Adding Required Field To General Section In Tables

Jun 20, 2012

My database is almost complete. I am just having trouble with adding a a Required Field to the General Section (down below) in my tables. Two of my tables already have the Required Field there with the drop down Yes/No. My other 2 tables to not have one at all? How to sort/group things in Reports?

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Tables :: Adding Multiple Fields With Blank Section

Mar 27, 2014

I am creating a table in access 2010 for my consumable and bench stock report. I made a 12 fields which I name it the month of the year and another 1 field to add the total disburse materials in one whole year. I did this formula to add the 12 fields


But the problem is its just adding the complete consecutive months that I disburse and the row with blank section the total disburse doesn't show on the total disburse for the whole year. I try to use the code =Nz([Total Disburse],0) but it shows on the screen i cannot be used in calculated column.

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General :: Can't Change Required Field Property

Jul 16, 2013

I am trying to change a field to be required. I know where it is...

(Navigation Pane > Design View > Select field I want required > Properties Pane > General Tab > set Required property to Yes)

But I don't see that General Tab at the bottom of my page.

The closest thing I have to properties is on the right-hand side. It opens when I right-click, then hit Properties. It displays...

Format | Data | Event | Other | All... but that's it...


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General :: Make Mainform Field Required To Enter Data Into Subforms?

Aug 7, 2015

I need to make my mainform fields required before any data can be entered into subforms. Mainform and Subforms are linked with LinkMaster Child ID. This should only be applied in this form.

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Reports :: Adding Entries From A Query To Detail Section Of A Report

Dec 30, 2013

I have a query with various entries, pertaining to various invoices. Each line of the query corresponds to a piece of work done, and there may be several lines in the query pertaining to one invoice. I've written the code to input data to a report.

If there are multiple lines in the query to be added to the one invoice, I don't know how to write code that will add those multiple lines in the detail section. Same type of data on each line, just basically pertains to several different lines of work.

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General :: Adding Record To Multiple Tables

Jun 6, 2013

I have a main table with subject id and other fields. I also have 16 other tables which have questionnaire information at 17 different timepoints. In those tables, the subject id is the only connected field between the main table and 17 different years. When I add a new record (by subject id) on the main table, I want it to add that same subject id to the 17 other tables because that subject id will eventually get all 17 years worth of data. But even using subforms, it will not add a new subject to the other tables unless I add some sort of information such as (date received) into the subform.

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General :: Adding New Data Into Tables (via Form)

Jan 31, 2013

I have 2 tables.

Table one is for person ID
Table two is for number of absences

I created a one-to-many relationship with the update/delete option selected. It didn't work when I wanted to add new data into the tables (via form). Then I tried a many-to-many relationship (with a third table) but it doesn't seem logical to do so, as I only need to add particular data into one table, but need a field from the 1st to differentiate records.

(table 1 = one record per person, table 2 = multiple records for 1 person)

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Tables :: Add A Notes Section To Table?

May 1, 2013

I have made a table for prospective clients and want to add a notes section where I can add notes when I call them or they call me with the date. I have a comment section but thats not quite what I want. I would like them to be separated by date.

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General :: Adding Date Add To A Field

Jul 5, 2013

i have a tbl that stores items that have an expiry. in a child table i want to store the expiry. but as it is different for each item i need a way of doing this.

i thought that by having

DateAdd('m',3,Date()) in one of the fields this would work.

on click event i would like the date add to come into play but the way i am doing it comes up with an error. too few arguments.

this is what i have so far

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = CurrentDb


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General :: Adding 00 To Number Field

Feb 12, 2014

I have a text field with numbers like this: 2014556682 or 2014236781, etc.

My problem is that I need to insert 00 between the 2014 and the last 6 numbers.

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Forms :: Adding Onbeforeupdate Vb Code To Account For Missing Required Fields

Apr 4, 2014

I need code that I can incorporate with the code below, that will notify a user when required fields are left blank so that they have to go back and fill it in before updating the record. Below are the objects (shown in the order they appear on the form):


If any of the objects above are empty, the user should be prompted to go back and fill them in setting the focus back to the first empty object (again the fields above are in order). If conditions are not met, do not run the code below. If the conditions are met then proceed with the code below.

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strMsg As String
Dim iResponse As Integer

' Specify the message to display.
strMsg = "Do you wish to save the changes?" & Chr(10)
strMsg = strMsg & "Click Yes to Save or No to Discard changes."

[Code] ......

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Tables :: Adding More Than One Response To A Field

Dec 20, 2012

I have a table of issues (tblIssues). Each issue has legislation that it must be dealt under. Some issues relate to more than one piece of legislation. Some legislation deals with more than issue. Ideally, therefore, I'd like to have a separate table of legislation (tblLegislation).

Where any issue refers to two (or three) pieces of legislation, can I store that in a single field? Or do I simply need to create a record in tblLegislation for the combined legislation?

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Tables :: Adding Value To A Table Field

Mar 20, 2014

I am building a DB for my college, it is needed to replace a spreadsheet they have in place. The spreadsheet is used to monitor and track Students grades.

Each unit a student passes gives that student a certain number of points, the number of points depends on the grade (e.g. a student will get more points for a B than they would for a C). The point of the DB is to input all the students grades so that student can see how many points they have.

I was wondering if there is a way to add a value to a field, so if I put in a field that a student got a B grade the database would know how much a B grade is worth points wise. Each field should be added together to generate an overall score. Is this possible?

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General :: Saving Invoice With Multiple Lines In The Item Section

Jun 17, 2014

I want to make an invoice with products and services and totals, the thing that has me wondering is how do I save an invoice with multiple lines in the item section of the invoice. I want to be able to choose a customer and then see the list of invoices connected to that customer, and when I click the invoice to open it as it was. What would be the best way to do this?

The invoice contains:Customer info, adress, name...etc

List - multiple lines of products sold / services completed
Totals, date & time...etc
Relationship goes like this: Customer -> Invoice <- Inventory / Services

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Tables :: Adding Icon To Calculated Field?

Aug 17, 2015

I'm currently building a database and one of the things that I must make is a "warning", more like a symbol on a continuous form, that is there, if the task is wanted by a costumer.

I have a Yes/No field in database, which decides that. Now I need to figure out how to make it appear on form. I thought about making a calculated field, that would display some warning icon.

Now my question is, is it possible to add an icon to a calculated field and if possible, how?

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General :: Adding Numeric Values In A Field In A Query

Feb 25, 2013

I am writing a sports database and have a query that displays a seasons fixture list in a form. One of the fields shows the points from each game played. (either 3 for a win, 1 for a draw etc). I can not get these points to be added up and displayed in a form along side the fixture list.

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General :: Adding Access Field To Mail Merge?

Jun 19, 2013

Is it possible to add an access field to a mail merge without having to recreate/redo the mail merge?

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General :: Adding Values (Multiple Entries) In One Field

Dec 6, 2012

I have a field named Supplies Expense. As an analyst inputs a business's expenses, it may require multiple entries into this one field. What is the best way to accomplish this?

For example:

Supplies Expense (Field Name) [$0.00]

The analyst has the following data:

2009 Financial Statement
Paper $50
Depreciation Expense N/A
Ink $100

So, going down the list, the analyst goes into access and enters $50 for paper then later needs to enter $100 for ink.

What is the best way to combine these multiple entries into a single Supplies Expense field and allow for a quality check of the individual numbers at the end of the project?

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Form Section - Need N/A As Default In A Field

Aug 4, 2011

One of the fields on my form has ID field (can input either number, text, or both). It looks unprofessional when I am printing reports for ID because some are blank. How can I make that field to have automatic "N/A" when the field is blank? I put ="N/A" as Default Value but no use.

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General :: Lookup Field - Adding Another Column To Enter Data

Aug 2, 2013

I have got a a form storing all employee's information and on that form I have a lookup field which looks up all the records in the "Qualification table" and the user can select multple qualifications. What I want to add to the lookup field is a data box so you can select a qualification and then enter the date that it expires (different for expiry date for each employee) How do I do this?

I have added the date field to the qualification table but when I create the lookup field on the form it shows the qualifications and a blank column next to it which data can't be enteed into.

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General :: Adding Automatic Timestamp Field To The Table For New Records?

Jul 2, 2015

I am looking to add a field to my table with a timestamp for each new entry.

I am working with a split database. All of the records are inputted by forms (in the back end by other users). I want to be able to see the exact time that a record was added, but without having to add this field to the actual form. I just want to be able to have a field in the table that shows me when the user submitted an entry. Is there a way to add an automatic timestamp field to the table?

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Adding A Field To A Form Using Multiple Tables (And A Combo Box)

Jun 15, 2006


It's been a while since I've asked a question here, but I can't seem to figure this problem out.

I am setting up a form using data from 4 different tables, all related, and I can't figure out how to add fields that I didn't initially add during the wizard set-up. I used the wizard because it's easier for me to do that and then go in and make the changes I want to make.

When I get data from just one table, all of the available fields from that table are in the "Field List" no matter what fields I chose to include in the wizard process. That's good. But when I get data from more than one table, only the fields I initially chose in the Wizard process are showing up in the field list. I can't figure out how to add a new and different field from one of those tables.

The way I "solved" this problem the first time was to start over, creating my form from scratch--but now that I've done a lot of work, it just occurred to me that I will need to add 2 more fields. (I actually don't even have those fields in a table yet, but I will add them later.) So, this will be an ongoing problem. Since this form will get much use, by several people, I don't want to have to re-create it every time I want to change something.

So, is this possible? How can I add another field?

Also, while I am at it... A combo box was working beautifully to look up specific records when I was gathering information from only one table. It isn't working anymore.

Thanks in advance!


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Tables :: Adding A New Field When A New Record Is Added In Another Table

May 12, 2015

I have a table A in which I write down orders for cars. A record is an order. A single order may contain multiple cars in varying quantities.Each car has its components. Some cars may have some of their components common. There is a table B which indicates each car and its components required with their quantities required to build the car. There is a record for each different car.

Now suppose there is a new car we are going to produce so we need a new record in table B for the car and all its components. Also we need a new field in table A because people can now order the new car(in some quantity).

With form for table B we can introduce a new record. But how can we add a field in table A automatically after a record is added in table B?

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Tables :: Adding Field To Table And Updating Data?

Dec 1, 2013

I have a table in my DB called, devices. This contains all the information about various devices we have deployed in the field.

These devices are also contained in 2 other separate MySQL DB's.

What I need to do is add 2 additional field to my access table for the DeviceRecno and DeviceID of the same device from the MySQL DB's.

Adding the field is easy, but I cant think of a way to enter the recno and ID from the other DB's without typing them in manually for each one.

The common between them all is the serial number of the device, and I can get a list of serial numbers, recno's and ID in an excel sheet.

like a vlookup in excel to easily populate all the existing records with the recno and id's from the other db's?

When I created the access system there was no intention to link it to the other DB's for any reason, but that has now changed due to a lot of reasons.

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Tables :: Adding Description To A Field - Property Value Is Too Large Error Message

Oct 18, 2012

I keep getting the "Property Value is too large" when I add a description to a field in an existing table.

The same error was resolved on another table by cutting four fields then saving then pasting them back into the table and saving again.

I tried importing the entire DB into a new file, this I still get the error message "Property Value is too large" ...

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Modules & VBA :: Can't Find And Format Section Of Text Within RTF Memo Field

Jul 8, 2013

I had the need every so often to quickly find all instances of any (particular) word within the database, without going to the bother of thinking about where that word/subject might be in the data base, I designed a report which does the job nicely. It uses a search form/control, searches and finds all instances of the word (or words) I have asked it to find, then does a report showing all instances of whatever RTF memo fields that contain the word(s).It has to be RTF memo field because (if I wish) it goes straight into the book text I'm writing, and also it searches the book's RTF memo field.
The trouble is, at present, I then have to manually "eye scan" the resulting report to find the occurrences of the "key searched for" word, nestling/hidden somewhere within sometimes quite large chunks of text. I would love to have the report show the found "key word(s)" highlighted in (say) light blue or whatever colour, so that I can quickly & easily lock on to it visually.

I enter the word I want Access to find, into a form called "formfindword" in a text box called Text0. I click on a command box on this form, to open up the report called "Querywhatsandhowschooseword" based on a query of the same name. The query's "what" field (from the main database) has the criteria

= Like "*" and [forms]![Formfindword]![Text0] & "*"

The query's "how" field criteria (in the "or" line of the query design) is also

= Like "*" & [forms]![Formfindword]![Text0] & "*"

I have tried to use the Conditional Format facility in Report Layout view, without any luck.I think therefore that I will need some VBA code (which is totally foreign to me, unfortunately) to make this simple concept a reality.

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