bad, but if i have to change 3-4 times a day? Also, it wipes out the website during the upload, which is not that great. Is there someway to compact the access database somehow? Thanks.

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Access File Became Very Large During Updating

Mar 16, 2007

I am writing a vba procedure to updating some records in another Access database.

rsAccess.Open "SELECT * FROM AI_Table",conAccess, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockPessimistic

rsAccess!OCRExist = "Exist"

it has about 3 millions of records in that AI_Table. In the procedure, I perform some calculation and put the result into a TEXT(50) field in the AI_TABLE. As it was updating the records, I could see the size of the Access database file (the one contained AI_Table) grew very quickly, almost 1 MB/sec. I am pretty sure I am not adding that much data. If I stop the procedure and packed the database, it shrunk a lot.

I am just wondering if there is anything wrong with the way I am locking or updating the records.


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General :: How To Get A Large Dat File Into Access

Feb 3, 2013

I have a large .dat file which is run through an Access macro to produce reports. After a recent system change at work the format of the .dat has changed and now includes an additional bit of data which disrupts the macro.

I tried changing the extension of the file from dat to mdb to see if I could remove the additional column in access. I also tried changing it to a csv file as well but the file has a few hundred thousand lines and the csv file cuts most of it out.

Are there any other ways I can open this file in Access to remove this additional column of data?

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General :: Get The Next Large Number In Access Field

Feb 19, 2013

I have a data where I want to create a query fulfilling the below conditions. Suppose I have two table: Table 1 and Table 2 If a value ex.98 (Table1) matches with the value with 98(Table 2),it should pick up my second higher value 103. suppose 103 is the next high value of 98 . Please see the data value.

misprepaid.asmvalue from Table2 Required Result Con 989898 then 103
if value of table1=98 then 103 from table 2 (next large number) 103103103 then 149
if value of table1=103 then 149 from table 2 (next large number) 149149149 then 175
if value of table1=149 then 175 from table 2 (next large number) 175175175 then 198
if value of table1=175 then 198 from table 2 (next large number) 198198198 then 199

[Code] .....

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Import A Large Excel Spreadsheet Into Access

Aug 20, 2015

I'm trying to import an Excel file into access as a table so I can use the data in other tables I am building. When I try to import to file, I get an error message telling me that there are over 255 columns and not all my data will be imported. The file is a report I pull from another system at work and it is very large, is there a way to get past the 255 column limit?

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Trouble! Replacing Characters In A Large Access Database

Jun 1, 2007


I am trying to clean up one field of a large database. Currently this field has many records that are listed as "XXXX, Inc.". I am trying to find a way to change all of those to "XXXX Inc" in the entire database.

I saw raskews code snippet on changing multiple characters in a string, but I have to admit I have only use VBA in Excel before and having a hard time with the basics.

Does anyone have some code or ideas on how to do this or something similar?


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Access Novice Taking On Large Project - Need Guidance

Feb 13, 2008

Greetings Access Geniuses,

I am currently in the midst of conversation over at about a large database project I am working on.

I will post the most recent updates here, but if you want to download the database for your own review, you'll have to go over to the other forum. By the way, this is NOT an advertisement. I am a real person with a real, significant, and immediate need of as much assistance as possible for this project.

Before I go on, a few things about me. Though I am in the legal profession, my technological background is very strong, including a high level of proficiency with MS Office apps with the exception of Access. I know my way around the program (the result of its homogeneity with the rest of Office), but have not made a real database in the past. I also do not know any programming languages.

I have recently indulged in an Access crash course of sorts, including some book and online study on things like planning, design, and normalization, but I am still having difficulty wrapping my head around making it work.

That said, the link to the other discussion is: [W W W DOT]utteraccess.[ADD DOT COM]/forums/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=1590364&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=all&vc=1

Feel free to gloss over it to see how things have progressed. Below is a paste of my most recent substantive post. Any help anyone can give me is of great value to me and I really, really appreciate it.

Hi Everyone,

Attached is the most updated version of my database project for your review. I have also attached a sample of the output we would like to have for each product. This sample is not based on actual data, but it clearly shows what we are trying to achieve via a form of some sort. More on this in a minute.

The following changes have been made to the DB:

-Changed tblTrustProspectusVersion to include the appropriate data, based on our business model.
-Added descriptions to all non-PK fields.
-Created relationships to illustrate how things fit together. Note that these are NOT the actual relationships, but are for illustrative purposes to help everyone here (including myself) further understand how things fit together.

Our Business:

I am part of my company's legal department. Our team handles a number of different things primarily associated with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). filings. We have two major product lines. Everything that happens with one in this DB happens with the other as well.

Each product within a product line has certain features and other necessary information we need to see when doing our filings (see the attached sample output). These features and necessities include, but are not limited to, various statuses, various numbers associated with the SEC, various important dates, etc.

In addition, each product has a certain "fund lineup" associated with it. These funds are made up of two components: the name of the fund (aka "portfolio") and the name of the subadvisor to that fund.

Futher, each of these funds is associated with a certain Trust. The SEC requires us to send prospectuses to clients based on these Trusts, which, as I mentioned, are comprised of the said funds.

Basically, we need to be able to select a product from a drop-down list and have all of the aforementioned information populate instantly.

Before I close, one question with respect to my "tblProductFeatures". Like I mentioned, each product has a certain set of features associated with it. Each feature has a certain fee associated with it. These features come in four basic categories: Living Benefits + fees, Death Benefits + fees; Maintenance fees (just short list of the possible fees); and 12b-1 fees (another short list of fees).

Since the features can be so easily broken down, should I add them to their own tables?

Please consider this as you give your advice on how to acheive my desired goal.

I hope this makes sense.

And again, thank you all so very much for your help thus far.



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Adding Large Amount Of Excel Data Into Access

Jun 16, 2015

I have 250 separate worksheets with a lot of data to put into Access. Problem is the data is 120,000 rows in each worksheet and a lot of duplicate date eg..DATE, NAME, TIME,are some of the column headings and there are multiple rows with same DATE or NAME. That is just how I received the data. I would like to transfer all records into Access as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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Importing Large Text Files From Excel Into Access

Dec 1, 2012

I have a data file I am importing into MS Access 2010. One of the fields is a large text field. When i import that field into Access the text is getting cut off. How do I get the full text field to import without cutting off?

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General :: Large Data Entry - Access Mail Merge

Sep 10, 2013

I have created a rather large data entry form for one of our departments which will be used to run a mail merge document. The merge is run off of a query of the form, rather than the tables themselves...I think that is what I've read is the right thing to do?

Anyways, most of it is working great so far but I've run into an issue where a few of the form fields are combo boxes. In access and in the query the data looks correct, but when you look at it in word (in edit recipient list) and after the merge, it will have a file path name instead.

So a combo box that has "Medical Plans and Visual Plans" in that field in the query, comes over saying "c:Users

Ex: New Hires are provided information about Medical Plans and Visual Plans.
Ex: New Hires are provided information about MeC:UsersbrooksAppData

It always shows the first two letters before putting the filepath name in there.

I have tried doing it multiple ways...a lookup to another table, lookup right in the field itself....get the same results.

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General :: Large Table Import / Way To Import Tables To Access

Sep 17, 2013

I want to make a database of diseases (need to learn them for school and would like a serchable database on my smart phone for future reference).
Unfortunately spent a lot of time making hundreds of pages of word tables before i realized a database would be better. See attached image or pdf. Is there a way to import the tables to Access?

I need to preserve the hierarchic info in the nested bullet point lists. E.g. under treatment i might have a point called Acute treatment, with sub-levels, Step 1, Step 2, etc. with their own sub-levels. I need to maintain this relational hierarchic info.

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How To Access Ms-Access WorkGroup Tables To Change Database Login Password

Apr 13, 2007

This is Kishore, working on VB Project which is using MS-Access95 as backend.
Now, i want to change the Database login Password.
Could anyone guide me in this context.


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Change Default Access Msg

Sep 1, 2006


I wonder if this is possible! I want to change some of those default error messages that access pops up to my own messages.

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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Access Query - Change Of Server

Jul 19, 2005

I wondered if someone could advise?

We have recently changed our SQL Server and I am now trying to point an access database to this new server using ODBC connections.

I have updated my ODBC settings and altered the name to the new object. It stills seems as though the database is pointing to the old tables though as receiving an error message:

"The microsoft jet database engine could not find object....."

Does anyone have any suggestions?


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How To Change First Gray Screen Of MS Access

Feb 10, 2006

I have a query.
When we open microsoft office, background gray screen appears. How can I change this screen and put my own screen?

Thanking you in advance...

Satish Aralkar

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How To Change First Gray Screen Of MS Access

Feb 11, 2006

I am developing one softwater in ms access for small scale engineering industry. I have created switchboad wich comes at the center of the ms access gray screen. I wanted to change this gray screen of ms access and replace with my own. How to do this? can I change this screen?
Early reply on this is appreciated.

Thanks in advance...

Satish Aralkar

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Need To Change MS Access 2000 Query

Jun 13, 2005

I need to change the Query somehow. I had earlier made a table consisting of book # , Chapter # , and verse #. I had seen a triple listbox online and asked the designer to make the necessary changes to make it work. So he created 3 Queries, a book Query, a chapter Query, and a verse Query.

But later I decided to remove realizing that some columns were unnecessary, it messed up the chapter Query and verse Query. Can someone guide me how to recreate the Queries?

I'll post a sample for you to check. I reduced the data to make it postable, but it affected the "chapter" Query and the "verse" Query.

What I need to to is delete the "chap" column and the "vers" replacing them with the existing "chapter" column and the "verse" column. I would appreciate if someone can work with me on this one.

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Change The Appearance Of A List Box (MS Access VBA)

Feb 29, 2008

I currently have a list Box populated with some table data which has 9 columns and 255 rows.

I want to enhance the appearance of the list box i.e. 1 row of data will be blue, and next row will be white, and the next row blue again etc etc

How can I do this?

Kind Regards

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MS Access Barchart Color Change Using VBA

Nov 14, 2011

I have created a MS Access barchart by running a query. X axix has user name and y axis has counts. I would like to change every bar's color based on the x axis user name value .Is there a way to do that using vba code in MS Access barcharts.

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One Large Table? Or Two Different Ones?

Jan 14, 2007

I have two datasets that I am using. They start off with similar information: sitename, siteprovince, sitecoordinates. They also have 5 more fields that have the same type of information. After that there are about 10 more fields with no overlap.

In the original dBase program they came from they were treated as one dataset.

The current structure I am using is Company, CompanyContact, Transaction, SiteDetails (the dataset I am asking about).

Is it better design to breakup the SiteDetails into SiteTypeA and SiteTypeB? I have everything working in one table, but I thought it might be more effecient to have two.

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Large Front End Not Much There

Jul 13, 2007

I have a split database, the front end is showing to be 20.5 megs in size but there are only 4 forms and about 6 querys. Can someone tell me how to find what is making it so large?

I did a compact and repair but it did not reduce the size??


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Property Value Too Large

Jul 17, 2007

I'd like to create a table with 240 fields. I know that the max is 255, however, I'm getting a message "property value too large" after I've created 114. Any ideas? All the number fields are byte size. Thanks!

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How Large Can A Query Be?

Dec 19, 2005

I am currently operating queries in my A2K DB that are 35458 characters (~11 full sheets of A4 paper with 12pt).

It takes roughly ½ second for the form to load due to the heavy query that is also calling functions (calc'd fields) from within, but it works fine.

Are there any problems in this?

I think I heard somewhere that queries have a max length of about 2000 characters or so ... :o

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Property Value Is Too Large

Nov 14, 2005

I guess I have too many columns in my database and I'm getting the error message "Property value is too large" when trying to open the database table. When I was using Access 2000, I was still able to open the database but using Access 2003, the database will not open. Is there a way around this so I can open the table to fix it?

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How To Get A Large TXT File

Nov 6, 2014

How to get a large .txt file into Access. I know it has too many columns so I selected about 30 columns that I don't need to be 'skipped'. However it is just giving me the error that my file has more than 255 columns - with the 30 selected for skip - it should have about 230 columns.

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Change User In Run Time (without Restarting Access)

Mar 8, 2007

Hey guys!There is any possibility of changing user on the run without restart ms-access and prompt for user again?Cheers!:)

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