Adding A Date Parameter To A Query

Nov 8, 2007

Help...I am new to Access and am trying to get a query completed to run a query on contract end dates. My goal is to be able to run the query on a date such as 10/2007 and have it pull all contract end dates that would term for the month of October, 2007. I have been pulling my hair out trying to build expressions and sifting through my access books to no avail.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated!!!


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Queries :: Adding Test Field To Different Table And Try Different Query Using Like Parameter

Mar 20, 2013

I'm using Access 2003...I have a query that searches a parts table by description:

Like "*" & [Enter in Part Description to search] & "*"

I need to add another search to this query, I added another field to the parts table call manufacturer. I add this field to the above query and added this parameter to it:

Like [Enter in Manufacturer] & "*"

I then added a manufacturer to one of the fields for test purposes. For some odd reason this doesn't work. If I take out the manufacturer parameter and don't enter in anything into the part description the query returns all the records. When i type a description into the part description field the query returns the proper records. When I add back the manufacturer parameter and enter through both parameters only the one record returns showing the test record instead of all of them. If I put a part description in and enter through the manufacturer parameter no records show when they should.

I've tried adding a test field to a different table and tried a different query using the like parameter. The parameter works in a field already in the table but won't work with the new field I added. I've done compact and repair.

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Parameter Query - Before A Certain Date

Aug 3, 2007

I have an EndTerm field (this is a calculated field); I want to set up a parameter query that enables me to type in a date which will retrieve any records BEFORE that date. I've used < [Enter date] and results were not right. i.e., I entered 1/1/2007 in the parameter and the results came back with records dated 1/1/yyyy instead of anything before 2007.

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Sum Totals Query Using A Date Parameter

Sep 13, 2005


I hope someone can help this is infuriating me as I am by no means an Access expert , I'm just above beginner.

I am putting together a databse for our Credit Controllers to manage their arrangements to pay arrears.

The Main table consists of the fields.

CustNumber---Surname---Promise Amount---Actual Amount---Date

13456 Nakamura £25 £20 20/09/05

45323 Petrov £55 £55 13/09/05

21245 Hartson £23 £21 21/09/05

67543 Sutton £45 £26 25/09/05

23541 McGeady £50 £50 24/09/05

This table is input by a form.

What I want to do is to produce a Query which will total the Promise Amount column and The Actual Amount column using a Date Parameter.

For example I want to know how much has been brought in between 20/09/05 and 25/09/05 therefore producing the result that I'll get a total of £143 for the Promise Amount Column and £117 for the Actual Amount Column. I have tried using the "sum" in Totals, but I think the date parameter is affecting that, the date parameter query I'm using is :

Between [Enter the beginning date:] And [Enter the ending date:]

I'm using Access 2000. Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance


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Parameter Query With Date Ranges

Dec 15, 2005

I am attempting to create a parameter query to show a specific range of dates of service for my customers. Example: I want to see data from my table from Jan. 1st, 2006 to Feb. 15th, 2006 for any customers serviced in that time frame. In the query I have under my Date field, I have the following in the criteria field: Between [Input Start Date] And [Input End Date]. When I go to the while in the design mode of creating the query on the main menu under Query then to parameters and get my Query Parameters what should be put into the Parameter column and the data type columns and will this allow the user to input any start date and end date and get the information from the master table?

I also need to create a parameter query that will allow viewing of only each months table data. Example: Jan. 1st, 2006 through Jan. 31st, 2006.

Thanks in advance!

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Parameter Query - Weekending Date

Sep 21, 2006

I am trying to tell this query to get the wkending of the date (timeInDate). My query run but returns no data. Can anyone be kind enough to look at the red part?

SELECT tblOvertime.overtimeId, tblOvertime.peopleId, tblOvertime.timeIn, tblOvertime.timeInDate, tblOvertime.timeOut, tblOvertime.timeOutDate, tblOvertime.authorizedBy, tblOvertime.clientmatter, tblOvertime.dinnerMoneyTaken, tblOvertime.loggedBy, tblOvertime.comments, tblOvertime.lastUpdatedBy, [FirstName] & ", " & [Lastname] AS FullName
FROM tblOvertime INNER JOIN tblPeople ON tblOvertime.peopleId=tblPeople.PeopleId
WHERE ((((tblOvertime.peopleId)=Forms!frmOvertime!People Id Or (tblOvertime.peopleId)=Forms!frmOvertime!PeopleId Is Null)=True) And format((DateAdd("d",7-Weekday(timeInDate),timeInDate)),"mm/dd/yy")=Forms!frmOvertime!txtWkEnding Or format((DateAdd("d",7-Weekday(timeInDate),timeInDate)),"mm/dd/yy")=Forms!frmOvertime!txtWkEnding Is Null)=True
ORDER BY tblOvertime.timeIn, tblOvertime.timeInDate DESC;

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Queries :: Date Range Parameter Query

Jan 8, 2015

I have a query that is hard coded with a date range.

SELECT tblCase.CaseId, tblCase.ReqReceived, tblCase.Letter_AMPI,
FROM tblCase
WHERE (((tblCase.Letter_AMPI) Between #4/1/2014# And #3/31/2015#)) OR (((tblCase.ReqReceived) Between #4/1/2014# And #3/31/2015#))
ORDER BY tblCase.CaseId;

I would like to create a parameter query that allows me to only enter the year and the query would append the rest of the date range. So for example, if I prompt the user to enter the date and they enter 2014, the query would know that it means Between #4/1/2014# And #3/31/2015# or if I enter 2015, it means Between #4/1/2015# And #3/31/2016#.As well the date would need to go into both fields ReqReceived and Letter_AMPI.

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Queries :: Using Parameter In Query With Calculation From Date

Apr 13, 2015

I have a database with a Date of Birth field. I have a query with a field that calculates the age from the Date of Birth (DateDiff("yyyy",[Date of Birth],Date())+Int(Format(Date(),"mmdd")

As a criteria in this field I want to be able to select a minimum age, so >=[please input minimum age]

However the results are bizarre - sometimes it gives the right answer, and sometimes not. It seems to have a particular problem with ages above 10, which show up all the time.

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Modules & VBA :: Passing Parameter And Date To Query

Nov 10, 2014

I have the following Visual Basic code which I am using to dynamically pass the parameters "SAFP" and date 10/31/2014 to the query:

Option Compare Database

' Run_Risk_Assessment_Report
'Original macro code
Function Run_Risk_Assessment_Report()
On Error GoTo Run_Risk_Assessment_Report_Err
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim test1 As DAO.QueryDef

[Code] ....

When I run the query, i get the error "Item not Found in this collection"

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Parameter Query - Show Available And Unavailable On Particular Date

Nov 23, 2011

I need to set up a parameter query that will show Limousine availability on a particular date.

At the moment I have the date set as the parameter and only Limousines that are booked or Unavailable on that date are returned.

How can I set up the query so that I can see both Limousines that are Available and Unavailable within a field named Availability.

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Parameter (Date) Query To Get Input Dates On Report?

Apr 28, 2006

I have a report that has an underlying query that asks for Start Date and End Date.

Is there anyway that I can get what the user inputs into the box to be put into the Page header of the report?

ie: user enters into the parameters
[Start Date] 01/01/2006
[End Date] 04/04/2006

Then when the report displays it says

Report for the period 01/01/2006 to 04/04/2006

Thank you for your time

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Queries :: Reference Another Query Based On Date Specified As Parameter

May 16, 2013

Within a query, I'd like to reference another query field based on a date specified as a parameter.

In my query, there are fields for each month: [January],[February], etc.

I have a field titled [Current Month], based on the parameter [As Of Date]. So if when running the query, the parameter pops up and I type 5/6/2013, it knows that the month is May. I know how to return May in the current month field (format([As Of Date],"MMMM"). But how to I return the value that is in the May column?

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Help Needed Please: Date Parameter In Query - Leaving Blank To Include All Records??

Aug 9, 2007


Bit of an Access beginner and am trying to sort something out for work - not sure why they've asked me!

I've created a query to search on a couple of items using drop down boxes on a search form I created. This bit of it works fine, I used this site and copied what he had done. This is fine.

I now want to add a date search to the same query. I know I can use Between [..] AND [..] but if I leave the boxes blank it finds no records. I'd like it to search and include all.
Ideally I want to include 2 extra text boxes on my form that I can put a to and from date in (or not put a date in and it find everything).

Hope that makes sense, please can someone do me an idiots guide?

Many thanks

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Forms :: Adding Date Field To Query From Form

Sep 23, 2013

I have a date picker field in my form that is used as part of a criteria in a query. I also add it as a result field in the query being that it is appending data to a table. But when the query runs it puts weird characters into the query field with expression.

The Expression is as follows:

BillWk: [Forms]![Invoice Form]![WkEnd]

My Criteria is:
Between [Forms]![Invoice Form]![WkEnd] And [Forms]![Invoice Form]![WkEnd]-6

The Criteria works but the expression does not.

I have attached a png of the field.

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Help Adding Parameter To A Filter

Jun 10, 2007

I have gotten the following to work with the 2 parameters.

DoCmd.OpenForm "reportfiltergameentryfrm", , , "opponent in (" &
Me.opponentselected & ") AND season = " & Me.cboseason

I am trying to add the following to the parameter?

[team] and [lstteam] are both text fields. only 1
possible variable. the result of [lstteam]
[lstteam] is a list box.

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Save Report As PDF - Adding Date Retrieved From Query As Part Of File Name

Nov 6, 2012

I'm trying to save a report to my Desktop as a pdf - adding a date {that I am retrieving from a query} as part of the pdf file name.

I get a
Run-time error '2501' - The OutputTo action was cancelled.
(See screenshot).

Here's the code I'm using. So far - all I've tried to do is run the function from the Visual Basic Editor.

Function SaveReport()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFilename As String
'Get the ReportDate.

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Another Parameter To Code For Report?

Dec 5, 2013

I am trying to add another parameter to a report to only get those specific records. I did not write the code and am very confused on how it works. Right now it is getting records in the Access database between the 2 dates entered. But NOW I need to add a parameter to select only records between those dates AND with the AccountNumber LIKE acctltr (this is the field from the form). They can either put in an "X" or an "P X". The AccountNumber needs to end in which ever one they enter.

Here is the code that is currently existing and supposedly works. At least it gets all the records between the dates even tho it still prints records with a ZERO balance.

Private Sub cmdprint_Click()
On Error GoTo exit_cmdprint
'mysql = "SELECT * from InvoiceTable " & _
' " WHERE ((not InvoiceTable.InvoicePrintDate1 Is Null) AND (not InvoiceTable.InvoicePrintDate2 Is Null) AND (InvoiceTable.InvoicePrintDate3 Is Null) AND (InvoiceTable.InvoiceDate Between #" & dtefrom & "# And #" & dteto & "#))"
'Me.RecordSource = mysql


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Capturing Parameter From Parameter Query

Jul 12, 2005

I have a form whose data source is a select query, q3, that is built from 2 other select queries. I'll call them q1, q2, and q3. q1 is a parameter query where I enter a "Cutoff Date" that the 3 queries manipulte and generate the desired results that appear in the form. The problem is that I don't know how to capture the parameter "Cutoff Date" from q1 to display on the form.

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Adding A Number To A Date [Can Date Cope]

Sep 17, 2007

Here's what I currently have:

- A table with a number of fields about a course
- A course commence date
- A number of days the course will take field
- No course end date

Is there a way to easy add one field to the other to:
Give end date i.e. do I need to write the code to validate all dates which bring the date over a month e.g. start date 29/sep/2007 and number of days 5.

Does date have the functionality already?

Thanks in advance


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Date Parameter Queries

Jan 9, 2006

Hi everybody,

I have a report that is based on an underlying query.At the query level,I
want to define parameters of date data type so that records to be displayed
should fall between DateA and DateB. ie Between[Enter Date A:] And [Enter Date B:].
I want the DAteA and DateB to be only days and Months of a year.

Say my DateA = 01 Jan 06 and my DateB = 31 Dec. 06

But I want only the Parameter to be Between[Enter day and Month A:] And [Enter day and Month B:].

How can I write a query with the two parameter values?

Thank you


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Default Date In A Parameter

Apr 6, 2007

I have a query which prompts for two dates in the format of -
BETWEEN [Enter the start date] AND [Enter the end date]
How do I provide a default date for one or both of the dates?


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Date Issues In A Parameter Qry

Apr 16, 2007

I am trying to run a parameter qry that pulls all values under the specified range. My problem is that table 'VPS Sales Validated' is in long date format. I have tried reformatting that table using =Format([time],"Short Date") but that isn't working because I only get returns where the value didn't already include the hours and minutes. So Can someone tell me what I need to do in either the qry below or how to reformat the date in main table?

SELECT Sum([VPS Sales Validated].[Master VPS Table_Amount]) AS [SumOfMaster VPS Table_Amount], Sum([VPS Sales Validated].Time) AS SumOfTime
FROM [VPS Sales Validated]
WHERE ((([VPS Sales Validated].[Batch ID])<>0))
HAVING (((Sum([VPS Sales Validated].Time)) Between [Enter Start Date:] And [Enter End Date:]));

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Date Parameter In Report

Mar 29, 2007

Is there any way to avoid the error code when using the date parameters in Report header when there is no data for the specified range.
The following are the parameters being used to get the date range. They work fine as long as there are records in the date range entered.

=Reports![Toys and Adapted Equipment Centre Signed Out By Date Range]![Enter Start Date]

=[Reports]![Toys and Adapted Equipment Centre Signed Out By Date Range]![Enter Final Date]

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Parameter Box Date Range

Jun 19, 2013

My table has one date of service field. In my query, I have a criteria to query a range, e.g., Between 03/01/2013 and 05/31/2013. Is there a way to put this in a parameter box so when users click the query they will get a parameter box to enter date range? I know how this works for a single date, not sure if it can be done with a range.

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Date Parameter Input Mask

Feb 22, 2008

I have a query that has a date/time field (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss), I have created another field using the following syntax " Sdate: Format([AgentCallDetailInCalls.StartTime],"Short Date") ", I prompt the user for a date using this sdate field I created. The prompt syntax is [Please Enter Start Date]. Currently you have to enter 2/22/2008 (with slashes), I would like to enter 2222008 (without the slashes) to extract the data. The mask I have setup, does nothing. If I put in the date without the slashes, I get nothing, if I put in the slashes, it runs perfectly. Does anyone know a way around this? Thanks in advance for your most knowledgeable response. :confused:

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Apply Date Parameter To A Report

Sep 9, 2011

How do i can apply date parameter to a report which takes starting and ending dates from a form...

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