Add Photo In Contact List

Jul 16, 2006

Hi all, I have a form of contacts wich I would like to put a photo for every contact, I would like to have a "ADD" button on the form wich will add me a photo in JPG or BMP in a certain field on the form, the photo ar stored in a folder in c: I also would like to have a "DELETE" button!!!
Thanks to all

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Place A Photo On A Contact Form

Jul 28, 2006

Hi I have a Contact form with all the details of the contacts, I would like to add a photo for each contact, how can I get to this?

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Tables :: Email Contact List At Once

Oct 22, 2014

In my database I have a table for all of the customers emails which list the 3 titles for each district they serve, for example District 1 has across the President, Vice President and Clerk. each email is a hyperlink that when clicked once automatically takes you to outlook, however, how can I choose all 3 at once without having to go back and forth to the database and outlook after the one click? so all 3 recipients are included in the email at once. In Excel you can copy and paste the 3 emails but in Access it doesn't allow you to do that. How I can execute this?

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Button Action To Display Information From Contact List On Click

Jan 21, 2013

I would like to know how on a report to make a button action that when i click it present information from contact list (full contact details).

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Add Staff Photo

Jan 13, 2007

Hi everybody,
Recently I created a database for staff details in my company and I used OLE Object in Data type to make it. The problem now there are more than 500 employees in the company so it is very difficult to scan one by one photo. Is there any way that once I click on command button photo will be detected from scanner and saved directly in the field instead of doing it manually.

Thanks and regards

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Adding A Photo To My Database?

Jun 12, 2006

Hi there, this is my first post, hopefully not too many more problems i will encounter whilst designing my database.Anyway I am trying to add some fotos to each of my records, but not having as much luck as i would like. In the tables, i have made the field OLE object. When i try to add the foto (about 97kb) jpg format, all it does is add a picture of the jpg icon on my field. If i double click on the icon my foto will open, but i wish to have the foto showing in my record. Anyone help me with any ideas? I am using access 2003

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Query: Photo Dimensions

Jun 21, 2006

Please help!

Does anyone know what command will allow Access to pull Dimensions from Explorer into a Query?

I wish to have a query that will illustrate the exact Dimension of an image file (Jpeg). This will enable me to filter all images which do not meet my internet standard of 100x100 dpi and/or 300x300 dpi.

Your help is much appreciated. :D

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Photo Links In Tables

Mar 5, 2008

I have recently learned how to link photos to a database using a form and a table listing the path to each photo. Is there anyway to format the records in the table so that when you click on the path the photo shows up?

I have browsed around past threads and have not found and answer.


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Auto Insert Photo

Feb 28, 2005

I have written a form from a table which holds employees details. This table has a photo field. The form has a control which displays the employee’s photo. It uses the field, photo as the control source.
This works okay but if you wish to enter a photo from the form you have to click on insert. Browse for the file etc.
The Sample database “Northwind” on the access help has a similar form, but under the photograph there are command buttons to add/change or remove the photo which is obviously a much more professional way of doing it.
I have looked at the properties of these control buttons and they seem to work through a visual basic program. As someone who has a very limited knowledge of VB is there a simpler way of doing this or would I be able to cut and paste the code to work on my form somehow (If Legal)
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Photo Name As Attachment To A Record

Apr 3, 2012

When you query, you get a line for each photo name attached to a record

1 aunt sally a.jpg
1 aunt sally b.jpg
1 aunt sally c.jpg
2 Uncle Joe x.jpg
3 Cousin Bob l.jpg

What I would like is to have it appear like this

1 aunt sally a.jpg; b.jpg; c.jpg
2 Uncle Joe x.jpg
3 Cousin Bob L.jpg

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Change Photo Depending On Combo Box Value

May 29, 2013

I have a log in form and combo box.

Just want to ask if possible to change photo depends on combo box value?

Here is the link of my database. [URL] ....

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Linking Hyperlink (textbox) To A Photo

Dec 1, 2014

I have a text box that is Hyperlink to a directory that opens fine and gives me access to files that I need. What I want is to place a photo of a particular button I've found (in the form) and on the click event have the hyperlink in the text box activate and open the directory.

1. I can't change the shape of the text box or place a picture within it...
2. I can set the pictures control source as the hyperlink text box but that serves no purpose...
3. Making the text box transparent and all the text white then overlay-ed the picture ...

It worked but I would like the appropriate way to do this.....being at such a critical stage of my access development......

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Adding A Different Photo Per Employee Record?

Sep 25, 2014

I need to add a persons photo to their employee record and don't know where to start.

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Forms :: Linking A Hyperlink (textbox) To A Photo?

Dec 1, 2014

I may be going about this all wrong but I have a text box that is Hyperlink to a directory that opens fine and gives me access to files that I need. What I want is to place a photo of a particular button I've found (in the form) and on the click event have the hyperlink in the text box activate and open the directory.

1. I can't change the shape of the text box or place a picture within it...

2. I can set the pictures control source as the hyperlink text box but that serves no purpose...

3. I lazy manned it buy making the text box transparent and all the text white then overlay-ed the picture worked but I would like the appropriate way to do this.....being at such a critical stage of my access development......

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Forms :: Form That Combines Two Tables With Photo

Oct 13, 2014

I'm trying to create a many to many table (which I know how to do). But this is a little complicated.

I have several photos that are part of my database, so I have them in their own table which contains:


Computer Link (to where photos are stored on my hard drive)

The photo type comes from another table, one of the types is People.

So I want to have a many to many table so I can connect people photos to places where they live. That's pretty easy, you just put foreign keys for the photo CallName and for the Place Name.

However, I want the person's photo to show up also (in a container I will put on the form). In order to do this, I need to have a field for computer link that is automatically populated based on which Photo Call Name I choose. Can you do that in a many to many form? How?

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General :: Change Photo Depending On Combo Box Value?

May 29, 2013

I have a log in form and user combo box.

I want to add photo of each user in this log-in form.

Just want to ask if possible to change photo depends on combo box value?

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How To Link Images With Photo Editor In Access 2003?

Mar 22, 2007

I am setting up a database with an image linked to each record. I have installed Photo Editor as required to display jpeg files. However, when I try to insert object in the table field, Photo Editor does not appear as an option under 'Object Type'. How can I use Photo Editor as my OLE server to display jpegs? Or, can someone suggest a better way to display images on forms? I'm a newbie, so although I'll try more advanced programming if required, I will need quite detailed step-by-step instructions :)


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Adding A Personel's Photo In A Database ( In Form & Then Report )

May 23, 2005

:confused: hi guys
i'm working on a Personnel Project that get members information & data like Name , F_name , Birth date , place of birth & some other informations , but i want to add a Picture frame that show picture of every member in my form ( each record has a diffrent photo that i can select it from hard and fit it in a for example 3x4 Frame & store it in a access database .
and then add that photo in a report with other datas !!!
would u please help me doing that ?!

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Reports :: Adding A Bitmap Photo To Table / Report?

Aug 13, 2014

I am wanting to store a bitmap photo in an access table and then want to include it in a report.

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Linked Photos Open In IE Not In Default Photo Viewer

Aug 28, 2011

With XP photo linked in Access would open from Access in my default photo viewer. With Win 7 they only open in EI.

How do I fix Access in Win 7 so the links open in my default photo viewer like they did in XP?

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General :: Adding A Path For Photo Based On Table Info

Nov 18, 2014

I have a form where I can add a new resident. It runs off a query that shows ID as null and has a button to add the data and refresh the form and query. I used to drop in OLE files but have since changed it to a linked image file. What I want to do is pull the info from the data that I input as a new resident.

Basically it means that any staff member can take a photo of the resident and put it in a folder and the database will point to that file.

The location is..."C:UsersRP"&[First Name]&" "&[Last Name]&".jpeg" First Name and Last Name are in the table already. I have tried using an append and an update query to no avail.

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Contact Help

May 1, 2007

Good afternoon All,
I know there is a way to do what I need, but I am a bit rusty with my Access skills. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Here is what I would like to do as an end result...
When my users enter a name on my form, I would like for the address and company information for that person automatically fill in. If they are not already in the contacts list, I would like for the record to be added. Any idea how I accomplish this?

So far I have the tblAccts (which would be the main information entered on the form), tblContacts (where the names, companies,and contact information is stored), and frmAcctOpen (the user's form for opening accounts).

It has been about 6+ years since I have really messed around with access, so please speak basic language in your answers.

Thank you!

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Add New Contact Name

Feb 8, 2005

Hi Guys. I have a form 'frmPurchaseOrders'. The user selects a Supplier from a combo. The form contains a control 'ContactID'. I want the user to be able to add a new Supplier Contact. I have added a cmd 'cmdNewContact'. When clicked I want the Supplier form to open on the relevant supplier. I added this code to the cmd:

On Error GoTo Err_cmdNewContact_Click

Dim strDocName As String

strDocName = "frmSuppliers"

DoCmd.OpenForm strDocName, , , [SupplierID] = [Forms]![frmPurchaseOrders]![tblSuppliers.SupplierID] 'I have 2 supplier ID's on the form
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmPurchaseOrders"

' Give CompanyName control focus.

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdNewContact_Click

frmSuppliers opens but not on the desired record (where supplier id equals the suppliers id of the purchase orders form).
Any ideas?

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Contact Help

May 2, 2007

Good afternoon All,
I know there is a way to do what I need, but I am a bit rusty with my Access skills. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Here is what I would like to do as an end result...
When my users enter a name on my form, I would like for the address and company information for that person automatically fill in. If they are not already in the contacts list, I would like for the record to be added. Any idea how I accomplish this?

So far I have the tblAccts (which would be the main information entered on the form), tblContacts (where the names, companies,and contact information is stored), and frmAcctOpen (the user's form for opening accounts).

It has been about 6+ years since I have really messed around with access, so please speak basic language in your answers.

Thank you!

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Query By Contact

Aug 2, 2007

Hi all,

I've written a query in SQL View. To be honest, its my first SQL Query EVER and I'm very happy that it works for half of what I need to do.

I'll paste the query here:

Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Internal Kickoff?])) AS [Avg Of Internal Kickoff?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[E-Mailed prior to visit?])) AS [Avg Of E-Mailed prior to visit?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Call to Support?])) AS [Avg Of Call to Support?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Transfer to Support?])) AS [Avg Of Transfer to Support?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Recieve Post trip Info?])) AS [Avg Of Recieve Post trip Info?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Total Workstations])) AS [Avg Of Total Workstations],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Failed workstations])) AS [Avg Of Failed workstations],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Config File Issues?])) AS [Avg Of Config File Issues?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[3rd Party App Issues?])) AS [Avg Of 3rd Party App Issues?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Welcome Pack Reviewed?])) AS [Avg Of Welcome Pack Reviewed?]
FROM [Handoff Tracking];

As you probably see above it does the average of [table name].[field name] then outside THOSE brackets it does the absolute value of that averaged value (the numbers USED to show up as negative numbers.

This query is great becuase it checks the average value of ALL records regardless of contact, which is good becuase I need something to compare each contact to.

Now I need to get a query that will do the average value, for all fields PER contact!

What would be the string to narrow the range of the average equation down to a per contact basis.
As far as relationships go I have 2 tables 1 for contacts.... and 1 for handoff tracking very simple DB structure wise. I just need to know how to do the same query as above, on a per user basis. Thanks for any input anyone might have :)

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Send Email Via Contact DB

Sep 25, 2005

I have a contact database which store email address and other info for customers. I have searched and searched. How can I use these email links to open and email to the contact? Such as how to email from DAP or Form? So the user can click on the email address and auto open Outlook to send that contact an email? This is so much easier in webpage building :o Any direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys :)

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