Adding In Access

Sep 8, 2006


I would like to add some cells in access together (I know it would be far simpler to use Excel, but I'm creating an Access database and just need to add up a couple of cells to create a running total).

Is there a way of doing this using Queries?


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Adding To Access From The Field

Nov 26, 2007

Hi again. I finally have time to start working on my access project, and what I want to know is how could a field technician add to access from the field, either with a laptop or possible even a pda. things a tech would need to add are notes, different readings that monitor job progress, equipment placed at the job site, other things like that.

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Adding A Value To New Field In Access

Jun 5, 2012

I'm importing a text file into Access. The file is just a string of numbers that I'm breaking apart into three fields. Once those three fields have been broken apart by the import tool I need to add a new field that just contains the year.

For example, I import the 1990 data file that is .txt format and I break apart the three fields while it's imported. Once imported into three fields, I want to add a 4th field that says 1990 for every record. This has to be a pretty simple thing to do, but I can't figure out how to add a single number as a new field to every record in the database.

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Adding A Help (.chm) File To Access Application

Sep 6, 2005

Please I have designed an access application and also created a compiled file. But I cannot attach it within code to work from my application.

I need urgent help to achieve that.


Peter Chogudo

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Adding Calender Option To Access

Jun 29, 2006

my departments seems to want to add some sort of notification feature to our database. It's supposed to notify the department when a certain date is approaching.

How do you even begin to think about adding this feature into Access? I don't know where to start. I'm no Access guru. :confused:

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Adding A Field To A Table In Access

Aug 4, 2006

I have created the code below to add a new column to a table each month. This may not be the best database design but it meets our needs for now.

However I am having difficultly with the code below. The CreateField Function is unable to accept the parameter periodDate. Any Suggestions on this would be apprerciated

Function DateField() As Long

Dim colFullName As Object
Dim dbsCurrent As Object
Dim yearInt As Integer
Dim monthInt As Integer
Dim table1 As Object

Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb
Set table1 = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef("103TblCustomerBalancesCombined")

yearInt = Year(Date)
monthInt = Month(Date) - 1

If monthInt = 0 Then
periodDate = CLng(yearInt - 1 & 12)
Exit Function
End If

If monthInt < 10 Then
periodDate = CLng(yearInt & "0" & monthInt)
periodDate = CLng(yearInt & "" & monthInt)
End If

Set colFullName = table1.CreateField(periodDate, DB_TEXT)
table1.Fields.Append colFullName

End Function

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Adding Forms/documents To Access

Oct 21, 2006

I have a simple database for my rv rental business, I want to be able to import an existing form into access and then use the data in my dbase to fill in the forms to print and have the customer sign the contract etc. I use 2003 how would I go about doing this?


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How To Update Access After Adding A New Field?

Apr 27, 2007


1. I need to know how to update the field list of the query after
adding a new field into the table and the query?
2. I need to know how to update the records table after adding
calculated filed?

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Adding Minutes And Seconds In Access

Jan 5, 2005

I am writing an Access program to compile Cell phone billing information for my company that has around 60 phones. I am entering the detail information and reporting on it. The problem I am having is with the minutes and seconds calculations. For instance employee A might have accumulated 630:59 minutes for the current month and employee B might have 250:12 minutes (Mins Secs) for the current month and so on. I want to be able to enter these amounts in a feild and then be able to sum them. Can you tell me how to format the field that the detail minutes will be entered into. I have been looking on the net for hours for a solution.
Also I want the sumation to be formated in minutes not hours. Example


Would = 1171:11 If this is possible, what would be the field data type and format.


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Adding Records To An Access Database

Aug 9, 2006

I'm trying to add a record to the members table in the access database located at c:dbmyforum.mdb. So I looked it up and did a copy and paste from an example, and edited it to match what i need. here's what I've got:

Code:<html><body><%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open "c:/db/myforum.mdb"sql="INSERT INTO Members (SN,Password,)"sql=sql & " VALUES "sql=sql & "('" & Request.Form("sn") & "',"sql=sql & "'" & Request.Form("pw") & "')"on error resume nextconn.Execute sql,recaffectedif err<>0 then Response.Write("No update permissions!")else Response.Write("<h3>" & recaffected & " record added</h3>")end ifconn.close%></body></html>

But it keeps coming back with errors. What am I doing wrong? I'm sure that the info from the form is going through, and I've checked the sql several times, although I'm not sure about the vb script cause I'm new to asp(trying to learn it now).

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Adding Attachements To A Access Form

Aug 22, 2006

Hope someone can help on this. I have an Access database, nothing flash, that is now required to keep a spec sheets as an attachement. I am at a loss as to how to do this.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding A Field To Access DB

Aug 6, 2013

I use the following 3 calls to add 3 fields to an Access db,


Call subCreateField("tblRootCanalTreatment", "lngMethodID", "dbLong", strPath, 606)
Call subCreateField("tblRootCanalTreatment", "txtReferencePoint", "dbText", strPath, 620)
Call subCreateField("tblRootCanalTreatment", "txtSpaceForPole", "dbText", strPath, 644)

The sub is indicated below,


Private Sub subCreateField(strTable As String, strField As String, strFieldType As String, strPath As String, lngVersion As Long)

Dim rstSerial As ADODB.Recordset
Set rstSerial = New ADODB.Recordset
rstSerial.Open "tblSerial", CurrentProject.connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
If rstSerial!lngVersion < lngVersion Then


Only the first field ("lngMethodID") gets created. The other two fields ("txtReferencePoint") and ("txtSpaceForPole") do not get created. If I exit the db before each sub call then all fields get added. Do I need to add some "refresh field" action or other action.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding To A Access Form

Dec 19, 2014

i have a form in access 2010 and i have a text box called USLINE and other one called USOFlag and i want the USLINE field to do like if it's is not null then it is a Y else N i try to do it in the LostFocus function but i cant get it to work.Here is the the code that i used:

Private Sub USLine9_LostFocus()
If IsNull(USLine9.Value) Then
USOFlag.Value = "Y"
USOFlag.Value = "N"
End If
End Sub

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Adding A Menu In Access 2007

Oct 8, 2015

how to add a Menu in Access 2007 where I can click on menu options and it takes me to whatever form or report I clicked on in the menu?

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Adding A New Field To A Table In Access 2000

Jul 31, 2006

I want to add a new field to a table each month end. the name of this field should reflect the previous month. For example when running the update in August 2006 the name of the field should be for July 2006, the format of the field should be as follows: 2006 07. Is there any way to create a function in Access to do this, thanks

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Adding New Data Via Access Page - URGENT

Aug 6, 2007


Please answer ASAP, this would be urgent!

I have two tables that need to be updated in tandem from a single access-page, by entering previously non-existent data.
One contains a contractor ID, and the name of the contractor; The other contains details of contracts, with the name of the Contractor selected from a drop-down box that draws its contents from the other table.

I have a data access page with an always visible drop-down box that shows contractors, and if I select one, it displays all contracts entered. This unfortunately means I cannot easily add new contractors, since they have no pre-existing contracts to display the details, and allow entering, and I cannot make the details fields permanently available.

Right now, I can add new contracts to those contractors who have at least one in the system already, but I'm unable to add new contractors. My aim is to have a single page add the contract data, and new contractors. Having a hyperlink open a new page that allows the adding of new contractors is also acceptable, but no coding, please, cause I suck at that...:(

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Linking Outlook And Access...but Adding Autonumbers

Feb 19, 2007

Hello Everyone

I have a question which hopefully someone can help me with.

I have a database that links into an Outlook email account. I get the information across via File => Get External Data => Link Tables.

However the issue I have is assigning some kind of autonumber to this table. I am not bothered what the number is, just so that I can differentiate between the records.

Is there an easy way of doing this?

Thanks in adavance

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Access 2003 Database - Adding A Field?

May 31, 2006


I'm adding to a database that someone else set up. I went to the Design View page and clicked on one of the buttons at the bottom to add a text box etc etc. It all looks fine, but the field doesn't seem to be active - if I add some text into it for one page of the databse, the same text appears on every page of the databse. I notice that my "new field" is not listed in the fields list. How do I add it? I keep looking through "The Missing Manual" but without spending 3 days reading the whole thing (which I don't have time for) and learning much much more than I need to know just to get to the part that I need to know, it isn't helping me much.

Please can anyone enlighten me? My email is



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Adding Users To Workgroup In Access 2003

Feb 27, 2008

Hello everyone.

I am looking for a little help getting a database created in access 2000 to open in access 2003. The creater of the database put security on it and I have the security doc. However, I do not know how to give permission to open the database in 2003.

Any help is appreciated!

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Modules & VBA :: Adding New Record In Access 2010

May 16, 2015

I want to enable a few fields when i click on the Add button on my form.I have change the onclick to Event Procedure to be able to add the following code

Category_Desc.Enabled = True

My Category_Desc field get enable as expected but the Add button no long work

Private Sub add_Click()
Category_Desc.Enabled = True
End Sub

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Adding Columns To Existing Access 2003 Table

Jun 3, 2005

I am fairly new to doing DBA, and I am having trouble adding a new column to a table that is existing. Is there any simple way to do this or does it have to be done throught code? And if so how.

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General :: Adding Access Field To Mail Merge?

Jun 19, 2013

Is it possible to add an access field to a mail merge without having to recreate/redo the mail merge?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Y Or N To A Field If It Is Not Null In Access 2010

Dec 18, 2014

how to make this two fields in my form to say Y or N if the field is Not Null. Like if the field is not null = Y Else = N for the two fields. I have a picture to show what i'm talking about.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Data In Listbox From Access Table

Jun 5, 2014

The following code gives me runtime error message "couldn't set the list property , Type mismatch".

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim j As Long
j = 0

[Code] ....

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Adding Large Amount Of Excel Data Into Access

Jun 16, 2015

I have 250 separate worksheets with a lot of data to put into Access. Problem is the data is 120,000 rows in each worksheet and a lot of duplicate date eg..DATE, NAME, TIME,are some of the column headings and there are multiple rows with same DATE or NAME. That is just how I received the data. I would like to transfer all records into Access as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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Crashes While Adding Data Into Access Memo Fields

Jan 7, 2013

We are running many MS Access databases in a mixed estate - mostly Windows XP terminals. The databases are split with the front end on the desk top and the back ends on a server running Windows Server 2003. We have a chronic problem of crashes when users go back into memo fields to add data - all text. The problem is intermittent, not possible to reproduce and varies in frequency.

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