Accessing Linked Files

Jun 19, 2012

I have linked excel files to my access database and wrote queries for data retrival. Now the problem is, when i open the linked table in Ms Access or run a query, I am not able to open the excel file at the same time. It says, "this file is in use. try again ".. Is there a solution that i can open the excel sheet while it is open in Access?

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MP3 Files In Access DB: Accessing In ASP

Apr 12, 2006

I have an access database with MP3 music stored in it.

This works file in access if I double click the access cell the the tune O want to here it works, so it looks like I can store MP3 sounds in an access database.

Not I have it in the database how can I extract it in ASP so the my new web-page will play the tune when the item is double clicked?

To play MP3 hard coded I put an embed this works with a file-name "mytune.mp3" but I want get those on the d/b.

I made this ASP:
[code]<p><%=RS("Tunename")%> <br>
<embed src= "<%=RS("MUSIC")%>"
width="252" height="36"></embed></p>

where Music is the name of the cell containing the MP3 file.

This gave me:
[code]<p>mytune &nbsp;<br>
<embed src= "?$" width="252" height="36"></embed></p>

Any ideas what I need to do to get this to play?

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Accessing PDF Files After Drop Down Menu Selection

Aug 27, 2012

There is a field already that has a dropdown menu that a user selects from and there is a PDF on a fileserver that is associated with every selection possible.What I want is the PDF file to open automatically (or maybe a button to appear) once the user makes a selection from that dropdown menu.

So far what I have is a hyperlink field and a couple test links and a created button on the form with a sketchy macro I came up with (an if statement saying if the selection made = the selection field, look at the hyperlink and open it).

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Computer Hangs Accessing Network Database Files

Oct 6, 2004

And yes I now that's the title of a Knowledge base article, I stole it because it put into words what I can only say in expletives right now.

Basically, well it's all a bit odd.
I got users on the network who, until yesterday, could access some networked databases. Other files from the same source are ok, just Access files.
Today the moment they click (and I mean a single-click) on the icon to open the database...explorer hangs.
You can't open the database from within MS Access either, that hangs too. But you CAN open them up and use them if you can get them copied locally.
Oh yeah, some people (in the same room, on the same VLAN) can access the database, but can't perform any tasks within it.
Databases are a mix of 97 and 2000.
And to make matters worse, it's happening on another server.

I know you're gonna shout virus, but that looks to be a non-starter since I know of no such virus which would affect ONLY Access files and do it on a single click, and secondly The systems check out fine with both Sophos (and our good luck charm AVG) run against them.

Holy Moley! Has anyone ever come accross such a palarva?

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Forms :: Adding Links To Files Into A Field - Accessing Correct Folder

May 16, 2014

I have a code to add links to files into a field, I recently migrated from Windows 7 to 8 and the name of the folders in 8 are different; therefore the database I have does not find the linked file anylonger.

To avoid this happening in future, I would like to have the option for the user to set the folder path through maybe a table and then the link will refer to the settings in the table.

Currently I am using the following code:

Private Sub AddLinkDoc_Click()
Dim strFilter As String
Dim strInputFileName As String
Dim varDirectory As String
varDirectory = "C:UsersMarco TagliaferriDocumentsBA CityflyerCrew SchedulerDocumentationDocs"

[Code] ......

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.DBX Files Linked To ACCESS DB

Jan 23, 2004

I'm trying to link .DBX files to an ACCESS database. My problem is that the Dates are in this format. "20040123" and times are in "730" or "1630" and, all fields are TEXT. The Database is being used to help analyze production times and employee dates worked, so you can see I need to be able to perform calculations on these fields. Is there any way to translate them to Dates and times that ACCESS understands?



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Multiple Access To Linked .txt Files?

Feb 8, 2006

We've had a problem for quite a while with regards to multiple users being able to view/run, queries/reports at the same time.
If someone is running a query/report, and then someone attempts to use any other query/report that’s already using the linked .txt file they get the error message:

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ". It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

I've read various posts with regards to user rights to the folder which the DB is stored, which isn't the problem in this case (we have tested and set user access to all read, write, delete etc).

I've also read that .txt files are managed in a different way than most other file types, in that DOS controls user access rather than jet?

So my question is:
Is there a way round this issue with linked tables that use .txt file as there source?



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Form That Searches Query With 30+ Linked Xls Files

May 4, 2006

I've been looking around and have found some posts that pointed me in the right direction, I just can't get it to work. What I have is 37 excel files of competitor cross references. There are 2 columns in each excel file, our number and their number. I have inserted them as a linked table in the db. What I want to do is create a form that has a field for every part number and make all of those fields a search field. That way they can type in any number and get all numbers back. I have created a query but once I get past 4 linked excel sheets then I get errors about a type mismatch in expression. Also I can't get the form fields referencing the query to show up when I open it. If I leave the query at 2 or 3 fields and use [Forms]![CrossRef]![txtItemNumber] in the criteria of our number in the query, it works. I get a window that pops up when I just open the query asking for a number, I type it in and the query returns the number and competitor numbers. Am I doing this the hard way?? Thanks for any ideas...

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General :: How To Break Up A Table In Access Into Several Linked Excel Files

May 3, 2013

What is the strategy for doing this rather than the code (if it's possible)? I can code a fair bit of VBA in excel but I'm not too sure about what I'm doing in Access.

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Linked Excel Files - Blank Leading Rows In Query Datasheet View And Reports

Dec 12, 2013

I decided to link Excel files and all is running fine except when I run a query on the file I get about 1,041 blank rows before my data is displayed in the query's datasheet view or any report based upon this query... the data seems good but why the leading blank rows? The data in the linked Excel sheet does not look like this and another Excel file's query looks fine and they seem set up identically!

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Files And Then Compare With Files In Database Table

Nov 11, 2013

I have to write a code for my database,i have folder with files "pending Review" and a table with column "tblExcelLocation". when i run my database all the files from pending review folder goes to "tblExcelLocation" on a click of button.But,if the files already exists it should not insert those files and insert the rest.For this i tried to write a code but i think i m unable to do that .

Loop through files in folder
folderspec = "O:QA FilesQC ReportingPending Review"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFolder(folderspec)
Set fc = f.files


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Using MDB Files Which Are Backed Up Hourly Into Zip Files

May 2, 2012

Every hour a zip file is created in an FTP folder. The zip file contains an .mdb access database file with any changes to the data since the last hours file.

What is the best method to get access to connect to the content of the zip files and pick up the changes to the data?

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Relinking Multiple Linked Tables That Are Linked To Different Databases

Feb 2, 2012

I have a database with a number of linked tables that are linked to tables in different databases (not a back-end).for example, I have table1 that is linked to table1 in K:databasedb1.mdb.table2 linked to table2 in S:datadata.mdb.and so on...

However, recently we have moved all our databases to a new location.

K:databasedb1.mdb is now residing in O:masterdatabase
and S:datadata.mdb is now residing in O:masterdata
and so on...

I'm now in charge of relinking all those tables to point to the new location.I would do this in linked table manager one by one but we have 100s of tables linked to multiple different databases in different there a way to create a VBA code that will automatically do this re-linking process?

1. find unlinkable tables
2. search its new location under O:master
3. re-link it to the new location

Database names and tables names have not been changed. Just the location of databases.

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Lan Accessing Problem

Jan 5, 2007

i have a strange situation with a friends network

database is on laptop, the pc downstairs can open and access the db fine, but the pc next to it upstairs can see the db but gets an error on opening - of course they are using a german version of access so im not entirely sure of the error message but its basically "cant open the db on this intranet, copy it to your pc and then open it"

all pcs are running xp and the same version of access (2002)
the db is in the laptops shared docs folder
one pc can open it fine
the pc in question can open and edit a word doc (for example) in the same folder but not the mdb
i can map the drive on the pc as well

it seems more of a win xp file permission thing but the pc can open and edit a word doc ok

the only thing (seemingly) different with the 3 pcs is that the problem pc is in english and the other 2 in german (but why that would matter i dont know)

i'm supposed to be the pc guru but this has me stumped - any ideas ?

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Problems Accessing A Mdb

Jan 16, 2007

Hi there

I got a little problem here. I have a mdb that must be moved to another pc, but whenever I try to open it (on the other pcs) I get the message that I don't have permission to read.
When I try to change the permissions it says that I must be an administrator to do that, but I am the pc administrator, so I guess it must be the mdb's administrator.
Does anyone know how to change the permissions, or how to make me the program's administrator/proprietary?
Thanks for your time people!

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Accessing The Right Database

Nov 22, 2004

I have copied a database that I used for another project for a new one. Everything is the same but when I try to use the command buttons on the form it give me "no record found" error, even though there are records in the database. I know that the Error message is the one that is writin in the database by the orginal designer, I can't quite figure out how to fix the problem I think that it has something to do with the VB coding in the comand button, becuase of the type error message that I am geting, but I don't know how to do it. I can't post the database becuase it is way to big. Everything else is working fine. What hte command button is supposed to do is update a total score percentage based off the numbers that placed in the database also any of the score can be left blank as to not count, max for each score is 5 min is zero, i.e.score1=3score2=5score3=5score4=score5=4score6=3Total Score =80.00%I hope that this makes sence.J

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Accessing SQL Server

Feb 25, 2005

I have time entry program that the company I work for recently purchased that uses a SQL server 2000 Back end. I can connect to the database just fine if I create a project in Access. What I need to do is take data out of a couple of the tables in the SQL Server and place them in an access table. I really don't want to add any code or tables to the Access project that I created since it seems it would add tables and queries to this products database. What would be the best way to siphon data out of this software package for my own use? This would become a daily process so it needs to be fairly automated and easy.

Thank you for your help.

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Accessing Subform

Mar 28, 2005

I have an access db and I want to access the subform on
one of my forms. Can someone help me with the syntax
to access these forms.

I tried this but it did not work.

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Accessing The Database Properties..

May 6, 2005

Ok, Let's say I go into File->Database Properties from the "main" Access screen. This brings up a window with the title "<database name> Properties" where <database name> is the same as

This window has several tabs including "Summary" and "Custom." It looks like this should be stuff that I can set and then reference from within my code.

My thought is that I can use the "Title" from the "Summary" screen as a variable for all of my msgbox titles. The other interesting one is "Project" on the "Custom" tab. It looks like this may be the same sort of thing.

I've found that the Access Help is absolutely useless - I'm about ready to take a shotgun to "Clippy." But as they say, a display is a terrible thing to waste <grin>. I've also found that it's getting harder and harder to find what I'm looking for in the MSDN library. There's so much stuff and they don't always file it in logical places.

Well, thanks for reading.. sorry for the rant. As usual, any help is appreciated!


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Accessing Back End Over Network

Oct 31, 2005


I've got a back end database on one of my computers and i'm trying to get the link tables to work over a network from another computer. Ive set the link tables up but it wont let me edit any data because it is read only. Its not read only when i run the front end from the computer that stores the back end. How do i enable the front end to edit the data over the network?

also, it is a multi-user system so i want multiple front end parts accessing the one back end but whenever i try and access the data from one system when another is already open it says the file is in use and i can't do anything!

I'm really stuck at the moment and i really need some help please! :confused:

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Error Accessing Network

Mar 7, 2006

I am making a database and after a small amount of progress I save it and then copy and save with same name but with an extension V1, V2 etc. so that I can keep a working one as backup. Throughout this process I have come across 'Error accessing Network' connection may be lost.....! I have to go back to my previously saved version and redo the changes I was making. This time I didnt save until I was about to make my usual backup and I had quite a few changes. How can I stop this happening and make my last DB work again.

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Accessing Database From Front End

Mar 31, 2006

Hi there

I have an application that I run in our business.

Everytime I make changes to the code I have to export all the tables from the original into the latest version of the database with the new code.

This is a pain and makes updates time consumming and prone to error.

Is the soloution to have 2 databases. One with the tables and the other with the code (forms), & reports ect

If so, how do I access tables in the 'tables' database from the 'front end' database??

Thanks in advance


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Problems Accessing Backend

Jun 6, 2006


I have split db with the backend residing on a computer in my workgroup in the shared files folder. I have access to the folder and can view the file perfectly fine on the other computers in the workgroup (a wireless 54Mbps network). The problem I am having is that almost every time i access the backend tables from another computer in the workgroup, access freezes up and has to be shut down. Sometimes, after restarting access it works fine, others not at all.

Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

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Help With Accessing Toolbars And Right-clicking

Dec 5, 2006

Hi all! Hope you can help me yet again!

My company recently completed a fairly large website for a local travel-agency. The website runs on a MsSQL and .net platform, but (It is a big but(t) by the way) a pricing calculation database is a old MS Access 2000 application.

The users of this DB have MSA2000 installed on their computers, and the database is made with one application DB and connected tables.

My problem is that I have to make some small changes to this DB, but when I start it up, the toolbars is hidden and right-clicking is disabled. (F11 works).

Is there a workaround this problem?

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Problems Accessing Backend

May 1, 2007


This is a bit of a weird one I hope someone can help with. I have a fairly small db that needs 3 con-current users. It is split and until recently, the backend resided on one of the computers in the shared folders directory. In this configuration it worked fine, but just recently I have set up a network using a Mac OSX server (xserve) and it is causing a bit of grief. It seems that only one user can access the backend at a time and I have tried just about everything listed in these forums with regards to permissions etc. One bizarre thing is a post here suggested I join/create a new workgroup, did that, stored on the same shared directory on the server. Every time one of the other users on the network joins the workgroup, then re-opens the frontend, they are still logged in as Admin, not the new user recently created. The folder where the workgroup file and backend reside definitely has no access restrictions. Is it something to do with the Mac environment or something else. The only way around it so far is to log 2 of the computers to the server as the same user, this sort of works.
Another weird thing is every time one of our users opens the frontend, a new workgroup file is created, system1, system2 etc. Is this normal?

Any suggestions you might have would be greatly appreciated.!!

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Access Accessing A SQL Backend

May 4, 2007

I have an MS-SQL backend which i use for my data source. I then use Access for reporting services. (It works so much better than SQL Reporting Services 2005).

this seems simple, but i can't get it to work. Everytime the users start up access, It pops up a login and password for the ODBC link. Even when i have the password and login setup in the ODBC DSN, it still requests it everytime you start connecting to the datasource.

Is there anyway to somehow hard code this into the Access front end somehow so i don't have to give the password to the users?

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