Adding Calculation Field (text Box) To Assets Template Form

Apr 3, 2013

I am trying to add a calculation field "Status" (text box) to Assets template form i.e

IF Asset item = X
Status = present

But am getting #name? in the text box

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Queries :: Adding New Field For Calculation Of Dates?

Oct 10, 2013

I am working on updating another person access database, how to add a calculated field. I need to add a field to an existing table to subtract the date listed in one field from todays' date. It would need to return the answers in days


10/10/13 - 10/1/13 = Return answer of 9 days

I have been told about DateAdd but I cant find these date function in the option of expression builder.

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Forms :: Due Date Calculation - Adding 4 Days To A Field

Jul 26, 2014

I don't think the below code is right, is it close?

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Test_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Test = "LR" Then
Me.Due_Date Date = [Date Received] + 4
End If
End Sub

Just trying to add 4 days to a field. (the Date Received field is in the format m/dd AM or PM)

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General :: Create A Button On Form To Convert Data To Text File Template

Jul 14, 2015

I'm currently working on a project within access which will allow users to select/input information in a form which will then save to the database.

What I need is to create a button on the form which will allow you to convert the data collected from the form to a custom text file template.

(Or maybe the last row added to the database. - although this may cause errors. Example: the form information doesn't save which will in turn create a text file with the data collected from the previous job)

The custom text file template should have a sentence description followed by the value recorded from the form.


1 configuration type: (data from form)

2 model type: (data from form)

3 Poc: (data from form)

And so on.

So in summary - I would be to use the form to collect the desired information which will save to the database.

Once actioned, a custom text file should be populated with the collected information (with specific data placement as per the example above)....

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Text Field That Needs Calculation

Apr 16, 2008

So here is my problem i am semi access savy but i have having trouble with one thing. At work when we make a schedule there are 5 possibilites for how you want to mark your day. I have created a field using text as my parameters since my possibilities include both letters and numbers. At the end of each week I need to create a calcuation only utilizing the number which is 1 to add up the total shifts in the week.

I have tried some IIF statements with no luck. The 5 possiblities are 1, c,r,a,l. Each of the letters stand for something. When the scheduler runs the query he needs to see the letters or the number for each day. But i can't create a properly working calculated field for adding all of the 1's together only. The letters don't need to be added. Any ideas?

Also I have to run a sum for the total of each day at the bottom so I am running into the same problem there if there is any letters in the boxes. Going to a number field is not an option
thanks for the help

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Adding Fields To Template Tables / Forms

Jul 14, 2014

Is there a way to add fields to template tables/forms? The table will only show in datasheet view; design view isn't an option...

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Forms :: Data Entry Form For Specific Assets

Jun 26, 2013

I have a bank of 8 machines, I need the user to enter one record for each machine in order. I currently have these machines in a combo box, but any other method would be fine.

When the user opens the data entry screen, I need it to open a data entry with that machine selected and the machine number pasted to the [Machine_No] field, when the user has finished entering the data (mainly yes/no tick boxes) I need them to click a "Next" button and have the data entry form to move on to the next record, the next machine on the list. This needs to be done in machine order as listed. I would then like the "Next" button to be hidden or disabled or changed to "Finished" (Close Form button)when at the last machine in the list.

Is this possible. I am using Access 2010 ...

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Modules & VBA :: Web Page Template - Adding Characters Before And After Sentence

May 6, 2014

I'm using Access to create some web page templates. To Do this I have a memo field called "Description" into which I'm entering text. Example:

This is an obvious description example

What I need to be able to do is put a "<p>" before each sentence and a "</p>" at the end of each sentence. Examle

<p>This is an obvious description example</p>

The information is stored in a form page, and the text have paragraphs.

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Query Calculation Depedent On Form Text Box

Mar 6, 2008

I have a make table query which needs to take the column "Amount Orig Ccy" from the table "Consolidated Reporting Table Orig CCY", divide it by the Canadian Spot rate input by the user into text box "Spot" on the form "Summary Form", and then populate the column "Amount USD" with the returns.

Should I be using the DLookup function? I tried the below without success:

Amount USD: DLookUp("Amount Orig Ccy","Consolidated Reporting Table Orig CCY"/[Forms]![Summary Forms]![Spot])

Then I tried this, again failing:

Amount USD: DLookUp("Amount Orig Ccy / Spot Rate","Consolidated Reporting Table Orig CCY","Spot Rate =" & [Forms]![Summary Forms]![Spot])

Is it a syntax issue or will DLookUp not work for what I need?

Thanks for any help.

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General :: Text Box Calculation - Main Form And Subform

Oct 23, 2012

is it possible to calculate a values in a subform and main form. i thought it would be as simple as form to form but it doesnt seem to work.

ive tried this.


it just comes up with #NAME?

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Adding Ellipses To Text Field

Aug 5, 2014

Basically I have a text box on a form that needs to be a certain size. The actual text that is populating the text box is too many characters to be displayed. How do I make the text box display the first 3 characters and then an ellipses following?

Also I thought about making a new unbound textbox with ellipses, however, my form is continuous, so even though the some text boxes have empty strings, the ellipses will still be present.

Some pseudocode of what I'm guessing it will look like:

[(If(String(Me![NotesField] > 3 characters) then Return(Left(String(Me![NotesField], 3)" & "..."))]

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Import Text File Plus Adding A Field

Feb 8, 2007


I'm importing the contents of lots of text files using a combination of a loop and DoCmd.TransferText.

This works fine and I can get the contents of several hundred files in a few seconds. The files are called 1.dbb, 2.dbb... and each has an associated image file, 1.bmp, 2.bmp... etc. After the import I move the files to a new folder.

I need to create a link to the bmp file but this information is not included in the text file so I need to rely on a field which contains the file name.

How can I populate a field at import time to include the name of the imported file?

Anyone give me a clue please.


Bernard D

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Forms :: Template Text In Text Box

Apr 8, 2014

i have a form that contains a combobox and textbox.i want according to combobox choice a fixed template to be populated in the textbox and then can be edited (delete and add more text as needed) without changing the original template

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Forms :: Text Field Auto Update When Adding New Records

Jul 22, 2014

I have 2 tables Master table (Jobs) containing the primary key ("Job Reference") and 2nd table (Candidates) with the foreign key ("Job Reference")

2 Forms

frmJobs Form to view job details
frmCandidates form to view Candates information

I have placed add new candidate button on the frmJobs form which opens the candidate form in the add mode as a blank form. This is fine but I'm looking to add a record where it picks up the "Job Reference" text field value from the main frmJobs and update it in the "Job Refernce" text field on the frmCandidate when I click add new candidate.

How can I achieve this? I'm fairly new to access/vba

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Global Field For Calculation In A Form

Aug 22, 2005

OK, I figured out how to make a calculation. My big problem now is to have a global field, which would be "beginning balance" and "ending balance". I have 5 employees that share the budget. The budget starts at $1280.00. One employee may buy somthing one day and then another day while another employee may also buy something. I want to be able to put in the amount the employee spent and have it deduct from the balance. But then when I go to another employee and subtract what they spend I want that to subtract from the balance. I want the balance to be visible at all times no matter what employee I am on. Hope this makes sense. I have an attached file that shows how I did it for one employee. Cannot figure how to be able to do it for each employee and just the balance changes. Also I built a subform to be able to show different dates. But the problem again is having it subtract from one global balance. Thank you.

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Adding A Simple Text Clock To A Form

Apr 19, 2005

Trying to make a simple clock inside my form.
So far I got my clock but it isn't running.
It only get's the time when I open the form but I want it to keep track of time.

Searched the forums but couldn't find anything that relates to this problem.

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Adding Data To Table From Form Text Box

Jun 3, 2006

Hey, im developing a taxi service database and i am working on adding new customers to the customers table through a form using text boxes. Im wondering if its possible to have text boxes as inputs and once all the data is entered (first name, last name etc) have a button to simply click and have all the data transferred to the table. Im also trying to do this without having all other records shown as well.

I've included a screen and the db to show you what i mean:

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Forms :: Adding Text Boxes In Form

Apr 14, 2015

I am trying to sum the row in a access form. There are 3 text boxed called TXT1, TXT2, TXT3. I have added an additional text box and typed the following txt;


Instead of totalling the row it just puts the number together. For example TXT1 contains 1. TXT2 contains 2, and TXT3 contains 3 so the answer should be 6 (1+2+3) but it shows 123. I have tried putting SUM in front but that gives me the total of the whole column not just that row.

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Forms :: Adding Text Box In Bound Form That Appends To Another Table

Aug 26, 2014

I have a form AddNewEquipment. This is bound to a table, EquipmentDetails.

EquipmentDetails has a Yes/No field, 'ParentChoice'. So when EquipmentDetails.ParentChoice = Yes, I want to open up a new text box, AddNewEquipment.ParentDescr, into which someone can put some text. This text I want to append as a new row in a different table, ParentList.ParentName. (that table also has an autonumber field)

I only want to do the save when I save the whole form.

Is this something like using an On Lost Focus event from the ParentDescr field which only invokes when the overall form save button is clicked? What would I put in the On Lost Focus event.

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Forms :: Adding Three Fields In A Table - Time Difference Calculation

Oct 23, 2013

I want to add three fields in a table namely from, to and diff .

How to add them in a form so that I can enter

The time in (xx:xx) 24hr format in the "from" and "to" fields and calculate and save the time difference in minutes to the "diff" field automatically.

I am using access 2010.

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Assets Database Query

Aug 30, 2005

I am building a simple assets database to help me with my work. This is what I did:

I created a table with following columns:

1) Bill ID - unique number of the asset bill, created by the accounting software.

2) ID of the supplier

3) Month

4) Type of the bill (code such as RI for investments, RO for activated assets etc.)

5) Date

6) Basic non-taxed value.

There is a 20% tax on assets. 19% OF the 20% tax is added to the base non-taxed value - I get the starting value of the asset before amortisation begins.

So far so good, my query works perfect, does everything right, however:

Every now and then (less than 10 times per year) I get assets from suppliers that are free of tax. That means that the value on the bill = starting asset value, and there is no need for adding the 19% of the tax back to the asset value. I don't know how to exclude those bills from the process.

The way I figured it theoreticaly, it can be done like this:

1) I could store the tax-free supplier codes in a separate table and make the query perform a check against the column 2 (supplier ID), and if it findds the supplier there, the base value is taken as a final value.

2) I could make all non-taxed bills have an unique tag for the non-taxed bills(column 4 - type of the bill), and make the query check against those.

I have no clue how to make any of those, so I hope someone here could help me.

Thank you!

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Forms :: Change Text Color On A Form If Text In Field Contain Certain Word

Jul 12, 2013

I have a Form Display Data in my Access Database, which is working really well. However, users was asking if there is a way we can make Font Color Could/would change if The text in A field or Any field in my display form contained the word "SAD or MAD". Is there code for such thing in display form?..

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Adding Field To A Form

Jul 13, 2005

I am using a Microsoft Access Form and would like to add some new fields and have no idea where to start. Any step-by-step help would be greatly appreciated.

I am an amateur and would need step by step so minute details would be greatly appreciated.


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Form Adding In A Field

Dec 1, 2006


Can somebody help me with forms. I have not used Acecess for sometime and have created a form and realised that I had not included another field in the form. Can somebody help me I have forgotten how to add in the additional field. Simply please:eek:

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Form Adding In A Field

Dec 1, 2006


Can somebody help me with forms. I have not used Acecess for sometime and have created a form and realised that I had not included another field in the form. Can somebody help me I have forgotten how to add in the additional field. Simply please:eek:

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Adding A New Field Into A Form

Dec 4, 2006


I have created a form and now realised that I have forgotten to put in a field. I have forgotten how to add an additional field to the form. Help in plain terms please. Thanks:eek:

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