Adding Payments Due For Family Members In Query.

Sep 28, 2005


I have a query that lists members who have outstanding payments. The results of this query are being used to populate a winword mail merge document.

The problem with this query is that if there are multiple members from the same family who owe then I will get an entry for each of them in my query results. What I would like to do is add the amounts due so that I only have 1 entry for that family. Additionally, since it is possible that more than 1 person can have the same last name and not be related I would also like to have the query check the address field and if it's the same than add the amounts due. The following is the sql statement for the current query.

SELECT Members.FirstName, Members.LastName, Members.ParentsNames, Members.HomePhone, Members.PaymentDue, Members.Active, Members.MemberDues, Members.FamilyAmount
FROM Members INNER JOIN MemberTypes ON Members.MemberTypeID = MemberTypes.MemberTypeID
WHERE (((Members.PaymentDue)=Yes) AND ((Members.Active)=Yes))
ORDER BY Members.LastName;

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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Forms :: DCount / 2x Criteria - Counting Family Members Under 16 Years

Jan 13, 2014

Using MS Access 2000

I'm building a customer management database. Part of which is a table to record details of all members of the main customers family or the household compliment.

I'm currently using a DCount to work out how many people on the table are related to my client, to work out the size of the family.....

=DCount("MemberID","tblHHMembers","CustID = [CustID]")+1

Could I also then count the members of the household that are under 16 years old by looking at the DoB from the same household members table?

I realise that I'd need to ask access to calculate age at the same time as working out if they're under 16 and then count them if they have the same Customer ID - which might need a little more than this single function!

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Reports :: Members Database - Show Payments Of Yearly Subscriptions

Jun 27, 2013

I have a members DB that apart from full details also show payments of yearly subscriptions. I am trying to print a report that shows a list of all the lapsed members. sounds like a simple simple report, BUT...I have a table that includes male and female members on one club number, idealy man and wife, but if for some reason the part company one may not pay the others subs those making the other a lapsed member. is there anyway i can print one part without the other?

E.g. this is haw it prints now

Male Name Paid Female Name Paid
J Smith No M Smith Yes

and this is what i am after

Male Name Paid Female Name Paid
M Smith Yes

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All Payments By Customer Query

Mar 27, 2006

I am having dificulty setting up a query. What I have so far is two tables one with customer contact info (name address phone etc..) and one with transactions. I want to have a query that can show me the customer and all of his transactions in one record. I am able to list it now as multiple records but i want to have it all in one record.

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(query) Move Old Members To Another Table

Aug 25, 2005

Hi all,

My database is a simple membership database that adds members and by clicking of a button it tells me the memebers birthdays for the month and if i chose to select the send card option then it remembers who has been send the card.

All i want now is a query that will take a member who's memebrship has been expired (since membership is year long only) and move them to another table by looking at the membership dates (like 2004 and 2003).

And may be later on if those members wants to join the membership i can then add them again from that table back to the main table.

I hope i made my self clear enough.

Thanks alot

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How To Create Family Relationships?

Aug 23, 2005

I am building a DB for a nonprofit, and trying to figure out how to create a family relationship for contacts. Basically, it will be for mailing- so they receive only one, and to record donations.

At times, John and Mary Smith will donate together, and sometimes John Smith will donate in conjuction with an organization.

So, I would like the family relationship to be with John and Mary Smith, but also would like to be able to track that John Smith, but not Mary, is a member of that particular organization.

I would like the donations that John & Mary make together to show up in both their records, but the donations that John makes with an organization to show only in his record and the organization record.

Is this possible to create in access? I'm a bit stumped at this point.

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Access How To Find Members Who Have Not Paid In A Query

Mar 16, 2005

anybody help please

I have list of member in the member table, every month each member makes a payment (monthly fee) as they do they get entered into the fee table how do I find out the members who have not been entered into the fee table (which will show they have not paid )


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Query For Late Payments - Partial Payment Quandry

Jan 4, 2008

Hi all:

Well, as part of my new job I get to revise a current database for a client and I am hitting a brick wall in my mind at the moment and could use some ideas thrown my way on how to deal with it.

First of all I have two tables -

Table AR_Due
AR_Due_ID - Autonumber (PK)
Entity_ID - Long Integer (FK)
AR_Due_Amt - Currency
AR_Due_Date - Date/Time
AR_Due_Waive (boolean and if checked the amt due is forgiven and not due)

Table AR_Pay
AR_Pay_ID - Autonumber (PK)
AR_Due_ID - Long Integer (FK)
AR_Pay_Date - Date/Time
AR_Pay_Amt - Currency

Now, I have to pull all AR_Due where the payments are late (past the AR_Due_Date) and have no in the Waive column and, if partial payments were made those payments can't be past the due date or else they need to be included as late (that's my main issue - trying to figure out the logic on that one).

So, any ideas on how that might be best accomplished? I need a report that shows all late payments (not counting lates more than two years ago) including any where there were partial payments made but the total partial payments were not made before the due date.

I'll take any ideas, although I might not be able to use some of them due to having to follow certain standards here (don't know all of them yet but I've kind of figured a few out based on the existing db). And, I didn't put this all together so there are some things I can't change (at least at this point), but I'm happy to get any ideas that might spark the "aha" moment :).

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Queries :: Create Query To Filter Customers When It Is Time Of Their Monthly Payments

May 21, 2014

I'm trying to make a query to filter or show only those customers when it is the time for their monthly payment.The query I have consists of four fields which are

1- Order ID
2- Payment
3- Date (Default value set to Date ())
4- Date for next time Payment (Default value set to date () + 30)

I made another field called "states". In this field I putted the following expression

IIf(([Date for next time Payment]-Date())= 0 "Should Pay";" ")

Then, I set the criteria for such field to "should pay" so that only customer "should pay" will appear in the query datasheet. However, this method has the following shortcomings:

1- It works only for one day (alert day) ,i.e., customers will filtered only when the expression is true.
2- Customers who have paid will still appear as a "should pay" until the day (the day that make the expression true) finish.
3- Customers whose pay late (maybe after 1 week) will disappear form the query datasheet after alert day finish.

To overcome the above shortcomings, i modified the expression to

IIf(([Date for next time Payment]-Date())<-1 And ([Date for next time Payment]-Date())>-15;"Should Pay";" ")

This method will extend the alert duration to 15 days, so the customers who haven't pay yet will appear in the query datasheet for 15 days. However, the customers who have payed will appear also, and that is the problem. The problem here is I can't compare the current payment date with previous one for one customer. method to create suitable expression, or even another query scheme ??

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Mar 4, 2007

at the moment i am making a system that calculates the cost of gym membership cost. however, i am stuck on how i can determine whether or not the member's have paid. i have a make table query that calculates each members fees. i would like the payments to be made quarterly. does anyone have any ideas on how i would be able to do this.

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Recording Payments

May 17, 2007

I have a database with 10 properties which I want to record details of weekly or monthy payments. I have a table for properties, one for tenants details and one called payments. I then have them on a form. I want to open the tenants form and insert a command button to open the payments form and record payments as the occur but i can only enter one - it is giving me an error message as I am duplicating a record. The tables are linked with a property reference which I have set as the primary key. I have obviously done it wrong. Can anyone advise me of a way to do this please.
Thanks Tracey

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Sum No Of Members Wrong

Mar 8, 2006

I have a query where I am trying to count the number of members who have joined during a period of 12 months from a start date sept 01 to following August 31. Instead of getting the total number of members I am getting totals for each member type. I have 12 member categories identified by [TypeID] but each member has a MemberID (Autonumber). I use Sum in the MemberID Field in my query by pressing the Sigma Button. When I run the query I get totals for each TypeID instead where I wanted one final Total. I suppose I need to count the records bearing in mind some numbers have been deleted so numbers jump in the Auto Number field. This is quite asic but I cant get it right. Help appreciated!

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Yearly Payments

Mar 21, 2007

i am making a db for a gym. the members pay yearly and the fact that they have paid is shown by a tick box in the members table. i therefore want to reset these boxes to 'No' at the beginning of each year. anyone got any way that this could be done.

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Access Deleting Members (?)

Feb 22, 2007

First I'd like to say I've learned a great deal from all of your posts. I registered today because I'm having the strangest problem.

Let me tell you that I am in no way a programmer, I don't know any code except some basic html. I was asked to take a 2 day class to learn Access (which was a joke) and then build a database for my employer. I think I've accomplished what they need by using every available book I could get my hands on, forums like this, and the help menus.

Our database is very simple. We only have 3 tables, all of which are related by a field we call our "referrer code".

My problem is this -- we've noticed that some (6)of our records are gone. I have no idea why, or when. We run a roadside assistance company. The database keeps track of members. I can't afford for Access to just drop people. The tables are very small, we only have 1,841 members. There isn't any specialized coding, because like I said, I don't know any. I've mostly used wizards to design.

Does anyone have any idea what, if anything, I should look for. I can send or answer any questions that might help you help me.

I would appreciate anything you have to offer -- even if its just a place to read something that might help.

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Selecting Active Members

Jan 18, 2007


I have a single membership table that contains two separate date fields,a "StartDate" when a member joins and an "EndDate" when an individual cancels their membership.

I would like to query this table to provide a list of active members between a given range of dates.

For example if the date is set to 1/1/06 through 1/1/06, I will get a list of all active members on that particular day.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Cheers.

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Tables :: Get All OU Members Into A Table

Mar 4, 2013

I am constructing an Access database and wish to get all the members from a particular OU into a table.

Our Domain name is CORP. The Active Directory Users and Computers shows our domain as "corp.

Under this, there is a folder called "Accounts_User" and under that a folder called "Site-SYD" - This is the OU I want get get all the members from?

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Search And Edit Members

Apr 8, 2015

I have registered members and groups in my access database and i want to create a search form that enable me find and edit registered members of groups.

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Staff Day To Day Work Times And Payments

Feb 26, 2006

i am unsure as to whether this can be acheived in a database..

basically this task is almost calendar like.

the company operates 7 days a week.
i have a table of company drivers and each has their own driver ID.

my user would like to store what time each driver comes into work each day and what time each driver leaves. this needs to be quite flexible however because some days certain drivers wont work, but each day..if a driver has a 'come to work' time then they will for sure have a 'leave work' time.

each driver also pays rent to the company once a week. within this calendar like system i would also like to store on what day the driver paid what amount towards their weekly rent.

i cant quite imagine how this can be done in a database. but if these kind of applications are common, i would be most grateful for some direction.

thank you.

one more thing..

i would also need to record during each day what time the driver left and returned from lunch (sometimes our drivers leave for a few hours during lunch time)

i want to store this because if they miss a job while they are on an extended lunch break im gonna roast em.

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Help With Recurring Monthly Payments And First Time Fee

May 31, 2007


I have a database for rental units and i have two problems that i cannot solve. I have a table with 4 different options of units with different prices. what i would like to do is for the first time customers there is 1 time fee, how would i be able to charge them only 1 time and no charge after that.

My second question would be i have a payment form also and lets say a person joined today and has to pay 40 for monthly rental and 20$(the 1 time payments) which comes to 60$, and the person pays it in full so the balance is 0$, how would i set it up that a month from now, the 0$ will turn again to 40$ so the person has to pay again?

And also would i be able to set up a late charge if they dont pay on the day that they are supposed to?

Thanks for all the help....

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Problem With Payments For Multiple Jobs

Apr 27, 2007

hello all.. trying to resolve an issue in my system..

basically i run a taxi firm.. for those that dont know.

this issue deals with credit card payments, and in particular payments for multiple transfers.

lets say you are booking 2 journeys..

the first journey is on 2nd June from London Heathrow to your hotel in Kensington

the return journey is on 5th June from your hotel back to Heathrow

you want to pay for both journeys at once with your credit card.

both transfers cost £40 each, 40x2 is £80 plus 5% transaction fee is £84.

we keep the credit card details on file to save our passengers time when they want to pay for their journey using the same card.

so lets say we have a job table.. and a credit card table..

Card Table
cardid (pk)

Job Table
job id (pk)

should i create a new transaction table which holds the jobids that were paid for and the cardid that paid for it..?

shall i include the price of the job in the jobtable.. and store the transaction fee in the transaction table?

if this is clear i would like to hear a few opinions on this.. i will be thinking hard about this over the next few days so i might come to some conclusion but what do you guys think

the reason im asking this is because at the moment i am storing the credit card details.. pricing information and job details in the job table..

when i send my passenger an email confirmation.. it sends them the job details, card details and payment details..

this is fine for single transfers.. but if they book more then one transfer i have to send them multiple emails outlining each job individually.. and if they wish to use the same card i have to find their card from the original job and copy those details.

if someone books 4 jobs and pays for them all with one card and one transaction i really have difficulties, i would have to send them 4 emails (with 4 job details respectively) and i would have to include all the payment details in each job to verify it has been paid.. this means i would have to enter their card details 4 times.. and even though each job might be £20 each.. i would have to write £80 in the total charged field because it is covering all the jobs..

anyways.. if you can spare me a thought i would be grateful.. thank you

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Display Members Picture In Report

Apr 30, 2005

i have a table calle "tstaff" and one of the fields in it is named "picture" which hold a link to the picture of the staff membe, the picture is stored on my pc, not in the database.

so in the picture field would be something like this...

c:documents and settingsall usersdocumentsmy picturessample pictureslue hills.jpg

what i am trying to do now is to create a report that displays all the patients data, including the actual picture that the link refers to...

how should i do this please



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Queries :: Payments Made Between Two Dates

Jun 18, 2015

I'm working two dates that will highlight the accounts that have made a payment Today (Last Payment) + 60 days & move the entire row to another tab

Payment Made: iif ([Date of Last Pay])>60 days from ([Dis Date) highlight and move to tab number 2


Payment Made60: iif ([Date ()])>60 days highlight and move to tab number 3

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Forms :: Delete Inactive Members?

Jan 9, 2015

I have created a database containing customer records and i wanted to somehow add a part where an individuals records will automatically be deleted if they are not active for 3 years+

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How To Handle Duplicate Members In A Table

Oct 7, 2015

I am putting together a "Clients" table, what is the best way to handle Clients with the same name.

For example:

Here are a few fields from my "Clients table":


I was thinking of making a unique index for first and last, but then i thought, what if I come across 2 John Smith's?

I am sure there is a professional way of handling this, but Im not sure what the norm is.

-SHould I make a unique index for Fname, Mname, & Lname?
-SHould I make a unique index for Fname, Lname, & DateOfBirth?

I would like to know what is the norm when storing people in a table and the best way to prevent duplicate clients from being entered.

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Mail Merge From Database To Multi Members

Jan 3, 2006

i am creating a database for a membership of my martial arts academy, so far i can add and search members.

i would like to have a mail merge feature on this, so that i have a list of all the people with a check box next to their name, if the box is ticked their name is added to the mail merge. if its not ticked its not added.

All help is much appreciated.


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General :: Calculating Balance For Payments In Installments

Jul 16, 2014

I have a project to take. It relates to school fee payments by students. I have created tables, query and forms for the same. The database is able to calculate the Balance using the query. Now my major issue is how do I go about Calculating the Balance for the second fee payment, given that the amount payable on the next payment will be the previous balance. I have tried to think using the nested if to try it, but invain!

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