Adding User Help To A Form

Sep 30, 2004

Newbie here.

I would like to add some text help describing what the fields in an Access form mean. Under "Help" it mentions a What's This button which can be found in the properties box under design view. I have been unable to find any "What's This" fields in the property box. Can anyone point me to this?

Also, I saw that I could create a rich text file to be displayed when a user presses the F1 key. Can this just be an HTML file? It mentions needing to compile the .rtf file. How does one compile this?

Any insightful comments would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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Adding A User In A Password Protected Database

Feb 8, 2007

I use a database that someone else set up and is no longer here. To get access to the database you need to enter a user id and password. I have a new user who has been getting into the database using an established user's id and password.

I went into the file and found the table with the users, their id's and passwords listed, and added the new person to the table, but I still get an invalid user message when trying to access the database with the new user's information.

I went through the Access Help and tried a couple things it said for adding users to a password protected database, but either I didn't do it right, or the way to add a user is different from what I am getting from Access Help.

Lastly, this database is different in that if I would add a report, it only shows up on my computer when I access the database, the report doesn't show up on anyone else's. That is odd to me, but it is how it works.

Thank you for any help you can give.

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Current User Default When Adding A Record

Feb 22, 2005

If I have a field in a table called "AddedBy", is there a way for this to default to the CurrentUser that's logged in to the database when a record is added to the table? I know you can use "Application.CurrentUser" both in the VB code and within SQL queries, but it doesn't seem to work if I put it in the "Default Value" box with the table editor. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Adding User Input To An Insert Statement

Feb 14, 2008


I have a form that contains an unbound listbox that is populated from a table. The user selects multiple records in the listbox and then clicks on a "Commit" button. The "Commit" button then copies portions of the records to another table. (And now that I am analyzing the flow of data, I realize that not all the data needs to be copied over, but I'll fix that at a later time).

Anyway, the code looks like this:

Code: Dim lst As Access.ListBox Dim rownum As Variant Dim vHEDR, vLeague, vFname, vMI, vLname, vClass, vQual, vSex, vYouth As String Dim intResponse As Integer Dim sqlstr As String Set lst = Me![lstHistorical] DoCmd.SetWarnings False For Each rownum In lst.ItemsSelected vHEDR = CStr(lst.Column(0, rownum)) & "," vLeague = "1," vFname = Chr(34) & lst.Column(1, rownum) & Chr(34) & "," vMI = Chr(34) & lst.Column(2, rownum) & Chr(34) & "," vLname = Chr(34) & lst.Column(3, rownum) & Chr(34) & "," vClass = CStr(lst.Column(4, rownum)) & "," vQual = CStr(lst.Column(6, rownum)) & "," vSex = Chr(34) & lst.Column(8, rownum) & Chr(34) & "," vYouth = Chr(34) & lst.Column(9, rownum) & Chr(34)'<<Here>> sqlstr = "INSERT INTO tbl_RosterTest (HEDR, LeagueID, Fname, MI, Lname, ClassID, QualID, Sex, Youth) VALUES (" & vHEDR & vLeague & vFname & vMI & vLname & vClass & vQual & vSex & vYouth & ")" DoCmd.RunSQL sqlstr Next rownum DoCmd.SetWarnings True MsgBox ("Persons successfully registered")

At the <<Here>> point, I would like to proc a single dialog box the query the user for some additional information - 2 items from comboboxes and one is a yes/no. Is there a way to gather the info so I can insert the values into the INSERT string?


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Tables :: Adding A User Stamp In A Table?

Dec 19, 2013

I am trying to add a user stamp in a table. I have seen online that perople put a macro (Before Change) in microsoft access 2010 but I dont understand how to use that.

I have seen you are suppose to do something with = Environ("username")

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Effective Date Indicated By User To All Records

Sep 12, 2013

I'm trying to run a saved import through VBA, add a new column called "Effective_Date", then update this field for all records to the effective date indicated by the user.

It currently works for all records except 1 is always omitted.

Private Sub cmd_upload_staffing_report_Click()
DoCmd.RunSavedImportExport ("Import-AccessUploadStaffingReport")
Dim strField As String
Dim curDatabase As Object
Dim tblTempEmployees As Object
Dim fldEffectiveDate As Object

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: How To Lock A Table - Stop User Adding Or Altering Records

Sep 19, 2013

I have a form that allows a user to complete a stock take. I would like to stop other users from receiving or despatching stock while a stock take is in progress.

Is there a way I can lock a table, or stop users adding or altering records that match certain criteria. i.e. don't let users receive or despatch stock from with a locationID of 'A'.

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Forms :: Adding Value Of Combobox To Hidden Column When User Enters A New Record

Aug 14, 2013

I'm very new to access so I'm not sure about the correct way to go about this. I have a table with a 'category' column, a form which hides the category column, and a combobox to filter the category, let's say R, C, and F.

What I want accomplish is to have the value of the comobox applied to the hidden 'category' column when a user enters a new record into the form.

Is there I way I can get an instance to the record as it's being entered and modify the data using VB? Or would I have to write a sort of pop() function and have it run afterInsert and then modify it that way? Can I even alter the table using VB like this?

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General :: Create A User Form With Sub Form Using Form Wizard?

Aug 10, 2013

I am trying to create a user form with sub form using the form wizard. I have only 2 tables, Employee (main table) and Vacation (subform table). I pick the fields from Employee Table then fields fro Vacation, but the wizard treat the Vacation as main form and Employee as sub form.

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Forms :: Based On User Selection In A Form / Create New Records For Subsequent Form

Feb 3, 2014

The user will be creating a new project that contains a bunch of releases. The releases have standard names which are stored in a table tbl_ReleaseNames It should be noted that the list of names is not static.

The user selects which of the releases pertains to their project and then based on their selections, new records would be created in tbl_RFP_Release and then a subsequent form would open where it would display each of these newly created releases where they could enter additional information. I thought of creating an unbound checkbox associated with each of the standard names, and then checking to see if the checkbox was checked and then creating the new records followed by opening up the new form.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Controls To Form And Saving Modified Form

Dec 3, 2013

I am trying to open a form in design mode and add controls, this i have done. I am doing this all in a class, and am having trouble saving the modified form.

I have tried using the following, both produce errors


DoCmd.Save acForm, "tmpQueryDes"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "tmpQueryDes", acSaveYes

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Open Form Not Adding Record And Use An Add Button On Form

Aug 2, 2006

I have a database with three tables

table 1 (form1)
reference (PK) auto number

table 2 (form2)
Reference (fK)
workbook reference (PK) auto number

Table 3 (sub form within in form2)
Reference (FK)
workbook reference (fK)
data Reference (pk) auto number

Each table is a form that is linked via the keys. On form 1 i have a button that is to open the form2, which it does but every time i open the form a new record is added. Why and how do i prevent this.

Then what i want to do is add a button for a new form on table 2 form but use the same reference as the record as presently displayed. How do i add new record using the same Reference but new workbook Reference?

Thanks is advance

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Forms :: Restrict User Input In Textbox Depending On What Option User Has Selected

May 22, 2013

I am building a form in access and I am trying to find a way where user input isn't possible in the associated textbox when "No" from on option box is selected.

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Multi-User - Can You Assign Which User Created/amended A Record?

Aug 4, 2007

Hi guys,

I've seen different log in forms and tips on multi-user use but can't seem to find info on the following...

We have 6 people at work and I'd like to assign which user updated a form or created a new record...this would be particularly useful on the sales part of the database to track who made a call to a particular customer...

Best ideas anyone?


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General :: Access Multi User Database - Error On Only One User

Apr 24, 2013

I have a multi user database in Access 2000 that is on a server. The individual users have shortcuts pointing towards the server instance. One user and one user only when opening the shortcut gets the error "you do not have exclusive rights to the database" .

All other users can enter the database with no error box. I have checked the advanced setting under options and they are correct. Ironically if you go to start and open access then navigate to the database shortcut. It opens with no error.

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User's Form Or Login????

Jul 17, 2005

can ne1 tell me how to create a User Login form in Access??? i want disply this form 1st, when i open the bd???? i am very new to Access. :)

thanks :) :)

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User Input Form

May 22, 2006

I am trying to make user input forms for each of the tables in my current database. I have made the forms, but I am required to have the forms come up blank first (so they can create a new record), but allow the user to edit existing records too. How do I do this?

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Trap User In Form

Oct 18, 2006

I know this topic has been covered over and over but I've searched and searched and can't find my answer. I did find one post with a link to a possible answer but the link was broken.

My form has a required field. When a user attempts to X out of the form I have code in the Before Update event that checks this field and if it is blank:

MsgBox "Payment Terms must be filled in before closing the form"
Cancel = True

The message box appears, but then the

You can't save this record at this time...blah blah blah.....

dialog appears and then the form closes.

How can I prevent the user from closing the form if this field is blank? It seems like once the X is clicked there is no turning back. I realize that I could remove the close button (X) from the form and use a command button instead but this may only mess up the users who have been using this DB for years. Is there any way to go backward once the close button has been clicked?

Thanks for your help.

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Multi-user Form

Jan 13, 2005

I have a form "log_file" that I am going to be placing a nework. All I have done is create a new DB, create a table, and create a form. Now I want to make it so users open up the DB file and only see the form and cannot access/edit the table. Basically, It is okay if they go back and forth through the records and change those, but I don't want them to be able to edit the form either.

I'm just not sure where to go from here. If there is more info I should provide please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

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Adding Sound To A Form

Mar 27, 2007


I'm working on a splash screen to spruce up the opening of one of several databases I've created. I hate for them to appear boring so I like to add a bit of color at the beginning, a la Northwind's.

I haven't found anthing on this yet so I thougt I'd ask...

How can I have a sound I've downloaded from clipart or somewhere, PLAY when the form opens or loads or whatever...

Thanks in advance!


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Adding Data To Form

Feb 2, 2005

I am using a database prepared by someone. But it seems that when i try to add data to a form I am not able to do that. Neither can I edit it. For both these purposes I need to use the table . i.e for adding records and for editing too.
Is it possible anyway that I can change the record in form it changes in the table as well. or I will have to work with tables all the time


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Adding Data To A Form

Feb 9, 2005

how can I update the form with all the data of the table after modifying the form if it doesnot contain any data.

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Adding Field To A Form

Jul 13, 2005

I am using a Microsoft Access Form and would like to add some new fields and have no idea where to start. Any step-by-step help would be greatly appreciated.

I am an amateur and would need step by step so minute details would be greatly appreciated.


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Adding Records Through A Form

Aug 31, 2005

I have a number of tables all with there corresponding forms. I am needing to have a command button on the form for the user to easily add a new record. Obviously this is easy by just using the wizard but my problem is that I need the record to be added over all the tables.

This is an attendance database with tables for each month. So when a new member of staff joins and there record is added for that particular month I would like it to be added to all subsequent tables as well. Is there a way of doing this. It would also be beneficial if a similar thing could be done for deleting staff (i.e. a staff member is deleted from one table and subsequently is removed from the other tables)

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated

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Adding Records Via A Form

Aug 31, 2005

I have set up an attendance database with tables for each month. Each of these tables has its corresponding form. I want to be able to add a command button onto the forms to add a new record. Obviously this is easily done using the wizard but my problem is I want it to be added over a number of tables.

For instance when a new member of staff arrives and is added to the database I want there record to be added over all the subsequent tables not just the one attached to the current form. It would also be beneficial if I could do the same for deleting staff (ie someone leaves they are deleted off the current table and all other tables)

Is there a way of doing this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Adding A Sub Form/Table

Jan 17, 2006

Hello all,
i am making a form to process ordering within my membership system,
i would like to add what i believe is called a subform or table of somesort, which is all connected to the same table i am using, but i would like it to appear in hte table format so that i can add more than one product that my client is buying.

the attachment i have shows what i have so far, the product information on the left is what i would like to be in the table area.

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