I have a few questions which I hope you all can help point me in the right direction.
A little background is in order. What I am trying to accomplish is Read the NMEA string passed to the Com Port 1 of a laptop from a Trimble GPS Unit. Once I have the string I need to parse it ang place the Lat Long in a couple fields in my Access Database. First off I have to capture the string from the Com Port.
Does anyone have any suggestions of where I can start to learn the code needed to read the Com Port 1 to retrieve the NMEA String pushed from the GPS Unit?
How can I do this from within an Access Database?
If I can get the string returned to a variable that would be great. From what I heard other people were writing this to a file?
I have soem code that is looking at the Comm port on my laptop....I had this code working great about 9 months ago. I dont know what has changed besides me moving to another laptop.
I dont know if I am missing a reference to a llibrary or what. I think I am....
Right now I am bombing out on the First Line....
ERROR: Run time error 424 Object Required
MSComm7.InBufferCount = 0 'Flush the Buffer
If (Not MSComm7.PortOpen) Then
Dim Instring As String ' Buffer to hold input string MSComm7.CommPort = 1 ' Use COM1. MSComm7.Settings = "9600,N,8,1" ' 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data, and 1 stop bit. MSComm7.InputLen = 0 ' Tell the control to read entire buffer when Input is used. MSComm7.PortOpen = True ' Open the port. MSComm7.Output = "AT" & vbCr ' Send the attention command to the modem. Ensure that the modem responds with "OK". Buffer$ = Buffer$ & MSComm7.Input ' Wait for data to come back to the serial port. 'MsgBox "SMS Port Open", vbOKOnly, "Port State" Else 'MsgBox "SMS Port Already Open, It is now closing, and will re-open", vbOKOnly, "Port State" MSComm7.PortOpen = False 'MSComm7.PortOpen = True Call Command8_Click End If
I have a lotus datbase at work and there are far to many conflicts with XP. I am trying to make an access database but keep getting as far as the calculations and then give up.
I have a ships data base. I am trying to calculate totals for each vessels cargo. Some vessels have more than one cargo. eg A Shell Oils vessel may have Diesel, Unleaded or Leaded Fuel on the one trip.
I have been able to get these totals to work b4 but I forget how I did it. If I calculate Cargo1+Cargo2 + Cargo 3 I get 100200300
The other problem that I have is that the totals do not appear in the corresponding table and so I am not able to use totals in query or report.
eg Form Cargo Cargo Tonnage 100 Cargo 1 Cargo Tonnage 1 200 Cargo 2 Cargo Tonnage 2 300 Cargo Total 100200300 :mad: Am I going about this form in the correct way or am I totally going against the grain of access?
I need to send commands to an external device using a serial port.My understanding is that that I need to select the reference to the Microsoft Communications Control (MScomm32.ocx).But is not available in the list of references!
My database is in database where we do the editing and using Access for query reports.
Upon importing from External Data Link to the data source by creating a linked table: the table was created but running a query yields the above error.
database is on laptop, the pc downstairs can open and access the db fine, but the pc next to it upstairs can see the db but gets an error on opening - of course they are using a german version of access so im not entirely sure of the error message but its basically "cant open the db on this intranet, copy it to your pc and then open it"
all pcs are running xp and the same version of access (2002) the db is in the laptops shared docs folder one pc can open it fine the pc in question can open and edit a word doc (for example) in the same folder but not the mdb i can map the drive on the pc as well
it seems more of a win xp file permission thing but the pc can open and edit a word doc ok
the only thing (seemingly) different with the 3 pcs is that the problem pc is in english and the other 2 in german (but why that would matter i dont know)
i'm supposed to be the pc guru but this has me stumped - any ideas ?
I got a little problem here. I have a mdb that must be moved to another pc, but whenever I try to open it (on the other pcs) I get the message that I don't have permission to read. When I try to change the permissions it says that I must be an administrator to do that, but I am the pc administrator, so I guess it must be the mdb's administrator. Does anyone know how to change the permissions, or how to make me the program's administrator/proprietary? Thanks for your time people!
I have copied a database that I used for another project for a new one. Everything is the same but when I try to use the command buttons on the form it give me "no record found" error, even though there are records in the database. I know that the Error message is the one that is writin in the database by the orginal designer, I can't quite figure out how to fix the problem I think that it has something to do with the VB coding in the comand button, becuase of the type error message that I am geting, but I don't know how to do it. I can't post the database becuase it is way to big. Everything else is working fine. What hte command button is supposed to do is update a total score percentage based off the numbers that placed in the database also any of the score can be left blank as to not count, max for each score is 5 min is zero, i.e.score1=3score2=5score3=5score4=score5=4score6=3Total Score =80.00%I hope that this makes sence.J
I have time entry program that the company I work for recently purchased that uses a SQL server 2000 Back end. I can connect to the database just fine if I create a project in Access. What I need to do is take data out of a couple of the tables in the SQL Server and place them in an access table. I really don't want to add any code or tables to the Access project that I created since it seems it would add tables and queries to this products database. What would be the best way to siphon data out of this software package for my own use? This would become a daily process so it needs to be fairly automated and easy.
Ok, Let's say I go into File->Database Properties from the "main" Access screen. This brings up a window with the title "<database name> Properties" where <database name> is the same as currentproject.name.
This window has several tabs including "Summary" and "Custom." It looks like this should be stuff that I can set and then reference from within my code.
My thought is that I can use the "Title" from the "Summary" screen as a variable for all of my msgbox titles. The other interesting one is "Project" on the "Custom" tab. It looks like this may be the same sort of thing.
I've found that the Access Help is absolutely useless - I'm about ready to take a shotgun to "Clippy." But as they say, a display is a terrible thing to waste <grin>. I've also found that it's getting harder and harder to find what I'm looking for in the MSDN library. There's so much stuff and they don't always file it in logical places.
Well, thanks for reading.. sorry for the rant. As usual, any help is appreciated!
I've got a back end database on one of my computers and i'm trying to get the link tables to work over a network from another computer. Ive set the link tables up but it wont let me edit any data because it is read only. Its not read only when i run the front end from the computer that stores the back end. How do i enable the front end to edit the data over the network?
also, it is a multi-user system so i want multiple front end parts accessing the one back end but whenever i try and access the data from one system when another is already open it says the file is in use and i can't do anything!
I'm really stuck at the moment and i really need some help please! :confused:
I am making a database and after a small amount of progress I save it and then copy and save with same name but with an extension V1, V2 etc. so that I can keep a working one as backup. Throughout this process I have come across 'Error accessing Network' connection may be lost.....! I have to go back to my previously saved version and redo the changes I was making. This time I didnt save until I was about to make my usual backup and I had quite a few changes. How can I stop this happening and make my last DB work again.
I have split db with the backend residing on a computer in my workgroup in the shared files folder. I have access to the folder and can view the file perfectly fine on the other computers in the workgroup (a wireless 54Mbps network). The problem I am having is that almost every time i access the backend tables from another computer in the workgroup, access freezes up and has to be shut down. Sometimes, after restarting access it works fine, others not at all.
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
My company recently completed a fairly large website for a local travel-agency. The website runs on a MsSQL and .net platform, but (It is a big but(t) by the way) a pricing calculation database is a old MS Access 2000 application.
The users of this DB have MSA2000 installed on their computers, and the database is made with one application DB and connected tables.
My problem is that I have to make some small changes to this DB, but when I start it up, the toolbars is hidden and right-clicking is disabled. (F11 works).
This is a bit of a weird one I hope someone can help with. I have a fairly small db that needs 3 con-current users. It is split and until recently, the backend resided on one of the computers in the shared folders directory. In this configuration it worked fine, but just recently I have set up a network using a Mac OSX server (xserve) and it is causing a bit of grief. It seems that only one user can access the backend at a time and I have tried just about everything listed in these forums with regards to permissions etc. One bizarre thing is a post here suggested I join/create a new workgroup, did that, stored on the same shared directory on the server. Every time one of the other users on the network joins the workgroup, then re-opens the frontend, they are still logged in as Admin, not the new user recently created. The folder where the workgroup file and backend reside definitely has no access restrictions. Is it something to do with the Mac environment or something else. The only way around it so far is to log 2 of the computers to the server as the same user, this sort of works. Another weird thing is every time one of our users opens the frontend, a new workgroup file is created, system1, system2 etc. Is this normal?
Any suggestions you might have would be greatly appreciated.!!
I have an MS-SQL backend which i use for my data source. I then use Access for reporting services. (It works so much better than SQL Reporting Services 2005).
this seems simple, but i can't get it to work. Everytime the users start up access, It pops up a login and password for the ODBC link. Even when i have the password and login setup in the ODBC DSN, it still requests it everytime you start connecting to the datasource.
Is there anyway to somehow hard code this into the Access front end somehow so i don't have to give the password to the users?
right all tables are like a 2d array so does any body know how i can access a field in a row of a table ie like in most languages it goes a bit like this ArrayName(1,1) with ArrayName being the name of the table and that access the first field of the first row. im new to Vba and access 2000 but all i want to do is access the fields in a column of a sub-form displayed as a table add them all up and place the answer in a text box on the main form stick all this in a function so i can run it inside a macro
I'm making a test database for DVD rentals. When A loan is made I have an update query that sets some fields in the DVD copy table. One of these fields needs to be set to the primary key of the loan made. This would be the last entry on the loans table. I don't have any idea what to put in the 'Update To' box in the query though.
Wrong code here, but this may help explain what I am trying to get: Tables.Loans.LastLoan.Loan ID
Also heres an image of my query: http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l15/mikegrundel/Accessproblem.png
I want to access individual rows in a subform (frmOrderdetails (datasheet view)).
The reason for this is that I have a checkbox at the end of each orderline, and user will be able to check individual lines and do a return of these lines.
For now, I have a query to return lines, but the problem is that when there are two lines checked, it'll only return the first one.
HI, I am using ms access 97 for the first time. We have an application which is created in MS Access 97....in which we have lots of forms,linked tables,queries,macros etc.
This application is used to Update certain information to our Database Oracle server . Now, say this application is updating our Oracle database ABC123 , now we are migrating from this server onto another Oracle server XYZ 123 . All i need to do is to modify this mdb file and make it point to XYZ123 so that updations happen in XYZ123 instead of ABC123.
When I trying to open any forms,Queries Macros...Its saying I do not have Permissions. For eg : when I m trying to Open a Form using 'Design' Button it says
" You dont have Permission to read <form name> You need to have Read Design Permission in order to view the same".
Nobody here knows anything about this application and nobody has userid or password to administrator user acct(which I hope is there).
If I am able to open any forms which contain the DSN name I guess i will able to achive the redirection...But when I am trying to open any form it gives me the above error message.
i have a slight problem. In my tool i'm creating, i have a workproduct form and a button that takes me to another form that allows me to enter in defects to that work product (which works). The thing is, if the defect is found in a 'coded' work product, some fields will appear for new data, and other fields will disappear. On the work product form, there will be a field that displays if the work product is code or not (taken from a table) and the fields that will appear (and disappear) are on the defect form. I want the tool to look on that work product form to see if the 'phase' field is 'code', if it is, then show/hide fields on the defect form. Heres my way of interpreting what i want in code form. I hope you can gather whats going on from this:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) If !Form.preMeetingForm2.phaseName = "Code" Then lineNumber.Visible = True lineNumber_Label.Visible True function2.Visible = True function_Label.Visible = True page.Visible = False page_Label.Visible = False section2.Visible = False section_Label.Visible = False End If
Note: this Form_Open event is on the defect form (where the fields will appear and disappear)