Adding Wildcard Character To Query Criteria

Aug 11, 2005

I've got a query that does exactly what this ( chap got his to do.

However I want to add a "*" character to the criteria to allow for searches with partial matches. Here's the criteria that works:

[title]=[Forms].[Search]![Title] Or [Forms].[Search]![Title] Is Null

However when I try the logical extension:

[title]=[Forms].[Search]![Title] & "*" Or [Forms].[Search]![Title] Is Null

this doesn't work, and nor does:

[title]=([Forms].[Search]![Title] & "*") Or [Forms].[Search]![Title] Is Null

WHAT DO I DO? I'M TIRED AND I CANT THINK STRAIGHT! :eek: thanks and sorry for being so dumb!

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Using A Question Mark As A Character Not A Wildcard In SQL Query

Jan 25, 2005


In SQL in MS Access a '?' '*' '%' are all used as a wildcards.

I need to be able to retrieve all messsages which contain a '?' within the message.
i.e. If a message contains the following characters : why?

I want to retrieve the message as a '?' is part of the message.

When I write the code :

SELECT User.User, Message.Message
FROM Message INNER JOIN [User] ON Message.[Message ID]=User.[Message ID]
WHERE Message Like '*?*';

Access takes the '?' as a wildcard and retrieves all the messages in the database. Is it possible to get round this and use '?' as a specific character.. not a wildcard?

Please help

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Wildcard Character In VB Script?

Aug 26, 2004

I am setting up my own switchboard, and i have a quick jump menu that has every page on it. The pages are arranged as so:


When i'm setting up my code to push a person to a certain page, I want it to first check their access level (which is stored in a table in my database)

Is there a wildcard character in vb that will cover all the submenu's?
(I.E. Code:If MainMenu = "1*" And Userlevel = "PublicAccess" Then MsgBox "You do not have access to this area"End If)

Instead of having to put an if statement for every submenu under 1?

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Help With Wildcard Criteria On SubForm

Feb 21, 2005

I have a form with subform which use six fields on the form to determine
what data is returned in the subform. As long as every field has a valid entry the data is returned
correctly. What I would like to add to this is if a particular criteria field is left blank it will return all
values in that field. The current SQL Statement looks like this:

SELECT QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.FINISH, QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.SIZE, QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.COLOR, QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.BASISWGT, QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.PRODUCT_LINE, QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.MWIEGHT, QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.DFLT_VENDOR_ID, *
FROM QryItemQtyProductLineLinked
WHERE (((QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.FINISH)=[Forms]![FrmProductLineLookup]![MatchProduct]) AND ((QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.SIZE)=[Forms]![FrmProductLineLookup]![MatchSize]) AND ((QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.COLOR)=[Forms]![FrmProductLineLookup]![MatchColor]) AND ((QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.BASISWGT)=[Forms]![FrmProductLineLookup]![MatchBWeight]) AND ((QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.PRODUCT_LINE)=[forms]![frmproductlinelookup]![MatchProduct]) AND ((QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.MWIEGHT)=[Forms]![FrmProductLineLookup]![MatchMWeight]) AND ((QryItemQtyProductLineLinked.DFLT_VENDOR_ID)=[Forms]![FrmProductLineLookup]![MatchVendor]));

Thank you in advance for any help!

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Wildcard Criteria With Input Box

Feb 28, 2008


new to the forum so hello everybody,
what i have is a table of contacts. this table has a field called locations. i have created a queriy that askes me the location which works ok. i could also have the criteria that has like "lo*" in it

but what i really need it the query to run ask me the location and i only put in LO* OR BI* etc
and the results i get are either london or birmingham etc

thanks for you help

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Queries :: Ignore Wildcard If Criteria Is Blank

Dec 16, 2014

In a database am building, I want to run a query with the criteria dependant on which field the user populates in a form.

The form has a number of fields that the user can select from including our reference number, the client's reference number and the site address.

I would like the user to be able to select the site address using a wildcard so that they can enter a part of the address such as "This Street" instead of "45 This Street" and the user be presented with all of the records matching "This Street".

I tried using the criteria:

Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchJobs]![SearchAddressLine1] & "*"

Which works perfectly as long as this field is populated. If this field is not populated, entering details in any other field bring up every record in the database.

IIf(IsNull([Forms]![SearchJobs]![SearchAddressLine1]),Null,[Forms]![SearchJobs]![SearchAddressLine1] & "*")

The full sql of my query is:

SELECT Jobs.JobsSalesEnquiryRecordNumber, Jobs.JobsJobStatus, Jobs.JobsEnquiryDate, Jobs.JobsTakenBy, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsURN, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsName, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsAddressLine1, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsAddressLine2, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsAddressLine3, ClientDetails.ClientClientPostCode, Jobs.JobsClientJobNumber, Jobs.JobsAlternativeClientJobNumber, Jobs.JobsClientContact,

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Adding Query Criteria Using VB?

Jul 10, 2015

i have a query name "Query01". I want to add a criteria ">=#1/5/2015#" in the field of "PaymentDate" using VBA.

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Queries :: Adding Criteria To A Query

Mar 24, 2014

I have one datatable and i have to list the duplicates from it based on different criterias. It contains invoices, we would like to avoid duplicated payments.I'm struggling with a query. Basically i have a working one, i have to add one more criteria to filter out a couple of rows where the text column is "freight", but anyhow i have tried, it's not working. Without that one line where the not equal is, it's working as it should, when i'm adding that line it ruturns the same as before, but it should give me 108 less lines. The below one is based on an other query result called Duplicates_Rule1.Here is the query:

SELECT * FROM Duplicates_Rule1
WHERE (((Duplicates_Rule1.BSEG_DocumentNo) In (SELECT [BSEG_DocumentNo] FROM [Duplicates_Rule1] As Tmp
GROUP BY [BSEG_DocumentNo]
HAVING Count(*)=1 ))
AND (Duplicates_Rule1.Check) Is Null)
and (Duplicates_Rule1.BSAK_Text <> "FREIGHT")
ORDER BY Duplicates_Rule1.BSEG_DocumentNo;

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Queries :: Adding Several Criteria To Query Using SQL

Jul 29, 2015

Currently, I am using the following code to add criterias to a Query before I run it:

qdf.SQL = "SELECT * from [Offshore_Projects] WHERE [Business Field].Value = " & Tall

Unfortunately, I struggle with adding additional criterias for example something like this:

qdf.SQL = "SELECT * from [Offshore_Projects] WHERE [Business Field].Value = 3" AND [Offshore_Projects] WHERE [Location] = ""Longyearbyen"""

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Queries :: Adding Spaces Based On Total Character Count

May 31, 2014

I have 4 fields I'm trying to combine, but I need to add spaces between field 1 and the rest of them. The total character count needs to be 22 including the spaces.


Field 1: THE

Field 2: 1234

Field 3: BOAT

Field 4: 0001

End Result: THE 1234BOAT0001

Need to add 7 spaces to equal 22 characters.

Fields 1, 2, and 3 can vary in number of characters.

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Queries :: Adding Complex Criteria To A Query

Nov 29, 2013

I've got two tables in my Access 2010 database - both are identical in structure, the difference being one (Dove) contains old data and the other (Dove Data File) contains updated data. The primary key for these tables is "TowerBase".

I want to use an update query to update only the changes from the Dove Data File table into the Dove table - but for certain records only.

I've managed so far to get a query which displays only records that have changed in a particular field (Bells). Up to here I think is all good...

SELECT [Dove Data File].*
FROM [Dove Data File] INNER JOIN Dove ON [Dove Data File].TowerBase = Dove.TowerBase
WHERE (((Dove.Inactive)<>True) AND ((Exists (SELECT NULL
WHERE [Dove Data File].TowerBase = Dove.TowerBase
AND [Dove Data File].Bells <> Dove.Bells))=True));

But now I want to add in criteria and this is the bit I'm struggling with. I need this query to now display only records where there is no associated record in my Visit Dates table. In other words, the Visit Dates table has the "TowerBase" ID along with a visit date. These records I do not want to see in the query, as I don't want to update any changes for these from the Dove Data File table to the Dove table.

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Select Those In A Column That Meets Character Count Criteria

Nov 4, 2005

Hey, I know this is probably a simple thing to do, but I couldn't find it anywhere on the web so hopefully someone here can help.

I have a column of UPC codes which are a bunch of #'s. I need to find the ones that have more than or less than 12 characters.


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Update Query Using IIF And Wildcard

Feb 1, 2006

I am not sure if this is possible, but I am running an update query to add text in a field if a certain criteria is met. However, if the field I am adding to already contains what I am trying to add, i don't want it to add it again. Everything works fine except the IIF statement in my update field. Here is what I have:

IIf(Temp_Vendor_Trips.[Reco Classification]="*" & "V3" & "*",Temp_Vendor_Trips.[Reco Classification],Temp_Vendor_Trips.[Reco Classification] & " " & "V3")

If the field contains the text V3, I want it to be left alone and continue to show what is already in the field, if not, i want it to add V3 to the end.

Thanks in advance for the help!

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Query- Assuming Wildcard If Control Is Null

Jul 12, 2006

I'm making a query which is used to generate a report. Anyways, I've ran into a problem. The query is based on some controls in a form, but what I would like to do is that if a control was null then a field in the query should be assumed to be a wildcard for the criteria, otherwise the data in the control should be used in the criteria of the query. Does anyone have any ideas if this could be done?


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Query That Finds Parts That Start With * Wildcard

Feb 26, 2007

I have a sales invoice table that contains parts that start with *, for example *SPR362.

I need to select only those parts that start with the *, as this is the wildcard in queries how do i select those products that start with it without it being recognised as the wildcard and selecting all records?

The field name is simply: Part


Many Thanks

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Queries :: Wildcard In Query Fed From A Search Form

Jan 9, 2014

I have built a search form to feed information to a query. The form uses combo boxes tied to table values, and all have wild cards built into them so if the user leaves the combo box they get all the records. I also have to text boxes representing start date and end date. I would like to allow the user to leave these blank and get all there as well. I have been looking through my one Access book, as well as searched all over the internet, but I cant seem to find the way to do this. My filter criteria for the text based combo boxes are like this:

Like "*" & [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![Company] & "*"

My filter criteria for the Start and End Dates looks like this:

Between [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![StartDate] And [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![EndDate]+#11:59:59 PM#

In this case of the user leaves the date values blank, the query returns nothing. I would like to return all dates if that is the case. I am assuming it is my lack of knowledge of wild cards and how they work with date values.

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Queries :: Replacing Wildcard Characters In A Query

Jun 5, 2013

I am trying to replace a # character and all characters after in a text field.

U set up a Select query and used the following expression:
Expr1: Replace([Part Number],"[#]*","")

It doesn't change any of the records. Is this possible to do in Access 2007?

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Like Criteria Ignores "[" Character

Apr 8, 2006

I have some string entries as (the square brackets are part of the string)
If I query on "[Baghdad]" it finds them
If I use "*baghdad]" it also finds them
BUT if I query using [B]like "" it does not find them
Even stranger if I search on [B]like "*[Baghdad]" it brings up about 70 records which have no connection to Baghdad whatsoever!
All this leads me to conclude that the Like statement cannot be used if the first character is a square bracket so I am asking
a. Is this true?
b. Which other characters does it apply to?
c. What can be done to overcome this?

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Wildcard Query With User Input Parameter Not Working

Jul 12, 2007

I'm using an Excel spreadsheet that is importing external data from an access database in which I've got a field where the name of a person checking materials out is entered. it is currently set up, and I cannot change it, as a free form field. So folks enter information in a variety of ways.

For example, Larry Martin might be entered as "Larry Martin" or "Martin, Larry" or "". I'm trying to run a query that would look in that field for any entry with the string I enter, such as "Martin."

I've tried setting the criteria like this:

Like "*" & [Which Last Name] & "*"

However, when I try and run the query I get a message telling me the system is expecting two parameters.

Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? I've been banging my head against this for awhile now and am thoroughly stumped! All assistance, as usual, is greatly appreciated!

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Queries :: Query To Return A Wildcard Search On A Field

May 21, 2015

How do I design a query to return a result in a wildcard format? So that I could enter a part of a name, and it returns all the names that include that part of name?

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Access 2007 Wildcard Query In Unbound Text Box

Aug 13, 2012

I am new to Access 2007. I have a list of companies of are constantly updated,deleted, and created which are listed on a table. I have a form with an unbound text box with a sumbit button that opens a new form with the information of the name of the company in the search box. Unfornately, if the name of the company is not perfect, the record is not found and the form opens a new record. I want search box tyo autill, or "wildcard" when I begin to input a name of a company. I tried a combo box but my boss does not like it. He wants a wildcard search.

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First And Last Criteria When Adding The Operation

Dec 16, 2013

I'm very confused with this "first" and "last" criteria

I can easily understand for "max" "min" "sum" etc ... but not the "first" and "last"

I import monthly data for the year 2013 and for each month I import, it will have a record showing 201301 (for january 2013), 201302 (for february 2013) etc... until today which is 201312

I import them in order that is: 201301 first till the last one which is 201312

Now is the Criteria "first" give me the date at which it is First entered in the table or just the first that he see in the table? ( can putting them in order either a->z or z<-a affect this criteria?) or what if I put import them not in order but randomly like?

When I used last it didn't give me 201312 but 201311...

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Escaping The # Character In Query

Dec 21, 2005

I'm using a filter that contain # as one of the characters that the field might contain.
I get some very inetersting results.

"select fld1
from tbl1
where fld1 not like 'D#%'

Lets' say that the values for fld1(text type) are :
D# cc
The query above will return the 2 records, it is "egnoring" the filter.

How can I solve this problem?

Thanks a lot

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Greater Than One Character In Query

Mar 13, 2007

In my forename field I have entries with just the initial. I would like my query to filter out anything less than 2 characters. Does anyone know the criteria format?

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Adding Criteria On The Field Being Filled.

Aug 6, 2005

I am working on a scheduling form that uses 3 combo boxes to select the people being scheduled. The form is rowsourced to a table of training sessions with a field for each of three crew positions being trained. One combo box is used for each of those fields. The row source for each combo box is a query that returns a list of people due for training, not on vacation that date, correct crew position, etc.

The problem is this: I want to eliminate the people already sceduled in prior sessions from the list. I've tried to put a "not" criteria on the rowsource query but that did not work.

I've been away from Access for a few years but I vaugely remember problems of putting criteria on the field you are filling. Anyone have any ideas?

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Queries :: Adding Expression As A Criteria?

Sep 8, 2014

I have a query I'm working with that finds data that changes, calculates the numbers, then prints a result in another column. The problem is that if I don't have any changes, then I have a blank result. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but I'm making reports available to other users and would like this populated.

What seems simplest is to add an expression in the criteria field for the column that displays data after crunching numbers. Since this only has a display if something has changed, then I need an expression added if there is no data. Can I add something like an IsNull expression to display the results from another column in the same table? The data will end up being redundant, but I'm ok with that for now. the report should probably have the expression, but the column is already here in this table.

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