Adding One Field Of New Record Automically According To The Condition

Feb 21, 2008

hi all,

I am doing one project using access. I 've made two forms. In one form, lets say, it contains two common buttons. Both buttons will load the same second form and will add new record to the same table. When I click first button, it will load second form with all fields blank and one field of record will autofill one value,lets say "a" to the table.That field shouldn't be appeared in the second form,just want to fill automatically. Then the other fields of new records will be filled by the user input from the second form.
Also, when I click second button, it will do similarly but only the autofill value will be different from the first one.
Does anyone know how to make it?
If don't understand what I am saying, I can explain it again.
Any help will be grateful for me.

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Cancel Adding New Record If Condition Is True

Oct 11, 2007


I wrote code that should validate a field when entering a new record and then if a condition is true, that new record should be cancelled and not entered into the table.

I managed to partially achieve this by writing the code below, but the new record does not get cancelled because the table will still create a PK for that record and leave the rest of the fields empty. I am using an autonumber for the PK that's why the table creates it automatically What I want to achieve is to cancel the creation of a new record at once, I don't want even PK created for that new record.

I used the CancelUpdate because I thought it would cancel the record creation, but it did not! When I read about it it said that I need to use it with either Edit or AddNew, (which i don't understand why!) but it still does not work.

Private Sub PlotNum_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_msg
Dim db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim n As Integer, i As Integer
Dim vPlotNum As Integer
Dim vPhaseID As Integer

vPhaseID = Forms![frmHouse].Form![PhaseID]
vPlotNum = Forms![frmHouse].[qryHouse2].Form![PlotNum]

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblHouse")
n = rs.RecordCount
If n > 0 Then
For i = 1 To n
If rs![PhaseID] = vPhaseID Then
If rs![PlotNum] = vPlotNum Then
MsgBox "This plot number already exist in this particular phase." & vbCrLf & "Please choose a different Plot Number"
Forms![frmHouse].qryHouse2.Form![PlotNum].Text = ""
End If
End If
Next i
End If
Set db = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Err_msg
End Sub

Any suggestions will be very much appreciated.

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Adding Value To A Field When Condition Is Met

May 19, 2015

I need for a valued to be changed in a row after it checks for how many rows have another value, counting how many and that number making it the amount field.

Fields- Name sponsor amount

I want access to show how many people have been sponsored by Gabriel... So if 3 where sponsored by Gabriel show 3 to the amount field for Gabriel row! Any way to do this or an easier way?

I for it to check it every time a user is added incase the user added is sponsored by Gabriel add it automatically!

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Forms :: Condition A Field To Locked On 1 Record Of Continuous Form Subfile

Jun 1, 2015

Access 2002 . Can I condition a field to 'locked' on just one record of a continuous form subfile, based on the contents of a 2nd field in same record?

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Adding Multiple Searches In Where Condition

Oct 16, 2013

I currently have this for my where condition, and searches the form based on the clientID selected in the combo box.

The catch now is i have to add another search.

="[ClientID] =" & [TempVars]![ActiveControlValue]

now i have to also search [ProductID]

The combo Box is set up like this:

ClientID....ContactName....ProductName....ProductI D
Hidden.....Visible..............Visible........... ..Hidden

How can i add [ProductID] into the existing where condition to add an additional parameter?

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Forms :: Adding Additional Records On Condition

Jun 29, 2013

What I am trying to create is a Despatch database for our warehouse.

Records in table:
Date ()
Invoice #
Qty of parcels sent
Courier used
consignment number

In most cases we will send one invoice per consignment number (database works fine for this) But on occasion we may send multiple invoices. What I want to be able to do is have a list box to select the number of invoices, this will make available additional fields for Invoice # and Qty of parcels sent. The idea is to get away from keying in the other records for each invoice going to the same place.

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Adding A Record And Specified Field In Table?

May 20, 2013

I am using a form to add a record to a table and need to be able to specify one of the fields in the table that will be added to. This field is predetermined by another form selection. If there is a way to force a value on a title box with a control source this would also do the trick.

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Adding A Record To A Table From A Field List?

Mar 1, 2007


I have a table that has records added to it using the following VBa code:

Const MyTable As String = "tblSampleSubmission"
Const MyField As String = "SampleName"
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim intCounter As Double
Dim LastDub As Double
Dim addString As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(MyTable)
'LastDub = Me.txtStartValue - Was only used to start the random function later in series
addString = ""
For intCounter = Me.TxtStartValue To Me.txtEndValue
rs.Fields(MyField) = Me.SamPre & intCounter & Me.SamSuf & addString
rs.Fields("SubmissionNumber") = Me.SubNum
rs.Fields("CustomerID") = Me.CustomerID
rs.Fields("SamplePrep") = Me.SamplePrep
rs.Fields("Fusion") = Me.Fusion
rs.Fields("XRF") = Me.XRF
rs.Fields("LOI") = Me.LOI
rs.Fields("Sizing") = Me.Sizing
rs.Fields("Moisture") = Me.Moisture
addString = ""
If Rnd < 0.02 Then
'LastDub = intCounter
intCounter = intCounter - 1
addString = " DUP"
End If
Next intCounter
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "mroLOIAppend"
DoCmd.RunMacro stDocName

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_EnterBlast_Click

End Sub

What I would hope to be able to do is add a "standard" randomly to each SubmssionNumber (each SubmissionNumber might be 1-100 records). The record I need to add should be chosen at random from a list of 6 or so options and added at the end or middle or start of the job (SubmissionNumber) is this something that is easy to do or should I just give up and add it manually?

Thanks to everyone who has helped me in the past, it is getting me up to speed quickly. Access seems to be quite popular as I have contacted 3 developers to help with my dB but they are all to busy to help me so I am going it alone.

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Updating A Field After Changing Or Adding Record

Jan 6, 2005

I have a text field "Record Last Updated" on a form formatted for date/time that I would like to update after a record is changed or added. So for every change or addition the field would update to the current date. The code I am currently trying to use is as follows:

'Assign current system date to Last Updated field if change of data occurs in any field
For Each ctl In Me.Form.Controls

If (ctl.ControlType = acTextBox) Or (ctl.ControlType = acComboBox) _
Or (ctl.ControlType = acListBox) Then
If Nz(ctl, "") = ctl.OldValue Then

txtLastUpdated.Value = Date
End If
End If
Next ctl

This executes in the forms After_Update event procedure.
Problem is I get an error 3020 "Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit" when moving to the next record ? I have tried using .Edit and .Update but those come up as an invalid reference?
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

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Forms :: Adding New Record - Field Cannot Be Updated

Aug 31, 2013

I have a form based on a mysql table. There is a button in the footer to add a new record.

The pertinent vba code: DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

It adds the new record and properly places the cursor in the first field. Immediately after the first letter is typed, the error message "Field cannot be updated" pops up. I can click ok and the message goes away and I am able to continue filling in the fields. The same thing happens if I add the record by use of the record selectors.

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Forms :: Automatic Population Of Field In Adding A New Record

Aug 1, 2013

how to automatically populate a certain field. To add some context, I have a form which registers the details of a contact with standard information of contact details. There is a subform which shows the different products that the client from the main form is interested in. This is a actually a data sheet which returns the results of a query (selecting from the relevant table the client in question and the products he/she wants).

I have added a button which opens up another form and allows a product (and hence a new record) to be added for that particular client. I would like that the form automatically populates one of the fields in the form that is the client id. Given that the subform is opened from a form which already identifies the client, how do I do this?

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Tables :: Adding A New Field When A New Record Is Added In Another Table

May 12, 2015

I have a table A in which I write down orders for cars. A record is an order. A single order may contain multiple cars in varying quantities.Each car has its components. Some cars may have some of their components common. There is a table B which indicates each car and its components required with their quantities required to build the car. There is a record for each different car.

Now suppose there is a new car we are going to produce so we need a new record in table B for the car and all its components. Also we need a new field in table A because people can now order the new car(in some quantity).

With form for table B we can introduce a new record. But how can we add a field in table A automatically after a record is added in table B?

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Condition For New Record

Sep 9, 2006

What method(s) are available to detect when a user is at a new record? I really just want to change the .text property of a combo box when the user is creating a new record. If this sounds stupid, I can explain the specifics.

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Modules & VBA :: Inserting Field Value When Adding Record Using Data Entry Form?

Dec 14, 2014

I have a form for entry and some fields are computed or result of a query from another table. I have a function that looks up a value from another table like so

************************************************** ********
Public Function GetTargetType() As Variant
GetTargetType = DLookup("type", "tblFormulations", "[tblFormulations!formulation]=Forms![frmNmsConsumptionEntry]![formulation]")
End Function
************************************************** ********

Which works fine when I test in the immediate window.Then I have this form event. This however does not insert this value when I am adding records using my continuous form.

************************************************** ********
Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)
Me!target_group = GetTargetType()
'Forms!frmNmsConsumptionEntry!target_group = GetTargetType()
'[tblNmsConsumption.target_group] = GetTargetType()
End Sub
************************************************** ********

making sure I can insert this value once retrieved.

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Forms :: Adding Field To A Form Breaks Entire Database Record Source?

Sep 26, 2014

I am building a database where one Form displays records from 14 different tables. For some reason, when I recently try to add a field on to a form from a new table, the ENTIRE form loses the record source, and every single field that is already on the form gets that green dot in the corner with errors surrounding a record source that cannot be found. What am I doing wrong? Am I exceeding some limitations with forms?

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Forms :: Open Form With Where Condition - No Record Found

Apr 16, 2013

I try this code and it's not working

no record found

Private Sub openForm_but_Click()
Dim whr As String
whr = "get_date = #" & Me.gDate & "#"
DoCmd.OpenForm "searchResult_form", acNormal, "", whr, acFormPropertySettings, acDialog
End Sub

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Problem With Multi-condition Invisible Field

May 2, 2006

I am using Access 97.
I have a problem with multi-conditional field showing or not.

I have 2 fields which can either be null, 0, or have a numeric value. These need to stay invisible to staff.
There are 2 other fields, also invisble in their properties setting, which need to become visible if both of the previous fields do not conain a value greater than or equal to 1.
Because these 4 fields are invisible by default, I put the following code in the settings for the 1st visible field in the form. I also tried it with when the form opens.
But it doesn't work or I get debug problems.

End If

Please help.


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Forms :: Update Value In A Field Based On A Condition

Jan 25, 2015

I have a calculated field in the form footer which adds up the number of boxes that have been ticked for the received field


If the ticks equal to 3 then I want to update the status field in another table to "Active".I am trying this VBA code but it won't work.


If Text9 = "3" And custNumber = tblCustomers.custNumber Then
tblCustomers.Status = "Active"

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Queries :: Condition Format A Date Field

Aug 9, 2015

condition formatting a date field in access.The query used for this field produces a date or "NA" based on the formula below. so when the date shows up as "NA" then i have set the condition formatting of the cell to grey and this works works well. but when it shows up with a date it doesnt format to a grey.the formatting pane has these two expressions

1. Q_Induction_Date = "NA" then grey the cell

2. Q_Induction_Date < DATE() then grey the cell and this DOESNT work. i have also tried the function Now() and that doesnt work either.

Formula i use in the query is

Q_Induction_Date: IIf([y].[INDUCTION_NA]=-1,"NA",IIf(IsNull([induction_date]),"NA",Format([induction_date],"dd/mm/yyyy")))

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Reports :: Change Text Of A Field To Blue Color If A Certain Condition Is Met

Oct 8, 2014

I have a report which I would like to change the text of a field blue if a certain condition is met. What I want to happen on this report is if a specific field has an "Active" - then it will be in Blue text, otherwise it is in black text.

I have gone into the report ->in the Details section -> put a procedure in the On Format event. The code I have been trying is:

If Analysis_Status = Active Then
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlue
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Open A Form For Adding Child Record Related To Highlighted Record In Subform

Oct 2, 2013

Is it possible to open a form to add a child record related to the highlighted record in the subform?

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Adding New Record

Jan 5, 2006


I've a quick question. In Access, I have a form that allows user to add new record into a table. Is there anyway of finding whether the new record has successfully been inserted or added?

So i think it may be wise to have a message to notify us of whether it's inserted successfully or not.

Hope this explain clear

Thank you very much in advance for your help

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Adding A Record

Feb 5, 2005

Can someone please tell me why I might be adding a record everytime I open my database. I have to forms that work from querys if I open the main form all is well , if I open the other oone first and then the main form I find a record has been added. Most annoying! :(

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Adding A New Record

Feb 23, 2005

This may seem basic but I need some help.

I have a table of vacinations and need to add a new record every time an animal is vacinated. I have created a form with all the fields in the table in it. But when I open it it takes me to the first record. I have had to add a button to the form to add a new record. This button then takes me to a blank form where i can input data. This is very messy and not very user friendly. Any suggestions on how i can tidy this up would be appreciated greatly.

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Adding A New Record

Jun 15, 2006

I have looked on here for hours and cannot find anything, perhaps someone can help.
I have just converted from 97 to 2003 and now I cannot add new records to my forms. I have checked that the allowAddtions property is set to Yes but the New record icon and menu option is grayed out. I have looked through all the form settings and I can't see what it might be.

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Adding A Record...

Oct 5, 2006


I have a form that has a list of textboxes linked to table properties, and a subform linked to the same table. I used the command button wizard to create an add record command, but when i click on it it comes up with:

You cant go to the specified record
You may be at the end of a record set

i have checked the properties on the forms and querys and set all data entry to yes
What should i do?

Thanks for your time


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