Adding Values In Separate Columns Dependent On Text In Another Column?

May 16, 2013

I'm trying to make a database to track inventory or several items. Basically, I have four tables:

1) RawMaterialList - includes a list of all raw materials.
2) PartList - includes a list of all finished product using said raw materials.
3) RawMaterialRecieving - contains details from each packing slip of incoming raw materials.
4) ShipmentRecord - contains details of daily shipments.

Each of these tables is fed by a form of the same name. I should note at this point that I basically taught myself how to use Access and I imagine I'm in the dark about quite a few things it can do. I've made several databases over the last few years, but I'm stumped at this point.

Here's my problem. In the form RawMaterialReceiving, I have several fields aside from basic information:

1) Item - a list of of raw materials from table RawMaterialList
2) Description - also dependent on info entered into table RawMaterialList
3) Quantity

But, I have 12 of these instances.

Item1, Item2...Item12;
Description1, Description2...Description12;
Quantity1, Quantity2...Quantity12.

My problem is I want to add up the quantities of each raw material and I'm not sure how to go about that. Lets say on May 13, I received 15pcs of Part A and 20pcs of Part B. I enter this information as Item1 and Item2 respectively. On May 14, I received 30pcs of Part B. I enter this information under Item1. Now I want to add up all of Part B (50 pcs). But Part B has one value listed in the field Quantity1 and one value listed in the field Quantity2.


1st Entry:
May 13
Item1 = PartA Description1 = PartA's description Quantity1 = 15
Item2 = PartB Description2 = PartB's description Quantity2 = 20

2nd Entry:
May 14
Item1 = PartB Description1 = PartB's description Quantity1 = 30

How do I get it to add up Part B to get 50pcs?

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Combining 2 Query Columns Into 1 Column With Data In Separate Rows

Mar 29, 2012

I have a database with all the hours employees have logged stored in the database. Our payroll company wants an excel spreadsheet that has very specific info in particular columns and fields on the excel spreadsheet, so I'm trying to design a query which will put the correct info in the correct fields per their system.

The challenge is, I have currently a query with Employee ID, Overtime Hours, and Regular Hours as separate columns.

I need to translate this to a query with a single column for hours and a separate column that designates those hours as OT or Reg, with two rows for those employees who have both types.


ID / Regular Hours / OT Hours
101 / 70 / 7.5
102 / 30 / 0
103 / 5 / 0


ID/ Hours / Type
101 / 70 / Reg
101 / 7.5 / OT
102 / 30 / Reg
103 / 5 / Reg

I don't know how to create a query or a formula in a query to break out each employee row into multiple rows with different data in the hours column. It seems like there's something pretty straightforward that I've done in a similar vein but it doesn't seem to work - I can do the opposite and combine those hours by using the SUM function in a query, but I can't seem to break it out this way.

Access 2007, Windows 7.

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Access Reports: Adding Lines To Separate Rows And Columns Like Excel

Nov 4, 2004

Ive been converting .xls files to Access database files. I would like to use ACCESS to develop the Reports but the client wants the Reports to look like those in where you have lines between rows and columns. If I could give my Access Reports the same look and feel, I could wean these guys off of Excel and into the wonderful world of relational models.

Does anyone have sqlcode or tricks I might use to create the Excel 'look alike' report in Access?

thks in advance...and I will sum.

the ravenman.

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Queries :: Delimited Text To 10 Separate Columns?

Sep 8, 2014

I'm trying to build a query that can parse Delimited text to columns, for example I have the following:


I would like to convert the above in 10 seperate columnns within a query?

Is this possible? I know you can import delimited text to columns but that is not what i'm after for other reasons.

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Tables :: Can Split A Column Values Into 2 Columns

Jul 3, 2014

I have a column that's called "Date" which stores values for begining to end date as 'Text' like: 070314-073114 So I need to split it to 2 columns that has the Start Date as 070314 and End Date as 073114?

This database is still in Microsoft Access, and eventually after cleaning it up, we will move it to SQL Server.

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Splitting Text Values From A String Into Separate Field

Jan 25, 2005

I have a table field which long ago was merged from several other fields. When the data was merged into the field it was delimited by "1." then "2." up to "5."
Example: MergedField = "1.Animal 2.Large 3.African 4.Grey 5.Long Nose"

I now want to split it appart in a query where "1.Animal" goes into expression1, "2.Large" goes into expression2, etc.

I need to base the text on where the one number begins and grab everything until the next number in the mergefield is detected.

Can someone show me the syntax for this.


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Queries :: Separating Values From Single Column Into Two Columns And Counting Them?

Oct 4, 2013

I have a table that has two columns "Nationality" and "Gender". I wanted to run a query that will Group the nationality and then split the gender column into two columns and after that it will count both gender columns for each nationality. When I posted this question in "Reports" section I got the suggestion to use the SELECT COUNT in SQL. It worked but only for nationality. I couldn't get it work for the Gender column. I searched alot and the only thing I got was the SQL function to split data from one column into two but that also didn't serve the purpose (check the link to see why: [URL]) At last, I went on to create a cross tab query. Selected Nationality as Row header, Gender as Column header and Customer ID as calculation point. And there I got the result I needed. The SQL Code looks like this:

TRANSFORM Count(Register.[Customer ID]) AS [CountOfCustomer ID]
SELECT Register.National, Count(Register.[Customer ID]) AS [Total Of Customer ID]
FROM Register
GROUP BY Register.National
PIVOT Register.P_Gender;

Crosstab query did the trick..

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Adding Values Within One Column

Mar 3, 2005

I've been having trouble trying to figure out how i can add the values within one column. I have a field named Cost, under that field i have serveral rows of data. I would like access to add all the numbers under that "cost" field. Im not sure how this is done. Can anyone please help ???


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Queries :: Adding Values To Present Column

Jul 4, 2013

I use the output of a query (qryTally) to set as my values to a table (tblOrderCountDaily) which sets all the count of a product ordered during a cmdbutton was clicked. If cutoff wasnt clicked for that day, it would create a new field setting the field name as the date. Now, if i click again the the cutoff button, it would check again if the field exists, if yes, i would add the value to the previous value.

Private Sub CutOff_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tbl As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim CheckOut As String


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Queries :: Adding New Column In A Table And Populating Values

Mar 2, 2014

I have a table having fields start date and end date. I need to calculate difference in the dates and store the values in a new column in the same table. I am able to write the query for this but am clueless as to how to put in these values in a new column in the table.

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Split 1 Column Data Into 2 Separate Column

Oct 5, 2005


I need a query that could split data into 2 different field.
The table pic is attached for your ready reference. I tird with Left & Right funtions with no results.

Any one can help me please.

Table name is Agcad and field on which I need to split is Board_Size. The problem is Board_Size data is sometime in 3 digit (first half part) and sometime second half part is in 4 digit. It is a text data type field.

Thanks in advance...

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Adding Text Box Values In Report -

Feb 8, 2007

Am I missing something simple here? I have several text boxes, which I want to add the values. I have tried these formulae, but dont work:


=Sum([Postage] + [ProgTotal])


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Separate Protections For Columns In Excel

Jan 11, 2005

Hey, does anyone know how to set up a formula that will allow me to turn either one column on, or another, but not both at the same time for data entry eg. one column for dollar figures and another for sterling currencies?

Much appreciated!

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Parsing String Into Separate Columns Of A Table

Sep 3, 2007


I have a Microsoft Access table with the following columns: A,B,C,D,E,F.
In first row of Column A, I have the following string value: "Al,Peggy,Kelly,Bud,Buck"
What I would like to do is parse this string as such:

Column B:"Al"
Column C:"Peggy"
Column D:"Kelly"
Column E:"Bud"
Column F:"Buck"

Is there a simple VB funtion to accomplish this?

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General :: Query To Separate Columns In Table

Aug 14, 2014

I have a table tblItemSold

ItemNum Date Sold
1111 Aug-10-2014 25
1111 Aug-9-2014 24
1111 Aug-8-2014 23
2222 Aug-10-2014 11
2222 Aug-9-2014 12
2222 Aug-8-2014 13
3333 Aug-10-2014 5
3333 Aug-8-2014 3

I want to write a query and transform above into

ItemNum Aug-10-2014 Aug-9-2014 Aug-8-2014
1111 25 24 23
2222 11 12 13
3333 5 3

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Queries :: How To Split Data Into Separate Columns

Nov 11, 2013

I have been given the task of organising a mail-merge with a sharepoint list, but the names and emails attached to each object are seperated by a delimiter. Furthermore each person is associated with many objects, and they want the merge programmed to only send 1 email to each person.

So what I need to do is split the data in one column into three separate columns, and then perform a concatenate. The concatenate isn't an issue, but how to split the data into 3 new columns within Access?

If worst comes to worst I'll tell them they will have to use the text-to-columns function in excel first, but would like to try and avoid that where possible.

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Queries :: Create Separate Columns From Same Field And Table

Apr 9, 2013

I have 1 table that I duplicated to make 3 tables total. I did this b/c I am trying to create separate columns from the same field and table. The field is Workorder. Each workorder list the workorder number followed by a dash and then code. I am wanting to put all of the workorders with the same code in it's own column.

I have 5 codes that i am searching for. The first column list the workorder and a code (123456789-AD). The second column (123456789-BC). I'm good to this point but my problem occurs next.

The third column i am trying to put 3 types of workorder and it's code in the same column. As follows, (123456789-CD, 123456789-TC, and 123456789-PTC. However, when I do this it takes the results from the 3rd column and applies it to the 3rd column but also the 1st and 2nd column. I tried a UNION query and unless I am doing it incorrectly it does not work.

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Forms :: Combo Box Values Dependent On Record Set In Listbox

Jan 17, 2014

Access 2010
windows 7

The database I'm working on stores product records. To support the user narrow down which product they want to use, the navigation form has a listbox that looks to several combox values to filter the records it displays. As the user selects values for additional comboxes, the list of products from the listbox is refined. What I would like to do is set the comboxes up so that they also have to check the listbox to determine which records they should display.

For example:

Comboxes: Customer, Species

Starting out the listbox shows all products. The user wants to find a particular product that is sold to "Harly Quinn's Crab Imporium". They select "Harly Quinn's Crab Imporium" from the customer combobox. The listbox updates to show only products sold to Harly Quinn. The database currently has this functionality. What I want to add comes next:

The user determines that there are still too many records being displayed in the listbox, so he/she attempts to refine the search further by selecting a species from the species combobox. Currently all species from the species table are selectable from the species combobx, meaning that if the user selects a species that isn't sold to Harly Quinn, that the listbox will show no records. What I would like the combobox to do is refer first to the listbox and determine which species are still viable options based on the records available from the listbox.

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Separate Records By Column

Apr 26, 2006

I have a table set up as the following:

ssn account
01234567 1234567890
01234567 9876543210
01234567 7539514562
98765432 8765432109
98765432 9876541230

and so on...

I would like to create a query that will split the records up like this:

ssn account1 account2 account3
01234567 1234567890 9876543210 7539514562
98765432 8765432109 9876541230

and so on...

It can be in any format, either query or report, I just have to be able to export it into a text file in the same format. Does anyone have any ideas?



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Forms :: Inserting Data From Multi Rows Into Separate Columns

Oct 17, 2013

I have a database with a form that has 3 fields in a subform. I need to paste there data from multi rows. Now I have to do this column by column and paying attention that I select them correctly. Is there a way to directly insert the data by selecting only 1 field and have the data directly there as it would in excel?

Now we use excel as a "between" road to paste it there and then copy it from excel and paste it into access.

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Auto Fill Text Box From Dependent Combo Box

Jun 16, 2012

I have dependent combo boxes which is working fine what i want is to select the value from the list and the text box should be filled in my case it is attachment field i want to fill up the value based on combo boxes selection.I have attached the database also.

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Queries :: Find Latest Date In A Table Where Dates Are In 2 Separate Columns And Multiple Rows

May 19, 2015

I am trying to find the latest date in a table where the dates are in 2 separate columns and multiple rows. (there are business reasons why there are 2 dates per row they represent different but comparable activities)

I have a table "Assessment tracker" with the following structure

Name Type
Candidate short text
Unit short text
EV1 Date Date
EV2 Date Date

My Data:

Candidate Unit EV1Date EV2 Date
TH1 10 07/05/2015 25/05/15
TH1 10 07/05/2015 07/06/15

I have a query "Candidate AC Dates" that compares the 2 dates EV1 and EV2 and outputs a 3rd column with the latest date.

PARAMETERS [Candidate Name] Value;
SELECT [Assessment Tracker].Candidate, [Assessment Tracker].Unit, [Assessment Tracker].[EV1 Date], [Assessment Tracker].[EV2 Date], Max(MaxDate([Assessment Tracker]![EV1 Date],[Assessment Tracker]![EV2 Date])) AS Achdate
FROM UnitData INNER JOIN [Assessment Tracker] ON UnitData.Unit = [Assessment Tracker].Unit



CandidateUnitEV1 DateEV2 DateAchdate
TH11007/05/2015 25/05/201525/05/2015
TH11007/05/2015 07/06/201507/06/2015

It does this by using a function shamelessly copied from the web somewhere...

Function Maxdate(ParamArray FieldArray() As Variant)
' Declare the two local variables.
Dim I As Integer
Dim currentVal As Date' Set the variable currentVal equal to the array of values.
currentVal = FieldArray(0)
' Cycle through each value from the row to find the largest.


This is working well (I think)

I then want to find the latest date for the 2 records i.e. the Max value for the Achdate.

SELECT [Candidate AC Dates].Candidate AS Expr1, [Candidate AC Dates].Unit AS Expr2, Max([Candidate AC Dates].Achdate) AS MaxOfAchdate
FROM [Candidate AC Dates]
GROUP BY [Candidate AC Dates].Candidate, [Candidate AC Dates].Unit
ORDER BY [Candidate AC Dates].Candidate, [Candidate AC Dates].Unit, Max([Candidate AC Dates].Achdate) DESC;

But this is returning

Candidate Unit MaxOfAchdate
TH1 1025/05/2015

I expect it to return

Candidate UnitMaxOfAchdate
TH1 10 07/06/2015

It looks to me like MAX is considering only the day value rather than the whole date. I suspect this is because it is considering the results of the function in the first query as a short text rather than a date field. (I've tried to force this through declaring the variables as dates but don't know where else to force this. (I am UK based hence the DD/MM/YYYY format)

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Adding And Subtracting Totals From 3 Separate Reports

Sep 4, 2015

I have 3 reports

Report 1. is attendance from January to June
Report 2. is from June to December
Report 3. is from January to December

The are all run from the same query with different Between Dates.

The scenario is that Paul attended the support group from Jan to June so in the Jan to June report he is counted once. The query removes duplicate values

Paul attended the same support group from June to December so in the June to December report he is counted once. The query removes duplicate values.

This shows the Paul attended he support group from Jan to December so in the June to December report he is counted once. The query removes duplicate values, if you removed the duplicates from this query he would be counted twice.

Not all people attend the same group for 12 months but if they do the are a duplicate and Paul is a duplicate. That is ok because we need to know now many duplicates there are for the year.

If I print all 3 reports with the duplicates remove query and you looked at the totals it would show (Example) 30 attendees in the 1st report and 30 attendees in the 2nd report but in the 3rd report it would show 59 not 60 which is the total of reports 1 & 2. we need to report these figures as 1st 6 months with 30 and the second 6 months with 30 but the whole year would be with 59 and 1 duplicate.

The way it is now I have to run all 3 report and do the math by hand this way.

Is there a way on the to do the math with code calculations on the full year report with the figures from the 2, 6 month reports to automatically show total attendance for the year 59 with 1 duplicate?

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Populating A Column In A Table Based On Values In An Existing Column

Mar 5, 2007

Hi all,

In the organisation that I work for employees get paid every 2 weeks on a Saturday. So for this financial year the pay period end dates have been 08/07/2006, 22/07/2006, 05/08/2006 etc

I have a column in an Access table listing various dates. I want the next column to be
populated with the next pay period end date after that date.

So if DATE is 05/07/2006 I want PAY PERIOD END to be 08/07/2006
and if DATE is 09/07/2006 I want PAY PERIOD END to be 22/07/2006 etc

How do I do this?

Kind Regards,


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Queries :: How To Distribute Different Values Of One Column In New Column Fields

Jan 30, 2014

In my table for duplicate "line no" I have different "contractor" like below.


L-0001 C-1000
L-0001 C-2000
L-0003 C-6000
L-0003 C-8000
L-0003 C-9000
L-0004 C-5000

Now I would like to make a query for transposing values like below:


L-0001 C-1000 C-2000
L-0003 C-6000 C-8000 C-9000
L-0004 C-5000

how I have to make this query?

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Counting Distinct Values Of A Column Group By Another Column

Dec 4, 2011

I have this table ("people") and an example of possible rows:

id(key) COL 1 COL2 department country name
1 xx yy KPP USA John
2 zz kk KPP USA John
3 ss ff TLL USA John
4 ww qq PPO Italy Marco
5 jj uu PPO Italy Marco

I have to count the number of distinct DEPARTMENT for each NAME; so, for John should be 2 (KPP and TLL) and for Marco 1 (PPO).

I have tryed in this way:

COUNT(DISTINCT department) AS NumberOfDifferentDepartments
FROM people
GROUP BY name;

But Access says me there is a syntax error.

I'm working with MS Access 2002.

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