Adding Primary Key Field To Exist Database

Jan 30, 2008

I have a database with 200.000 records, how I Add Primary Key Field.
I'm getting error "File sharing count exceeded..", tried to increase "MaxLocksPerFile" registry , but without success.

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Forms :: View Locations In A Map Which Exist In Database?

Apr 20, 2013

I have a database with company locations which I want to have on a map. Is there any possibility to embed a map (Goolge Maps or Bing Maps) where it points all the locations of the companies which exist in my database?

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Access 2003 Database - Adding A Field?

May 31, 2006


I'm adding to a database that someone else set up. I went to the Design View page and clicked on one of the buttons at the bottom to add a text box etc etc. It all looks fine, but the field doesn't seem to be active - if I add some text into it for one page of the databse, the same text appears on every page of the databse. I notice that my "new field" is not listed in the fields list. How do I add it? I keep looking through "The Missing Manual" but without spending 3 days reading the whole thing (which I don't have time for) and learning much much more than I need to know just to get to the part that I need to know, it isn't helping me much.

Please can anyone enlighten me? My email is



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Database Not Working After Adding Attachment Field?

Aug 5, 2013

I created a database a while ago which has been working just fine, until I wanted to make one addition: an attachement field to one of its tables.

If I do so, some queries don't work anymore and as a result of that, some (sub)forms do not work. The only error I get is: The search key was not found in any record.

When I add an other kind of field (like a text field), the problem does not occur..

When I remove the attachment field again, everything works fine again...

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Adding A Record With New Primary Key

Dec 19, 2011

I am creating a form to add records to my database. I have created a primary key that is not autonumber. When adding a new record, I want the form to put a primary key default value of the next number in sequence. How do I do this?

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Field Does Not Exist - Any Useful Functions?

Aug 6, 2007

I need a function or way of dealing with a field that may or may not exist.

I am crosstabbing a large database and then building queries on the crosstab. However, the field from which the column headings come does not always have the same data in it as I have to cut the data in different ways (always similar but not always the same). As a result, sometimes I get the error message:

"The Microsoft Jet Engine doesnot recognise [FIELD] as a valid field name or expression"

where a field I was expecting did not appear.

If it was a null value within a field I remove it like this:
iif([Field] is null, 0, [Field])

Is there an equivalent formula for "exists" that will stop my queries falling over when it cannot find the field?
eg iif(exists([Field]),[Field],0)

Any help, guidance or assistance gratefully received!

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Adding AutoNumber As Primary ID To Existing Table

Jan 31, 2012

I have a simple database that I inherited, that contains basic customer contact info. We want to start adding more functionality to the database, so I've done alot of research to learn about how to begin normalizing my data.The existing table does not contain a useful primary key, since we may have multiple individuals from the same company, companies with very similar names, etc.

I would like to add an AutoNumbered field to use as a CustomerID/primary key, but I can't seem to find a way to do so. Here is what I've tried so far:

I have tried to add a field to the table, and make it an AutoNumber data type. When I do so, I can error message saying that I cannot make a field AutoNumber if any other field in the table already has data entered in it.I have tried to create a new table containing only an AutoNumber PrimaryID field, and then import data from the existing table, but that just creates a 3rd table.

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Forms :: Adding Field To A Form Breaks Entire Database Record Source?

Sep 26, 2014

I am building a database where one Form displays records from 14 different tables. For some reason, when I recently try to add a field on to a form from a new table, the ENTIRE form loses the record source, and every single field that is already on the form gets that green dot in the corner with errors surrounding a record source that cannot be found. What am I doing wrong? Am I exceeding some limitations with forms?

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Adding New Record To All Tables For 1 Table Primary Key Entry

Oct 20, 2006

Hi, I have 7 tables in my database and 1 form corresponding to all the fields in these tables (linked by a query by recordsource). My problem is that the form will only show a record if ALL 7 tables have manually had the primary key entered (not good when i have information that needs to be added at different times). How can I make it such that if I create a new record on the form that all primary key fields will be updated, and this record will be present every time i open my the form??


Tania :o

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Show Field In Form If Data Exist

Feb 9, 2006


I have to rethink and change the way of display in my form.

I have a form bound to ID.
I want to show 2 fields if they contain data, otherwise hide them
How do you do that?


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If Statement .. If [Field] Exist In Table, Then Run Query

Mar 24, 2005

How would i write an if statemet that does the following:

If Forms!Form1!Field1 exists in table1!Field1 then run Query1

Let me know,

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Field 'F1' Doesn't Exist In Destination Table 'tablename.'...

Nov 20, 2006

"Field 'F1' doesn't exist in destination table 'tablename.'"

I hate this error message.

I am using the following command to load data from an excel spreadsheet into a backend SQL Server database via an .adp:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel7, sTempTable, strFileName, False, "A2:B4000"

I have purposely used "False" to ensure that the first line in my spreadsheet is ignored. This is because the first line in my spreadsheet contains headings that do not match the column names in my table.

I do not wish to change my headings as end users will be making use of my application and they will not like headings such as "int_FactoryID". Likewise I do not want to change the column names in my table to words such as "Factory ID" as this would be a bad naming convention.

Is there a way to use TransferSpreadsheet without necessarily matching the headings in the spreadsheet to the column headings?

Is there a way for TransferSpreadsheet to ignore the headings and assume that the first column in the spreadsheet needs to go to the first column in my SQL Server table?

Any help would be appreciated.


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Tables :: Validating Field - If Number Exist In Another Table?

May 1, 2013

Validating field from a query. I have a table with a field that has a value number that I need to validate that that number exist in another table in a field

Table1.field1 Number
Table2.field1 number

So let's say a have in table2.field1 the list 1 2 3 4 5 8

In table1.field1 I need to validate that the number I enter is present in table2.field1 so 1 would be ok but 6 invalid and it can't be a from list statement because I need the person to enter a number and get no error or get invalid number.

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Forms :: Validate Field Data If Result Exist In Query

Jun 19, 2013

I have a form that contains two text fields i.e.; [Scat_text] and [STyp], which each can be changed by the users. I would like to combine the results of the two fields together and validate if the results exists in a query. What would be the best way to accomplish this?

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Modules & VBA :: Checking If Data Entered In Form Field Exist

Jan 17, 2015

I want to check if data entered in a form field is existed

The form is bounded to a table

I used this code

If DLookup("Telegram_Number", "tbl_Violation_Of_Building", "Telegram_Number Like " & Forms!frm_Add_Violation_Building!Telegram_Number) Then
MsgBox ("number existed")
Me.Telegram_Number = ""
End If

everything is ok but if the data is existed the database show the message and clear the field but i'm getting a Run-time error

'-2147352567(80020009)': the macro or function set to the beforeupdate or validationRule property for this field is preventing [ISF] from saving the data in the field

I guess the problem because the form is bounded to a table so he will save automatically

My solution is to unbound the fields and save the data via vba but is there any solution with a bounded form???

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Queries :: Run A Query That Count Number Of Digits In Each Field / How Many Of Each Exist

May 8, 2013

The field SECL DDI has the users phone number unfortunately over time these have been entered in different formats so there are 5 digits, 6 digits, 7 digits etc...Can I run a query that counts the number of digits in each filed and then tell me how many of each exist


4 digits 3412
5 digits 5000

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Error - Field Date Update Doesn't Exist In Destination Table

Aug 7, 2013

Was trying to append an Excel 97-2003 spreadsheet to an existing Access 2010 database.

The last field in the spreadsheet is Date Update.

When I click 'Finish' I get the error "Field Date Update doesn't exist in destination table <name of table>.

This database was created in Access 2003, and was not updated since and I don't have Access 2003 on my destop.

I saved the Excel Spread as a Excel Workbook *.xlsx and tried to append it. Same Error was the result.

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Modules & VBA :: Error 2391 Field F1 Doesn't Exist In Destination Table - Access 2013

May 3, 2014

I'm getting error 2391 field 'f1' doesn't exist in destination table

Dim FileBrowse As Office.FileDialog
Dim varFile As Variant
Dim sFile As String
Set FileBrowse = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

[Code] ....

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Number In Primary Key Field Gets Increased Each Time When Jump To A New Field?

Dec 15, 2012

Assuming the following table:

Album ID AlbumTitle Song Rating

When I enter data, Album ID increases every time I jump to the next field. For example, when I enter: AlbumTitle, Song, Rating, Album ID is already at 4 and this is just the first record.

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Changing Primary Key To AUTONUMBER On Existing Database ?

Mar 30, 2007

I have an existing contact information database which consists of a number of tables, the main table has a primary key which is currently set to NUMBER.

There is a relationship between it and 2 other tables via that key (ContactID).

I would now like to change the primary key (ContactID) to AUTONUMBER, so that any new records added, have a number assigned automatically. I also need any newly created primary key number to be used in the child tables created as a result.

Is this possible ? (without renumbering my existing tables/records)

many thanks

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Forms :: Access Database Primary Key Hyperlink

Jul 29, 2014

We are using access 2010, I have a blank form that produces an ID number for the specific record when saved. then i have other forms where the ID field is hyperlinked to the original form that was entered. I now have 2 users that are unable to open the hyperlinked form. when i login as them im able to open the hyperlinked form.

Private Sub ID_Click()
On Error GoTo Error_Catcher_1
DoCmd.OpenForm "NewRequestForm", , , "ID= " & Me.ID, acFormEdit


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Splitting Database - Index Or Primary Key Cannot Contain A Null Value

Mar 6, 2014

I've inherited a rather messy database which and I need to split it in order for us all to be able to enter data at the same time without problems however I get the following message..Index or primary key cannot contain a Null value..It happens at the table that contains the majority of the data (typical) but I cannot understand what could be causing it. I've check Null Primary Key field and removed all of the "required" statuses out of the fields but still no luck.

I tested on a backup database from a couple of days ago and it worked. Only difference is I've added a few bits and bobs since then and 1 field in the table it's stalling on but this field doesn't contain any null values either and I've tried deleting that field in my test database but made no difference.

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Change Primary Location Of Access Database?

Jun 3, 2013

I created a database that I want to move to a server for others to access. When they open it, it says invalid path. It's looking for my desktop. How do I get this whole database moved to a shared location on a server?

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Copy Autofill Primary Key Field To Another Field

Jun 17, 2012

My table called Table1 has a primary key field (called RefID) with AutoNumber format. My problem is I want duplicate value of RefID field to another field called DupID. I want DupID to be changed, but I don't want any change on RefID field whenever I make changes.

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AutoNumber Primary Key In Database Starts Jumping Suddenly By Thousand Places

Jul 14, 2014

The above image is of a table which I need to update according to a new data on daily basis. As you can see when I added two records at the last , the AutoNumber primary key of the table jumped by thousands . I have used the following query to update the table

db.Execute "INSERT INTO D_Counterparty (CPTY_ENTITY_ID,CPTY_DESC)"_ & "SELECT Ctpy_Entity_Id,Ctpy_Entity_Legal_Nm"_ & "FROM NewCU LEFT JOIN D_Counterparty ON D_Counterparty.CPTY_ENTITY_ID=NewCU.Ctpy_Entity_Id"

I never changed the AutoNumber from incremental to random and I have also tried re-seeding it but had no success. Also when I inserted the sample values using a sample table ,the AutoNumber was working fine . Here's that query

db.Execute "INSERT INTO D_Counterparty (CPTY_ENTITY_ID,CPTY_DESC,) SELECT a,b, FROM sample"

I did not use join in this query ...

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Issue With Primary Key Being More Than One Field?

Oct 26, 2004

I have a basic question about choosing the primary key for a table. Now I am not really concerned on the particular field(s) chosen to be the primary key, but rather the potential states, if you will, that the key can be in.

Say I choose a multiple field primary key for a contact table of, say, LastName, FirstName, and PhoneNum.

I thought during an Access db project I was updating awhile ago using Access 97, it didn't require EVERY field of the multiple primary key to be filled in, as long as there was enough to make a unique key.

I am wondering if this is still the case for Access2000 primarily. From what I have read it appears that this is not the case or at least it is strongly not recommended. For my example would it be to have FirstName and LastName filled in but not PhoneNum. Then, if a new Contact were added with the same LastName and FirstName but a PhoneNum was also added, the PrimaryKey would essentially be unique still.

I know this definitely isn't the best example but it still states my point.

If anybody has any wisdom on the subject I'd greatly appreciate it!

Thanks! :)
Dana S.

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