Adding Textbox Value Into Table?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a form that has a textbox and a button.

I want to add whatever the textbox's value is into a table.

How do I go about doing this?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Textbox Value To A Value In A Table

Mar 6, 2015

I have a form where there is just a combobox and a textbox, the user uses the combobox to select the record they want to change and then they enter a value in the textbox which needs to be added to a field in that record.

StockNumber.Value = (StockNumber.Value) + (DeliveryValue.Value)

I get a runtime error "object required" what to do. The textbox is called DeliveryValue and the record I want to add it to is called StockNumber in a table called Products.

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Adding Text Into A Textbox

Dec 20, 2005


Is the following possible?

I have the code to add the text to a textbox, but what I would like to do is rather than to keep adding the text onto the end.
Make it so that it will add it before what I previously added, so that the newer data is always at the top.

Can I do this? The following is how I'm currently entering the data into the textbox:

If IsNull(Me.LastContact) Then
Me.LastContact = Me.List35.Value & " contacted " & Me.List38.Value & " by " & Me.cmboEngagement & " on " & Date & vbCrLf & _
If Not IsNull(Me.LastContact) Then
Me.LastContact = Me.LastContact & vbCrLf & Me.txtInput.Value
End If
End If


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Forms :: Adding Date In Textbox From Calendar

Jul 23, 2013

How can i add date in textbox by simply selecting it from calendar?

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Forms :: Adding Two Unbound Textbox Date Pickers?

May 8, 2014

I'm using Access 2007 and building a form with controls that will be used to query one of the tables in my database. To pull back results from this table between two dates I have used the "Add Fields" method to drag and drop two textbox date pickers onto the form from the list of available fields. Both of these controls are bound to the same date field in the underlying table.

Will this cause problems when a user attempts to select two different dates on the form? Will a date on the first control be mirrored on the second control and vice versa? Should I remove these bound controls and add two unbound textbox date pickers in their place?

I also need to ensure that the date selected on the second control is the same or later than that on the first.

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Multiplying A Value In Textbox To A Value In A Table??

Feb 21, 2006

Hi all,
I have a table shown in a form, beside that table a textbox with a button.
How can I multiply the numer entered in that textbox by the the number displayed in the table, and view the result in the same table??
Please help me as soon as possible?

Thanks in advanced and sorry for bothering you.....


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Textbox Not Updating Table

Feb 1, 2005

I have a textbox on a Page on a Tab Control on a Form.

The Record Source for the Form is set to the Table in which the Field is. i.e. Lessee.

The Control Source for the TB is set to the Field.

When I query the form to get the correct record, the value displays in the TB, but when I try to change the value, it doesn't update.

I also tried using DoCmd.RunSQL in the After Update, but get Record Lock Violation, which is fair enough, as User is in the record that they are trying to update.

Can anyone think of anything here?

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Forms :: Update Unbound Textbox In Main Form From Subform Textbox Afterupdate

Apr 17, 2015

How to update unbound textbox on main form from unbound textbox in subform afterupdate.

that is when amount paid is updated it automatically updates total paid, balance etc.

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User Input From Textbox To Table

Oct 9, 2006

I want to put a textbox on a form that will take user input (a postal code) and put it into a table. I'm not sure how to do this. Is it even possible, and if so, any suggestions?

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Storing Data From Textbox To Table

Jan 9, 2007

i have a form with two combo boxes cboMth and cboYr

i also have three text boxes in the same form with computed results: txtA,txtB,txtC.

now how can i store txtA,txtB,txtC with reference to the (Mth and Yr) into a table?

e.g: the table will looks this way (below)

===== ==== ==== ====
Mth/Yr txtA txtB txtC
===== ==== ==== ====
01/2007 580 683 93
06/2012 312 510 80

how shall i write the codes?

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Textbox Won't Bind To Table Field

Mar 13, 2006

I keep getting #Name? error. I'm trying to not use the form wizard and manually bind a text box on a form to a field in a table. I've placed a textbox on a form, then right click the text box and click properties, this brings up the properties page. In the control source property, I correctly type the name of the field. I save and switch views from design view to form view, I should see the first data in the textbox, but I see #Name?

what am I doing wrong?

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Forms :: Using Table Info In A Textbox?

Nov 18, 2014

I have a access 2010 file, with 3 tables.

On my form I have a tape Textbox where I put tape numbers in that is on a other table inside my access file (for now I just type a tape number in), then save the info to other table also inside access file.

I want to know how can I make it that if I put a tape number in the textbox, it must look at the table for tapes, and if the tape number is not in the tape table, it must not let me use the wrong tape number that is not in the table for tapes.

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Forms :: SQL With Textbox - Updating Table

Sep 23, 2014

I have an sql which is used to update a table

I am wanting to update the column1 with the value of an unbound texbox on a form

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How To Input Text From Textbox Onto Table

Sep 19, 2011

I have a table with a field named 'Comments'. On the form, I would like to have a text input and a command button. After the user enter the comments onto the textbox and subsequently click on the command button, the comments will be input onto the 'Comments' field of the table.

Q1. How can the text box be link to the 'Comments' field of the table?
Q2. Only after I press the command button then the input text on the text box will be transfer to the table. What is the command for that?

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Adding New Records To Table Based On Values In Another Table?

Aug 19, 2015

I'm developing a database for the hospital I work in. One purpose of this is to keep track of patients with temporary invasive devices (there are many types such as urinary catheters, ventilators, etc.), specifically how many days each patient has a device for. Each device is associated with one patient only, but one patient may have many devices. Here's how the associated tables are set up:

1. tblPatients - PatientID (PK), LastName, FirstName, DOB,...
2. tblLocations - LocationID (PK), LocationLabel,....
3. tblDevices - DeviceID (PK), DeviceType, Device, DeviceDesc
4. tblDeviceUse - DeviceUseID (PK), DeviceID (FK), PatientID (FK), LocationID (FK) (where in the hospital was device inserted, e.g., operating room, bedside, etc.), DeviceStartDate, DeviceEndDate
5. tblDeviceDailyLog - DeviceLogID (PK), DeviceUseID (FK), DeviceDate, PatientLocID (FK) (area in the hospital that patient is in)

All primary keys except for PatientID & LocationID are Autonumbers; and the tables are linked appropriately.

Whenever an entry is made into tblDeviceUse, I want there to be new records to be automatically generated in tblDeviceDailyLog for each date between the Start and End Dates. For example, patient A123 had a urinary catheter from 1/1/2000 to 1/10/2000 that was inserted while the patient was in the ICU, but the patient was moved to the Medical Ward on 1/7/2000. So tblDeviceDailyLog should have 10 new records associated with this device, one for each calendar day, with the appropriate location for each day.

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Adding Rows From A Similar Table To Preexisting Table

Sep 19, 2013

I'd like to learn how to do them quickly and effectively in Access. One of those things seems like it would be an incredibly simple, intuitive operation, but it's not, at least not to me.Say I have some data that really should only be on one table, but it's currently on two tables in Access: "List Main" and "List September Adds." They both have the following fields: "Full Name" "Email" "Address" "City" "State" "ZIP" "Phone."

The first table is my main list of contacts. The second contains new info, consisting of 1. a few new contacts, and 2. updated info for a few of the contacts already in table "List Main."

I would simply like to put all the new contacts from "List September Adds" into my "List Main" table, and I'd also like to fill in a few missing e-mails in "List Main" with newly gathered e-mails for those contacts, info that is in my table "List September Adds."I'm sure there is built-in functionality to do something as basic as essentially turning two pages of the same spreadsheet into one. In fact, I know I could import data from an Excel file and have it "append" to a preexisting table if the fields are all the same.

However, I'd like to know how to do it when the tables are already in Access (without having to learn any SQL, mostly because I'm fairly certain I don't need to know SQL to do something like this). I've heard of Append and Update Queries and given their names, it sounds like they'd be useful, maybe with use of "Totals" and "Group By" to get rid of duplicates; however, I can't seem to get any of this to work right.

Mostly, when I think I am doing an Append correctly, it doesn't add new data at the bottom of a table; it just wipes out all the data that was there, and replaces it with data from the source. For instance, when I've been running an Append Query to get my "List September Adds" rows into my "Main List" table, what I end up with is only the "List September Adds" rows, and all the "Main List" rows gone.

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TextBox To Show Number Of Records In A Table?

Mar 18, 2005

I'm sure this should be simple but I can't figure it out. What I want is for a text box on a form to display the number of records within a table.

Basically I've got a make table query which creates a table ox X records depending on how many records in the original table match the criteria. So for example:

Table A has 100 records

Query identifies 30 that mee the criteria

Makes a new table called criteria_met with these 30 records

What I want is for a textbox on a form to display "30" and update whenever the make table query runs (probably via a macro??)

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Edit Data In Table Directly Through Textbox?

Aug 29, 2006

I have a form, which displays data from a query recordsource.
One of the textboxes is a "Comments" textbox, which I would like the user to write in directly, which in turn is a direct link to the data in the table so it is updated immediately.

At the moment, the textbox does not seem to be editable. Is there a standard way to do something like this ?

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User Input From Textbox On Form To Table

Oct 9, 2006

I want to put a textbox on a form that will take user input (a zip code) and put it into a table. I'm not sure how to do this. Is it even possible, and if so, any suggestions?

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Forms :: Create Table Based On Textbox?

May 1, 2015

I have a userform that has 4 textboxes and a command button.

The user types in box1 a Rack, in box2 a shelf, in box3 a place and in box4 a shelf.

The user types in Rack textbox 18
The user types in Bay textbox 4
The user types in Shelf textbox 2
The user types in Place textbox 3

I then would like to create that amount of records in a new Temp table.

The attached file shows what the results of the output should be.

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Forms :: Textbox To Display First Date From Table

Feb 4, 2015

I need a textbox to display the first/earliest date from a table.

RThe table is called tblIncidents and the textbox is txtFirstDate

I've considered a variable and tried with querys etc.

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Forms :: Timesheet Table - Textbox With Total?

Jan 18, 2015

I have a timesheet table (tblHourEnter) which has a staff field (Staff_ID), week number field (Week_No) and hours field (Hours_Worked).

The data is entered through a form (frmHourEnter) which has a staff textbox (Staff_ID), week number textbox (Week_No) and hours textbox (Hours_Worked).

I wish to add another textbox (HrsTotal) that would show the sum of all the hours (from the table) which is dependent upon both the Staff_ID and Week_No entries showing on the current form. I.e. the sum of hours is restricted to both staff member and week number showing on frmHourEnter.

This total can be generated from a command button.

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Populate Textbox With A Field From Another Combo Box's Row/source Table

Jul 18, 2005

I've designed a data entry form based on a table. I use a few combo boxes, (linked via SQL statements for their row/source) to fill most of the fields in the table.

What I want to do is populate one textbox on the form with the contents of a field in one of the combo box's row/source tables. The field I want isn't shown in the combo box.

Basically, what I want is that when I choose a PART NUMBER from a combo box, I want the OEM_ID from the same table to jump into the textbox below it.

I think I may have tied myself in knots though to the point where what I want can't be done. Any ideas? I know this is probably going to take a couple of goes at explaining. :P

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General :: Populate Bound Textbox With Data From Table

Jul 17, 2013

How to automatically populate the bound text box with data from a table for a specific entry. This is the code I wrote

Private Sub ListBox_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim ListBoxSel As String
ListBoxSel = Me.ListBox.Value
Call proc_Update_TxtBoxes(Me.ListBox.Value)

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Textbox Value To Loop Through Table And Find Match

Jun 26, 2015

I have an MS Access 2010 db that has a main form called switchboard. This has 4 command buttons that open diffrent forms. Also on the main switchboard form i have an unbound textbox called TxtUserName that captures the users environ"username" when the switchboard form is opened.

I have a table called "tblAccessUsers" that i manually enter who i want to use my db. This table will have up to 50 names added to it. Their is only one field name in this table and it is "User Login".

When the user hits any of the commandbuttons on the main switchboard form i need some code that will look at the value in TxtUserName and loop through tblAccessUsers for an exact match. If it finds a match then it will carry out the open form command or if not prompt the user with a message box.

My knowledge of Access and especially VB is quite limited. I managed to create this using a DLookup but that only returns the first record in the table. The logic works but it will not look past the first record.

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Forms :: Using Textbox In Form To Update Subform Table

May 2, 2015

I'll simplify this form to a

- textbox
- command button
- subform (showing a table with 4 fields, including an "EntryID" field but just one record)

What I'm trying to accomplish is to enter a value in the textbox (this value will be one of the EntryIDs in the EntryID field), click the command button, and the subform should refresh itself, showing the record from the table (the 4 fields) which has the same EntryID.

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