I am a bit stuck now and I want to validate several points with you.
First let me explain the context: I am writing a timesheet application and I've got a main form + a sub-form.
In the mainform, I select the engineer, the contract and the week to input.
My mainform calculates the first and the last day of the selected week and modifies the recordsource property of my sub-form to select the records with the right engineer + contract nbr + range of first and last of week. This means that I can only have maximum 7 records for the seven days of the week because the application records only a global time per engineer/contract/per day.
Here it becomes tricky and this is the most difficult part of the application (I hope); what I want to do is to help the user having to enter the times.
so I need to retrieve the records but if they don't exist, I
want to create new records with engineerId, ContractID, day of the week and let the nbr of hours to zero. This in fact will help the user because he will have only to complete the nbr of hours. Iw ant obviously to present those entries in the right order; I mean in ascending ordre based on the day of the week.
Eventually, when the user has completed the week, what I want to do is to update the existing records, insert the new records where the number of hours is > 0 and discards rhe records where the number of hours is = 0.
I know this is a bit tricky to understand but if you could give the main ideas to implement it would be very grateful.
I have button the when pressed will insert a record (via an insert into query) to the frmMain and several records to the frmSub.The problem is when a new record is created in the main form the auto number primary key advances. This is fine however the linked Child field which is a foreign key of the main form is not added and the value is blank. I thought this would happen automatically and the Master field would force the child field to be update but this is not happening.Do I have to determine the max number used in the auto number then add 1 to it?
I am working with a database that deals with trailers. What is happening is a salesman takes an order for a make and model for a trailer for a customer. The customer can then add some customization to the trailer such as more tail lights or tie down straps. They add the customization on a form called frmCustomQuote. On frmCustomQuote there is a subform called sfQuoteConfigs. On sfQuoteConfigs there is fields such as category and sub catergory that get populated bases on what was selected.
On frmCustomQuote there is a button called "Copy Quote" this will allow the salesman to make an exact copy of the trailer and customization. The quotes are held in a table called tblQuotes and the customization is held in tbQuoteConfigs. Now my problem is when I click on Copy Quote it only copies the first record into tbQuoteConfigs. I can't figure out a way to tell my code to move to the next record within sfQuoteConfigs.
My code:
Code: Option Compare Database Option Explicit 'Setup ADODB connection to the tblQuotes Dim adoQuotesCustomQuote As New ADODB.Recordset 'setup ADODB connection to the tbQuoteConfigs Dim adoQuoteConfigsCustom As New ADODB.Recordset 'Dim the Variables
I have an existing Main form that has a sub form that the user uses to enter multiple records into a table....it works fine EXCEPT that I need to make it even easier and more intuitive and add a lot of labels. Basically the user selects items from a drop down list that adds items to a Work Order. I need to add some labels to the form to make it more descriptive for the user.
So, what I want to add multiple records using a single main form.
Is is possible to?:
1. simply turn the subform into a single main form? Can this be done by using a Command button or something similar?
2. copy all of the controls etc from the sub form into a new main form and have it all work nicely?
I have this problem. I've made a table called "producers" and a main form based on this table. I've also made a table called "orders", with several data regarding orders, and a secondary table based on the "orders" table. These tables are linked. So these forms show the orders made by each producers. So, I want to show in the textbox "total" (in the footer of the sub form) the result of this function sum([kath_dik])-sum([pistosi]) for each company. [kath_dik] and [pistosi] are text boxes in the sub-form. (scroll the sub form to the right end) I tried the formula above end get an error message. Thanx in advance
A couple of questions about an unbound subform.....
1) I have an "Add New" form with a large number of controls. It has an unbound subform with two columns (a person's name and their role - both combo boxes). It's unbound because I don't want to save the data until they save the new main record.
With the unbound subform, I get one blank row. When I add data to both controls, I don't get a new blank row to allow me to enter another. I've tried adding a "New Contributor" button with this in the event:
It sets the focus properly, but doesn't add a new row.
Recordset type is Dynaset. Allow edit, deletion and addition are set to yes.
Any ideas?
2) I'll be getting the entered data and saving it with a SQL insert statement. What is the syntax to reference a particular control in a particular row?
Since I only have one row currently, I'm able to get it this way:
Me.[Contributor Subform].Controls![contributor]
Once the first question in this post is solved, I hope to have muliple rows. How do I reference them?
I have inherited a partially completed membership Access database which I understand was originally generated from a load of linked FoxPro tables. There is a form which uses multiple tabs, the first tab contains general membership data (ie name, age etc) and this pulls data through from the 'Main' table in the database. Each of the other tabs includes a subform which shows data held in a number of different tables linked to the 'Main' table (eg, first tab - general data from 'Main table', 2nd tab - home addreses from 'Home Address' table, 3rd tab - business addresses from 'Business Address' table). All tables are linked to the 'Main' table through a common 'RegisterID' field. When I open the form I can query on any of the records and amend and items of data on the various tabs them without any problem. However if I add a new record using the >* option from the record navigation I can add data to the first tab (ie. into the 'Main' table) but if I move to the 2nd or 3rd tab I am unable to edit/add data to the fields on those tabs. But if I save the record after completing the fields on the first tab and then close the form and reopen it I can then edit the 2nd and 3rd tabs, can you suggest how I can change the setup to allow editing/adding data to the 2nd and 3rd tabs without having to close the form and reopen it please. I have checked the subforms and they are set to AllowEdit and there are NoLocks.
I have a form with a subform (in continuous) I have on the main form a few unbound text boxes which once im happy with the results i press a command button on mainform which adds the unbound text boxes to a new record on subform im struggling with this one. I have done similar before but that was with the unbound text boxes in header of the actual form i was adding record too.
I have a database with a form and a sub form it works great. However I needed to add a tab or page to the sub form when I returned to the form view the sub form is there but you cant see anything. change back to design view and its there. I didn't change any properties on the sub form. and If I delete the page I added it works just like it did before I added it. also the sub form is linked to the main form master and child. would I have to link the tab also??
ITEM has a one to many relationship with ITEM CREATOR. CREATOR has a one to many relationship with ITEM CREATOR.
I have added a subform to the data entry form for ITEM. The fields in the subform are the fields in the ITEM CREATOR table, i.e. Item ID and Creator ID. The purpose of the subform is to link an Item to a Creator and populate the ITEM CREATOR table.These are the subform properties:
Record Source: Item Creator subform Link Master Fields: Item ID Link Child Fields: Item ID
The subform contains a combo box for Creator ID. These are the properties.
Control Source: Creator ID Row Source: Item Creator Subform query Bound Column: 1 Column Count: 9
When a user clicks on the combo box drop-down, the first 9 fields in the CREATOR table are displayed. The purpose of this is to give the user more information when linking ITEM to CREATOR, so that the correct Creator ID is chosen and the Item is linked to the correct Creator. Two of these fields are Creator Surname and Corporate Creator.
The issue is that CREATOR now contains over 2500 records. When trying to link an Item to a Creator the drop-down list that appears when the Creator ID combo box is clicked is very long and the user is potentially faced with a long time spent scrolling the list. I would like to filter the drop-down list by Creator Surname so that the user enters a surname and only the Creator IDs for the Creators that have that surname appear in the list.
I suppose a field could be added to tblProspectSkill, and the command button code could include that field in the SQL, but I keep thinking there should be a better way than copying the values. However, my attempts to link have led either to multiplying the record count by 9 or a recordset that cannot be edited.
the idea is that a position in football will be assigned nine key skills that are important to the team that is thinking about acquiring that player. For a position (quarterback, for instance) there will be a master list of nine skills, along with an importance rating (1, 3, or 5, which is essentially high, medium, or low) for each skill.
Then the prospect (the player being considered) is assigned a position such as quarterback. A command button creates nine records in a Prospect Skills table that is related to the Prospect table. The nine records that are added are the nine skills described in the previous paragraph. Each skill in this listing is assigned a grade, which has a numerical value as well as a letter grade. The numerical value is then multiplied by the skills importance rating (1, 3, 5) and the results are then averaged for a final value.The difficulty I described in the first paragraph is that when I try to link to the importance rating I end up with 81 records (9 skills * 9, apparently), but I can't sort out how to change that in a writable query.
Hey everyone, This seems like a great community for access - I'm glad I stumbled across here because I have some issues that need figured out.
I've searched the forum for answers and I have found a few posts with suggestions, but nothing has worked yet. (by the way, I'm fairly new to access, but not to databases in general).
So here's my problem, and I appreciate any help in advance.
- I have a main form and 2 subforms on the main form. The main form contains the information of thousands of Titles to different sections of land. The one subform then has multiple "requirements" per Title. So i have a many-1 relationship between the requirements and titles. On the main form, there is an edit button - so everything is locked until the user hits the edit button, and then the main form becomes editable. The requirements subform does not - it stays locked even though in my code I have "Me![Requirements Subform].Locked = False"
But this is not my main concern right now. What gets me is that I can not add a new record from the requirements subform. For example, Title 1 (T-0001) has 11 different requirements. I can use the navigation to browse through the requirements but I can not add a new requirement from the navigation buttons. This is a main concern.
Another main concern is that when I add a new Titles record from the navigation buttons, my requirements subform disappears from the form.
I hope I explained my situation clearly! if anyone needs any clearification, let me know.
I'm having a bit of a problem with a database I'm trying to create, what I am trying to do is create a database to handle jobs in an IT workshop. The idea is that you generate the job card and then at the bottom you have a section to enter in the parts that are required for the job, and then have a report that prints out a list of all the parts required for all the jobs under a heading of the job card number.
The problem I am having is how to add this sub form / table to the job card sheet. I tried putting in a sub table, but that wont let me make additions to it, and I tried putting on a form but that wont retain more than one entry per job card (I have put it on continuous form).
In my simple database (attached), I need to mass duplicate Tasks and their Notes.
I have three tables: tbTasks (PK: Task_ID), tbNotes (PK: Note_ID), jtbTaskNotes (FKs: Task_ID and Note_ID). jtbTaskNotes is my many-to-many junction table that ties Tasks to Notes.
The main form (fmTasks), bound to tbTasks, has a subform (sbfm_TaskNotes) that displays notes associated with each Task. On themain form,you select which Tasks you want duplicated via a checkbox. The append query (quCopyTasks) will duplicate all tasks that have the checkbox checked. All good there. However, I can't figure out how to also duplicate each task's Notes.
I found Allen Browne's solution [URL] ....., but that only handles duplication of one record at a time, whereas I need to duplicate many records at a time (sometimes 10+ records). How do I go about duplicating multiple Tasks and their associated Notes?
Before you ask "why are you duplicating records?": There are times when tasks need to be re-accomplished and therefore need to have a new record. It's easier to duplicate records than it is to hand-jam everything again.
I have a form which is linked to a query. The main form which calls this form sets the filter for the query. This works fine and I can navigate all the filtered records.
The problem is when I go to add a new record the filter information goes away.
For backround this is DB for project information. The user clicks a button to view notes on the project. The notes are stored in a different table and the project_id is the common field which links the two together. I want this to function where the user can open the subform read the notes and add a new one if needed.
I have a main form with several subforms in tabs. From one of the subforms I list linked records to the main form (Clients) within that subform (Bank account details). I list the records and have a button to add new records.
Where the Client has one or more records in the subform the add button works perfectly.
When the subform has no records the add new records button produces the following error "Run-time error '2498' An expression you entered is the wrong data type for one of the arguments"
The add button has
Private Sub Command52_Click() DoCmd.OpenForm "AddClientBankDetailsFrm", acNormal, , , , acFormAdd, OpenArgs:=Me!ClientId End Sub
the "AddClientBankDetailsFrm" popup form has
Private Sub Form_Load() If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) = False Then MsgBox "Form was opened with ClientID = " & Me.OpenArgs Me!ClientId = Me.OpenArgs Else MsgBox "No ClientID was passed." End If End Sub
ClientId is the primary key of the main form and the secondary key in the new record.
I am currently working on an Access Database that houses our security clearance information. Most of the system is up and running but the most recent form has got me spinning my wheels. I have a Word User Form that users will download and complete, once completed the macros will automatically send us the document to be added to our database. Most of this is working the problem is that this portion of the database has multiple related tables and at any given time a user may require multiple records in the related tables. I have created the code to copy most of the information but am getting stuck adding a new record on the sub-form when multiple items are required. Here is a breakdown of the scenario
Word Doc Table 1 = Basic Organization Info Word Doc Table 2+ = Sites to Visit (There could be more than 1 table added here) Word Doc Table 3+ = People to go on site (this might not be the third table based on user interaction for sites)
So far I can get Table 1 and Table 2 data but if there are more than 1 site I cant seem to get the system to create a new record on the related table it is creating a new record on the main form. Here are the lines I used to try to create the related record..
When I put just the above code on a button it seems to have worked as the sub-form showed an additional record was created but when using this on my macro the sub-form is not taking the focus for some reason.
This is probably an age old question but after a search I could not find the answer. I have a table with 3 fields..... last, first, ssn I have a form with 3 text boxes. I want users to input data into those text boxes and that data inserted into the table. The code I have figured out, the problem is access tells me I cannot add to the table because the controls do not have focus. Well, I can set focus to one control at a time but then that adds three separate entrees. Am I doing this the real hard way? Im sure there is an easier way to add records to a table with multiple fields. Thanks
I have am building a program that requires a staff person to enter a daily activity report on employee activity. It's initiated by adding a new record that will allow the selection of an employees name and ID number from a drop box into respective first name, last name and ID fields. The staff person would then go on to complete the daily report by adding information in several other fields. My form is based on a relational query built from two tables; tblClient and tbldailyreport.
Hi, I am having a problem with a form in that I can no longer add new records to it! The data comes from a query formed of 2 tables, linked by a 1-many relationship. I can add records to both the underlying tables and the query with no problem, but in the form I can't. I get no error message when I try to add a new record, just the windows error bleep. Properties for the form are exactly as they were last time it worked properly. I have made changes to the database since - but not to this form specifically. Any ideas of what I might have inadvertently done? Many thanks
Hi, I am having a problem with a form in that I can no longer add new records to it! The data comes from a query formed of 2 tables, linked by a 1-many relationship. I can add records to both the underlying tables and the query with no problem, but in the form I can't. I get no error message when I try to add a new record, just the windows error bleep. Properties for the form are exactly as they were last time it worked properly. I have made changes to the database since - but not to this form specifically. Any ideas of what I might have inadvertently done? Many thanks
I have a parent form which has a class variable (class module instance) to store the form' status and more.... and when i add a new record to the subform it resets the class variable field' data. but this only happens on first transaction, but if i re-run the steps (re-set the variable field value) it's not happening again.