Adding Records To Table From Other Form

Oct 12, 2006

I have a form "release_details" having fields date, version, cksum ,comments,labels, and is link to a table,
it has a button "mai"l ,on clicking this button a new form is open which has a button "send mail" on clicking this a mail is sent and pops a message "mail sent".I need when "send mail" is click it should also save the fields of form
"release_details" to the table.

Forms!Enter_Release_details.Dirty = False

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Adding Records To A Table From A Form

Apr 11, 2006

I am new to Access and have the following problem. I have one table which displays Skills (memo field) a second table which displays a skill rating ( 5 choices) and a third table which list the jobs in the company. I need to compile a fourth table which lists the skills required for each job and the corresponding ratings. I would like to have a Form in which I select the job and all 560 skills are displayed in datasheet format and I can select the ones required and allocate a skill rating. The results should then be saved to the new Table.

Any ideas as to how to acheive this task.

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Forms :: Adding Multiple Records To A Table Using Main Form And Not A Subform

Sep 12, 2013

I have an existing Main form that has a sub form that the user uses to enter multiple records into a works fine EXCEPT that I need to make it even easier and more intuitive and add a lot of labels. Basically the user selects items from a drop down list that adds items to a Work Order. I need to add some labels to the form to make it more descriptive for the user.

So, what I want to add multiple records using a single main form.

Is is possible to?:

1. simply turn the subform into a single main form? Can this be done by using a Command button or something similar?

2. copy all of the controls etc from the sub form into a new main form and have it all work nicely?

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Adding New Records To Table Based On Values In Another Table?

Aug 19, 2015

I'm developing a database for the hospital I work in. One purpose of this is to keep track of patients with temporary invasive devices (there are many types such as urinary catheters, ventilators, etc.), specifically how many days each patient has a device for. Each device is associated with one patient only, but one patient may have many devices. Here's how the associated tables are set up:

1. tblPatients - PatientID (PK), LastName, FirstName, DOB,...
2. tblLocations - LocationID (PK), LocationLabel,....
3. tblDevices - DeviceID (PK), DeviceType, Device, DeviceDesc
4. tblDeviceUse - DeviceUseID (PK), DeviceID (FK), PatientID (FK), LocationID (FK) (where in the hospital was device inserted, e.g., operating room, bedside, etc.), DeviceStartDate, DeviceEndDate
5. tblDeviceDailyLog - DeviceLogID (PK), DeviceUseID (FK), DeviceDate, PatientLocID (FK) (area in the hospital that patient is in)

All primary keys except for PatientID & LocationID are Autonumbers; and the tables are linked appropriately.

Whenever an entry is made into tblDeviceUse, I want there to be new records to be automatically generated in tblDeviceDailyLog for each date between the Start and End Dates. For example, patient A123 had a urinary catheter from 1/1/2000 to 1/10/2000 that was inserted while the patient was in the ICU, but the patient was moved to the Medical Ward on 1/7/2000. So tblDeviceDailyLog should have 10 new records associated with this device, one for each calendar day, with the appropriate location for each day.

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Adding Records To Table

Feb 9, 2005

Hope someone can help!
I was wondering if is possible to add a series of records that are in serquence to a table by just entering the first and last numbers. For example a string of numbers starting at TP11000 and ending at TP11100, the prefix TP doesn't change. Currently I have to enter every one manually, so any help would be much appreciated!

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Adding Records Directly To A Table.

Aug 13, 2007

Here is basically what I have and what I need to do:

I have a form with several text boxes which are going to be filled in. Clicking on a button at the bottom of the form will save this information into a table (the table associated with the form). However, it also needs to fill in a junction table with two known values derived from these text boxes.

I have FILE_NUMBER_CD and INSPECTOR_NUMBER_CD that are the only attributes in the table called "XREF_FILE_INSPECTOR" which need to be added as new records.

So basically, what I need to know is how do I add known values derived from a textbox directly into a table.

Thanks for any help!

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Adding New Records To A Linked Table

Jun 5, 2006

Greetings all.

I'm posting this question here as it pertains to my form but it could go in tables section as well.

I developed a prototype app in Access and have just finished upscaling it
to Sybase 12.5. When I open up the associated form to add records, I am unable to do so. The built in button that allows you to do so is greyed out.
When I go into the table directly, again, no ability to add recs.

I've never come across this so if anyone has any experience with this, any help would be most welcome.


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Adding Records To Related Table

Sep 28, 2006

Hello I need to add daily records to a related table using a form, from a button or subform displayed on a form updating the master table.
This would enter the related key to the new form ready for insertion etc.
Can this be done?

For example

Master table:
Key 1

Related table:
1 Key 1
2 Key 1
3 Key 1


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Adding New Record With Table That Has Duplicate Records

Jan 26, 2005

My situation:

I have a table with duplicate ids. When I have a forum popup another form, the forms are linked by ids. This works great except for one problem. There are duplicate ids. So if I pop up a form then it will go to the first record that that id exist. This is not good if you are going to add another record. Therefore, I need to create a unique variable for a record. The autonumber would be a great variable but it seems I cannot use it to filter. Unless someone can show me how. Is there another way to create a unique variable automatically for a new record?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding All Records From A Subform To Table?

May 26, 2015

I am working with a database that deals with trailers. What is happening is a salesman takes an order for a make and model for a trailer for a customer. The customer can then add some customization to the trailer such as more tail lights or tie down straps. They add the customization on a form called frmCustomQuote. On frmCustomQuote there is a subform called sfQuoteConfigs. On sfQuoteConfigs there is fields such as category and sub catergory that get populated bases on what was selected.

On frmCustomQuote there is a button called "Copy Quote" this will allow the salesman to make an exact copy of the trailer and customization. The quotes are held in a table called tblQuotes and the customization is held in tbQuoteConfigs. Now my problem is when I click on Copy Quote it only copies the first record into tbQuoteConfigs. I can't figure out a way to tell my code to move to the next record within sfQuoteConfigs.

My code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'Setup ADODB connection to the tblQuotes
Dim adoQuotesCustomQuote As New ADODB.Recordset
'setup ADODB connection to the tbQuoteConfigs
Dim adoQuoteConfigsCustom As New ADODB.Recordset
'Dim the Variables


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Tables :: Adding Records To Existing Table

May 19, 2014

What I have is a database that I have done some tweaking on and in the meantime the original db has been in use which has added around 200 or so more records in the table.

What I would like to do is to just update the db that I have been working on with the older db table(the one who has the additional 200 records).

EX. DB A(Old DB, Newer Table) DB B(New DB, Older Table)

I want to put DB A table into DB B

Is this a simple fix? Or do I need to write some sort of query to update the records in the old table? I've tried to export the excel file and then import but it puts it in unrelated objects and then my switchboard or nothing works.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Records In Multiple Table

Nov 13, 2013

I have two tables :

Table 1: Mission_Id , Mission_Type, Customer_Name...
Table 2: Supporter_Name, Report_Date, Area, Unit, Issue_Type, Error_Status,Mission_Id

I have a form that the users enter data into and send a report each day. I would like that in a click of a button all the data I entered the day before and that have ="Open" will be entered into the tables with today's date. Is that possible?

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Forms :: Adding New Records To A Linked Table

Sep 24, 2014

Is it possible to add new records to a linked table ? i tried it out but new records is not possible, is there a workaround for this.

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Tables :: Prevent Adding Records If Already Exists On Another Table

Jan 2, 2013

Table in my access 2010 is configured to have a unique records (no duplicates)which has now records more than 2000 so i copied the table and pasted Structure only. what i would like to have is that new table which presently is empty should not add any record which is already available in old table. While entering data in new table i would like users to see the error if they try to enter the record which was previously entered in old table.

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Queries :: Lookup Records From Table - Adding A Value To A Query

Feb 12, 2014

I have a query which looks up records from a table, now what I would like to do is append the word All Projects to this query - is it possible, and if so how?

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Adding Records Through A Form

Aug 31, 2005

I have a number of tables all with there corresponding forms. I am needing to have a command button on the form for the user to easily add a new record. Obviously this is easy by just using the wizard but my problem is that I need the record to be added over all the tables.

This is an attendance database with tables for each month. So when a new member of staff joins and there record is added for that particular month I would like it to be added to all subsequent tables as well. Is there a way of doing this. It would also be beneficial if a similar thing could be done for deleting staff (i.e. a staff member is deleted from one table and subsequently is removed from the other tables)

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated

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Adding Records Via A Form

Aug 31, 2005

I have set up an attendance database with tables for each month. Each of these tables has its corresponding form. I want to be able to add a command button onto the forms to add a new record. Obviously this is easily done using the wizard but my problem is I want it to be added over a number of tables.

For instance when a new member of staff arrives and is added to the database I want there record to be added over all the subsequent tables not just the one attached to the current form. It would also be beneficial if I could do the same for deleting staff (ie someone leaves they are deleted off the current table and all other tables)

Is there a way of doing this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Form Not Adding Records

Mar 28, 2006

Hey everyone... got a little problem, i have the followinf form/subform setup show in the screenshot below, for ages the calendar conrol there has worked fine, its control source is the date field on the left habd side.

Now however, it doesnt work, or rather it works when your editing old records, it changes the dates fine, but when you go to enter a new record in, you cannot use the calendar, it just makes the windows error sound at me. And i cant type the date in either, and i cant type into any of the other fields either, but i can edit the old ones fine....

Of course i can just go into the original table that the form runs off and type new data in there, but thats not the point, i need to be able to use this form. It worked before, but i opened it today and its screwed sideways, lol

any help from anyon would be great, dragon


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Automatically Adding New Records In 5 Other Tables When ID Is Created In Main Table

Jan 13, 2008

Okay I had an idea and I thought I might get ffedback as I am relatively new to this. I went through a period a couple of years ago when I used access alot and was becoming familiar with VBA etc but I havent touched it in 2 years so Im pretty rusty.

I am running a study and need to have to create a database that:

a. collects data about participants
b. Has a number of questionnaires (5), each of which can be filled out by participants.

THe main table has a number of fields that collects info about the participants the most important of which will be the ParticipantID - an automatically generated number which is my primary key.

In table 2/form 2 I will host questionnaire one. This will be linked to Table 1/Form 1 (Particpant Information) by this tables primary key - also the Participant ID. The relationship will be 1:1. Each participant can only have one Participant ID and will only need to fill out questionnaire one once.

Is it possible that when I add a new participant to the Participant Information table/form I also automatically create a record in Table 2/Form 2 (Questionnaire 1), as well as Table 3/Form3 (Questionnaire 2) and so on so that they have the same ParticipantID...?

I was reading a similar query somewhere else and they said to use the Form_AfterInsert Event command? Is this right (see here

I feel a bit stupid but I am willing to learn and try new things Once I get started I think I will be okay. If you could steer me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.

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Queries :: Adding New Records To Table - Random Number No Duplicates

Jul 31, 2013

I have a form which allows the user to add new records to a table. After the user had entered all the information into the form, they click a command button to add the record. In addition to adding the new record, my command button runs an query which is supposed to generate a random number between 1 & 1,000,000,000 and update the record ID field with that number.

Here is the formula I have been using in the "update To" now of my query: Int((1000000000-1+1)*Rnd()+1)

My problem is that I keep getting duplicates. You would think that the chances of getting a duplicate number would be pretty small with this large of a range, but I get a duplicate almost every time.

I have tried indexing (No duplicates) the field in the table, but that did not work. When my query generated a duplicate number, the record was just not added to the table.

I also tried a two step approach:
1-Make a table of all in use record ID numbers from my table (tblIdNo)
2-Update new record with a random number that is not in tblIdNo

This was a no-go too

How to build an update query that will update each new record added to the table with a random number between 1 & 1,000,000,000 without any duplicates? This seems like it should be so simple, and I am starting to get really frustrated.

I would prefer to accomplish this through a query/queries (if possible) rather than with 100 lines of code. This database is not for me, it's for another group, and the individuals in this group are totally freaked out by code.

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General :: Adding Automatic Timestamp Field To The Table For New Records?

Jul 2, 2015

I am looking to add a field to my table with a timestamp for each new entry.

I am working with a split database. All of the records are inputted by forms (in the back end by other users). I want to be able to see the exact time that a record was added, but without having to add this field to the actual form. I just want to be able to have a field in the table that shows me when the user submitted an entry. Is there a way to add an automatic timestamp field to the table?

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Forms :: Listbox Multiselect - Adding Records To Junction Table

Apr 21, 2014

I would like to use a listbox set to multiselect to add records to a junction table. I've been using code to accomplish this with checkboxes (love how it looks and works) but after moving my tables to Office 365 as the backend, linkedto a local frontend, sql does not like this particular set up, and I do not have the time or knowledge to sort out why. So what I need is a step by step to look at the many, in this case possible roles a contact can have, and choose one or more, which then creates a record in the junction table with the contact id and role id.

I would prefer to not use a combobox on a continuous form because every time a user goes to select roles he would have to scroll through all the choices for each separate role.

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Adding Records To An Unbound Form

Sep 2, 2005

Hello, here is my problem:
I have a form to add records to my table. I cant bound it, because the controls are tick boxes, and they need to be "converted" into text to add them to my table.
I have a save button, so I can execute an insert statement with all the data I want to add to the table.
The problem is, once I have saved the record, I want to clear the form to add a new record, and I cannot use a docmd.gotorecord acnext as it is an unbound form.
Is there any way to clean a form without going control by control?

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Adding Records To Filtered Form.

Nov 1, 2005

Ok heres the problem, i seem to have a little bit of a mind block at the moment so help would be greratly appreciated.

Basically there are two tables involved, tblBikes (which contains all information on the bikes) and tblHires (which contains all the information about hired bikes) these are linked with a one to many relationship as each bike can be hired out many times.
I have a button on a form containing bike information which opens the hires form filtered by the bike ID of the record selected in the first form. When I add a record to the hires form i need the bikeID to be automatically input into the field.

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Forms :: Why Form Adding Records On Its Own

Apr 10, 2015

I start with a table of UserIDs, names and roles (tblUserIDList). I have a simple query off that which lists them in alpha order by UserID. Next I have a simple form with a combo box which uses that query to select the User and binds the UserID field to use.

There is a button which triggers a macro which opens the 2nd form using a query which filters using that UserID. There is another point in that form in which that UserID is again used as a filter for other data. The 2nd form is a data input form. All works fine up to that point.

However, when the 2 forms are closed, for some reason the UserID is re-added to the tblUserIDList. I've never had this happen before.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Lock A Table - Stop User Adding Or Altering Records

Sep 19, 2013

I have a form that allows a user to complete a stock take. I would like to stop other users from receiving or despatching stock while a stock take is in progress.

Is there a way I can lock a table, or stop users adding or altering records that match certain criteria. i.e. don't let users receive or despatch stock from with a locationID of 'A'.

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