Add Record In A Sub Form From The Main Form!

Jun 5, 2006


I'm trying to create a record in a sub form from the main form, but just cannot get it to work!

any ideas how I do this?


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Use Popup Form To Select A Record On Main Form

Sep 2, 2006

I'm not sure how to search on this, even in the advanced search. If this has been answered, could you point me in the right direction?

I have a main form AddNewCompany (the infamous tab control that now works - thanks to your combined efforts). On it I have a command button that pops up a form of continuous forms with all the companies in the table (the query calls the CompanyID and CompanyName fields only). I have attached an image of the interface.

This means the user can see if the company already exists and doesn't enter it again. (I'm sure there are more effecient ways of doing this, but this is simple and it works. I also know key fields should be autonumbers instead of text, but I have reasons for doing it this way).

What I would like to be able to do is click on the CompanyID field and have the companies information show up in the main form.

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Use Popup Form To Select A Record On The Main Form

Sep 4, 2006

Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

I have a main form that has a tab control on it. The main form is called frm_AddNewCompanyContacts. It is opened in edit mode. To see if a company exists I use a command button to call a popup form with a list of all companies' IDs and names. I then want the user to be able to click on a commad button on the popup form to take the main form to that record. After an intial post, and subsequent search, I found the appropriate code. This is what I am using for the onclick event of the command button on the popup form:

Private Sub cmdGoToCompany_Click()
Dim rst As Recordset
Set rst = Forms![frm_AddNewCompanyContacts].RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[CompanyID]='" & Me![CompanyID] & "'"
If rst.NoMatch = False Then
Forms![frm_AddNewCompanyContacts].Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If

End Sub

When I click on the command button I get an error message:

"The expression On Click you entered as the even property setting produced the following error: A problem occurred while Microsoft Office Access was communication with OLE server or ActiveX Control (I don't have an ActiveX Control).

*The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [Even Procedure].
*There may have ben an error evaluating the function, event or macro."

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Refresh Main Form After Inserting New Record In Another Form

Jan 24, 2012

I have a main form where information for a particular part number or job is entered. Should the part number not yet exist, Access will let you know. I have a button within the main form that opens up the Form_EnterPartNumber form which allows you to enter the new part number.

What I would hope to be able to do would be to refresh (requery?) the main form after creating a new part number and closing the Form_EnterPartNumber form..........but, keep the main form on the current record instead of resetting back to record number 1.

Is this possible?

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Database With A Main Menu Form Containing A Button That Loads Main Data Entry Form

Jun 24, 2015

I have a database with a Main Menu Form, containing a Button that loads my main data entry form. When the Button is Clicked portions of the data entry form that is loading shows through the Main Form Background (e.g. portions of the navigation bars, and portions of the boarder on the form that is loading.)

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Forms :: Main Form Jumps Back To 1st Record When Moving To Next Record In Subform?

Mar 24, 2015

When I add a record in the subform and then move to the next record whilst still in the subform, the main form jumps back to its first record? I then have to move back to the right record in the main form to update the next record in the subform.

I want to move to the next record in the subform without affecting the main form.

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Why Is Main Form Update Event Triggered When Subform Dirties Main Form?

Dec 1, 2005

I have a subform which makes a change to a field on the main form. When focus is returned to the main form, the BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate events fire. Why? I thought from the form's perspective, the subform is just another control.

BTW, I get the same behavior if I modify the field from within the Exit event of the subform control.

In either case, the main form's Dirty event is NOT triggered.

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Open Record In Main Form By Clicking Record ID In Subform

Dec 16, 2014

I am creating an events database. In my main form, I have all the details of a single event (billing code, fees, customer, support personnel, etc.). Then, I have a subform (form view) that lists each of the other services which share an event ID (this ID comes from a separate, unrelated events management suite). In the subform, I display the most-commonly-edited fields so that they are editable without navigating to a different record.

However, there will be instances where it becomes necessary to navigate to one of the records listed in the subform. I would like to make this a quick process by just clicking on the primary key in the subform, and have the corresponding record appear in the main form.

In my searches I've found a common suggestion to use a DoCmd.OpenForm method where the form opens to that specific record -- in effect filtering by the primary key number. I don't prefer this method because it disables the ability to navigate to other records using the previous, next, find records, (etc.) buttons without closing and re-opening the form.

Is there a way to make the main form 'jump' to a specific record by clicking on a control in the subform, without limiting the ability to navigate in the main form?

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Update Main Form And Go To Specified Record

Aug 1, 2006

Evening all,

Having a bit of a problem with a 'cattery management' database I'm working on, wonder if anyone can suggest anything pls...

From the main form "OwnersAndCats" (Main table from 'tblOwners', subform from 'tblCats') the user can either add a new cat for a current owner or a new owner, both of which are popup forms.

If the user adds a new cat to the currently selected owner, when they save and close the data entry popup form 'AddCat' I want the main form "OwnersAndCats" to be updated with the newly added cat and the form to display the owner which has just had the cat added.

If the user adds a new owner, they can either just add an owner and return to the main form or go on to add cats before returning - but either way I want the same thing to happen, ie the end result is having the main form "OwnersAndCats" displayed at the record which has just been added.

The problem I'm having is like this. The code below seems to work perfectly if I add a new cat to one of the six sample owners I imported to the table 'tblOwners' from an excel spreadsheet, but when I try it on newly created owners I get the message 'You cant go to the specified record'. Even after I get this message when trying it on one of the newly created owners I can go back to adding a cat for one of the original six and it works perfectly.

I also get the same message when I try to create a new owner then close out back to the main form. I'm sure it must be a very simple thing I'm doing wrong so if anyone can spot the mistake I'd really appreciate it! In fact if anyone can even suggest an easier way to achieve what I'm trying to do that'd also be very useful - the code's untidy I know, but I am very much a novice still - the only reason I've used the method below to show an updated form is because I'm led to believe you can't just close a popup form and simply refresh the main one behind it...

Here's the code for btnACSave on form "AddCat"

Private Sub btnACSave_Click()

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stDocName2 As String
stDocName = "OwnersAndCats"
stDocName2 = "AddCat"

On Error GoTo Err_btnACSave_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

YesNo = MsgBox("This cat has been added successfully, do you want to add another cat for this owner?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Add More Cats?")
Select Case YesNo
Case vbYes
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Case vbNo
Select Case stFormName
Case "OwnersAndCats"
DoCmd.Close acForm, stDocName2
DoCmd.Close acForm, stDocName
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, stDocName, acGoTo, stLinkOwnerID
Case Else
Call Init_Globals(Me, OwnerID)
End Select
End Select

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnACSave_Click

End Sub

And here's the code for btnAOSave on form "AddOwner"

Private Sub btnAOSave_Click()

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stDocName2 As String
Dim stDocName3 As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

On Error GoTo Err_btnAOSave_Click

stDocName = "OwnersAndCats"
stDocName2 = "AddOwner"
stDocName3 = "AddCat"

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

YesNo = MsgBox("The owner has been added successfully, do you want to add a cat(s) now for this owner?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Add Cats?")
Select Case YesNo
Case vbYes
Call Init_Globals(Me, OwnerID)
stLinkCriteria = "[OwnerID]=" & stLinkOwnerID
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName3, , , stLinkCriteria
Case vbNo
YesNo = MsgBox("Do you want to add another owner?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Add More Owners?")
Select Case YesNo
Case vbYes
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Case vbNo
Select Case stFormName
Case "OwnersAndCats", "AddCat"
DoCmd.Close acForm, stDocName2
DoCmd.Close acForm, stDocName
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, stDocName, acGoTo, stLinkOwnerID
Case Else
End Select
End Select
End Select

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnAOSave_Click

End Sub

And finally my global variables:

Option Compare Database
Global stLinkOwnerID As Integer
Global stFormName As String

Option Explicit

Public Sub Init_Globals(rfrm As Form, OwnerID As Integer)
stLinkOwnerID = rfrm.OwnerID
stFormName = rfrm.Name
End Sub

Many thanks for taking the time to help!

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Creating New Record In Main Form From Subform

Aug 4, 2005


I want a user to be able to create a new record in the main form, after they have finished filling in the boxes in a subform by pressing the Enter key, rather than having to click the 'new record' button on the main form.

I reckon I need a 'default button' on the subform but I have no idea what this should do when clicked to create the new record...

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Finding Record On Main Form From Subform

Sep 12, 2006


I have tried everywhere for a solution to this:mad: Any help is much appreciated.

I have a main form with a subform. The subform shows related records using a match criteria. Each record that shows in the subform also has a unique ID. This unique ID is also shown on the main form record (although not used to link the main and sub forms).

I would like to be able to click on a command button on each of the records in the subform and goto the Main form record. I can't find any threads that deal with this though - sorry!

Hope it makes sense


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Subform Record To Populate Main Form

Aug 26, 2004

I have a subform that is populated with records, filtered by two combo boxes on the main form. I would like to be able to double-click on one of the records in the subform and have it populated in the main form for editing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

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Forms :: Navigating To A Record In Main Form

Aug 10, 2013

I have a form and a subform for data entry.It is often the case that not all the data may have been entered and so a user might need to go to recordID 24 in 30 already entered main records.However, he needs to get to that record via a (unique) 1-1 field. How do I create the form so that as well as being able to go to the first, the last, the next, the previous record, I can go to a record of my choice.

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Forms :: Unsaved Record In Main Form

Jul 16, 2013

I have two forms, the first of which I'll refer to as my "main" form. The main form has 6 text boxes bound to Table1.

There is a one-to-many relationship between the records of Table1 and the Dates table.

After filling out the first 2 text boxes of the main form, I want to open up a second form to populate the Dates table. I'm using OpenArgs to pass through the PK of Table1, so that it can be recorded in the Dates table.

Sometimes I'll want to enter a 2nd or 3rd date, but I am getting an error message after entering the 1st date. It says that Access cannot find a matching key in the main table.

Is there a way for me to save the record in the Table1 prior to opening. The second form so that I can avoid the error message?

I don't want to use a subform to enter the dates because I don't care for the datatable look of subforms. After entering the dates in the second form, I then want to go back to the main form to complete entering the remaining text boxes.

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Clear All The Records In The Subform Of The Record In The Main Form

Jul 19, 2005


I am trying to create a command button that clears all the records in the Sub form in the CURRENT RECORD OF THE MAIN FORM.
I know this sounds a little bit confusing, but I hope you understand!

The main form is: frmOrder2
The subform is: subfrmItemOrder

The fields in the subfrm that has to be cleared are:

Items (combobox)
UnitID (combobox)
K1 (txtbox)
K2 (txtbox)
K3 (txtbox)
CSB (txtbox)
DTSS (txtbox)
H (txtbox)
Remarks (txtbox)

The two forms are linked by the field OrderID.

Please help me!!

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Forms :: Main Form And Subform Search For Same Record

Nov 20, 2014

I am currently working on a project in access 2010 and I am having a search for record dilemma. I have a main form that has a subform in it under a tab control. I place a search box at the top of the form so that user could select either the ID, the internal case number, and/or the reviewer name in the text boxes to search the record.

I have tried the using the search for record macros and the convert the macros to VBA and possibly write so extra coding for calling the subform into the search but nothing seems to work in getting the search in sync between the main form an the subform. VBA code that will look for same record in both forms.

The reason for the tab control is because depending on the data entered the users switch between mid section data about case and so one set of info goes into one tbl and the other goes into another, but the subform that I am referring to in this question is being generated from the same tbl as the main form.

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Forms :: Subform Needs Results For More Than 1 Main Form Record?

Dec 24, 2013

I have two unbound subforms on an unbound "display form". I managed to link the two subforms by following this method: [URL] This is great and works well enough, however, by design, subform2 will only display records relevant to the very first record on subform1. I need subform2 to be filtered based on ALL of the relevant records being displayed in subform1 not just the first one.

Previously, subform2 was based on a query using subform1's records as criteria, but this gave me the same result.

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Select Current Record In Datasheet And Show In Main Form?

Aug 20, 2007

Hello everyone,
I have a query that runs from the main form when the command button is clicked. It displays the results in datasheet view. I want the user to double click a specific record and jump to that specific record in the main form. How do I do this? Sorry, if this is a dumb question. Please help, my boss is breathing down my neck. :eek: The main form is called Contracts. Each record has a unique ID.


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Copy Field Data From Main Form To A Subform On Add New Record

Feb 25, 2006

I have a main form that has some sub forms on it linked by master child on PK. When I select a new record on the sub forms I want to take a date value from the main form and populate the value into a field in the sub form. How do I do this as I cannot see a new record event on the sub form?

help would be much appreciated.


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Updating Main Form When Deleting Record From Subform Datasheet

Dec 21, 2006

Hi, I have a problem I don't know how to solve it. I have a subform in datasheet view, linked to the main form. There is a running total on the main form based on a dsum on a field of the subform.
When I delete a row on the subform datasheet, the main form calculation is not automatically updated. I had to create a "update" button to do the refresh.
Is there a "on record delete" event available for a datasheet sub form?
Thank you for any help.

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Find Record In Main Form Based On Selection In Subform

Nov 8, 2004

Can someone tell me how I migh find a record in a main form based a a selection in my subform?

I have a Main form called frm_ProductionSchedule.

It contains three subforms:

I would like to be able to select a record within any of the subforms and have the main form display it. The main form is linked to a SQL server Table. The subform are based on queries. The unique PK field is a date field called record_date.

I should add that the Link Child/Master fields are blank for all Subforms. Each Subform is linked to a query and displays data for a particular machine (1,2 or 3) AND is updated based on a combo selection of the Production week. The queries for one subform would look something like this:

SELECT dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.PartType, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.PartNumber, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Work_order_no, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.FrameType, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.FrameNumber, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Shift, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch1_date, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch1_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch1_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch2_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch2_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch3_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch3_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch4_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch4_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch5_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch5_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch6_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch6_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch7_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch7_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Frames_due_date, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Comments, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Record_date
FROM dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule
WHERE (((dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch1_date)=[Forms]![frm_ProductionSchedule]![cmbSchDisDate]) AND ((dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.SpinCoaterNo)=1));

AND WHERE ((dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.SpinCoaterNo)=2)), etc. Respectively for each subform.

Thanks in Advance!!


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Forms :: Creating Record From Subform - Use One Of Values In Main Form

Apr 5, 2013

I'm trying to create a record for a table that has 2 attributes:


I have my main form, where the album is determined by a TextBox. My subform has a textbox that lists the tracks (in datasheet view). I have this set up and working fine.At the moment if I try to add a new record by typing a new entry into the subform I get the error: "Index or primary key can not contain a null value". This is because both album and tracks make the composite primary key of ContainsTracks.

My question is, how can I tell the subform to grab the value from TextBox1 in the main form as the +album when I create a new record.I have provided two screenshot that perhaps explain my predicament a bit better

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Forms :: Using Subform To Add Progress Reports To Main Form Record?

Jan 14, 2015

Basically, I've created a form to track maintenance requests for specific types of equipment. Basically it's like a ticketing system.

Once a user creates the request, I want to use a subform (I guess this is the best way) to let them add data to that specific main form record to track the progress of the request until the repair is made and the "ticket" is closed out.

Do I need to create another table for the "progress reports" (for lack of a better term) or should this be done using some sort of an append query?

I've seen plenty of sample databases where they have a box within a form that looks like a datasheet where these types of "update" notes can be added and then submitted with the click of a button, but I've never been able to get at the code behind it.

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Forms :: Datasheet Subform Not Updating From Main Form Add Record?

Jun 23, 2015

I have a navigation tab with 6 sections, of the 6, 5 of them are self-made split view with a form view on top and datasheet on bottom and upon adding records through a command button on form view I would like the datasheets to update.

On other forms it would (I believe) update to the bottom of the datasheet, now on the ones I've been banging my head against it either replaces the top record or doesn't show up unless I switch tabs and switch back. From my searches I assume this is in need of a requery...

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General :: Get A Record In Main Form With Double Click In Subform

Sep 15, 2013

I have a mainform named EMA and a subform named Q_EMO. In the mainform there is one event related to a patient.In the subform Q_EMO there are all the events releted to the patient.I would like to get a record in the mainform EMA when I double click in the record of the subform.

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Modules & VBA :: Input Box Search - Find A Record In Main Form

Jun 5, 2014

Input box Search problem. I have been using the following to find a record in my frmMain using an Input Box:

Private Sub cmdClientIdSearch_Click()
'Searches for Client by ID number
Dim rs As Object
Dim strCriteria As String
strCriteria = InputBox("Please enter Client ID" & vbCr & "Do not type leading zeros")

[Code] ....

It works great if I run it from a command button from frmMain. But, if frmMain is open and I run it from a command button on my switchboard, I get the following error message:

Run Time error 7951. You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the Recordset Clone Property. I tried inserting a command to open frmMain in the first line, even before the two Dim statements, but I get the same result.

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