Accidently Deleted Switchboard Form

Oct 7, 2004

I accidently deleted the switchboard form from an Access database. The switchboard manager is still there as is the Switchboard table. Can anybody advise me on how to get the switchboard form back, please?

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Form Is Deleted But Is Still There

May 11, 2005

Someone created a form and then deleted it. When we try to use the find button on other forms, it keeps looking for the deleted form. When I look in visual basic, I can still see the removed form listed, but it is not visible on the form page for me to delete. How do I get rid of this residue.



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#deleted Displayed In Fields On Form

Aug 12, 2005

Some of my collegues have been experiencing this problem with a very simple database i knocked up for them. First off some background. I have a main form (frmproperty) with 3 subforms linked to it(frmroomdata, frmlocation and frmsample). by a property code. Two of these subforms are linked (frmlocation and frmsample) these are linked by location code which is an autonumber.

These are laid out so that you fill in room data first, then location data then finally sample data. However after the location data has been filled out and a user attempts to move to the first combobox on the sample subform a message pops up saying that another user has altered the database and would you like to save changes (Impossible as they are using the database on a local drive). After this happens they reopen the form and in all the frmsample fields is "#deleted"

This doesn't happen every time...infact over the last 2 days i have been entering data myself to try and get this error with no luck. Has anyone else come across this and know how to fix it?

Thanks in advance
Matt Collins

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String Found In *deleted* Query/form

Aug 20, 2007

I've created a function to search for a string in SQL definitions:
Public Sub SearchInQueryDefs(strSearch As String)

Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim qdfs As QueryDefs
Dim blnFound As Boolean

Set qdfs = CurrentDb.QueryDefs

For Each qdf In qdfs
blnFound = InStr(1, qdf.SQL, strSearch) > 0
If blnFound Then
Debug.Print "Searching : " & qdf.Name & "...";
Debug.Print " - found"
If vbNo = MsgBox("Found!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "" & strSearch & " found in "

& qdf.Name & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & qdf.SQL & "" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Click 'Yeah' to

continue search, 'Duh' to stop", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "SearchInQueryDefs") Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Next qdf

MsgBox "Done searching.", vbInformation, GetAppTitle()
End Sub

Using the following statement (in the immediate window) i get the following result:
SearchInQueryDefs "Queries"
Searching : ~sq_cfrmReports~sq_clstQueries... - found
However query "~sq_cfrmReports~sq_clstQueries" doesn't exist.
It is probably a query which populates the listbox "lstQueries" in the "frmReports"

form. But that form doesn't exist in my database. I have deleted it some time ago. I

thought that Compact and Repair got rid of stuff like this.
I found the definition in the MsysObjects and with this Id also in the MsysQueries.
So my question is obvious: what is this, why is this and what can i do about it?


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#Deleted Showing On Form And Error 2455

Mar 1, 2005


Sometime when I delete a record on a form using the wizard delete button and I move between records, #Deleted record shows up.

Can anyone help me in getting rid of it? or why is it ocurring?

Also, I am getting error "2455 : You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property |"


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Queries :: Form Still Prompts For Parameter After Query Deleted?

May 15, 2013

I had created a query that I was attempting to reference a text field in a form that was open when the query is run. It wasn't working and whenever I opened the form it would prompt for the parameter before opening the form.

I ended up deleting the query to try again from scratch. But the form still asks for the parameters whenever I open the form. Why is Access still prompting me for the parameters?

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Create A Form In Memory Which Can Be Deleted Subsequently Without Saving?

Aug 9, 2011

Is there any way to create a form in memory which can be deleted subsequently without saving. i have planned to create a MDE. can i create a form through VBA coding in it. All the reader of this message are masters in access except me. Any way to create a form in access MDE file.

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Forms :: Deleting Subform Data When Main Form Is Deleted

Dec 9, 2014

I have a main form with several linked by ID worksheet sub-forms. I would like to add a on-click function to delete the main form and all related record on each sub-form. I have tried several methods but nothing is working correctly. The cascading delete function is not available as part of the form relationships. How I can accomplish this?

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Forms :: Form Name Switchboard Is Misspelled Or Refers To A Form That Doesn't Exist

Apr 23, 2013

I am using Access 2007. I have had an application running now for about 1 year and now getting an error when user opens the database. (Have one for front end and one db for backend)

Here's the error message:The form name Switchboard is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist.Also, multiple users are accessing the database at the same time.

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Linking From Switchboard To Switchboard On Two Or More Databases

Nov 21, 2006

I am working on a database that will be an addition to an existing one on the company server. However, to make the overall layout not so complex and allow room for other additions in the future, I'd like to keep the databases separate. This will also ensure more efficiency, integrity and troubleshooting overall.

I have the original database with the name of "Cell MFG Screen" that contains a switchboard. I am now creating a db to keep track of manufacturing waste (which will also be on the same server when completed). That switchboard is called "Cell Waste Weight". Again, I want to keep these db's separated from one another as well being able to add future dbs. Now, what my plan is to make up a one db that consists of only a switchboard that will be used as the main switchboard to be able to navigate to other dbs that are located on the server.

Does anyone know how this is done?

Thank you in advance for your help,


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Switchboard/form Help Please

Sep 7, 2005

Hi, I am creating a database and was wondering how I can hide items that are on a switchboard based on username or the workgroup that the user is in. I have five items on my switchboard and I dont want some users to be able to see the fifth item when the log on but when the admin logs on he should be able to see everything that is on the switchboard. Also how would you be able to open a form in add mode so that the previous data that was added isnt shown. thanks

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Need Switchboard Form Help!

May 25, 2006

I have successfuly made a switchboard that links to a form and pulls the data accurately. I made a smaller database here and now when I pull up the form it does not contain the data that is in the table. If I enter new data in the form it saves but when I close the form it will not come back in the form later. It just stays in the table. How do I get the data to stay in both places 100 percent of the time.

Are there any tricks to showing all the data better in the forms so people dont half to click through data with buttons at the bottom for info?

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Form As A Switchboard

Aug 19, 2005

I have created a form with all the buttons that I need and the have designed it way that I want. I have chosen to have it open upon startup. However, It is not maximized. How can I get it to resize to the windows max?


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Switchboard Form

Jul 14, 2006

I have the switchboard form in a database but need more items in the switchboard then is allowed.

Does anyone know how to change the number of allowed items on a switchboard.


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Form As Switchboard

Jul 15, 2006

i created a form that works as a switchboard. is there a way to put a password on one of the comand buttons that links to another form

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Queries Within A Switchboard And Form

Nov 14, 2005

If its possible, can i have a querie that lets the user find a specific record, say based on flight number or flight date (for an airport) right from the switchboard?,
I can do this within the main form, but ir returns the table view of the record, which i dont want, i would like the form view of it? This possible


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Turn A Form Into A Switchboard

Feb 27, 2006

I have made two main menus, one for admin and one for users, I want to turn these into switchboards. When you open a form asking you to log in opens if you supply the right password it opens another form depending on your access rights depends which menu it opens, it all works perfectly but I want a home button, i.e. close all open forms, which would close the main menu, so I need to turn the main menus into switchboards, I have tried searching this place and I have also tried google although I may aswell have stuck my head out an open window and shouted for help!

Any way any help much appreciated

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Switchboard Form Disappeared....

Nov 13, 2004

Hi there

I've been playing around with creating a switchboard. At first, I saw a form appear in the forms area called switchboard. but now it's gone. I have a switchboard marked as Default under Switchboard Manager, I can see that a table has been created called Switchboard Items, but it won't open on startup. (obviously, because there isn't a form which I can point to in the startup box)

Any idea why the switchboard form is not being created?



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Using A Switchboard To Open A Form.

Nov 18, 2004

Ok, quick question.
I am using a switchboard to open my main form, 'frmJobLog'. This main form has a tab control with four tabs. How do open the form to the 4th tab using a command button on the switchboard?

Thanks in advance.

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Filter A Form By Switchboard Item

Apr 5, 2006

:( I am using a switchboard in my database, I have 3 forms using the same query,formats,etc but the 2 of 3 have filters. My question is how can I filter the form when I click a button in the Switchboard.

I tried to do
but when the form is open nothing happens.

And I also use the Form_Switchboard!Itemnumber = 2 but the only number it can see is with 0 value.

Please help me. I just don't know how to catch the field from Switchboard. Please help. Thank you so much.

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Switchboard To Open New Blank Form...

May 30, 2006

Just curious. I'm trying to set up a switchboard to guide users to the right place in my database. I would like to have one button on the switchboard to open a standard form with all the infomation in it already. and then I would like to have a button to open a form that is blank and then adds to the previous form I mentioned.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Form Mode In Switchboard Question

Dec 1, 2005

Have a question on the switchboard choices I've always wondered about. Why are there only "Add" and "Edit" modes to open a form from the switchboard? I see many, many times when you want to allow a form to be opened in "readonly" mode to page through records but not allow edits or additions. Why does Access NOT have "Readonly" as an option?

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Possible To OPEN Switchboard Again When A Form Is Closed

Mar 15, 2013

I would like to have the Switchboard I created open when the database is selected. I used Tools/Startup to set this up. It works to a point. The database window opens and THEN the Switchboard opens (on top of the database window). There are some who I wish not to see the database navigation window). Also, is it possible to OPEN the switchboard again when a Form is closed?

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Open Filtered Form From Unbound Switchboard

Feb 3, 2005

I get the feeling I'm really missing something glaringly obvious here but I'm struggling.....

I have a combo box on my switchboard that looks up field txtOfficer in a query and then want it to open up a new form containing only those records relating to the officer name selectedtxtOfficer

The rowsource for the combo is:

SELECT DISTINCTROW [qryMain].[txtName] FROM [qryMain];

and the on click event is:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmFiltered", , , "[txtName] = " & Me.cmbOfficer.Column(0), acFormEdit

When I select a name from the combo I get a parameter box and have to type in the name to open up the filtered records form. How can I get rid of it so the selection is one seamless process? :confused:

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Switchboard Opens Form In Wrong View

Feb 8, 2005

I have designed a form which I want the users to see in Datasheet form.

In the properties, "Default view" is "datasheet" and "Views Allowed" is "datasheet"

When I open it directly, it opens as a datasheet.

But when the Switchboard opens it, it comes up as a Single Form. Infuriating !

What to do ?


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'Lock' Switchboard Or Form As Full Screen

Feb 28, 2006

Apologies if I am covering old ground here but unfortunately I cannot find a suitable solution after searching the forum.

Basically my switchboard on Open includes DoCmd.Maximize so that the switchboard does indeed open on full screen. However, say I then leave my database open and work on a different application on my PC then when I click on my database on the taskbar then the form is not longer full screen.

So what I am basically asking is, is there a way of 'locking' it to appear full screen even if I flick between applications on my PC?

Many thanks in advance,


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