The below Stored Procedure was refined to incorporate a UDF. My problem now is that I need it to be even more dynamic. I ideally need the user to have the option to select which fields are incorporated into the query. I have the front end framework although not sure currently how to make field selection dynamic...
SELECT dbo.tblClient.Country, dbo.tblClient.cName, dbo.tblClient.clientID, dbo.tblClient.Wholename, dbo.tblClient.TelNumberG, dbo.tblClient.TelNumberD, dbo.tblClient.City, dbo.tblPublication.pName
FROM dbo.tblOrders INNER JOIN
dbo.tblClient ON dbo.tblOrders.clientID = dbo.tblClient.clientID INNER JOIN
dbo.tblPublication ON =
WHERE (dbo.tblClient.Region IN (select value from fnSplit(@inputRegion,',') )) AND
(dbo.tblPublication.pName IN (select value from fnSplit(@inputPub,',') )) AND
(dbo.tblClient.Country IN (select value from fnSplit(@inputCountry,',') ))
This is becoming pretty complicated so any help appreciated.
I am having a bit of a delimma and am wondering if there is someone out there that could suggest how i could write a SQL statement that would alow me to return data in a certain way,
I have data as follows...
FIrst problemi is the Date in the LogDate COlumn is of Text Type not Date..
Second problem is i need to take this data and transform it to look like the table below
RCDIDEmployeeIDLogDateLogTimeTerminalIDInOut 411 07/23/200620:45:02iGuard# IN 421 07/23/200620:46:17iGuard# OUT 431 07/23/200620:48:08iGuard# IN 441 07/23/200620:48:18iGuard# OUT 451 07/23/200620:48:24iGuard# IN 461 07/23/200620:48:30iGuard# OUT 471 07/23/200620:48:36iGuard# IN 481 07/23/200620:48:41iGuard# OUT 501 07/23/200620:49:57iGuard# IN 511 07/23/200620:50:14iGuard# OUT 521 07/23/200620:59:34iGuard# IN 531 07/23/200620:59:40iGuard# OUT
I have been developing a website where users enter details about positions that they would like to fill. Other users enter details of positions that are available. I currently run a ranking query for users that matches from the options they enter which positions best match their profile in a ranked order.
I'm using an Access Database and ASP. The query is taking a very long time to run.
This is how I have the query built at the moment.
Code:strSQL = "SELECT qryApplicant.* FROM qryApplicant WHERE (((qryApplicant. ApplicantRID) & ''='" & applicantRef & "'));" call getFromDatabase(strSQL, objTempRS, currentPage) if not objTempRS.EOF then applicantWants = True applicantGender = objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantGender") applicantAge = objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantAge") applicantBSMinDuration= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantBSMinDuration") applicantBSMaxDuration= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantBSMaxDuration") applicantBSEarlyDate= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantBSEarlyDate") applicantBSLateDate= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantBSLateDate") applicantLanguage= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantLanguage") applicantPosition= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantPosition") applicantPositionType= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantPositionType") applicantNationality= objTempRS.Fields("ApplicantNationality") end if if applicantWants then applicantPoss = 0 lineTemp = "" strSQL = "" strSQL = strSQL & "SELECT " & applicantRef & " AS ApplicantRef" strSQL = strSQL & ", qryEmployer.EmployerRID" ' ****************************** Check Gender ****************************** if applicantGender & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "(IIf(([EmployerCSGender]='any'),50,(IIf(([EmployerCSGender]='" & applicantGender & "'),50,1))))" else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(0)" end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 50 ' ****************************** Check CheckAge ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if isNumeric(applicantAge) then lineTemp = lineTemp & "IIf(([EmployerCSMinAge]<=" & applicantAge & "),IIf(([EmployerCSMaxAge]>=" & applicantAge & "),20,0),0)" else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(0)" end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 ' ****************************** Check CheckMinMaxDuration ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if isNumeric(applicantBSMinDuration) then if isNumeric(applicantBSMaxDuration) then lineTemp = lineTemp & "IIf(([EmployerCSMinDuration]<=" & applicantBSMaxDuration & "),IIf(([EmployerCSMaxDuration]>=" & applicantBSMinDuration & "),20,0),0)" else lineTemp = lineTemp & "IIf(([EmployerCSMaxDuration]>=" & applicantBSMinDuration & "),20,0" end if else if isNumeric(applicantBSMaxDuration) then lineTemp = lineTemp & "IIf(([EmployerCSMinDuration]<=" & applicantBSMaxDuration & "),20,0" else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(20)" end if end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 ' ****************************** Check CheckEarlyLateDuration ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if (applicantBSEarlyDate & "" <> "") then if (applicantBSLateDate & "" <> "") then lineTemp = lineTemp & "(IIf([EmployerCSLateDate]&''<>'',(IIf(([EmployerCSLateDate])>=" & DATE_DELIMITER & AusDate(applicantBSEarlyDate) & DATE_DELIMITER & ",(IIf([EmployerCSEarlyDate]&''<>'',(IIf(([EmployerCSEarlyDate])<=" & DATE_DELIMITER & AusDate(applicantBSLateDate) & DATE_DELIMITER & ",20,0)),0)),0)),0))" else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(IIf([EmployerCSEarlyDate]&''<>'',(IIf(([EmployerCSEarlyDate])<=" & DATE_DELIMITER & AusDate(applicantBSLateDate) & DATE_DELIMITER & ",20,0)),0))" end if else if (applicantBSLateDate & "" <> "") then lineTemp = lineTemp & "(IIf([EmployerCSLateDate]&''<>'',(IIf(([EmployerCSLateDate])>=" & DATE_DELIMITER & AusDate(applicantBSEarlyDate) & DATE_DELIMITER & ",20,0)),0))" else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(20)" end if end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 ' ****************************** Check Language ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if applicantLanguage & "" <> "" then getMultiValues applicantLanguage, ":", arrSplit01, arrSplit01Max itemTemp = "0" for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) <> "" then itemTemp = "(IIf(([EmployerLanguage] Like '%" & Left(arrSplit01(intCounter01),3) & "_%'),20," & itemTemp & "))" end if next lineTemp = lineTemp & itemTemp 'Response.Write itemTemp & "<br />" & " " else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(0)" end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 ' ****************************** Check Nationality ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if applicantNationality & "" <> "" then getMultiValues applicantNationality, ":", arrSplit01, arrSplit01Max itemTemp = "0" for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) <> "" then itemTemp = "(IIf(([EmployerNationality] Like '%" & arrSplit01(intCounter01) & ":%'),20," & itemTemp & "))" end if next lineTemp = lineTemp & itemTemp 'Response.Write itemTemp & "<br />" & " " else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(0)" end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 ' ****************************** Check Position ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if applicantPosition & "" <> "" then itemTemp = "" getMultiValues applicantPosition, ":", arrSplit01, arrSplit01Max itemTemp = "0" if instr(applicantPosition,"ANY") then itemTemp = "(10)" for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) <> "" then if arrSplit01(intCounter01) <> "ANY" then itemTemp = "(IIf(([EmployerPosition] Like '%" & Left(arrSplit01(intCounter01),3) & "_%'),20," & itemTemp & "))" end if end if next lineTemp = lineTemp & itemTemp 'Response.Write itemTemp & "<br />" & " " else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(0)" end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 ' ****************************** Check PositionType ****************************** if lineTemp & "" <> "" then lineTemp = lineTemp & "+" if applicantPositionType & "" <> "" then getMultiValues applicantPositionType, ":", arrSplit01, arrSplit01Max itemTemp = "0" strType1 = "" for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) = "ANY" then strType1 = "(10)" next if strType1 <> "" then itemTemp = strType1 for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) = "rea" then strType1 = "(IIf(([EmployerPositionType] Like '%r??:%'),15," & itemTemp & "))" end if next if strType1 <> "" then itemTemp = strType1 for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) = "coa" then strType1 = "(IIf(([EmployerPositionType] Like '%c??:%'),15," & itemTemp & "))" end if next if strType1 <> "" then itemTemp = strType1 for intCounter01=0 to arrSplit01Max if arrSplit01(intCounter01) <> "" then itemTemp = "(IIf(([EmployerPositionType] Like '%" & arrSplit01(intCounter01) & ":%'),20," & itemTemp & "))" end if next lineTemp = lineTemp & itemTemp 'Response.Write itemTemp & "<br />" & " " else lineTemp = lineTemp & "(0)" end if applicantPoss = applicantPoss + 20 strSQL = strSQL & ", (" & lineTemp & ") AS Total, qryEmployer.EmployerActive, '" & applicantPoss & "' AS Poss, qryEmployer.* FROM qryEmployer " strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (((qryEmployer.EmployerActive)=True) AND ((qryEmployer.EmployerLastLoginDate)>" & DATE_DELIMITER & dateAdd("d",(optionDaysListed * -1),now()) & DATE_DELIMITER & ")) " strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY (" & lineTemp & ") DESC, qryEmployer.EmployerLastLoginDate DESC;"
Does anyone know any other ways to build this type of Query to show result in a ranked order.
I wan't to create special query who show only special package. It must work that.
1. Client logg in. System rember his chose. varPrawa="Client" and varIDLogin=5
2. Client click at button "Show Your Package". At that moment query haven't got any criteria so it show every package but it must show only package with IDClient=varIDLogin so only package with IDClient=5 it is easy to create. I tell more it is still easy to join other person but only with varPrawa="Client" i want to create one query who must select by.
WHEN varPrawa="Client" then show only package with IDClient=varIDLogin
WHEN varPrawa="Kurier" then show only package with IDKurier=varIDLogin
WHEN varPrawa="Spedytor" then show only package with IDSpedytor=varIDLogin
WHEN varPrawa="Administrator" then show all package without varIDLogin criteria.
I create subraport who use chosen package in my list and display all special data using varaible but my problem is how to create query whose can select and display only package of that Client or Kurier or Spedytor.
At the end
When Client is online he can see only his packages special IDClient (any IDKurier, IDSpedytor) When Kurier is online he can see only his packages special IDKurier (any IDClient, IDSpedytor) When Spedytor is online he can see only his packages special IDSpedytor (any IDClient, IDKurier) When Administrator is on line he can see all packages (any IDClient, IDKurier, IDSpedytor)
This should be a piece of cake for someone with a few experience years on me. I have a client for which I am building a custom database. They use this for various reasons. One main reason is to track man hours, cost, billing information on a per job/customer basis.
Each of their customers has a unique contract. Which specifies the information required in order to bill the customer for a job. For example: Customer "Big Factory" requires PO# and Job#.
The contract also specifies the billing rate for each piece of equipment and each type of employee. For example: For customer "Big Factory" again, we charge $10 a day for a pickup truck and $20 an hour for a welder. Customer "Little Factory" has a different contract with different rates and required fields.
*Now I have all of the above under control (in my opinion)*
Following is part is where I struggle. Each contract also specifies which hours (on a daily basis) are standard work hours and which are premium work hours, as well as, at what point (# of weekly hours) to start billing only premium hours during the remaining part of the week. For example: "Big Factory" Standard hours are from 07:00 to 17:00, Premium are from 17:00 to 07:00, Weekly premium start once an employee has worked 40 hours for that week regardless if the employee has worked some hours for another client(*Exceptions do exist where the employee must work 40 hours for the client before the weekly premium kicks in*).
I need this to automatically calculate for each employee. It must update each time sheet that the employee exists on.
Currently I have it working in a rather unorthodox way, but it isn't exactly scalable to work for each customer's unique contract. I can post how I have it, but it will be quite a long post. It has to do with a running sum query then a make table query then an update query.
One other caveat: My client pays their employees premium pay on a 40 hour work week (>40 per week is premium time) regardless of which hours they work. (Seems like they are ripping the employees off I know). I posted this once before, but had received only a negative post chewing me out for not being fair. Anyway...
I want to make something similar to the Google search box, although not quite as complicated.
I would like to be able to type more than one word in a search box. I am only searching on 1 field [Title]. The query would show all the records with the first search word in the Title, plus all the records with the second search word in the Title.
I have a query now that has the below in the Title field criteria: Like "*" & [forms]![Searchform]![searchcontrol] & "*"
This searches for the word typed into the searchcontrol no matter where the word is in the title. It works great, but I can only type in one word at a time.
I am using a handheld scanner to scan in barcodes. However the part numbers contain more data than I need. Is there a way to get ride of the extra data I scan in in Access.
Say I have part ABCD- 7G675 .. I only need 7g675 to be in the field. Is there a way to do this besides a find replace, that would take way to long.
After a week of hair pulling problems with no solution, I've decided to ask my question here, knowing someone will be able to help me...
To the point: I'm to use a QBF with more then one criteria, (I'm using: like "*" & forms![f_name]![TB_first_name] & "*" or is null), I'm having a problem with this because when I leave a text box blank, it retrieves everything (because is null = true), what I'm trying to say is: I have a QBF when using, lets say, 3 text boxes, unless I fill all of the text boxes with text, the query retrieves all of the records, can it be fixed ? I've tried to use IIF but with no success... can anyone help ? :confused:
and another problem: while trying to import data which is not in English, from a Visual FoxPro data base to access, it turns out unreadable, what can I do to transform ASCII to ANSI or Unicode? :confused:
Hello Everyone I need to make an employee schedule in access. I am not sure if it is possible, but here are my constraints:
20 employees
5-6 different truck locations (sm1, sm2, sm3, sm4, sm5, sm6) These locations are scattered within our service area.
2 employees must meet at the same truck, (each truck has 2 employees working on it)
some employees can only meet at certain locations (ex. paul can meet at either sm2 or sm3)
all employees are PT so they can only work on certain days or a certain amount of days per week. (ex. paul can work up to 4 days a week and jim can work only sat and fri)
I would like to make a program in access that will take all these factors into consideration. EX. if i try to schedule paul on sm4 the program will not let me do it or it will give a warning or if i try to schedule paul for 5 days it will give me a warning. It would also be great to have a counter that will show how many days each employee has left to be scheduled for, EX: if i scheduled paul for 2 days it will show that he can actually work 2 days more if i need him to.
I know this might be a lot, but i also know there are so many talented people here so i am sure it is feasible. Please let me know if you know how to do this or if you could guide me through it.
or if you know about a different program that can solve this please let me know Thanks in advance
Hello gurus I have a d/base (Access 2000) and within this I need to filter out some records
insurnace related so I have a location code of ten venues coded 2-11 in a table and I need to extract out informaiton on all of these in one table
I date a date of event and a sum insured , what I need is date difference between date to be enter on a form (default Now()) and the date of the event - this is the easy bit
Now i need to split these out in batches of 30 days into columns ie 1-30 days 31-60 days 61-90 etc until >240 days
the sums insured need to be in the right date column
example event 1 sum insured @ 25,000 is 45 days away from now so it should appear in the 31-60 column and if there more than 2 events at that venue one being 45 days and the other being 55 and with sums insured @ 25,000 and 35,000 I need them to either be on a line each or combined to give a total of 60,000 in the 31-60 date column
There could be up to 20,000 - to 100,000 of which the code will extract the venue codes of 2-11 and these could be high hundreds records to check and this will be a regularly run question
any thoughts on this would be welcome - each appraoch I take seems to weird and getting nowhere -
i thought about putting a date difference field on my table but it doesn't seem liek the right thing to do as I would have to update this consantly or rather remember to run this query before I run my report - and this just seems wrong
I'm a newbie (I know nothing in VBA & SQL but I'm learning) and I've a database of 10 tables. I want to make a query & form to search through these tables and display results(in a form & report) according to the search criteria.
ok, i have just had a lengthly conversation with my user and i need an advanced search system.
what i would need is a search function, that does not only list the full field details from each record in the combos..
here is what i mean.. i have a quotation form with different locations and prices in a list box. i have a text box at the top of the form with an onchange event that alters the results in the list box.
so if the user types 'a'.. only the axxxxx records are displayed.. if they type 'ab' only the 'abxxxx records are shown.. and so on.
because my customer may not remember the exact address of their pickup or destination, i cant use this system, because i wont know the first letter of the details previously entered..
eg.. a user may have been picked up from '5 house street, new hampshire crescent.
if all the customer remembers is 'hampshire crescent.. then the above system will not reveal my record..
therefore i would need a search box at the top that allows me to search for any word (or identical consecutive characters) within a chosen field.
can this advanced string search be done in access?
My company just sent all of our contacts to a data company for them to update and "scrub" them with what they have. We sent out 5000 contacts (company, contacts, address, etc) and they sent back a list 0f 2000 that they matched in their database and gave us the "updated" version.
My question is...what is the best way to upload them back into the database replacing the original versions without losing the other data the Scrubbing company didn't have?
Please help me if you can. We are in a state of panic right now in trying to figure this out and any help would be appreciated.
Basically I have tried many different angles and have not come up with a solution that works. I have spent 80+ hours trying to figure this out with no luck.
Here is what we need to do: We have a database that has data that needs to be printed on a 3"x6" sized tag. Now there are probably 5 or so different tags that need to be printed. What we need to happen is be able to provide a way to print out all the tags at the same time. The problem is I cannot seem to create one report that will generate all the tags correctly (I could create the code to do this in a form, but I can't get it to work in a report), and I don't know how I would combine multiple reports so that all the tags can be printed at once.
Do you have any ideas on how I can do something like this?
I have two similar spreadsheets. One has about 6500 contacts with email addresses. The other has about 4000 contacts with street addresses. How do I join them into one more versatile database. I have Access 2003, been reading Access 2003 for dummies, I gotta get this figured out soon. :confused:
I know this isn't strictly access but I'm running out of ideas.
I have a merge from my DB to Word and then Word to Outlook. It works quite well but there are a few things I would like to implement to save time for my users.
1) After the data has been merged with word is there a way to automatically fill in the subject field and send it as an email to outlook i.e macro/scrpit in word, access commands
2) Can I have an automatic way of chaning who the mail is sent from. I use my DB to send emails to artists to tell them they are going to be played on our playlists. Each show has a different email (the presenters email). The current method I use is to have my user change his default mail address in outlook to the presenters then do the merge.
But he then has to wait for all the mails to send, then change the default again and repeat. This can turn a 2 min job into 30 mins because of the waiting. It also adds a human error potential of selecting the wrong mail address.
Any ideas what I can do to remedy these? Perhaps a decent third-party add-in?
I have successfully found - find directory and its pretty good (awesome comes to mind) and many thanks to ghudson - now this does more that I wanted which is great and I can move my project along further that I had envisaged - now where I get stuck is i want the form to to open up at each folder I have set up I have make directory button (forgotten where I got this from but many thanks again) DirName = "C:Datafiling" & Left(Me!QteNo, 6) & " " & Left(Me!QteInsnme, 40) I am now trying to get the open form to look at this location
i tried tweaking the code to the above - but It didn't work am I being a muppet i attached a copy of ghudson zip file with this in (I've renamed so I have kept the orginal safe) the form I am trying to open and look at is the one that ends **table
If you have not had the chance to view these (highly recomemnd it)
Hello, I am a newbie in this forum. Recently, I am helping my friend to write a simple accounting software based on Access. I have finished most of the neccessary tables, forms and reports by following the Microsoft Sample Database (NorthWind). The following is my difficulties: I want to have another table (bank) to store up 1.the amount of each customer need to pay by checking each order's customerID 2. The amount the customer has paid so far, so i can know how much he/she still need to pay In order to update this table, once there is new order added in the order table, i need to know that and update it, but how? I have used a form and subform to input the order detail, and the order table is automatically updated once data is input. How can i trigger the update of the "bank" table??
Hi all. I have a form that opens up another form when you click on a button. The button does more than just open the form, it does other checks. I want to wait until the opened form is closed to continue with the subroutine. Is this even possible in VBA? I was wondering if there was a frmFormName.IsOpen or some kind of flag that would tell me if a form is open or not. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Sub open Checks things Checks things checks things
Opens form(frmDetails) Wait for form to close (THING I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO IF POSSIBLE)
I created Advanced search (Multi- Field) form and its work perfect but I want to add a combo box for search [Date Removed] and the options is "Active" and "Inactive".
The users may not enter [Date Removed] which mean its Null ( also which mean in my project company / Combo box its "Active" ).
In another hand, if users enter [Date Removed] which mean it's not Null ( also which mean in my project company / Combo box its "Inactive").
In short, if user chose "Active" it will search for nulls/empty column in [Date Removed] if user chose "Inactive" it will search for filled column in [Date Removed]
The code is attached:-
Private Function BuildFilter() As Variant Dim varWhere As Variant Dim tmp As String tmp = """" Const conJetDate = "#mm/dd/yyyy#"
I'm creating an advanced search form which is making use of Like queries and is Null. A working example is below:
Like "*" & [Forms]![Frm_Data_Mine]![Combo_Primary_SIC] & "*" Or Is Null
So this either returns matching values from the field, or basically ignores this if left blank. All good.
I have two other fields:
[Turnover_From] [Turnover_To]
Both are numeric values. What I would like to achieve is the same as the above, so I can search between a from and to value, or if left null, ignore them. I had a go with the below but it's clearly not right, and I can work how where and how I insert the Like statement which makes the others work.
Between [forms]![Frm_Data_Mine]![Turnover_From] And [forms]![Frm_Data_Mine]![Turnover_From] Or Is Null
Hi! I'm new to this forum, just got employed administering an access frontend talking to a SQL backend. I have worked a lot in the past with java applications connected to SQL, however I am new to Access.
Now, to the problem. I have three tables, L, M and the connecting table L_M. To one L there can be any number of M:s connected. I have a form displaying information regarding the L selected. In this form, I now want to connect a ListBox displaying all the Ms connected to the L. The listbox currently displays all the rows in L_M. In order to select only the M:s connected to the L in question, I need to get the "id" for the L to complete the sql-query in the properties of the listbox. How is this done?
Would greatly appreciate any help regarding this. I also apologize in advance if this is a noobish question. :)
What is the best way to impliment a query in a form so that the user can view the query records, and have the option to print or save the selected record using command buttons?
I tried subforms but I could not get the command buttons to work in the subform after it went into the form, it wanted to print the entire form instead of the selected record from the subform.
So in a nutshell I have 3-4 queries that are built, and I want to have them show up on my form in a format that the user can scroll through the results and select a single record of the results and then print or save that individual record from the form, if such a thing is possible.
In some cases I create pass-through queries and use these in an Append or Make-table query to bring data locally.
All is well and fine until source data changes and the pass-through query runs too long and times out.
If needed, I can extend the timeout value in the Parameters of the pass-through query no problem, but when I try to open the Append or Make-table query in Design view to do the same, the pass-through query is first triggered and then throws the timeout, and I cannot access the Design view of the Append or Make-table
Is there a way to open an Append or Make-table query in Design view without invoking the source query?