Adding Multiple Pictures To A Form

Aug 6, 2005

To start off I have only been working in Access(2003) for the past 2 months. And Yes I am a neebie of all neebies but please read on.

What I am trying to do is for every record I need to associate multiple pictures of damages to items in for repair. For example I have an High end Amplifier that came in for repair and the outside has markings of a fire(thats one pix) then opening it up we see that the fuses, wires and PC board has fire marks also(pix two) and so on. The record is keyed to the serial number. On the form my fields are Serial number, RMA #, all the senders info (name,address, contact number, store purchased, etc.). Then I created a subform for the picture with the following the picture itself, buttons(previous, next, add pic, delete pic) a hiden textbox(serial number) that I have joined(relationship) to the major form(serial number).
How do I link the pic to that specific serial number and then other pictures that also link to that serial number.

I know its wordy but I wanted to make it as clear as I could.

Thank You


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Need: Inserting Pictures. Need To Understand Or Need Better Way Of Adding Pictures

Jan 31, 2005

I am using Access 2003 in a simple database and want to add digital pictures of each item in my database.

Before trying to enhance the database with pictures; the various fields are filled with either descriptive text or numbers. The size of the mdb database file is 464k.

I recently wanted to add a picture of each database entry. After adding a picture that is only 300k in size the mdb file increase to 18MD. Then after adding another picture also of 300k bytes my database grew to 25MB.

In the drop down menus Under Tools - Database Utilities - I ran the Compact & Repair Database. This did not reduce the size.

In the database Form I am using a Bound Object Frame to hold the picture and yes I am not linking the picture I am including it in the database. But, would only expect it to increase the database size by slightly more than the picture size.

I should also point out that the only way I have found to get the picture to be visible (not just an icon of the type of picture file) is to right click on the Bound Object Frame scroll down and choose Insert Object. Click on Create New and select Adobe Photoshop Image. This open adobe photoshop I make sure the picture properties are creating a picture of 300k.

So my question(s) is again. Why is my database increasing in size so rapidly? Is there a better to insert picture into a database?

Regards, Roy (

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Link Pictures And Adding Browse Button

Jun 29, 2012

My job has recently decided that I need to build a database of test pictures, I've read many forums on the link pictures / putting browse button as I gather it makes the database too large with attachments.

My problem is I think I grasp the concept but I cant seem to use the code / Im not sure where im actually putting the code.

e.g imgControl.Picture = CurrentProjectPath & subforldername & Me.ImageName

Where do I put this ? does this go in the field or in a macro ?

Also for the browse to button I have this

Private Sub Explore_Click()
' Gets a filename from the filedialog control and puts it into
' "Filename" textbox control.
' Be sure to rename the Common Dialog Control "cd1"

[Code] ....

When i try to put this into a button it doesnt work.

I've attached my amazing database for reference, you will see pictures attached, these were before I knew about linking and I want the links to work like the attachments.

(Using access 2007)

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Adding Pictures To Forms And Reports (Access 2000 Vs 2003)

Apr 8, 2006

I have successfully used the recommended way to display images from a folder in a form as posted on the microsoft website.

These instructions were for Access 2000. I noticed that there are seperate instructions for doing this using Access 2003.:

My questions are:
1. If multiple users access this database using different versions of Access (2000 and 2003) will it not work for some?
2. do i have to modify code if i update to 2003?

Thanks for youir feedback!

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Multiple Pictures On A Report

Aug 31, 2004

I have a report that shows information on a property, and most have only one pictures, but some have several. The picture name is the same as the property code on the one's with only one pictures for example 1500-1111 is the property name and the picutres is 1500-1111 The only difference in the picture name on the properties with multiple picutes is that they have an a, b, c, d etc after the code, for example the first pictures is 1500-1234 and the second is 1500-1234a and the third is 1500-1234b etc, and the property code is 1500-1234.

I need to figure out a way for all the pictures to show up if there is multiples. The report only contains info on one side, so the other could line up the pictures in a column form. Any suggestions would be great.

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.FilterOn = True
Me.Filter = Forms!frmpropertydatabase.Filter

End Sub

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If Len(Dir("H:ApartmentsApartment Property Photos" & Me.propertycodenumber & ".jpg")) = 0 Then
Me.imgEmpty.Picture = "H:ApartmentsApartment Property Photosophoto.jpg"
Me.imgEmpty.Picture = "H:ApartmentsApartment Property Photos" & Me.propertycodenumber & ".jpg"
End If
End Sub

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Uploading Multiple Pictures Into Access

Oct 18, 2006

Hi there
im trying to build a database that stores a large number of photos and would like some suggestions on how i can upload multiple photos (20+) at one time without uploading each one individualy, preferably through a form.

To outline the problem, each member of the team has a camera that they take to jobs, when they return i want them to be able to open a new form, enter the job number (the primary key) onto the form and then somehow drag and drop the pictures from the camera onto the form to upload them.

Is this possible through Access? is this the best way of uploading multiple photos easily? and how do i build this?

Thanks in advance

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Modules & VBA :: How To Copy And Resize Multiple Pictures

Nov 25, 2014

Any way to copy files from a camera, to a new location using the dialog window and then resizing them before they reach there new destination. The selecting and copying them works fine, but I cannot find a way of resizing them in... or after the copying process.

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Adding Records To Multiple Tables Using One Form

Sep 20, 2004

OK I'm totally lost again.

What I want to do is;

Use one form to add records into several tables.

I have seperated my data into seperate tables and set up one to many relationships.


Last Name
First Name
Middle Name


What i want to do is use one form to enter all this data into the different tables.

There can only be one record in tblIncident that can match multiple records in the other tables.

i.e. for each record in tblIncident, I want to be able to have the capability to have as many persons related to that incident as I need.

I was thinking about setting up a tabctl for the data that has to be entered for tblIncident and then change the property setting for it to go away and then have the next tabctl appear in it's place for entering data into the next table. The problem I am having is that apparently I can only have one table as the control source for the form.

So next I tried using subforms, but that isn't working either. I can't figure out how to make the subform appear in a specific place on my form, sized in specific dimensions I want where I want.

I am just starting to learn about this relationships stuff and it's kind of difficult. How do you make it where you can do this from one form? Do I need to make a query of some sort?

Any help is appreciated.

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Adding Multiple Records For A Field In A Form

Nov 18, 2004

Hi forum, I have this database with a main form and 5 subfoms. For the Address Subform, I need to add multiple addresses for each person I add. How we currently do it is enter the multiple addresses per person, one at a time. Is there an easier way to do this.

For eg: Id Last Name First Name

Then Address 1
Address 2
Address 3

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Adding A Field To A Form Using Multiple Tables (And A Combo Box)

Jun 15, 2006


It's been a while since I've asked a question here, but I can't seem to figure this problem out.

I am setting up a form using data from 4 different tables, all related, and I can't figure out how to add fields that I didn't initially add during the wizard set-up. I used the wizard because it's easier for me to do that and then go in and make the changes I want to make.

When I get data from just one table, all of the available fields from that table are in the "Field List" no matter what fields I chose to include in the wizard process. That's good. But when I get data from more than one table, only the fields I initially chose in the Wizard process are showing up in the field list. I can't figure out how to add a new and different field from one of those tables.

The way I "solved" this problem the first time was to start over, creating my form from scratch--but now that I've done a lot of work, it just occurred to me that I will need to add 2 more fields. (I actually don't even have those fields in a table yet, but I will add them later.) So, this will be an ongoing problem. Since this form will get much use, by several people, I don't want to have to re-create it every time I want to change something.

So, is this possible? How can I add another field?

Also, while I am at it... A combo box was working beautifully to look up specific records when I was gathering information from only one table. It isn't working anymore.

Thanks in advance!


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Forms :: Adding Multiple Check Boxes In A Form

Sep 15, 2014

I have a form named Member, this form has field named hobbies, this field has multiple values selection i.e. a user could select football, cricket, listening to music and etc. these values are stored in another table and i have looked up the values in my form named member, i know access has multiple value option in combo box while we look up values from another table, but i don't want that the check boxes appear in combo box, they should be listed right in form so that i can see them without going inside the combo box and at the same time the values of these populated check boxes should be stored in a single field.

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Forms :: Adding Multiple Records To A Table Using Main Form And Not A Subform

Sep 12, 2013

I have an existing Main form that has a sub form that the user uses to enter multiple records into a works fine EXCEPT that I need to make it even easier and more intuitive and add a lot of labels. Basically the user selects items from a drop down list that adds items to a Work Order. I need to add some labels to the form to make it more descriptive for the user.

So, what I want to add multiple records using a single main form.

Is is possible to?:

1. simply turn the subform into a single main form? Can this be done by using a Command button or something similar?

2. copy all of the controls etc from the sub form into a new main form and have it all work nicely?

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Pictures And Continuous Form

Apr 19, 2007

Thanks for reading another one...

I am building an application for my marketing dept. that will track their mailouts. So far I can handle it; however, they want a thumbnail displayed of each piece of creative. I can do this if they only wanted to see one record at a time, but they want all records w/in a certain date range and the pic that goes with it. I am currently storing the path to the image so not to gorge my db to explosion.

pic campaign_name start end mail_out #_pieces
pic campaign_name start end mail_out #_pieces
pic campaign_name start end mail_out #_pieces
pic campaign_name start end mail_out #_pieces

where pic is the thumbnail. I have built it with a continuous form so I can display all the records but I am up to change if needed.
I have read other posts and they all deal with single forms and the onCurrent event is not really working for me.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

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Help: Displaying Pictures In A Form

Nov 28, 2007

To display images on a form (Access 2003) I used the same code of the Northwind database sample (Form Emplyees).

when changing the Picture's location it returns a bug in the code (Couldn' open ...the file), or the ErrorMessage Label should have the value: "File not Found".

Here is the code:

Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim res As Boolean
Dim fName As String
Path = CurrentProject.Path
On Error Resume Next
ErrorMsg.Visible = False
If Not IsNull(Me![ProductPicture]) Then
res = IsRelative(Me![ProductPicture])
fName = Me![ImagePath]
If (res = True) Then
fName = Path & "" & fName
End If
Debug.Print "fName: " & fName
Me![ImageFrame].Picture = fName
Me.PaintPalette = Me![ImageFrame].ObjectPalette
If (Me![ImageFrame].Picture <> fName) Then
ErrorMsg.Caption = "File not Found"
ErrorMsg.Visible = True
End If
ErrorMsg.Caption = "Click on Add/Edit to add the Product Picture"
ErrorMsg.Visible = True
End If

End Sub

Function IsRelative(fName As String) As Boolean
IsRelative = (InStr(1, fName, ":") = 0) And (InStr(1, fName, "") = 0)
End Function

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General :: How To Add Pictures To A Form

Oct 16, 2014

I'm trying to add pictures to a form (not in the database, just a graphic on the form).

In 2010 there is an "insert image" button. Is there one in 2007 and if not how would I do that?

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Forms :: Embed All Pictures In Form At Once

Jun 26, 2013

I made a db with tons of forms and they all have pictures on. I want to know if there is a quick way to embed them all so I don't have to go in the settings of every picture and do it manually!

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Forms :: Displaying Pictures On Form

Oct 7, 2013

I'm trying to place a picture on my forms using a browse button code i found on the net. After picking a picture, the image won't display automatically during run time, i still need to select design view and finally form view just to display the image. Im using the events form current, and the text box afterupdate.

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Adding Multiple Fields

Dec 28, 2005

Hello, I have what I believe to be a very basic, albeit wordy question regarding an Access based mailing list that I am designing. For the scope of this project, I have 7 fields: Position (the position of the person recieveing the mailer, So far all I have is the "Principal", these are all schools) Name (The name of the school), Address, City, State, Zip and SchoolID (this is the primary key and will be hidden)
My question is: How can I add multiple positions per School (Name)? I need to add 1st through 6th grade teachers as well as the councilor to each location. So each of these people will be sent a mailer. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to ask any questions needed.

Thank you

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Need Help With Adding Multiple Records

Jul 5, 2005

I believe this can be done with a query, but am having problems with it.

What i have is a db with a table for employee another table for training items and a third table to tie them both together. These employees are divided into several "teams" (team 1, team 2 etc ...) The training items are assigned to some or all of the teams. ( i know that this is a many to many relationship and i believe that is where i get confused ) Now the problem. What i would like to do is have a form that will allow the user to assign a new training item to teams 4, 5 and 6 and have access automatically create a record in the table. Now that the 20 or so employees that are assigned these training items will have a record that the user can simply fill in a date when the training has been completed by the employee.

I believe what i am looking for is an append query. Is that right?? Have been playing with this one for awhile and have no luck so i would appreciate any help i can get on this one

thanks again


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Adding Multiple Entries

Jul 5, 2005

This might be confusing so I will try to give as much detail as possible.

I have a table that has part numbers and the number of that part used that is based on a construction group lets call it.

I have another table that has all the different products that we sell, it also contains the "constuction groups" that are needed.

My append query looks to see which product is being ordered, gets the "construction groups" then looks at the other table and gets all the part numbers and quantity used in that group. It takes the part number,quantity used and appends them with an order number into another table. This works fine, however because some of the "construction groups" use the same part number I have multiple entries for some parts.

I want to be able to make it so that when there are multiple entries where the order number and part number are the same, it adds the 2 quantities and leaves only one record.

If someone out there even understands my problem could you help me. I have been trying to get this part of my db workign for a few weeks now.

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Adding Multiple Rows At Once

Apr 21, 2006

Could somebody please help me! I am new to access and trying to create a database that brings together information from a number of different sources, into one large database.
I need to import a large amount of data from another access table and I would like to just cut and paste it into my table.
BUT, I can’t figure out how to add multiple rows at once to my existing table. The data that I am importing contains about 6,000 rows and 4 columns. Can anybody tell me how I can do this without having to manually create 6,000 rows, one at a time? I really do not want to do that. Thank you for your help.

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Help With Adding Data To Multiple Tables

Oct 24, 2005

hi, i am new to access and struggling so any help would be great...

i have a db with 3 tables. students contains a Primary Key ('studentid') and then 'firstname' and 'lastname' fields. The two other tables (contactdetails, coursedetails) have 'studentid' as a Primary Key and then they each have other fields.

I set up relationships between the tables (1 to 1) but i would now like to create a form that will allow me to enter data to all three tables at the same time. (this would be ideal as it keeps the data normalised) if this isn't possible i would like to create a form that adds the 'studentid' record to each of the tables.

let me know if you need anymore details but if someone can point me in the right direction it would be cool.


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Adding Values For Multiple Departments

Sep 21, 2007

This may be a dumb question, but I've got kind of a question about adding values.

I have a subform that contains a department name, and it's waste totals (in Kilograms) for the day, for a particular company. The company information is the main form.

Whenever I start a new department, the totals, and category names start blank (different departments could produce different waste).

I'm trying create a query that gives me the total value for each Category of waste. However, I keep getting all the seperate values returned?? As apposed to a total. For example.

Company A has two departments:
Office and Production.
For Office they had 20 Kg of plastic bottles and Production had 20 Kg of plastic bottles.
I want to be able to total the weight of plastic's just not working../
Any advice?

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Adding To Comments For Multiple Records

Aug 23, 2005

I have a comments on my form. I have contacts with them having from 1 to many customers accts. I am trying to come up with a way to update the comments for a contact that adds those comments to all their customers records...but not to those that have been closed.
How would I add these comments to the comments on the form without overwriting the current comments.

Comments - Memo
Contact - Text

It's quite a pain, copying and pasting from record to record.


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Adding Up Values From Multiple Queries

Jan 30, 2005

Query 1:
Field #1: User Name
Field #2: CountOfUserName

Query 2:
Field #1: User Name
Field #2: CountOfUserName

Query 3:
Field #1: User Name
Field #2: CountOfUserName

Query 4:
Field #1: User Name
Field #2: CountOfUserName

I want to create a Query that will add
[Query 1].[CountOfUserName]+[Query 2].[CountOfUserName]+[Query 3].[CountOfUserName]+[Query 4].[CountOfUserName]=
[My Query].[TotalCountOfUserName]Group by UserName

It seems difficult.

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Adding Multiple Tables From Different Databases..

Dec 8, 2006


I have around 10 mdbs and in each I have 4 tables, I want to add all the tables from 10 mdb to one mdb, finally I will have 4 toal tables, right now I am using a appendquery to add tables. Is there way using VBA I can do it on the form and with one click of a button I will be able to add. Thanks for any info..

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