Adding Items To A Lookup Table

Dec 6, 2006

I have made a few lookup tables in the database I'm working on using the lookup wizard and entering the text I want in them. I made a form and they come over fine on them.
My question is that I thought that there was a way when you entered something other than was in that field it would automatically add it to that list and you could just select it next time instead of typing it in again. Is that possible or am I thinking of something else.

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Adding Iif Or Maybe A Lookup Table To Db

Mar 15, 2006

Hello folks first post here. I tried reading through the boards to find someone with a similiar question, but not luck yet. I have been working with a basics of Access for about a year. I did take take a bit of programming in college but I don't remember much of it, so I looking for a little help. I can usually Google for answers but I cannot seem to find the write key words this time.

A while back I created a table that tracks employees' data and recently I started working with the insurance data I have gathering for sometime.

It goes something like

Field Name Data Type

SS# Number (primary key)
Insurance $ Number
Spouse YESNO
Children YES/NO
Family YES/NO
Dental Self YES/NO
Dental Spouse.......etc.

What I'm trying to do is turn the yes/no's into total dollars for each person. I have done this in Excel but the fields were differnet and I had to use a many, many if.'s or a lookup table(data array)

PPO doesn't = a dollar amount by itself, but PPO + Self = $19.03 or PPO + Self + Dental Self = $23.00. Or the person can just have Dental Spouse = 8.86. Pretty much the people can take a piece and leave another.

"Insurance $" is another field name and is where I am trying to get the total to go.

I was thinking of a lookup table but I don't know how to do that in outside of Excel.

I am thankful for any help or even a nudge in the right direction.


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Adding Lookup Columns To A Table

Sep 21, 2015

In the tutorial listed here: [URL]....

It states after opening the database in Datasheet view :

In the Navigation pane, double-click the table in which you want to create the lookup column - this opens the table in datasheet view.

On the Datasheet tab, in the Fields & Columns group, click the lookup column.

And it show you some icons.

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Queries :: Lookup Records From Table - Adding A Value To A Query

Feb 12, 2014

I have a query which looks up records from a table, now what I would like to do is append the word All Projects to this query - is it possible, and if so how?

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Combo Box Items In A Lookup Query

Jul 18, 2007

I have a Combo Box based on a table list on a Form. I want to choose several items from the list to feed a Lookup Query. Can this be done? :rolleyes:

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Lookup Value On Multiple Items In A Comma Separated Field?

Nov 16, 2013

I have a table like this below:

ProductID ProductName

I have a field in another table, like this:


I need a field in one of my queries that will return the related products field data like this:


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Adding Items...

Apr 7, 2006

I've made a button on my form which adds a booking ID into the listbox, but it doesn't seem to work. This is my code:

Private Sub Command18_Click()
Dim BoI As String

MsgBox "Booking successfully added!", vbInformation, "Booking"

If Month(Me.Date_1) = 1 Then
ListJ.AddItem Me.BoI
ElseIf Month(Me.Date_1) = 2 Then
ListF.AddItem Me.BoI
End If
End Sub

If someone could tell me the problem, I'd appreciate it. Thank you. :)

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Adding Items...

Mar 10, 2006

MsgBox "Booking successfully added!", vbInformation
'Depending on which month is booked, will determine which listbox is goes in on frmMain
If Month(Me.Date_1) = 1 Then
Forms!frmCurrentBookings!ListJ.AddItem = Me.BoI 'Add to ListJ on
ElseIf Month(Me.Date_1) = 2 Then
Forms!frmCurrentBookings!ListF.AddItem = Me.BoI 'Add to ListF on frmCurrentBookings
End If

End Sub

So basically... I have a date field in the form 'frmAddBooking'... if the month of the date is 1 (January), then the conntents of the date field is added to a listbox in a different form (frmCurrentBookings)... but this doesn't work...

If somebody could help me I'd appreciate it greatly.

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Adding Items To Combo Boxes

Sep 4, 2005

Hey Guy and Ladies,

In one database (Originally an Orders Database created by wizards)

This code to add items to a drop down list in the “orders details subform” works fine.

Private Sub ProductID_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_ProductID_DblClick
Dim lngProductID As Long

If IsNull(Me![ProductID]) Then
Me![ProductID].Text = ""
lngProductID = Me![ProductID]
Me![ProductID] = Null
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm "Products", , , , , acDialog, "GotoNew"
If lngProductID <> 0 Then Me![ProductID] = lngProductID

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_ProductID_DblClick
End Sub

When the same code runs in my new database

Private Sub OptionID_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_OptionID_DblClick
Dim lngOptionID As Long

If IsNull(Me![OptionID]) Then
Me![OptionID].Text = ""
lngOptionID = Me![OptionID]
Me![OptionID] = Null
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm "Products", , , , , acDialog, "GotoNew"
If lngOptionID <> 0 Then Me![OptionID] = lngOptionID

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_OptionID_DblClick
End Sub

I get the error message

“You tried to assign the Null value to a variable that is not a Variant date type”

Any suggestions?

Also if anyone knows a better way to add items to a list box “On the Fly” I would really appreciate it.

It would be nice if you could type in the value and it would automatically add it to the list for future use.

Thanks for all of your help,

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Adding Items To List Boxes

Oct 4, 2006

This is a somewhat complicated question to explain, so please bare with me.

I have a form with a ‘list box.’ The box is populated using a Table/Query Row Source Type method. The table I am grabbing the list from is “Department,” where it contains a list of my company’s departments(ie. Accounting, HR, Payroll, etc.).

Now, the only thing this table does not have is the word “ALL.” I need this word in the “List Box” because I want users to have the option to select ALL.

Is there anything in VBScript code wise or in Row Source that I can do to include this word?

I know I can manually go into the Department table to simply add the word, but this is not the point, because there is more to that(I have different list boxes that are grabbing lists from different tables, AND I have to refresh these tables twice a week). Please help.

Thank you.


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Taking Multiselected Items From Listbox And Adding To Bookmark Location In Word

Feb 1, 2013

I understand how to pass text boxes to bookmarked locations in Word, but when it comes to combo boxes, list boxes, or option buttons, I am lost. So, my problem this time is the following:

I have an access user form that is asking the user to input data and make selections. Once entered I am trying to get everything to export directly to respective bookmarked locations in a Word Report. I have my text boxes working and I have the combo box now working. The issue I am experiencing is with the user making multiple selections from a list box and I am not really sure how to get that to export to the word document.

Here is what I have:

Dim strNames As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem as Variant
'ensure the user has made a selection from the testers name text box
If Me.testersNamesText.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "You must select at least 1 Capability Testers Name"

[Code] ....

I am very new to trying to code with the Visual Basic side of things, I know this is probably the best method to do this but the issue that I am experiencing is receiving a Null error for the line with

.Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!WebBasedIFV!testersNamesText))

And when I attempt to pass the strNames in place of the testersNamesText I receive that the user form can't find the field "strNames" referred to in my expression.

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Adding Text Option In Lookup List

Jul 20, 2013

I was checking if it is possible to add a text option after creating Look Up Tables, and I am also getting extra spaces while creating lookup tables where the drop down list goes more than 100 items.

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General :: Lookup Field - Adding Another Column To Enter Data

Aug 2, 2013

I have got a a form storing all employee's information and on that form I have a lookup field which looks up all the records in the "Qualification table" and the user can select multple qualifications. What I want to add to the lookup field is a data box so you can select a qualification and then enter the date that it expires (different for expiry date for each employee) How do I do this?

I have added the date field to the qualification table but when I create the lookup field on the form it shows the qualifications and a blank column next to it which data can't be enteed into.

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Creating A Table To Cross Index Items In Another Table

Sep 14, 2005

How do I create a table that can cross index items in another table. Maybe I am not using the right terms here so let me show a small example.

Say I have a tables of words.

Then I have some entries, all more or less synonyms of each others

Now I want to create a cross-index table, related to the table "tblWords" where I can select synonyms from words already in the table "tblWords", so if I for the word "fresh" add "new" and "clean" as synonyms or entries, if I then go and look at the word "new" it will already have the synonyms "fresh" and "clean", likewise the entry "clean" will then have the synonyms "fresh" and "new".

Kind of a many to many relationship junction table but only with one table!

I hope my explanation have not been to confusing, but let me know if you need a clarification.


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General :: How To Manage Items In Set And Individual Items

Jul 31, 2013

I just want to know how to manage items in set and individual item. Suppose my product list are

individual items = A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K
and 5 pc set = A,B,C,D,F
and 3 pc set = G,H,K

How should I design the table. Previously I designed the table for individual items and whenever orders for set is placed user had to enter individual items with quantity.

E.g. order is for 5 pc set = 3000


Now I need to just say 5 pc set and it should be automatically populated. And also if order have combination of individual and set items.

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Modules & VBA :: Restrict Value In Lookup Field To Only Include Values From Table B Not In Table A?

Feb 2, 2014

I have a database that has 2 tables. Table A and Table B. Table A is my primary table. On this table I have 2 fields. The first field is a LOOKUP Field that looks up information from Table B and displays my selection in the field on Table A. Then using DLOOKUP I automatically input the information in the Second Field on Table A based upon the selection from the First Field.

This is working mostly correctly. However, the problem is, when I click on the next record in the table, it automatically changes the Second Field on that record to the same value as the record before it and continues this trend each time I click on another record. This occurs without me making a selection in the first field. If I make a selection in the first field it does change the Second Field to the Correct Value, but then the next Record has the same issue.

How do I go about fixing this so it doesn't change the value with the change of the record. Only change if I change that particular field within that 1 record?is there a way to restrict the Value's in my lookup field to only include the Values from Table B that aren't already in Table A?

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General :: Selection Of More Items In More Than One Table

Jun 30, 2014

I'm creating a database for my job. I have 4 tables with information. When I need to deliver some items i must know which items to take, They are in those 4 tables.

I want to make it that i can click a menu on my switchboard that i see a report with all the information with a clickbox behind it. If i select this box and click a button generate it creates a report with all the items i've selected with the select box.

So in short:

1.) How do I create a table with all the items from the other tables that are automatic updated when insert a items in one of those 4 tables.

2.) How do I create a report where i can select some items that are generating a report with the selected items.

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Queries :: Search Or Some Items On A Table

Mar 24, 2015

I have made a query to search for some items on a table. I want there to be a button on the search form that says 'search' and takes you to the corresponding page on the form. (The form has multiple pages in, all with different products on) Is this possible?

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Forms :: Show All Items On Table For A Particular Key

Oct 29, 2014

I have a form which when displayed shows all the items on the table (usually 1 or 2) for a particular key.

The following row is part filled in awaiting further input for the rest of the fields of that row.

I have a button (exit) which basically closes the form but it also validates the (potentially) partial field ultimate row. If the user hasn't added any data to the partially filled row then I delete that row with this code.....

If IsNull(Me.Field1) or IsNull(Me.field2) Then
....If Not Me.NewRecord Then
........ DoCmd.SetWarnings False
........ strSQL = "DELETE * FROM [Component Swaps] WHERE [ID] =" & [ID]
........DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
........ Me.Refresh
........ DoCmd.SetWarnings Trye
.... End If

.... DoCmd.Close
.... Exit Sub
End If

This works. I have copied the exact code into the close event for the form but it seems like in that part of the code the previous row is being picked up.

So for example if I have 2 records on the table I display 3 rows (as 1 is created with partial data) thus

ID.....Prefilled Field......Field1......Field2

If the code goes through the exit event then Me.Field1 and Me.Field2 are Null and the record with the ID=3 gets deleted.

Going through effectively the same code for the close event Me.Field1 = "F11" and Me.Field2 = "F22" and the record doesn't get deleted (ID=2 as well)...

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Tables :: Two Fields In A Table / Link To Same Lookup Table

Mar 14, 2013

I have a table "Product" and in this table I have two fields "StoragePlaceID1" and "StoragePlaceID2". Both these fields link to the look-up table "StoragePlace"

*Attached Image "Product_StoragePlace" from the Access Relationship Window"*

When I want to add a new Product from my inter face i get the error you can see in the Attached Image "Save_Error".I think the problem is that the Relationship is defined as One-to-Many,there a way to define the relationship as Zero-to-Many.

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Table Lookup - Row Source From Another Table - Only Showing Numbers

Feb 11, 2012

When I have a 3rd table looking at the row source of the 2nd table, which is looking at the row source of the 1st table. I only get numbers.

Everything I have read so far points to using a query as a solution. However, the query I made is not updating the information from the 2nd table.

I have attached a few examples.

Attachment 6247

this below shows. I changed "Bakersfield-test1" in the original table. However, the query I made does not update, still showing "Bakersfield-test". When you click on the drop down, it shows the updated "Bakersfield-test1", but it does not repopulate my column with the updated info from the table.

Attachment 6248

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Need 2 Fields From Table 1 / Using Lookup Info From Table 2 And Put Into Table 3

Jun 28, 2013

I need to get x and y coordinates for each device, but the data has to get looked up from 2 other tables.

I have a table (called InstReclosers) that has device names. Each device is on a Section. I can go to another table (called InstSections) and look up what Node that particular section is tied to. Then I need to go to another table (called Nodes) to get the X and Y location for that particular node.

How I can go about getting this X and Y data into the InstReclosers table? summary, InstReclosers has device name and section name. InstSections has section name and node name. Nodes has node name and XY coords. Need XY coords for each device in InstReclosers.

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Combo Box To Add Data Items Based Upon Table

May 13, 2005

I have a small database, that I would like to use a combo box to allow user to select a value based upon values already entered on table, and then if value is not found enable the user to enter a new value that will then become part of the selection for future record adds.

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Deleting Items From An Unbound Listbox And Table

Jan 10, 2006

I have a combo box that inserts data into an unbound list box and table. This works great but I am having trouble with the deletion part. I want to be able to dbl click on the item in the item list and delete it from both the list box and table. Currently, my code is deleting ALL items, not just the one item I want to get rid of. Any ideas would be most appreciated :)
This is what I have for the deletion code:

Private Sub List92_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
sql2 = "delete from PROFILE_Industry where "
sql2 = sql2 & "profile_id = " & Me!Profile_ID
sql2 = sql2 & " And Industry_focus = '" & Me!List92.Value & "';"
DoCmd.RunSQL (sql2)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Add Items Received To Inventory Table?

Feb 18, 2014

I'm trying to add items received to my inventory table. If the item is already in the table, I just want to update the number and cost etc. If the item is not in the inventory table I want to add it. My problem is determining which item in the source table is already in the target table so I can either update of add. how to find an item number in target table by looping through the source table?

Here's the code I've written which doesn't work.

Dim I As Integer
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs2 As Recordset
Set rs = Nothing
Set rs2 = Nothing
Set db = CurrentDb


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Preserve Order Of Items In Table Without ID Or Primary Key?

Nov 10, 2012

This is a CSV file that comes through an Access specification. I need to be able to copy the items from the table to other tables but somehow apply a unique and sequential ID to the rows first, this is essential to the job. The text import spec applies a unique ID but save the spec, and call it using VBA, it doesn't do that.

Also, there seems to be a bug where using a macro to run the text import specification, (and this is after an update from Microsoft), that it doesn't recognize the specs anymore... after I deleted several of them.

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