Adding Info After The Fact

May 4, 2007

I have a table of Transaction Details. I have a field "Completed By". Now the users want to be able to create a letter head based on the "Completed By" field.

I can do this using code in the report, but a more fool-proof way is to the have the "Completed By" table data joined with the Transaction Details table data. They are now joined as a one-to-many relationship. (Yes, it would have been better to do this at the start - rather than 8 months into the project and after 1900 records have been added. But it wasn't specified as one of the project requirements.):(

My question is - can this be done now, or should I just continue to do it at the report level? How can I do it in a query, so that all the records will be updated?

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Combo Box - Adding Further Info - Not In List

Dec 6, 2006

Does anyone know of a way to allow a user to add further info to another field on the same record that's created by a combo box that is using the Not In List method?

Dim strsql As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim Msg As String

'Exit this sub if the combo box is cleared
If NewData = "" Then Exit Sub

Msg = "'" & NewData & "' is not in the list of Callers names." & vbCr & vbCr
Msg = Msg & "Do you want to add it?"

i = MsgBox(Msg, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Unknown Caller...")
If i = vbYes Then
strsql = "Insert Into tblCallersName([CallersName]) values ('" & NewData & "')"
CurrentDb.Execute strsql, dbFailOnError
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

I need to log a persons name & phone number without having to re enter it again the next time.

To log the name I use a combo box that lists all the previously added names & it also allows you to add further details if the name does not already exist

I now need to work out how to also add the phone number without having to manually go into the names table to add it in.

If anyone understands what I'm talking about then you're halfway there :D

See attached db


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Reports :: Adding Info From Form To Report Or Word Document

Aug 2, 2013

I'm trying to add the information from a form and subforms to a report. This would be a medication mar sheet and needs to be in the format of the attached word document. I'm happy to do it in a report and change the formatting if that will work better. The personal info needs to go at the top and the medication needs to be listed on each sheet.

The form is called FrmMarSheet. It basically needs the info from that like the "sample mar sheet.doc". I can only get one medication per page to work at the moment.

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General :: Adding A Path For Photo Based On Table Info

Nov 18, 2014

I have a form where I can add a new resident. It runs off a query that shows ID as null and has a button to add the data and refresh the form and query. I used to drop in OLE files but have since changed it to a linked image file. What I want to do is pull the info from the data that I input as a new resident.

Basically it means that any staff member can take a photo of the resident and put it in a folder and the database will point to that file.

The location is..."C:UsersRP"&[First Name]&" "&[Last Name]&".jpeg" First Name and Last Name are in the table already. I have tried using an append and an update query to no avail.

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Update Order Info Based On Quote Info

Nov 7, 2006

I need help on this, from what the best concept is, to what I need to look into using:

I store Quote data from phone calls into tblQuotes. There is a seperate table that holds much of the same information except that it is for actual orders called tblOrders.

As far as function goes, I have each working much the way I need it to except for one thing... If a sales person is on the phone with a customer with a quote already in the system, right now they re-enter the data into the Order table. Most times, the order is what was quoted, but maybe with a few small changes (so I will wnt to keep a historical record of the quote). How could I copy the contents of the quote recordset into the recordset for an order, where all the sales rep does from there is edit the quote to the actual order?

Would I use VBA or an update query that is executed via VAB? Honestly, I am unsure how to do this at all, I hope someone has seen this before and has a good suggestion...

Thank you.

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Need Info Again

Sep 21, 2005

is there a big diffrence between vba an vb.

Would you be able to have the same databasing power in vb.

a company offered me a job but they would prefer if all my programs where in vb, but i have never even lokked into it. i know there are a few extra thing like menus and stuff like that.

Would i be able to say that since i know vba i would be a ok candited?

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Need All Info In One Row

Nov 10, 2007

I have a query that creates 8 columns, exactly as I want. However, the information in the last 2 columns, Dbk and Com, I'm trying to get on the same row. Right now, when the query is run, the Dbk amount shows up on one row and the Com column is blank, then the next row shows the Com amount and the Dbk column is blank. Is there a way to get both values to show on the same row? Thanks.

SELECT tblCorpCodes.[Client Code], tblCorpCodes.[Client Name], tblCorpDollars.[Month/Year], tblCorpDollars.[Invoice #], tblCorpDollars.[Drawback Entry #], tblCorpDollars.[Claim Ref #], IIf([tblCorpDollars]![Income Type]="Drawback",[Amount]) AS Dbk, IIf([tblCorpDollars]![Income Type]="Commission",[Amount]) AS Com
FROM Query4, tblCorpCodes INNER JOIN tblCorpDollars ON tblCorpCodes.[Client Code] = tblCorpDollars.[Client Code]
GROUP BY tblCorpCodes.[Client Code], tblCorpCodes.[Client Name], tblCorpDollars.[Month/Year], tblCorpDollars.[Invoice #], tblCorpDollars.[Drawback Entry #], tblCorpDollars.[Claim Ref #], IIf([tblCorpDollars]![Income Type]="Drawback",[Amount]), IIf([tblCorpDollars]![Income Type]="Commission",[Amount])
HAVING (((tblCorpCodes.[Client Code]) Like "566") AND ((tblCorpDollars.[Invoice #]) Like "7315"));

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Deletion Of Certain Info Within A Row???

Aug 4, 2005

Hello Gurus,

I need to perform a massive deletion within Access and I want to find out if there is a simple piece of SQL that can be written to complete this task.


I have a table called GAB - one of the columns is called email addresses

Currently all the email addresses look like this: m14.dpitts@****.com

I need them to look like this: dpitts@****.com, so all I need to do is remove the 'm14.'

Is there something within Access that will accomplish this?? Kinda like substr in Oracle?

Any help would be great!!! :)

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Info About 'like' Operator From Help

Sep 26, 2005

I am new to this forum, so forgive me if this question has been asked before

I needed exact information about the way the 'like' operator works, so I pressed F1, typed 'like' in the "Answer Wizard" and was told to "rephrase my question". :eek:

The index was slightly more helpful as it obviously contains 2 topics with 'like_operator', but choosing them does not reveal anything. :confused:

Where can I find info about such things?
I also need to use an operator called 'contains' which I have used when working with SAS, but appearently it does not exist in Acccess or it has another name. Has anybody heard about it?

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Merge Info

Jan 17, 2006

I have 3 tables: tbl_1, tbl_2, tbl_3
All 3 have the same 3 columns: name, email, code

Can I write some queries or a code or something that can create one "tbl_MASTER" with the same 3 columns?

tbl_1 - 3 records
tbl_2 - 7 records
tbl_3 - 21 records

tbl_MASTER - 31 records. Now the information in the other 3 tables changes everyday so I want it to all be automatic, I dont want to execute 3 different queries or anything like that. Is this doable. Thanks.


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Info On Recordsets

Nov 21, 2007

Hi All,

Can someone point me in a direction to get some good information on how and when to use recordsets? Ive gotten by without having to use them for the most part up until now.. but the inevitable has happened and i figure i might as well learn to use them

for the most part i know When to use them, but its getting into the how and where to use it for the most part.

simple examples or even perhaps a tutorial would be great! thanks guys

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Getting Table Info From Another DB

May 13, 2005

Guys i have tried to seach the Forum but can't find a solution to my need.

I would like to get a collection of table names from another DB, what i am trying to do is populate a table with a list of table names that the front end links to and their paths once a user has selected the data file location.

Instead of me having to force a user to place the DB files in a location of my choice when the database first loads it will prompt the user to select the location of the data file then (this is why i need the above) populate a table with a list of table names and their source, then establish a link to them for the front end to work.

Also if i ever send amended DB files or they move the location of the data files they can automatically re-establish the linked tables.

Hope this makes sense.

Cheers guys.

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Info Gathering

Aug 28, 2007


I have been struggling with a project and cannot seem to get a solution. The following is a bit drawn out so I apologies, but if anyone can help - (or tell me if it is not possible) I would be grateful.

I have a club DB with 42 members, and have a table with members details etc.

They meet 12 times a year and I have a table with details of the meetings (each meeting is a separate record with date, venue etc)

I use forms to view the records.

What I would like to do is be able run a query/report to see who attended each meeting/or how many meetings an individual attended over the year. (I have not got to the query/report stage yet, as I cannot figure out how to set up the information).

(I need to know each year how many meetings an individual attends)

I thought of putting a list of the members and a tick box next to their name on each of the 12 meeting records, (which will update when members join/leave) then be able to run a query with the name of the member, and the dates (or number) of the meetings attended, but don'y know how.

At the moment all I can think of is a memo field, and just type in their names on a specific meeting record.

Any help would be gratefully received



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Last Record Info

Jul 19, 2005

I have a table for Contact history.
All data ca vary except for two fields The ID wich will be multiples of and the election date.

I want to display the last contact info we have how can I do this.

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Info From Two Columns In A Third

Jan 22, 2008


Say I have a table/qry:
1 | Fresh White | Garlic
2 | Fres Valencianita | Onion

Is therey a way to merge variety and product? Cause I want to make an invoice description with a text that can be made out merging fields of a same table/qry.

Sth like the following:
"[QUANTITY] of [VARIETY] [PRODUCT] from [COUNTRY], size: [SIZE]...."

I saw a topic about listing items horizontally but I think it was kinda different from what I wanted, specially cause involved more than one table.

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Info About A Control

Aug 4, 2005

I have a form with some controls, and for some of the controls, I would like to provide some info, when a user key presses a particular key. I would like that when this assigned key is pressed a small box will pop up providing the relevant information. However, for this feature i do not wish to use the msgbox, to provide the information in, but i would like to use something as those "white boxes" which are normally used in help files (the ones that normally describes a definition of a particular term).

Can this be done in access, and if you kindly could you point me in the right direction.

Thank You for any feedback.

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Retrieve Info.

Mar 21, 2007


Suppose I have sharing drive, let's say "\server1sharefolderDatabasesdb1.mdb"

if I run this CurrentProject.Path inside the database file, it will retreive the current path with drive letter, but how can I retreive the server, and sharefolder information?

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Finding Info In Another Table

May 11, 2005

Please note that I am self taught (90% of what I have learnt has been off these boards!). I did make this form with info I found on this forum.
I am having problems with a log in box for a database, the line of code is -
If Me.txtpassword.Value = DLookup("password", "customers", "[customerID] =" & Me.EbayName.Value) Then
This code is in a Form; "password" is the value in the table of "customers"; [customerID] is the primary key value I wish to remember; Me.EbayName.Value I assume is the value in the table that access is looking for.

Questions -
A) It is not looking up the value for [customerID] - what have I done wrong?

B) In the line of Me.EbayName.Value what does the 'Me.' part tell Access to do? I assume it's a pointer to it's own form? What part of the line do I need to change to make it point to another form (or table)?

C) When this is finished how do I get the program to remember the 'customerID' while the customer is fillling out other forms?


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Options To Get Info From Tables

May 16, 2005

It seems that there are a few different ways to get info from the tables when developing an applications that i know of:

4)selects without any of the above

I lean towards the last 2 but I need to know this: is there any advantages in using ado as opposed just sql?

For instance i ran this sql:

Private Sub Command0_Click()

Dim SQL As String
Dim strCriteria As String

strCriteria = Forms![form2]![Text1]

SQL = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE ((('" & strCriteria & "'))"

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmClinic"
Forms![frmClinic].RecordSource = SQL
End Sub

it worked fine. I could see how a beginner would prefer to use queries over sql but I would prefer to use sql in vba. I've read that dao is older and I should use ado instead. So that leaves ado vs. the way I displayed it in the above code. So which way should I go? If I'm over looking queries or dao in favour of ado/sql, just point out their advantages if you don't mind.



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Getting Existing Info To Different Table (same Db)

Aug 8, 2005

I have an inventory table and a repair table for computer equipment. The inventory table is already set and working with all the data I need.

In the repair table, I would like to just enter the ID number and have some of the information already stored in the inventory table automatically entered into the repair table as needed.

For example, computer 138 has repairs done to it. I would like to then go into the repair table to add a new entry, type in 138 and have the some of the data from inventory table (model, serial number, etc) transfer into the repair table.

Is this possible with Access?

I have only been able to do something with the lookup wizard, but that doesnt seem to work well.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Get File Info FROM Properties

Dec 4, 2005

Can anyone tell me a sample code on how to write/develope the Advance file properties like....

File version
Internal Name
Product name

I have seen different types of files properties some has additional features while some has none - its just click once on any file and then click the right hand side mouse button and select the properties that will display all the information about the files click on second tab version (if there) will tell you the additional info about the file.

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Automatic Computer Name Info

Jan 24, 2007

How would I get Access to autopopulate a table's text field with the user's computer name when they enter data into a form? The user shouldn't have to enter this...

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Business Info Systm

Jan 24, 2007

Hi. I'm a freshmen currently in college and I'm taking business info systems right now... and well I'm just being paranoid. Anyway, i really hope this isn't at all too confusing or anything... but

For a hw assignment we where sopposed to like dl this database and just do random commands on it. Anyway, we're sopposed to save it at the end... and email the file to the professor who will grade it.

Anyway, I asked her how she would know if we actually did all the steps and shit... and how she could tell (esp if the directions where like... "1. filter this out." then "3. take out the filter."

she replied that access "saves" all the actions in a database in the document so she will be able to see all the actions that we took.

I did all the assignments, and I'm just being paranoid about my work right now... since it's the new semester and the teacher is SO NICE but very picky when it comes to grading.

My question is just to ask if anyone knows the "secret" command/function/button or whatever you do to basically do what the professor would do to grade my database / ie see that I did everything.

I just want to check to see all my work is good before I submit it to her.

Thank you so much for your time and reading this. :)

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Inputting Info. Onto Report

Nov 26, 2007


I am creating a database for a user that has a health & safety report form on paper that he would like replicated on screen on a form that he could fill in. Is there a way to do this? If not any ideas of which way to go from here would be much appeciated.

Thanks in advance for any help


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Discountinued Data/Info

Feb 20, 2008

Hi All
I have a form built on query called Current Med. its have medications info for the people and we have situations where the med get discontined for some reasons. i would like to have the discontinued med info to put be into another form for discontinued meds automically but i do know how do that. Hope you get the picture.
any help will be highly appreciated.

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How To Use Query To Remove Info

Aug 17, 2005

Is there any way I can remove specific information from all the records in a field using a query?
For example- how could I write a query that would remove the "NME" from NME ACTIVE; FENCE CO INC? I know you could add text to a field by including & "text".

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