Adding Fields In A Table

Feb 6, 2006

I have 2 fields in a table 1. called CommAmtDue and the other called CommAmtPd, When the user inputs a value in the CommAmtPd I want the CommAmtDue - CommAmtPd = CommAmtBal

I want this value to be stored in another field in the same table called CommAmtBal

I can do the formula in a query but how can I get the value to be stored in the field to user for later.


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Forms :: Adding Fields In A Table And Having Output Fill Fields On A Form

Jan 29, 2014

I have a totalquery that runs fine and give me the sum for both fields I'm looking for but I can't get the outputs to fill the fields on the form. I have tried the Dcount query in the control source but that just returns an error and locks up access.

SELECT [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, Sum([Tble-wcDelays].HoursDelay) AS SumOfHoursDelay
FROM [Tble-wcDelays]
GROUP BY [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, [Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID
HAVING ((([Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID)=[Forms]![Frm-ePlusCent]![cleanID]));

That is the query.

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Adding Fields To A Table

Mar 20, 2008

This is going to sound like a bizarre question, but, here it goes. Is there a way to add more than 255 fields to a table? Or is 255 the cutoff? Also, if you have two table with different information on one client, is there a way to add a client to one table and have it automatically add it to the second? Sorry about all of the wierd questions. Let me know if you know anything.

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Getting Totals By Adding Other Fields Within A Table

Mar 25, 2008

Hi there

I am completely new to access so if this question seems really simple then i apologise. If this has appeared elsewhere on this forum i apologise again!

Can you tell me if the following is possible

I have a table called AA1 containing the following fields:

What i would like to do is create another two fields called PC total and Range total whereby i create a formula that will add the totals of the PCs for each student )which will then be entered into the PC total column and the same for the ranges.

I am unable to do it using the query function as i have over 225 diffrerent fields overall so i thought if i could create a totals field i could use these for my queries therefore negating the need to include all the seperate fieids, pc1 pc2 pc3 etc...

the above fields are all in number format.

I have probably not explained myself very well and if you need any more information (im guessing yes) then please let me know.

thanks in advance


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Adding Fields From More Than One Table To A Form

Jan 13, 2005

Probably simple, but I cannot see how I add fields from different tables to a form that has already been designed. I can see how I achieve this when designing from scratch.

Thank you

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Tables :: Adding New Fields In Table Using VBA

Jul 17, 2014

I have some tables in many .mdb that I will like add or subtract fields. I will like to use VBA to do the job without using Access.03 interface.

I do remember using TableDefs object & the functions .Delete & .Append - That is right way to go is it not??

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Adding Fields In A Make Table Query

Oct 4, 2007

If I have a make table query where I want to add in some blank fields, say: Field1: “” , Field2: “”, etc…. is there a way I can make these fields a yes/no type instead of the default text?

I know I can manually go into the table in design view after I run the query, but I was hoping I could do it beforehand. :)


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Adding Value In Table Based On Values In Two Other Fields

Dec 3, 2007

Hello: Is there (simple) way that I can populate a field based on the values of two other fields? For example, in a list of new employees, if a new employee starts on Nov 30 and works in the Administration Department, his human resources contact is Mary. If a new employee starts on Nov 30 and works in Sales, his contact would be Fred. I hope this is clear! Many thanks!

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Adding New Fields To Table Bound To A Form

Jan 31, 2005

I have a form which I've spend many hours designing to look and behave as I need it. It is bound to a table (get's it's data from there). I now want to add one or more new fields to the table (which I've done ok), but I can't seem to get the Form to see those fields. I've tried creating new controls on the form and the control source list to select from doesn't include my new fields.
Even if I write VB code embedded in the form to refer to the fields, the debugger trips on the field names saying no such method/object. The only way around it I've discovered is to create a new bound form which will mean re-dooing al the layout work again.

Surely this is a common situation which has an easy solution ?!!

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Adding Fields In A Table To Create New Field In A Query

Mar 14, 2008

I've got a fields called rev code that contain the following values:

field name: 110 131 250 255 258

field value: 7.49 6 11.25 12.11 78

I'm writing a query that pulls from the first two digits of the rev code and need to round off to the nearest dollar so in my query I'll have a column 11 with a value of 7, a column 13 with a value of 6, then I need to take columns 250 255 and 255 add the values together and round off so I get a column 25 with a value of 101.

How do I do that?

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Queries :: Adding Fields In A Table That Are Related To Other Tables

May 13, 2013

I am a beginner in access and I want to populate a new field (REPUN_1 which corresponds to SEGMT_ID in the other table) in my table and this field is coming from another table. The values of the fields need to correspond to the row of my actual table (JMTable) having the same CO_ID, MOVEPLANCD and TTY_NO as the table I want to extract the values from (DI_Treaty_Crosswalk).

Here is my query:

UPDATE JMTable SET [REPUN_1] = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.SEGMT_ID WHERE JMTable.TTY_NO = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.TTY_NO AND JMTable.CO_ID = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.CO_ID AND JMTable.MOVEPLANCD = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.MOVE_PLAN_CD

and it doesn't work since access ask me to enter a parameter value.

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Updating Form After Adding Fields To Its Related Table

Apr 25, 2012

I decide to add a new field to its related table. I always wait to create the form until I think my table is complete, but sometimes I just end up needing to add more info. Is there a quick way to update the form to include my new fields?

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Forms :: Adding Three Fields In A Table - Time Difference Calculation

Oct 23, 2013

I want to add three fields in a table namely from, to and diff .

How to add them in a form so that I can enter

The time in (xx:xx) 24hr format in the "from" and "to" fields and calculate and save the time difference in minutes to the "diff" field automatically.

I am using access 2010.

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General :: Group By Query And Adding Checkbox Fields To Update A Table

Oct 24, 2014

I have a invoice system I have created in Access and it did used to work perfectly and then maybe an update Who knows stopped the system working.

I have an customer order screen that has customer details and then a subform within the same form this takes a total of items & costs for this order and then it entered it into the customers table from the order_Details table using me.Order_total = Order_Total.

I know this is bad design but I store it because once the order is places I need the total to be static because the invoice has been sent and so if someone changes the order then the total owed doesn't change.

I then have a reconcile form which is on a datasheet form straight from the tab;e so it is editable which has a checkbox that then once ticked copies the total from the Order_Total in the table to the reconciled field in the same table and then I use a report to show who owes me still.

So I have made a Select query from the Orders table & Order_Details table and used a Group by Order number (Which is the link between the 2 tables) this shows correctly but now not editable because of the rules So I am trying to add an editable checkbox on the same form.

I tried to use a dlookup makes all of the boxes either ticked or not. I've been looking at Recordsets but I'm unsure if this is what I need or not really

So really I just need to see if I should be putting the Total from the Subform into the mainform and then entering it into the table (Like previously) using a calculated unbound field and then using the Afterupdate event to insert the data into the table. but for some reason it just wont work.

I can get the OnClick to work but then as soon as i go to the next record for some reason it then resorts to 0.00 but then the table shows correctly which ever record the form is working on.

Or should I be using the new query based idea to create the reconcile form and if this is the best way I just don't now where to start on how to get a multiple table query that I can then add a reconciled checkbox which then copies the Order_Total from the table to the Paymet_Recieved field.

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Tables :: Deleted Fields Not Free Up For Adding New Fields

Aug 15, 2013

I reached the limit of 255 fields in a table. I just need to add one more field so I deleted several fields I no longer needed thinking I would then be able to add one more new field. However, I am still unable to add one more field. How to free up fields that are no longer needed?

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Adding Fields Based On Values In Other Fields

Jun 6, 2007


I am creating a small database to house results of certain tests. Is there a function in access that allows me to add fields if a result is out of the specification required. In other words I still need to record the out of spec results but I also need more fields to appear for the next lot of results to be entered, for example.

When cooking a batch of product I need to test the pH at the 30 minute mark if the pH is too low I will continue cooking the product for another 30 minutes and then test the product again. The cook time is not a constant so I never know how many samples are required, therefore I don't know how many fields i would need in advanced.

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Adding 2 Fields

Mar 2, 2006

Im doing a project at school and it involves adding 2 entities and then the answer being displayed in another entitiy i have searched the forums but with no luck is it possible at all.

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Adding Fields

May 30, 2006

i have a form which has 2 subforms on it. In each of these subforms, i have a field which displays a total. Now i would like that in the footer of the main form i will create an unbound text box which will add the two total fields, and displays a grand total.

Is this possible pls ?

Thank You

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Adding New Fields

Aug 8, 2007

I need to add new fields to and existing form. I have added the fields to the table the form is based on. When I am in design view for the form I open the fields icon to add the fields but the fields are not showing up. How can I get the fields to show up so they can be added to the form?

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Adding Query Fields Together

Nov 10, 2005

My company has a microsoft access table with about 1200 IDs containing names, addresses etc.
Now I want to print this out in an excel sheet because I want to create address stickers, but I want every cell in the excell sheet to add information about the columns in the database together. I might be very unclear, let me demonstrate what I mean:
The Acess file might look like this:
id | name | address
1 | john | Street 01
2 | sara | Street 02

Now I want to have 2 excell cells which contain the information like this:

In my example, 2 cells with the following information:

john Street 01
sara Street 02

So I dont want 4 cells, I want to add the information together from 1 Id to 1 cell, but I also want to add linebreaks to it, It must eventually become an address sticker

How can this be done?

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Adding Multiple Fields

Dec 28, 2005

Hello, I have what I believe to be a very basic, albeit wordy question regarding an Access based mailing list that I am designing. For the scope of this project, I have 7 fields: Position (the position of the person recieveing the mailer, So far all I have is the "Principal", these are all schools) Name (The name of the school), Address, City, State, Zip and SchoolID (this is the primary key and will be hidden)
My question is: How can I add multiple positions per School (Name)? I need to add 1st through 6th grade teachers as well as the councilor to each location. So each of these people will be sent a mailer. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to ask any questions needed.

Thank you

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Adding Data In Two Fields

May 15, 2007

His is itpossible to make abutton in access and then assign a equation to it to add the dat in two of the fields together, for example adding the "stock level" and the "re-order level together? ifso could some please tell me how greatly appreciated cheers

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Adding Currency Fields Up

Aug 15, 2007


I have tried to add up fields in a table but am struggling to get it to work. Can anyone help please.

In design view of tables, I have four fields (that I will be using in a a form eventually);


I want to get the TotalIncome field to automatically be the total sum of any or all of the other three.

I have tried putting =[RaffleIncome]+[Almsincome]+OtherIncome} in the control box of the TotalIncome field (a guess) in a form I made, and it gives me the total sum of the others three but does not save when I look at it in the table view. (that is, the TotalIncome column remains £0.00)

I am learning as I go along and am okay figuring some stuff out, but this has got me a bit frustrated, and I guess I cannot see the wood for the trees !

Thanks anyone


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Adding New Fields - Allow Zero Length

Dec 15, 2005


I am using an Make-Table query to add many new fields to a Table using Fieldname: "".

However, when I use this, it sets the Allow Zero Length to No.

Is there code that I can use to stop this happening?

I am using this method for multiple fields and across multiple tables.

Your help appreciated,


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Adding Fields In Tables

Nov 2, 2006

hi all

i can do simple additions in access but i have been asked to calculate fields in different tables

all i need to do is

i have 2 tables in my database
Table 1:main_database
Table 2:Security 2_3

and i have in table 1 got 1 field called Estimated security value
and in table 2 i have 2 fields called Sec 2 estimated value and Sec 3 estimated value

all i need to do is add all of the fields together in query or field in a form

i have tried =([Estimated security value]+[Security 2 & 3]![Sec 2 estimated value])+[Security 2 & 3]![Sec 3 estimated value]

but i get '#name error

thanks in advance

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Adding 3 Fields To Mkae 4th?

Sep 25, 2006

I am trying to take a form that has 4 text boxes and add the first three together and have the sum show up in the 4th box. Is this possible?

Textbox1 +
Textbox2 +
Textbox3 =

I am tryimg yo add up total support hours for my network shop. thanks for any help.

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