Add Single Record To A Table Using Append Query With One To Many Relationship

Nov 21, 2014

I have tables Account (PK acctnum) and Orders (linked via acctnum to Account). There are multiple orders per account that need to be billed individually. When creating an invoice I need to add the Account to the Invoice table and the Orders to the InvoiceDetail table. I use 2 queries to accomplish this. The first one though adds multiple records to the invoice table (because of the one to many relationship). I need to keep that so I don't bill anyone with no orders.

INSERT INTO Invoices ( InvoiceDate, AcctNum )
SELECT DISTINCT Date() AS InvoiceDate, Account.AcctNum
FROM Account INNER JOIN [Order] ON Account.AcctNum = Order.AcctNum
WHERE (((Order.OrderNum)=[Forms]![Account]![Order].[Form]![OrderNum]) AND ((Account.BillingCycle)="on discharge") AND ((Order.EndDate) Is Not Null) AND ((Order.Closed)=Yes) AND ((Order.PatientName)=[Forms]![Account]![Order].[Form]![PatientName]));

Is there any way to get it to only add one record? I've tried limiting it with several parameters to no avail.

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Queries :: Press A Button And Run A Macro / Append Query To Add A Single Summary Record To Another Table

Aug 2, 2013

I have a query run that gives me a list of records that I view on a continuos form. What I want is to press a button and run a macro/Append Query to add a Single Summary record to another table.

For example my query spits out this data

Part # Quantity Serial Number
GO2 1 123
GO2 2 456
GO2 2 789

What I'm looking to get is

Part Number Total Quantity Serial Number 1 Serial Number 2 ..
GO2 5 123 456

I'm stuck on a couple of things.

1. Getting a new single row to append.
2. Getting Serial Numbers from several records to save on to a single record.

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Append Query - Single Record

May 18, 2005

I am trying to run an append query, but instead of appending the whole table, I would like to only append a single record.

I have an append query, and it works like a charm. I can also get it to work with prompting the user for a parameter (in my case LeaseId which is a primary key). When the user is prompted and enters the LeaseId it only appends the single matching record. Works like a charm.

However, I don't want to prompt the user for the paramater. I want the user to generate the LeaseId based on the selections in two combo boxes.

So far the I do get the right LeaseId, but I have no idea how to actually pass the LeaseId to the query. I've tried the following, but I know it's completely wrong.

stDocName = "approveLease"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit, "[LeaseId]=" & Me.buildingCombo.Column(0)

Any ideas on how to actually accomplish this?

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Modules & VBA :: Sending A Single Email To A Single Record In A Query

May 15, 2014

I am trying to create a form with a button attached to each record that would allow the user to click the button and it would automatically open outlook and fill in the TO:, SUBJECT: and BODY: fields. Here is the code that I currently have:

Private Sub Command33_Click()
Dim strEmail As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim oLook As Object
Dim oMail As Object
Set oLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oMail = oLook.CreateItem(0)


There are two issues I keep running into:

1. This code opens outlook and populates all of the fields but pastes the email incorrectly. Instead of pasting just the email ( it pastes the html tags as well ( which means that the user would have to delete everything between the #'s in order to send the email every time.

2. I currently have the email BODY pulling from a table but this obviously limits what I can do. I would like to simply encode the BODY within the VBA code. The setup I am looking for is:
one paragraph
a blank line
a hyperlink to a website
a blank line
another paragraph

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Append Query Single Records

Apr 27, 2006

Thanks for taking the time to look at my problem first of all. I have a form that shows records but I want a button next to each record that will append that one single record to another table that is built exactly the same, which is for historic records. Not the brightest on Access and I can only manage to append all records.

As an example, I have an employee record that have a task, when the task is complete I want to append the record to a historic table that I can look up later on. However, just that one employee and not all that are in the current table.

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Queries :: Append And Delete Query - Single Records

Mar 27, 2013

I am creating a database where the records of individual students are to be moved to different table depending on where they are in the graduation process. In order to do this, the secretary will enter the student in the "90 Hr Request" table (think of it as the first step), and move them down the line of tables (4 in total) until the final "Completed" table. Each table in the progression has more and more fields. However, a student (with their ID number as the primary key) can only be in one table at a time.

I understand this does not sound like a traditional database, as the data is not normalized. However, this is being used more as a filing system than anything else. Their data is primarily paper based (for legality reasons), but wishes to keep it organized in a database so they can run queries and print reports.

Currently, I am creating a macro that will run specific queries (in an order). I have made an append query that will move the records over, then I used a update (to null) and delete query combo to delete the old individual record. I made the delete + update query work by using a selected criteria.

How to make the append query move only one student's record at a time.

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Queries :: Append Query - Unique Records To Create Relationship

Mar 22, 2015

I have created a linked Excel table in Access 2010 called 'tblExcelLinked' and I have a form called 'ASB Log Form' for the purposes of presenting the data in a more readable manner that is easier to view, plus link other fields of data that are not directly related to the 'tblExcelLinked'.

Because there is no unique ID in the 'tblExcelLinked' to create a relationship, I have created a table called 'tblASB', which allows me to add other table data linked from same d/b.

I now want to update the 'tblASB' with data from the 'tblExcelLinked', but only append new records from 'tblExcelLinked', but my inadequate append query is duplicating the records each time I run it, rather than just adding the new ones.

Once sorted my next challenge is a macro so that this runs automatically rather than being manually triggered.

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Modules & VBA :: Generate Multiple Records In One Table From Single Record In Another Table

Sep 20, 2014

I am building a simplified re-order point system - if inventory position drops below a certain level (the yellow level is this case) one or more purchase order lines has to be created in another table.

I have one table with the following field and data:

ItemId Red Yellow Green Multiple Inventory position
0001 10 30 50 5 45
0002 5 40 47 5 23
0003 11 20 30 10 5

I would like to generate new records (in another table) based on the above fields and three records.Basically the end result should look as the following:

ItemId Qty Start inv Aggregated inventory Prioritization
0002 5 23 28 Yellow
0002 5 28 33 Yellow
0002 5 33 38 Yellow
0002 5 38 43 Green
0002 5 43 48 Green
0003 10 5 15 Red
0003 10 15 25 Yellow
0003 10 25 35 Green

The logic is quite simple - if inventory position is less than the yellow value new order lines should be created in multiple qty (based on the multiple field) until the aggregated value (in table 2) is above the green value.The priotization value should be based on the start inv (in tbl 2) compared to the values in red, yellow and green in tbl 1.

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Single Record In Table

Feb 22, 2007


On our main menu table, I only want to be able to add one record.

On the form that I have linked to this table, should you press the tab key to go through all the items / buttons, it opens a blank record screen. However, I do not want this. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance


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Queries :: Add Multiple From One Table To A Single Record On Another Table

Aug 1, 2013

I have two tables

Cust OrderNo OrdLne Prod Qty
ABC SO123 1 AA 15
ABB SO124 1 AB 10

Prod Loc Qty
AA ZX12 10
AA ZZ12 10
AA ZZ13 50
AB CW12 15

One product can have up to 10 locations in the tbl_StockLoc

I need to print the following report (up to LOC10)

Cust OrderNo OrdLne Prod Qty Loc1 Qty1 Loc2 Qty2 Loc3 Qty3 ....
ABC SO123 1 AA 15 ZX12 10 ZZ12 10 ZZ13 50
ABB SO124 1 AB 10 CW12 15

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General :: Exporting Every Single Record From Table To PDF?

Oct 13, 2014

I need to export/print every single record from table as a pdf file (one record one pdf file). how to do this.

I'm working on Access 2000.

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Modules & VBA :: Storing A Single Record In A Single Dimension Array?

Sep 8, 2014

Any Single line of code available?

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Single Record Corruption In A Large Table --HELPPP

Feb 18, 2005

:eek: I have a large table with 1 damn corrupted record, the database can't be repaird, compact, I can't use the copy ,method since the table is over 9000 record sets.

I tried creating a new table and appending the non-corrupted record into it with no success, it is keep locking on me.

Have you guys tried anything else that works for this situation???

Thanks a bucnh

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Query In Forms Question (printing A Single Selected Query Record From A Form?)

Oct 19, 2004

What is the best way to impliment a query in a form so that the user can view the query records, and have the option to print or save the selected record using command buttons?

I tried subforms but I could not get the command buttons to work in the subform after it went into the form, it wanted to print the entire form instead of the selected record from the subform.

So in a nutshell I have 3-4 queries that are built, and I want to have them show up on my form in a format that the user can scroll through the results and select a single record of the results and then print or save that individual record from the form, if such a thing is possible.

Thanks in advance


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Append Current Record To Another Table

Oct 29, 2006

Im trying to make a button that sends the current open record information to another table. I created an append Query but it is pulling nothing. Can someone help me figure out how to send the current open file to a seperate table?

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Tables :: Lock Single Record In A Table To Be Read Only On Permanent Basis

Dec 29, 2014

I want to "lock" a record in a table so that it is read only and cannot be accessed/edited/deleted. Is it possible to lock a single record in this way on a permanent basis? It's actually the first record in the table.

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Queries :: Append Just Current Record Into A Table

Jul 17, 2014

I am trying to open a form with some records taken from one table, then alter couple of data in it and after that most importantly to append current records into a different table. The reason I need to append is that I need to keep track on every occurrence on same fields.

It looks like this:

SerialNumber(Field 1), ServiceDate(Field 2), ServiceEngineer(Field 3)

Now suppose same serial number called again and asked for service, I need to still keep record on how many times this same serial number had service.

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Append 2 Fields From One Table And One Record To Another Table?

Apr 25, 2012

I am attempting to append 2 fields from one table and one record to another table. I have been using DLast("field","table") in an append query to get this done. However, it blows up occasionally and points to the wrong record.

How does one easily and reliably select the right record to use for an append?

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General :: Copy Single Record In A Table And Paste It Predefined Number Of Times

Sep 25, 2012

I would like to be able to copy a single record in a table and then paste this record a pre-defined number of times 10,20,30 depending on requirements. The reason I need to do this is that I want to set up a number of identical records that can easily be amended into unique records. This will vastly reduce the amount of work and time spent entering records individually.

The only way that I have been able to achieve this is to copy and transfer the master record into Excel, and then copy the row and paste it into a range of cells. Copy the range of cells back from Excel and then paste this range back into the Access table.

This works but is long winded; what I would like to know is is there a simply way of achieving this.

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Modules & VBA :: Append Records From 2 Tables With 1 To 1 Relationship

Dec 30, 2013

I have a db using 3 large tables with 1:1 relationships. Before you question my normalization, I stress that these tables are strictly used to temporarily store user input information for a highly automated form with several hundred fields. All of the bound fields enable the form to be reopened and retain the information originally entered. The information is then transferred to a report and converted to a .pdf where it is filed; these 3 table's records are deleted weekly with a delete query. Other than a few combobox row source queries, these 3 tables are not connected to the rest of my db. At this point the form is functioning perfectly.

What I am trying to do is save about 3-5 of the partial (records) on 2 of these tables for indefinitely, no longer needed, or overwritten. Reason being is that partial information (records) on this form can be recalled and duplicated into a new form, saving the user time from having to completely re-enter some fields that will not change week to week.

So far, my best idea is to have 2 duplicate tables that store these records (based on a checkbox on a scheduled query event) that can be recalled and written back into the 2 main tables with a new primary key when needed. Append queries only work with one table at a time, and I need to maintain the integrity of these records 1:1 across the 2 tables with their primary keys intact.

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How To Append A Record To A Table From The Selection Of A Drop Down List?

Jul 21, 2005

I have a form with a drop down list, when the user selects an option and press a button. I would like to add the value of the drop down list to a table as a new record.

Thx :mad:

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Append From A Text Box To Only Blank Field In Saved Record In A Table

Mar 27, 2015

I have designed a database that has two forms as inputs to a table. The first form is a checklist and when it is completed it saves all fields except the ManagerID field. I then use the blank ManagerID, clientID and Date to pull onto a form for the manager to complete. On completion I want the ManagerID to save into the current records so they do not show up in the manager checklist forms and I then have a complete record. I have been searching online and cant seem to see how the best avenue is. I have an append query, see below

INSERT INTO ChecklistResults ( ManagerID )
SELECT ChecklistResults.ManagerID, ChecklistResults.ClientID, ChecklistResults.DateCompleted
FROM ChecklistResults
WHERE (((ChecklistResults.ClientID)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComClientNotFin]) AND ((ChecklistResults.DateCompleted)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComDateSelect]));

Private Sub CmdAppend_Click()
Dim dbsNorthwind As dao.Database
Dim rstAmend As dao.Recordset
Dim qdfAmend As dao.QueryDef


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Append Query Using The Current Record

May 10, 2005

I have a form with a subform in Datasheet view. I want the user to double click a record in that subform and a query to ammend it to another table.
I want to trap the double click event of the subform but
how do i run a query based on a current record in a subform?

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Append Query To Current Record Only

Dec 21, 2007

This is my first time posting to a forum so don't hesitate to correct me if I am doing something wrong.

I am trying to create autofill templates based on the worktype.

How do I append data to the current record only!

I have a table that contains all of the job information including a record autonumber.

I have made a form using this table and it includes a subform for charge items from a separate table.

My users are complaining about having to key in every line item and want the form to autofill the subform for charge items based on the worktype field.

I have written an append query which is correctly extracting the worktype field and updating the charge items fields but it is doing so for every record with the same work type. I just want it to update the current record I am looking at.

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Queries :: Append Query One Record Several Times

Feb 13, 2014

I have a table with rooms each room have a number of gust. I want to append each room many times equal to the number of gusts.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Append Query After Entering New Record

Apr 5, 2015

The program I am working with has an option to add a new record to another table using a button. Not all the records, even new ones, need to be appended.

The append query works fine in all situations but one--when a new record is entered and saved, the append query button returns 0 records to be appended. However, if you go to a different record and come back to the one just added in the main table, the append query works fine. The query uses a TempVar to select only the record being seen at the time. The TempVar is declared prior to attempting to append the record to the other table.

Is there a way to make a just entered record act like its been around for a bit (well at least to save it by changing record to another and back)?

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