Adding A Hyphen

Feb 10, 2006

Can someone give me an easy way to put a hyphen between two numbers, such as with wins and losses of teams? I want it to come out 5-3, not 5 3.

I tried entering a text box with no success.

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Cant Get Double Hyphen (--) To Work!

Mar 18, 2006

I cant get the comment feature to work in SQL. If I type the following...

Code:SELECT * FROM tblMembers WHERE OrderNo='xxxx' -- Finds the member

An error message is returned saying 'Syntax Error (Missing Operator)'. What am I doing wrong?

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Queries :: Access Query Parameters With Hyphen?

Jun 9, 2013

I have a table field that contains a lot of part numbers in different format. One could be with hyphen while others are without hyphen.

record#1 : 4535-300-34567
Record#2: 453530034567
Record#3: 4535-301-56721

In this case record# 1 & 2 are same part number only difference is hyphen.

I want to set my query parameter [Enter part number] such a way, when some one enter 453530034567 it should pull both the record (record#1 & 2).

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Forms :: Hyphen Not As Wild Card Character

May 18, 2013

I have a series of dates that I inherited from former DB. Some of the dates are Mon-Fri, Mon-Thu, Sun-Fri, etc. That is, there is a hyphen "-" in the middle of the text. I have an unbound control with an IIF statement using the LIKE condition, I just get an error. I tired the following to no avail. Using Access 2010.

IIF([Day1] Like "*-*", 5, 1)
IIF([Day1] like "-", 5, 1)
IIF ([Day1] like '-', 5, 1)
IIF ([Day1] like [-], 5, 1)

I've looked it up and the hyphen _ is used as a wild card character, but I need to include it just as a dash.

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Exporting Query Data To Excel And Hyphen Character

Jul 12, 2005

Hello all,

I have always been wondering why this happens, and now I have a problem with it.

When I export a Table/Query from Access to Excel (be it with Right CLick -> Export...or TransferSpreadsheet) there is an apostrophe character (') appended to the front of some/each cell in Excel. You cannot see it immediately, but when you click on the cell, there is this character. WHY? Does anyone else have experience in this? :confused:

Thanks in advance.

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General :: How To Split Hyphen From Text In Access 2010

May 4, 2015

I have been doing an exercise to split the data from the list of the information into column A, B & C. Unfortunately the data value that i have consist of several set of data format therefore it create an issue for me to separate the information in Access 2010 easily.


Original Data Field

Actual Data To Populate Into Column A, B & C should be the following :



(No data captured for this column)

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Tables :: Validation Rule Doesn't Recognize Hyphen As Text

Feb 15, 2013

I'm struggling with a validation rule that almost works but not quite.

I want to restrict the values in a feild by characters between 0-9, A-Z, _ and -

Using the following string works for all except the hyphen, which I assume is because it's an operator:

Is Null OR Not Like "*[!((a-z) or (0-9) or (_) or (-))]*"

Is there something I can do to make it recognise the - as text?

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Create Macro To Search For Multiple Spaces Before And After Dash And Hyphen

May 3, 2013

I've built a macro with wildcards that replaces multiple spaces of varying numbers after perods, commas, and before and after numbers. Now I want to add a search for the same before and after en dashes and hyphens. (Pretty soon I'll have Word streamling a lot of documents I edit!)

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Forms :: Remove Spaces Between Words And Add Hyphen Copy Other Field Access

Mar 25, 2014

GOAL - I would like to have one text box where I enter a sentence

txtKeywords: Access Is For Smart People Smarter Than I

I would like to create a button when clicked moves txtKeywords into another textbox [txtKeywordscombined] field and removes the spaces between the words and adds hyphens

txtKeywordscombined: Access-Is-For-Smart-People-Smarter-Than-I

Would I use the 'Replace' command in even procedures to do this? Another way? Example?

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Adding Across A Row

Jul 14, 2005

Hey guys I'm developing a DB to input satisfaction surveys and compute satisfaction levels expressed as a percentage. I am setting up the DB with 1 record=1 satisfaction survey. The record would contain the fields:Survey Quarter and questions 1,2,3, etc. The responses to the questions are in pulldown menu form with Yes, No and N/A. I've already set Yes to be read as 1 and No as 0. Now I want to add across the row (Questions 1-11) so I can complete the math and get a percentage for each survey. So far I have had zero luck accomplishing this. Any suggestions?

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Adding Up

Feb 20, 2007

This seems really silly but I cannot get this query to work.

In one table I have the agents name, id,Category, No of held emails and the time it took to put these emails on hold. In the other query I have the same agent details,category, No of reassigned emails and the total time it took to reassign these.

What I want the query to do is add the total time spent holding and email to the total time spent reasssigning by category.

What my query keeps doing, as I thought it would be as simple as adding them together is instead of ie:

130+1 = 131 it gives me 1301?????

The query is joined using Agent id and Category.

Help Please:

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Adding Items...

Apr 7, 2006

I've made a button on my form which adds a booking ID into the listbox, but it doesn't seem to work. This is my code:

Private Sub Command18_Click()
Dim BoI As String

MsgBox "Booking successfully added!", vbInformation, "Booking"

If Month(Me.Date_1) = 1 Then
ListJ.AddItem Me.BoI
ElseIf Month(Me.Date_1) = 2 Then
ListF.AddItem Me.BoI
End If
End Sub

If someone could tell me the problem, I'd appreciate it. Thank you. :)

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Adding Data

Apr 12, 2006

Another simple question

I have 2 fields income and expenditure

i have a 3rd field disposable income

how do I get disposable income to automatically change when I input income and expenditure in a form

many thanks

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Adding Prices

Apr 28, 2005

ive got a database for tickets for a school play. how can i create a query that adds up prices from multiple records? would the total be displayed in a form?

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Adding Two Expression??

Jun 2, 2005

I Have a field that I need to manipulate the data in.

sample data follows [Field9]:

1 to 1 (cover page)
1 to 3 (no cover page)

this field identifies number of fax pages sent, eg
“1 to 1 (cover page)” is actually 2 pages, an attachment plus cover page
“1 to 3 (no cover page)” is actually 3 pages, 3 page attachment without cover page

What I want is just the total number of pages in this field.

I have written two expression that dissects the field in two, left hand side gives me a numeric number of attachments and right hand side a numeric value for the existence of a cover page or not.

Expr1: Mid([Field9],6,1)

Expr2: IIf(Right([Field9],15)="(no cover page)","0","1")

Each individual expression seems to do the right thing, but I have been unable to figure out how to add Expr1 and Expr2 to give me total pages.

Any help would be appreciated

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Adding Dates

Jun 6, 2005

Is there a simple way to add 6 month to an unbount field based on a date that is already entered on a form? I have a field called Last PM and a field called Next PM - The [Next PM] value will be [Last PM] + 6 Months ????


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Adding A Short Cut

Jun 22, 2005

It is my first try at a access blank database. I have been ok so far but ran into this problem. All I want to do is add a sortcut on my desktop to open it to the database to the form I made BUT it opens up but i have to push on the name of the form to open up that form. I know there is a way to do it BUT can not figure it out . I do not need a switch board as the is only one form and that is not in my knowedge base It is like a custom
made directory

Thxs Steve

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Adding Zero's Before Number

Aug 30, 2005

I have a field where a user has to input numbers. This number at most will have 8 digits. Something like 00000001 or 00001234. I want access to show those zero's before the number but I can't do it. Any suggestions.


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Adding Records

Oct 10, 2005

This is probably an age old question but after a search I could not find the answer.
I have a table with 3 fields..... last, first, ssn
I have a form with 3 text boxes. I want users to input data into those text boxes and that data inserted into the table. The code I have figured out, the problem is access tells me I cannot add to the table because the controls do not have focus. Well, I can set focus to one control at a time but then that adds three separate entrees. Am I doing this the real hard way? Im sure there is an easier way to add records to a table with multiple fields.

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Adding New Records

Oct 28, 2005

I have am building a program that requires a staff person to enter a daily activity report on employee activity. It's initiated by adding a new record
that will allow the selection of an employees name and ID number from a drop box into respective first name, last name and ID fields. The staff person would then go on to complete the daily report by adding information in several other fields.
My form is based on a relational query built from two tables; tblClient and tbldailyreport.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Adding New Record

Jan 5, 2006


I've a quick question. In Access, I have a form that allows user to add new record into a table. Is there anyway of finding whether the new record has successfully been inserted or added?

So i think it may be wise to have a message to notify us of whether it's inserted successfully or not.

Hope this explain clear

Thank you very much in advance for your help

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Adding Subdirectories?

Feb 8, 2006

Hi, is it possible on the database window to add subdirectories? Such as in 'User Queries' under the 'Queries' tab, etc. If not, is it possible to add anything else to that ojbect window? I know you can add groups, but I need a way to split up queries and tables for individual users. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Adding References Necessary?

May 9, 2007

Hi guys, ive been developing a database for someone. As some coding has been involved, I have added some references etc as I went along.

I'll be soon handing it over to them to use - will they have to add the references for the database to run on their comp? If so, is there more user friendly way of doing it than going into the VB bit etc?


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Adding New Column

May 17, 2007

Hi there,

I am trying to add a new column to my table say name2 with data type Text.
as soon as i hit save it gives me error
"Unknown function Date in validation expression or default value on Contcts.LastUpdated. (Error 3388)"

Any clue?

One more thing what is the maximum number of columns permitted in a table?


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Adding New Value To Combo Box

May 31, 2007


I have 10 combo boxes on a form looking up at the same table (fileld A). I want the user to be able to enter a new value (that's not in the table and therefore neither it is in the combo box) to the 1st combo Box (let's say) and that same value to be automatically added to the table, so when I use the next (2nd one) combo Box, that same value is already in the table.

How can I do this??

Thank you very much

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Adding Reference

Feb 6, 2008


I have an SDK that I normally use with VS.NET. I cannot seem to add the .dll as a Reference in my MS Access 2003 database. Is there something I am doing wrong, or a workaround to get it to work? I have .NET 3.0 installed on the PC.


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